Actually no pot calling kettle black is an effective comparison to Lantz, because he keeps crying about us telling him Satoshi a shit is a fact and telling us to stahp, while in the gundam/final fantasy threads he declares that what other people like is factually bad and keeps harping on about it until we have users disappear because of how much of a jerk he is, despite an admin telling him to stop telling people what to and not to like in one of those threads, repeatedly, and him ignoring it.
Final Fantasy 13, for example, while being fairly bad in every way, isn't RPing with us as a whole with all of the spectacularly bad aspects only, so clearly the idea there is of "Well I don't like it, but seeing as the fact you do doesn't affect me, have fun with it AS YOU ARE ALREADY" is the right to take, instead of "This is bad it's a fact fact fact fact where are you going? That was definitely not my fault."
Satoshi is bad and does actually negatively affect us through the RP, so of course we're going to repeatedly tell you how bad he is because as said, we are affected by it, unlike with the fact someone out there is enjoying FF13. We can't let it be because unlike you, we don't worship the turd in the corner of the room and bring it to our friend's house on a DnD sheet to play as, we throw it out and hope it hits some squirrels, and if we see a guy coming in with a turd on a DnD sheet, we either immediately aim at squirrels or continuously harp on about it until either you take a hint and actually finish making him/balancing him, you just stop playing him, you leave or the GM starts doing something about it, because while the GM wants a smooth game with no trouble, she also should take offense to someone coming to her game table with a pile of shit.