Author Topic: Pink Mohawks (Hammering out Shadowrun things)  (Read 2824 times)


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Pink Mohawks (Hammering out Shadowrun things)
« on: May 08, 2014, 08:06:43 AM »
A more fun topic for once!

So since Magos's game is entirely admins, I'm setting up the location poll in here. :V

Vote for what location you want the campaign in! :3

Option descriptions as provided by Magos:

Option 1: Seattle. Classic Shadowrun setting, the only pacific port of the UCAS and embroiled in all sorts of action in the shadows.

Option 2: The MSP Sprawl - Still called the Twin Cities by locals, this major metro area is host to some of the biggest rivalries in the lucrative UCAS-CAS-NAN smuggling routes.

Option 3: Neo-Tokyo: Capital of the Japanese Imperial State, and host to more people per capita than anywhere else in the world. The Japanocorps wage secret wars between each other in the neon drenched back alleys of  the trade center of the Pacific Rim.

Quote from: Magos
Basically the differences will be in local attitudes, jobs, and running styles.

That, and characters I'll give the nod too. Good luck being a metahuman in Neo-tokyo if you want respect. Meanwhile, if you want to be Mr. Fabulous, Gay Troll Pimp in Seattle, nobody will likely bat an eye.

In Japan, they'll bring the tar and feathers.

Just remember, it's all about the job chummers!

A few more game details: Neo-Tokyo will be a very, very different environment from either MSP or Seattle.

As the biggest urban area on the planet (nearly a third of Imperial Japan's population is contained within the sprawl), firearms are rare, frowned upon, and the japanese are extremely racist to foreigners, metahumans, and anything that isn't a japanese human. Of course, in the shadows, things are a bit different, but the basic principle will remain the same. You'll also start working for corporations almost immediately - no nice and easy independant Johnson's for you or criminals. The Yakuza prefer in house when possible, but hey, you *might* be able to get a job with them.

Seattle is classic shadowrun, complete with all the companies, criminals, and independents all vying for attention in the chaos that is Seattle's shadows. It's not called a 'Runner Heaven' for nothing. But with many jobs comes both competition and fun, fun problems.

MSP is a blank slate.

He also had this to say, about character creation stuff:
Standard 4e Character creation rules. If you don't have the books, PM me. I also have a link to a useful character creation program I can walk you through on Steam Chat/AIM.

Shadowrun Roles!
There are 4 or five common roles for a shadowrunner team. Here's a rundown -

 Street Samurai: The man (or woman) with the combat abilities. Whether this is through being an adept, or cyberware and a whole lot of firepower, Street Samurai are either close combat or ranged combat monsters (or specialize in neither and go generalist) who are your big meatshield.

Mage: Your wizard. A mystic adept or magician, the mage handles spell slinging, spirit summoning, and special stuff. The mage is also the one who will likely get geeked first. (Alice's note:I created a mage. However, if you wanna play a mage still, all you have to do is specialize differently than me. I'm mostly offense based.)

Hackers: They specialize in getting into systems and doing all kinds of fun things with them, and as nearly everything is connected to the internet in 2072, this covers a lot of ground. Make doors open and make guns explode. They're usually technomancers or someone who knows their way around a commlink.

Riggers: Last but not least is the humble rigger, who specializes in vehicles and drones. Often sporting a control rig implant or, are a technomancer, riggers control drones and vehicles WITH THEIR MINDS and 'links being able to assume direct control of vehicles to remotely pilot them as needed. Don't think this puts you out of the action though, as your drones can be modified to carry all sorts of fun little destructive toys...

Remember -

Watch your back. Shoot straight. Conserve ammo. Never make a deal with a dragon.

So vote now! :D So we can do a fun RPing thing together and have all this stuff hammered out ahead of time. :3

...Also, I may move this thread eventually. ^^" For now though, Magos wants any answers we have sent to him, so he has a heads up.

Remember, send a message to Magos if you still need the books, and about any role you're interested in for more information.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2014, 03:33:05 AM by Alice »

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Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Pink Mohawks (Hammering out Shadowrun things)
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2014, 03:31:10 AM »
So far we've got two sheets finished, a troll Street Samurai and a Mage. And both are about as crazy as can be.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Pink Mohawks (Hammering out Shadowrun things)
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2014, 07:30:31 PM »
So it looks like a tie between the MSP and Neo-Tokyo.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Pink Mohawks (Hammering out Shadowrun things)
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2014, 10:27:11 PM »
Flipped a coin. Looks like we're going to be running in the MSP-Sprawl now. I'll be doing a write up of the area in a bit.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Population: 6.3 million, 7th largest in population size in UCAS
Population Demographics:
Humans - 68%
Orks - 19%
Dwarves - 7%
Elves - 3%
Trolls - 2%
Other - 1%

The Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metroplex (Still called the Twin Cities by locals) is one of the premier sprawls in North America, and a hub of transit throughout North America since the Chicago Incident which resulted in most of the city being nuked and reduced to a shell of its former self. The area is close geographically to the Great Lakes region, funneling transit from the lakes down the Mississippi river after being hauled by land from Duluth. It's also relatively close to the Sioux Council, Algonkian-Manitou Council, Confederation of American States, and Quebec, with a result of being a transit hub for air traffic from all over North America. This resulting mix of traffic, commerce, location, and a bit of luck have lead to the Twin Cities being the second largest haven for smugglers in the UCAS, surpassed only by Seattle, due to it's port.

Of course, smugglers don't work alone, and a large amount of groups have sprung up, providing runners with an extremely profitable market, especially with the large syndicates within the city. The major organized crime groups are the Hmong Methods of Destruction (M.O.D.), the Irish Mob, the Somali Vice Lords, the Yakuza, the Manitoba Blood Syndicate, the Cutters, and a smattering of biker gangs, the Scandinavian based Vikings being the largest. The Ancients have notably been kept out of MSP through a combination of bribed officials, hits, and police efforts from LoneStar.

Corporate presence is about what you'd expect, with several homegrown AA's and a few AAA's in the market. Ares, Evo, MCT, and Saeder-Krupp maintain the largest enclaves within the city, while the other AAA's have at least subsidiaries and offices within the city itself, the destruction of Chicago proving a blessing in disguise to the Metroplex.

As always runners, Shoot Straight, Conserve Ammo, Watch Your Back, and Never, Ever, Make a Deal With a Dragon

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Pink Mohawks (Hammering out Shadowrun things)
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2014, 02:00:46 AM »
...Forgot to check who voted.

Soldat isn't playing, so... Looks like Neo-Tokyo.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2014, 02:08:50 AM by Arch-Magos Winter »


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Re: Pink Mohawks (Hammering out Shadowrun things)
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2014, 02:27:14 AM »
Well I guess that dereails a few plans.

Soldat der Trauer

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Re: Pink Mohawks (Hammering out Shadowrun things)
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2014, 03:34:35 AM »
@Mags: Does it even matter, if you flipped a coin anyway?


Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Pink Mohawks (Hammering out Shadowrun things)
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2014, 03:59:47 AM »
Point. MSP it is.