Cross Effects > Areas


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Contested Areas

A large swathe of the land in the north between the three great powers is not directly controlled by any of them. A diverse collection of polities and communes exist within this area, influenced to various degrees. Most are at least nominally aligned with one or more of the powers, and there are large swathes of people whom simply wish to live their lives in peace seperate from "all the bullshit."

Adaham District


Adaham has had a checkered past. Decades ago, it was a center of industry, harvesting resources from the bordering Stone Forest. The workers didn’t risk angering the elementals by logging, instead mining the meadows where the mineral-rich trees fell ages before. WIth a steady flow of rare material and precious gemstones, the district experienced great wealth and prestige.

Of course, all great things must come to an end. Restricted to the meadows, and all but forbidden from logging, there was no room for expansion. Soon, the open-pits bottomed out and, with that, the industry halted. The wealthy packed up and left, with the middle-class following soon after. Refineries closed their doors, and the apartment complexes emptied out.

Adaham became a slum. Poverty was rife, and the streets could only be described as ”semi-controlled anarchy.” The district chief was the leader of whatever gang held the most influence.  It is dangerous to walk the streets at night, and exploring the myriad of empty buildings could end up with you stumbling upon the more..carnivorous citizens or witnessing something a less-than-scrupulous syndicate doesn’t want to be seen.

At least, that was the case up to five years ago…

Witnesses described seeing an angel clothed in white flying out of a bank of clouds. Shortly afterwards, the then-district chief’s administrative building erupted in flames. As suddenly as it arrived, the angel disappeared. Days later, a wealthy man by the name of Edward Flank arrived with a mercenary outfit…

Current Day Overview:

Edward Flank seeks to restore Adaham to its former glory, no matter the cost. The main streets have been cleaned up, the refineries repaired, the apartments returned to livable conditions. It is a time consuming process that requires a lot of capital, and there are plenty of areas just off the main roads that are still ghettos.

Flank is not entirely benevolent, however. Said refineries are being put under the Adaham Mineral Corporation’s name, a corporation he himself started up. Those who become a thorn in his side are forcibly removed from the district or just disappear.

The surrounding districts is wary of Flank; After all, the timing of the supposed angel attack and him setting up shop is far too short to be coincidence. Not to mention the fact that the mines have been exhausted for decades now, so him creating a corporation tailored to such an industry is quite suspect.

Meeting Hall

4:00 PM Nexus Time

The people of Longdale led uneasy lives. Its people had some choice in who led them, and a few of them were strong enough to keep the monsters away. It still had some crime, some of it even violent, but it wasn't ruled by supernatural dictators or controlled by massive gangs either. It was a fairly ordinary place with fairly ordinary people who had fairly ordinary problems - but those were still problems. People were still poor, still had trouble finding work, and still had unpleasant home lives. No amount of stability and mundanity could take away these things. No, only a real effort could work to improve the lives of others when the answer wasn't 'put a bullet in it.'




Which is why events like this one happened every so often. People would come together and spend the day as a community, and there would be all kinds of raffles and local organizations would try to recruit or solicit donations. And food.

Cherry Lover:
Sakura and Shirou

4:00 PM Nexus Time

As soon as they had returned from their unexpectedly-extended walk, Sakura and Shirou immediately set to work, cooking up the dishes that they had planned for the dinner. Despite the delay and the resultant hurry they were in to get everything ready in time, they were in good spirits, excited to be able to meet people and share their delicious cooking with their neighbours. They moved around the kitchen with great efficiency and skill, cooking up as many of the dishes they had planned as possible, aided by their wise decision to do as much as possible beforehand. Still, they knew they would unfortunately be somewhat late to the party.

5:00 PM Nexus time

An hour later, Sakura and Shirou were ready. Both of them had dressed up in smart clothes, Sakura wearing a nice blouse and knee-length skirt, and Shirou in a shirt and trousers. The food, meanwhile, had been absorbed by Sakura into her shadow dimension, and was being carefully maintained and stored for retreival when they arrived.

"OK, let's go, Senpai!" Sakura said. "We're already an hour late."

Shirou nodded, and the two of them headed out of the door.

On arrival at the hall, they rushed in, seeking out the person in charge of the food.

"Sorry we're late", Sakura said, apologetically. "We got a little delayed, and we needed the time to cook. Where should we put our dishes?"

Meeting Hall

On their way in the young couple had a lot of people waving to them, smiling and saying hello, but many were already sitting down at the tables set out in the hall and getting the plates and plastic utensils ready. Up at the stage set up on the other end of the hall were people shuffling about, clearly cleaning up after some other opening event Sakura and Shirou had just missed.

One of the organizers, a nice young man wearing a white button-up shirt and some slacks, smiled in relief as the two of them walked in. Shirou and Sakura had a bit of a reputation for their cooking in the neighborhood, but from this boy's expression it was like they'd just saved the day. "Oh, thank you! We were just starting to have people start serving. You missed one of the opening presentations, but I don't think anybody minds."

He showed them to a spot on the serving tables, where some guests were already helping themselves, where there was room. "Please, help yourselves while you're at it! Some of the charity events are still getting set up, so you have time."


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