Author Topic: The Velvet Room  (Read 6588 times)


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The Velvet Room
« on: February 07, 2014, 04:09:12 AM »
Welcome to the Velvet Room.

This is a "Free RP" thread where things can happen that have no impact on the game.

Your characters exist, but think of them existing before the actual RP started.  None of the relationships that have been formed in the RP have come to place yet.  This is a place were characters can interact, have fun, and maybe even shag without in-game consequence. 

An Omake thread if you will.


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Re: The Velvet Room
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2014, 04:59:04 AM »
Ah, all is peaceful in the Velvet Room. It is a place for those out of time, out of story, and out of mind. It is a beacon of relaxation, where no stress can exist. It is the perfect place to sit down, kick back, and enjoy some well earned smut without worrying about silly things like vampires or family drama-



? ? ? : "Hah... hah... that's right, you can't keep me out of this story, scoundrels! Jojo is here!"

*Ridiculous posing. Lighting effects go haywire. Someone behind the set is fired.*

Joseph: "Look here, you fools! I've got my eyes on you, and I'm keeping close watch on that scroll bar! Don't even think of skipping over me, or I'll make sure you regret it when I finally manage to get into the IC thread!"

*The background is gone. Strobe lights are switched on. Please fasten your seatbelts and make sure you aren't smoking anything.*

Joseph: "So you thought you could forget about what's actually going on, huh? Thought you could just stick your fingers in your ears and write that shitty porn of yours without interruption? Well that's not happening! I, Joseph Joestar, am sworn to battle the three most ancient evils of Vampires, Pillar Men, and Rabid Fangirls! My shounen spirit will without fail ruin any atmosphere you create, until my demands are met!"

*More posing. The background music is now dubstep. Reading is now equivalent to being on LSD.*

Joseph: "Okay, now that the speeches are done with, I need a sidekick! Hell, I'll even take a partner as long as they recognize that I'm the main character. So listen here, you shitty OCs and half-assed canon monstrosities! You've just been given a once in a lifetime opportunity. As an integral part of the newly founded Jojo Dojo, you'll receive extremely desirable employee benefits! So desirable, in fact, that I can't even tell you what they are until you sign up."

*There is no canon colour scheme. Your character's hair is now blue, and it will be green 2 seconds later.*

Joseph: "Together, we'll make sure everyone knows exactly who's the boss around here! Apply now and get one free lemon with your character of choice! This is a limited time offer, so hurry and call now! Just be careful what you say, because depending on your answer, I may have to kick your ass!"

*Jojo Dojo sign falls down. Jojo is knocked out. Anticlimactic finish. Phantom Fun is over. Please stay tuned for Part 2: Lemon Tendency.*

Ivan The Mouse

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Re: The Velvet Room
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2014, 05:19:09 AM »
"Whoo!" Neo said as he entered the room. "Well, this shit is good, yo'." He looks around the room, which was well-furnished and decorated in a hotel like manner. He then first checked the kitchen and found the refrigerator. He opened it and found a six-pack of beer. He took it with him as he returned to main room that had a couch, a coffee table and a flat-screen TV. He then took a can from the pack, opened it and drank from it. "Goddamn, this shit is really rad." He then took a seat at the couch and watched TV while drinking the beer from time to time.


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Re: The Velvet Room
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2014, 12:09:20 AM »

*The wall is destroyed with a dramatic crash. On the other side is a young girl (woman?) wearing glasses, an aviator hat with goggles, and a rather impressive looking toolbelt of sorts. She seems to be pushing around some sort of ball, which has various bits of metal stuck to it: loose change, pins, paperclips, etc.*

? ? ?:...Oopsy. Picked up too much momentum. Maybe I should find a way to make my Loose Change Picker Upper © a bit less destructive besides calibrating it so it's only able to pick up metal.

? ? ?: *Adjusts her glasses* I wonder how that one girl I sent out is doing with the Un-crushing Sticky Ball © and Power Gloves I sent her out with.


Mille: Why the hell did I even agree to this?!

*She holds onto the Totally-Not-a-Katamari in a vain attempt to control it. There are already a variety of objects stuck to it, including animals and people. Somehow no one is dead or hurt. Mille, along with the people stuck to the ball let out a cry of terror as the ball continues it's destructive path, with much honking of cars and many people diving out of the way.*

~Back in the Velvet Room~

? ? ?: I'm sure that'll work out fine~

*The girl notices Jojo and, putting the... ahem, "Loose Change Picker Upper ©" off to the side and flicking some wall off her shoulders, goes over to him.*

"Hey, you OK over here Mister?"

*Whether he is conscious or not, she asks anyway.*
« Last Edit: February 08, 2014, 12:12:28 AM by Alice »

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This is my mod voice. ...Most of the time anyway.


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Re: The Velvet Room
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2014, 05:13:21 AM »
Forest raised her eyebrow at the attractive but very flamboyant man and his light show advertising about needing a side kick.  Then somehow he knocked himself out.  It was amusing, she supposed, but she had the latest in an Urban Fantasy series she enjoyed.

So she got herself comfortable and began to read.


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Re: The Velvet Room
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2014, 06:56:19 AM »
Joseph: "OH MY GOD!"

*Jojo rises. Sign is flipping through the air, sticks to giant ball of... stuff. Cranial bleeding ignored in favour of fresh meat.*

Joseph: "Little lady, you might have just saved my life. You have Joseph Joestar's thanks!"

*Complete disregard for what's actually happening. Probably brain damage. More casual posing. Colour scheme returns.*

Joseph: "Pay no mind to the accident. It's just the world's attempt to get rid of me for realizing the truth of this Room so easily. A Joestar won't die so easily, World! We beat you once, and we can do it again!"

*Definitely brain damage. A moment taken to observe the new arrival. A nod of approval.*

Joseph: "I must say, I like your taste in headgear. VERY NICE. I've flown a few planes in my day too, you know. Haven't landed one yet, but I'll get there eventually."

*Thumbs up with hand. Hand is metal. Thumb is loose, falls off. Carpet is very, very shaggy.*

Joseph: "OH NO! I just got that fixed! So much for German science. Quick, girl, help me get that blasted thing before some rat runs off with it again. I'll give you a reward if you do!"

Ivan The Mouse

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Re: The Velvet Room
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2014, 07:28:55 AM »
"Get it yo'self, nigga, you have 'nother hand." Neo said while reclining on the couch. He then took another swig from the beer can.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2014, 07:32:37 AM by Ivan The Mouse »


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Re: The Velvet Room
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2014, 01:35:44 PM »
Satoshi twitched at the scene, somehow the madness was not unfamiliar to him and he thought he vaguely recognized a few of the members in the room but quickly shrugged it off. Spying a piano Satoshi smiled.

Sakura however did not. "no" she said aloud.

"why not?" he asked teasing her.

Sakura stuck him hard on the arm "Because no" she pouted

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Re: The Velvet Room
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2014, 03:35:48 PM »
Doomrider was off at a table. "COCAINE SNORTING TOURNAMENT" adorned a banner placed above it, and the table had several rolled up 20's and a few lines ready to go - which Doomrider was plowing through at a fantastic pace.

Meanwhile, Old Man Henderson was at the piano, playing an familiar tune on the piano somehow. "Rupert, I feel like I'm that one black guy from Casablanca. Jimmy, that was his name. You know, that saxaphone player? Except I have a piano," he said, going through the song with a sense of purpose.

Cherry Lover

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Re: The Velvet Room
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2014, 11:23:49 PM »
Rider is sitting in the corner on a laptop, mumbling to herself. She is looking at a website that appears to sell mostly rather nasty torture devices.

"Hmm, these look a bit weak. Ah, what's this, the 'crocodile'? These look good, I'll get those. Hmm, is that everything?"

She clicks on a button.

"Let's see, whips, ropes, canes, a flogger, a violet wand, some clamps hmm, maybe I should get some of those candles. Hmm, those look pretty painful, let's get them too. Oh, and the needles, I shouldn't forget those, I love using needles. Ouch, those look nasty. I'll take 50."

As she's mumbling to herself, Kiyoshi approaches.

"Oh, hi Aunty Rider", he says, enthusiastically.

Quickly, she snaps the laptop closed.

"Oh, hi Kiyo, what are you up to", she says guiltily.

"I'm bored, there's nothing to do here. Where's mummy?"

Rider looked around the featureless room. She couldn't honestly remember when she had got here, it was almost like time had no meaning in this room, as if she could do something and then just forget it had happened five minutes later.

"She should be here soon, she's just waiting for your sister to be ready", she replied.

"Still? I know girls take a long time to get ready, but six months, really?"

"Hey, it's not her fault that it takes more effort for her.

Or that the writer is lazy...."


"Oh, never mind...", said Rider, not wanting to explain to Kiyoshi how he really came into existence.

"Hey, look over there, doesn't that girl look a bit like mummy?" she continued.

"Oh, yay!" he said, running off.

Finally, now I can actually send this order.

Rider opened up the laptop again and, after ordering a few more items that looked interesting (that thing goes in your ass? Really?) and entering her details, she clicked the "order" button.

There we go. Now I just need to find a suitable victim partner.

A short time later, the doorbell rang.

Wow, that was conviniently fast. Also, we have a door? I don't remember it being there before....

The delivery man called out.

"Package for a Miss R. Tohsaka, from the Sex-treme toy shop", he said, his accent such that the 'S' was not apparent.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2014, 11:53:43 PM by Cherry Lover »


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Re: The Velvet Room
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2014, 11:59:09 PM »
"Get it yo'self, nigga, you have 'nother hand." Neo said while reclining on the couch. He then took another swig from the beer can.

"One hand isn't enough to beat a shaggy carpet, dumbass!"

*THE finger is given to the beer drinker. THE finger falls off. Shaggy carpet is shaggy.*

"OH SHIT. Damn you, Strohiem! Damn you and that Nazi science of yours!"

Ivan The Mouse

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Re: The Velvet Room
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2014, 03:12:58 AM »
"One hand isn't enough to beat a shaggy carpet, dumbass!"

*THE finger is given to the beer drinker. THE finger falls off. Shaggy carpet is shaggy.*

"OH SHIT. Damn you, Strohiem! Damn you and that Nazi science of yours!"

"If you'd like keep blaming the fuckin' Krauts, I kno' someone who can help yo' ass." Neo throws back the finger at him. "But while he ain't here, don't disturb mah beer."


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Re: The Velvet Room
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2014, 10:23:18 AM »

Ruu had been wondering for a long period of time which of these individuals would make a good sample for his observations. Eventually, he decided on a young human of male gender granted with red hair and green eyes. The familiar closed the distance and made sure to follow him until his own curiosity would be satiated.

The twins entered the place behind the delivery guy. The first one caught in an irrepressible laughter while the other blushed to a shade close to a tomato.

"Seems like an interesting place!!"

Her sister checked the room and caught sight of the Daemon Prince lost in his sniffling. "I'm not so sure about that," whispered Isabella.

"Don't sweat the small stuff."

"This way of thinking is the reason I can't let you roam freely. Why are we entering this place for, anyway? We should probably not intrude in someone's place..."

"It's open, so, what point is there to argue over it? It's like an invitation, come on. Besides, it's easy to tell this room is nesting all kind of people."

"Yes, people who might prefer not have to deal with a couple of lost girls."

"See, that's your problem, Isa. You're never willing to take any risk. This is the reason people find you boring and unattractive."

"I would take being boring over being in trouble, anytime."

"You're a lost cause, lil' sis of mine."

"I don't want to hear that from you," responded Isa as she made her way to one of the less threatening person around, a blonde woman who looked older than herself by half a decade. She didn't know what to say out of the blue, so, she simply gave a discreet wave. "Hi, mind if I take a seat over there?"

Meanwhile, Nessa decided to go bother someone else. A quick glance and she spotted who would the object of her attention. An old man with a mohawk sitting on a piano bench and interacting with a stuffed parrot. She took a peek over his shoulder and gave him a smile. "Sorry to interrupt your.... err conversation but, you think you could play something for me?"


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Re: The Velvet Room
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2014, 04:17:31 PM »
 "Hi, mind if I take a seat over there?"

Forest looked up from her book and smiled at the speaker.  It was a young teenage girl, probably around fourteen or fifteen.  She nodded and said, "Of course."  Then with a smile, she went back to her book.


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Re: The Velvet Room
« Reply #14 on: February 10, 2014, 11:10:52 PM »
"You have all made a dedicated study of the many horrors lurking behind the fragile facade of daily life accepted by lesser institutions, and those of inferior educational background. Thus, it is imperative that you are forewarned of a great threat that could jeopardize the academic ideals you are held to. The very foundations of sanity and logic are at risk due to this. Behold! *shows anatomical chart* Grotesque accumulations of flesh affixed to the frontal torso. They are considered alluring by the weak or diseased of mind, and can be considered vile instruments of psychic domination. You laugh, but my studies provide substantial evidence that it is so.

They extend their malevolence into the senses of victims who witness them and warp their perceptions of reality. The curse appears to be hereditary, for I have no recollection of my own maternal progenitor possessing them at any scale worthy of note. In this matter I can consider myself fortunate; it is one of the many blessings in my life for which I can be grateful. While not all unfortunates who possess this trait are inherently wicked, they most certainly labor under a most unfair of predispositions due to the presence of such growths. Worse still are those who willingly affix such horrors to their otherwise pleasing forms, sacrificing virtue and aesthetics for a slatternly appeal to unnatural lusts.

It is my hope that by arming you with an understanding of the threat that you might see past the illusion of credibility and importance that they create, and retain your academic focus when engaging in further study on all of the many sciences here and abroad..."

-Notes from a Miskatonic University lecture titled 'On Aberrations Most Foul', by guest lecturer Chiyo Kiyoura.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 11:12:08 PM by Aiden »