Author Topic: A wild manuscript without a name appears!  (Read 3231 times)


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A wild manuscript without a name appears!
« on: October 07, 2013, 04:30:37 AM »
...maybe I should give some backstory with this one.

See, my dad's Grandpa on my late Grandpa's side, a professional writer, had a manuscript typed up on his typewriter, a completed manuscript from what I know, before he passed on. This manuscript never got published, and it probably wouldn't have gotten published until way later (and not in the original context that it's in)... except that my aunt (my dad's sister) currently living in my late Grandparents' home found the manuscript.

Unfortunately, the paper is not good quality stuff by any stretch of the modern definition, so it needs to be retyped. That's where I come in (hopefully).

My parents are the ones to get the manuscript first, and I was given permission to decide if I wanted to help out or not, but not permission to instantly write with it right off the bat. We still need to determine the condition that the manuscript is in and who does what to update the story (which won't be rewritten in the wrong sense... I respect my family to want to keep things the way they were before if I can help it).

I know Elf said I wasn't ready to get published, but I have help with making sure this story gets published, at least. Besides, I won't steal credit for this story, I'm not even close to that pathetic.

Thanks for understanding.