Author Topic: Shirou Quest  (Read 2069 times)


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Shirou Quest
« on: August 18, 2013, 12:27:25 AM »
Shirou Quest
Story idea by Xamusel

A/N: Okay, this is the second time I've tried to write this story, and the first time was a horrid mess that I failed to see how it would work. I guess I'd better make it absolutely clear that I'm not going to tolerate this from myself any longer, so don't get it into your heads that I'll be doing this with no plan in my head whatsoever, as there actually is a plan in there this time.

Anyway, better make it clear that Shirou will be somewhat a blank slate at the beginning, namely in regard to his potential love life (and quite a few other things). It'll be up to you guys to determine who Shirou ends up with, what he does with his life, and even if he dies in the story.

Oh, one other thing, no way in hell will Heaven's Feel route happen if Sakura is chosen early on. I even have special plans for what happens to Zouken to prevent the Heaven's Feel route.

Er, anyway, this story will be a crossover to some degree. If I were to be honest with myself, it would be a massive multi-crossover without restrictions, but I know that I need to keep restrictions on this. Therefore, when the first choice comes around, you can get an idea for what I intend to do regarding the crossovers.

Of course, I'll do what I can to be subtle, but it'll be obvious enough that something wrong will happen overall. My philosophy on this matter is that "if one gives Frodo a lightsaber and Jedi training, then give Sauron the Death Star and everything else that makes Palpatine a threat, including the Sith Lord stuff".

Also, expect OCs to appear, though it will only depend on the crossover that gets chosen. I'll give a list of the people that are canon and the people that are fanon when the time comes.

Now... time to start the story.

It was a decidedly freezing night, according to the weather report I watched with my family in Fuyuki City, so my parents had me stay inside the house near their line of sight. Somehow, that seemed like a good idea at the time, but I wanted to play in the cold for once. It's not like I would end up caught in a fire that would engulf a good portion of Shinto... right?

Still, I'm six years old, I should have some autonomy of my own. I'm a big kid, not a baby like my little brother, who steals all the attention from Mom and Dad like normal. However, even I know that there would be problems with doing stuff like opening doors that have doorknobs too high for me to reach, though I made sure to be as careful and as quiet as I can.

...hey, do you know how tough it is to open a door when you're as young as I am? Let me tell you, it's really tough!

Anyway, this cold mid-January night was just perfect for me to practice things better, like how to stand up to bullies! It forced me to have a steady mind while I prevented myself from getting really sick, all by using a trick my Gramps taught me when he was last in town, the ability called the Soul of Ice Fire. According to Gramps, this ability was meant to keep one at a consistent body temperature all the way through, though it did have a side-effect of making it seem like I had a fever when I honestly didn't.

Now, I go into town, wearing the clothes my parents would have expected me to wear in the cold should I be in their line of sight. Of course, there's no way that I'll be staying in their line of sight, at least while I go to get my practice in as a defender of the weak! The weak are everywhere in the city, especially with the rising threat of crime all around both towns that make up Fuyuki, and I have to do what I can to stand up for those that are weaker!

Now... it's a good thing that I have an idea what I should do with my time. If it weren't for the fact that I know what I'm going to do, this would be a bad night to be out, regardless of the circumstances.

I had made it to the bridge that connects the two parts of the city together and crossed it. Now that I'm over in Miyama, I can safely say that there aren't any threats in the city so far, though it would seem more like the threats don't know how to take me seriously. It just seems odd that the threats don't recognize me as someone to take seriously, someone that lives in the town to protect it from harm, but I can't practice if I don't stand up to bullies or criminals in any way!

Now that the search for threats is half-way over--


I suddenly pause on one of the sidewalks. That sounded like a heart beating, but I don't really know if it was my heart beating or someone else's from somewhere else in this part of town, though it sounded too close for comfort.

Shrugging it off after a bit, I continue down my walk to find threats--


I paused again, only a meter after I continued the walk. I couldn't believe it. A threat was coming around and I had to face off against it! This was a dream come true!

Still, I didn't know where to go look for the threat, unless I were to make it to the crossroads up ahead. Then again, I probably should go home, as this is no place for me to be right now.

As if some divine entity was telling me to go ahead and face the threat, a bounded field activated behind and around me, which would normally be to keep interlopers out. Now that the way home's out of the question, I have to go forward, regardless.

Soon enough, I make it to the crossroads, so that I can see my options ahead. To my left, there's a young woman with blonde hair that looks like she needs help against... wait, is that a dragon?!

In front of me, there's a girl closer to my age that has either black or dark brown hair facing off against... hold on, what's a golem doing at that small of a size and in town?!

To my right, there's another girl, one that's a year younger give or take than the one in front of me, with similar features to the one in front of me doing her best to face off against... okay, the fact that it's an adult man with a sword of fire doesn't put me off in the slightest for some reason.

Off to the side of the woman fighting the dragon is a young boy that is holding some sort of Shepard's staff and reciting some sort of spell that I couldn't follow, mostly because it's in a different language, one that I'm unfamiliar with. Behind the golem in front of the girl in front of me, there was a strange man that looked like a bishop, though I could tell that he was no bishop as he gave the golem orders of what to do. Laying against a wall near the other girl, there was a man that was trying to stop the bleeding from the sword of fire having inflicted wounds on him, having a pair of katanas off to the side that seemed to have been through worse than what the man had put them through today.


Well, now that I weighed my options, I have decided that--

  • I'll go help the young woman and the spell-casting boy against the dragon
  • I'll do what I can to stop the golem with the girl around my age
  • I have to stop the swordsman that's threatening the younger girl

A/N: Alright, this is the first part of the prologue, which will be updated in another post as soon as possible.

Now... anyone interested in voting?

Cherry Lover

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Re: Shirou Quest
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2013, 07:31:37 PM »
OK, I'm going to say option 3. This looks like it could be interesting....


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Re: Shirou Quest
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2013, 07:36:12 PM »
Hmm... that sounds good so far.

Alright, anyone else interested in voting, or am I going to close the poll for this part of the prologue with just one vote?

Cherry Lover

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Re: Shirou Quest
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2013, 02:43:50 AM »
Yeah, I guess it makes sense to just continue for now....