Tons of RPGs, such as the Lunar series, the Final Fantasy series, the Pokemon series (including Mystery Dungeon series), the Digimon World series (including DDBC), the Grandia series, the Atelier series, the Disgaea series (along with most Nippon-Ichi Software games), the Tales series, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms series, the Dynasty Warriors series, the Samurai Warriors series, the Musou Orochi series, the .hack series (including GU), the Valkyrie Profiles series, and so much more. (=_=)
Several Fighters, such as the King of Fighters series, the Guilty Gear (X) series, the Melty Blood series, the Justice Academy series, the Soul Caliber series, and a few others.
Not so many VNs, but I do like the Gyakuten Saiban series. "THAT'S A CONTRADICTION!" O_O
And, of course, the Touhou Project series. ^^'
...and Mabinogi. o 3o