Author Topic: Blue Rose, Amber Distain  (Read 1208 times)


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Blue Rose, Amber Distain
« on: October 30, 2013, 03:29:07 PM »
Come and see a city, that's really quite pretty, bathed in the light of the moon.

 It’s not night; rather, day, when trouble starts on its way, and that’s rather soon.

 Through open curtains and a window is a girl we all know.

 The blue haired heroine of the day, who is not off to play- and the sun wakes her rudely, not gentle.

 Falling from her bed with a thump, Ciel’s day starts with grump as she picks herself up off the floor.

“Seven, you twat, the curtains should be closed, I told you that!” Ciel screamed aloud, Seven cowardly backing away.

 The blue mopped girl sighed, annoyed at the dream she’d been having, not at all proud of how she’d been acting today.

 Up and away, on a bright school day, to see the one whom she adores.

 There is in her way a problem- to say that the trouble it stores could be counted in scores.

 Would be a lie nevermore. Her blonde hair and smile make her seem innocent and itty bitty, and dare Ciel say, rather quite pretty.

 Arcuied Brunestud, this vampire kitty would not fool Ciel, though she looked itty bitty.

 On guard for an attack, like a slap or smack,

 A verbal jab, or a thwack on the back,

 Ciel approached the large chested girl ready to hiss,

 But was greeted quite strangely with an innocent kiss.

 Our heroine blushed, confused and aroused, moving back to where she was housed.

 Arcueid laughed, carrying our heroine back where she’d been, with a pretty and devilish smile.

 The two stayed in Ciel’s bedroom for quite a while,

 The day, then the night, passed- and for privacies sake,

 We’ll forgo all the 'ah's, 'whoa's and 'oh god's they’d make.

 Lantz in morn wrote a one shot, not quite porn,

 And while I would laugh if you treated him with scorn,

 The truth is, however, you see,

 The poor boy works for me,

 So really it’s no fault of his own.

 I’ll withhold the curry brat, and the vampire cat, for as long as he drags his feet.

 Annoying to mention, Gundam holds his attention, that third playstation invention, gluing him to his seat.

 But if he’s fine, I can wait,

 For the rest it might be too late,

 The brat, the cat, and the purple haired shrew, not the monster or the alchemist, the other one;

 Sealing fates as I run can be really quite fun, and those are just the first of the lot I’ll get done,

 If you have a problem with my choice, then speak up with that voice, and tell him to get working faster.

 Well, as I said here today, I’m fine either way,

 But before I go, just a warning on this lovely morning,

 A piece of advice on your mind to keep you in line.

I am Kohaku, and Shiki is mine.