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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #75 on: December 06, 2013, 05:55:06 AM »
Plans for next day:

Axe Cop: Running that Lawrence guy through my special training course. He might be getting off light, but speeding is speeding. Hell, if he shows potential I might even 'recruit' him as our Ghostbuster. With all the spirits running around this town, we might need his expertise. I'll also be marking down that apartment building. I know I haven't even scratched the tip of what that's going on in that place. I'll probably also end up having to run around fixing everything the other recruits end up exploding.

? ? ? ?: OH MY GOD! There are purple vines coming out of my hands - er, hand! JESUS CHRIST, looks like I've gotten myself involved in one bizarre adventure!


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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #76 on: December 06, 2013, 05:58:47 AM »
Dark archer, is freeing yourself from the taint a goal?

Forest, top six movies

Lancer, when you meet Connor what do you plan on doing first?

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #77 on: December 06, 2013, 07:18:27 AM »
Plans for the next day:

LAWRENCE: Try to figure out what the hell happened to my life and where it all went fucking batshit.


JACK: Sleep. Vampire, remember. Don't really know what I'll do that night however. Probably feed.

RAUL: The arbitrary limitation of time into cycles of activity based around the rotation period of ones homeworld that is further divided into twenty four segments of that time has always struck me as silly. There is no tomorrow.

How do you fight:

DOOMRIDER: I have a sword, and my bike has a plasma gun on it, ready to spew forth it's hot load all over their faces. The plasma is made from COCAINE!

JACK: I'd rather not. When I have gotten into fights, I generally just punch the dude until he's knocked out. Or suck his blood to achieve the same effect.

LAWRENCE: The Driver and I cheat by dictating the battlefield. I don't care how powerful or strong you are, when the entire building now hates your guts, you can't win. And you also can't kill what you can't find.

RAUL: 'How I fight' is a human label. To apply human terms to how one such as an Angel fights is impossible. Our blades seek beings that exist only in the second dimension, or ones beyond human comprehension. To even apply the term fight is human error. We win.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2013, 07:46:10 AM by Arch-Magos Winter »


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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #78 on: December 07, 2013, 07:41:37 AM »
Dark archer, is freeing yourself from the taint a goal?

D. Archer: Another ridiculous question.  Would you if you were in my shoes?

Forest, top six movies

Forest: Bugger, that's a really hard question for me to answer. To pick six movies?  Bloody hell.  Let's see, first two spots would be "Evil Dead 2" and "Army of Darkness".  Third would probably be "Fright Night"- the best vampire movie ever made.  I also have a fondness for "The Omega Man", but I wouldn't put it in my top six.  "Aliens" would be there and the original "Terminator" too.  The 80's was a golden decade for movies.  I also loved the Hammer Dracula movies, but I'd rank Frank Langella's "Dracula" above them because he was so sensual. 

This question is so sodding hard!  I don't know what the last movie would be . . . I loved the "Avengers", but I wouldn't rank it in my top six.  The Nolan Batman trilogy was skillfully handled, except for Bateman's "Batman voice" and the first and third movies had some plotting issues.  Ugg, so bloody hard.

Lancer, when you meet Connor what do you plan on doing first?

Lancer: Who's Connor?

Jack: So you have a weakness for women with nice legs?  So, out of all the women here, who has the best set of gams?

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #79 on: December 07, 2013, 07:52:52 AM »
Jack: So you have a weakness for women with nice legs?  So, out of all the women here, who has the best set of gams?
JACK: I've only seen two women here so far, so I can't exactly say who has the best yet.

Rebecca: What's your opinion of the Archers? You seem to know them after all. \

Lancer: What exactly do you think of Lawrence after you saw what he sees?
« Last Edit: December 07, 2013, 07:55:10 AM by Arch-Magos Winter »


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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #80 on: December 07, 2013, 08:54:37 AM »
(Poster's note:I haven't forgotten about the thread, don't worry. It's just it's been a busy and chaotic time, and I do have the questions still saved on a notepad for answerin' I'm gonna go ahead and answer at least one to get the ball rolling though.)

Rebecca: What's your opinion of the Archers? You seem to know them after all.
Rebecca (?): Hmm... well, I only know one personally, but they're both pretty cool I think. I've never met the Dark one while he was actually... well, Dark, so that'll be interesting. The Moon Cell one is apparently less bitter, and I can kinda see that in him already, if only from a few subtle cues so far. (looks around. lowers her voice) Just don't get yourself in a situation where they'll lecture you. They like to lecture. I think I've heard about at least 10 variations of the "this is why you can't save everyone and why you shouldn't play hero" speech by now. And the "this is why this guy isn't good enough to be your boyfriend" speech, that too.

Questions to other people!

Law: What's being high on plasm feel like?

Ruu: So you've been stuck watching a magical girl marathon while the mess elsewhere has been going on. How are you liking the magical girl genre so far?

D. Archer: So what are your next plans for Rin (or do you want to keep those secret?)? And if you found out that you had a daughter in the future- as in, the actual fruit of your loins instead of some chick from another universe vaguely resembling your own, how would you react? ...*cough*

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #81 on: December 07, 2013, 09:02:53 AM »
Law: What's being high on plasm feel like?
LAWRENCE: Like a unicorn skullfucked me with happiness and rainbows. In short, awesome. Its like being high on life, except it's well... death energy. It's hard to explain.
DRIVER: He's also venting off that excess plasm through his pores like sweat. He'll be covered in a thin film of ectoplasm for a while as well, even after the high wears off. It's how Sin-Eaters vent excess plasm, aside from using it for manifestations. Speaking of which... his actions indicate he's well on the way to the Passion Key, or the Shroud Manifestation. I'm somewhat proud of him for this capability. I picked the right one to make a contract with. If he'd kill people more often he'd be perfect...
LAWRENCE: I can almost get along with him and then he says stuff like this. I think we need couples counseling.

Tim: Are you ever called the Enchanter?

Rebecca: Wait, boyfriends?

Hakuno: Has the magical girl marathon taught you anything? And how did you enjoy said frilly dress from earlier?


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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #82 on: December 07, 2013, 06:42:29 PM »
Lawrence: When/why did you turn to a life of crime and ghostbusting?

Angra Mainyu: Why are you such an asshole?

Randomly-Fainting-Girl: Shouldn't you get that condition of yours checked out?

Kiyoshi: How smart do you think you are?

Imaganai: Is it embarrassing running away from a direct challenge?

Gun Cop: Do you feel you deserve a raise?

Forest: How do you deal with all this bullshit?

Lancer: Fite me bro.


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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #83 on: December 07, 2013, 07:15:14 PM »
D. Archer: So what are your next plans for Rin (or do you want to keep those secret?)? And if you found out that you had a daughter in the future- as in, the actual fruit of your loins instead of some chick from another universe vaguely resembling your own, how would you react? ...*cough*

D. Archer: My next plans for Rin?  Well, I want to keep it a surprise.  Honestly, I'll probably make sure she has some tea and something to eat right now.

Daughter?  From the . . . future . . . That's well, um, don't be ridiculous!

Forest: How do you deal with all this bullshit?

Forest: Why do you think I was trying to sneak away to watch some Bruce Campbell?  Honestly, if I could get drunk, I'd probably be an alcoholic at this point.  However, the only way for me to get inebriated is straight from the vein, and I'm a responsible vampire so . . . no binge drinking.   I also beat up people to deal with frustration. 

Lancer: Fite me bro.

Lancer: *Smirks* Those are words I like to hear!

Sooo . . .

Axe Cop: You planning to have Lancer join your police force?

Doomrider: Do you  know Dr. Roxxo, the Rock and Roll Clown?

Seras: What's your reaction going to be to a real moral fag vampire like Forest?

Inferno Cop: What's the weirdest thing you've ever done?

Also, to everyone else except the kiddos, your sexual preferences and kinks?


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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #84 on: December 07, 2013, 08:37:07 PM »
Axe Cop: You planning to have Lancer join your police force?

Sure, anyone's welcome to try out, and I can tell he's probably got the punch to do it. I'll leave the guy my contact info and let him join on his own time.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #85 on: December 07, 2013, 09:12:29 PM »
Lawrence: When/why did you turn to a life of crime and ghostbusting?

DRIVER: He's still got a day job. The boy cannot dedicate himself fully to the kill. Pity...

LAWRENCE: Shut up. I sorta started tracking down the ones who killed me pretty shortly after the contract... mainly because the voice in my head wouldn't shut the fuck up about it. I've gotten them all now, one by one. The one in the Nexus was the last one. As for ghost busting, well, it's more a hobby. I've helped out the local krewes multiple times with some haunting, but haven't joined one. I work as a mechanic at some car repair shop that probably just fired me, considering I didn't tell them about my trip. Plenty of Sin-Eaters become criminals or were criminals though. You'd be surprised.

Doomrider: Do you  know Dr. Roxxo, the Rock and Roll Clown?

DOOMRIDER: Yeah, he's a pretty cool guy. We do cocaine and poker on the weekends when I'm not riding.

Also, to everyone else except the kiddos, your sexual preferences and kinks?


LAWRENCE: Can't speak for the Driver but I'm straight. Also, I'd rather not have this asshole watching me while I do it.
DRIVER: At least you get to directly feel it. All I get is diluted from you. Your reluctance to fuck since you died killed your last relationship. It fell apart so beautifully...

JACK: Being dead like me sorta kills most of your libido. Hell, I need to spend vitae just to not look like a corpse each day, let alone get it up.

RAUL: Human sexuality is irrelevant to a being like myself.

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #86 on: December 08, 2013, 12:40:35 AM »
Inferno Cop: What's the weirdest thing you've ever done?
One time, when everyone in the world was turned into me, I saw a cat.

That's weird, right? I thought cats didn't like crowds.

Also, to everyone else except the kiddos, your sexual preferences and kinks?
Ran: Actually getting some every now and then would be something I'd prefer. I'm no virgin, but I've only had a couple experiences to draw from when it comes to knowing my preferences. Not much room for experimentation.

Inferno Cop: I like myself some big black buns, in a bakery.
Wait I'm sorry, what was the question again? I heard "food preferences".

Mordalfus Grea

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #87 on: December 08, 2013, 12:43:47 AM »
Seras: What's your reaction going to be to a real moral fag vampire like Forest?

Seras: It really doesn't matter to me, I am already morally sound

Walter: Not really, remember the clinic

Seras: I was hungry!

Walter: Not an excuse.

Seras: *grumbles* I'll get back to this later

Also, to everyone else except the kiddos, your sexual preferences and kinks?

Mu: Straight. No kinks well except for the fact I only go for women with a certain amount of skill in death dealing, I come from a nearly extinct clan of magus mercenaries and I want my partner to be just as if not more so deadlier than myself


Joe: I have a gaggle of over twenty women with me whenever I go out on the town or when I need to relax, so just take a guess at what my sexual preference is. Just use your imagination as to what a man like myself would have for a few kinks and I may just tell if your right or not.


Kusagari: I prefer women of skill, either with a blade and/or with a gun. As for any kinks, sex while unclothed and exposed to nature is something I prefer.


Imiganai: My sexual preference is of no concern to you! As for having any kinks..... *full face blush* ....I would rather not talk about it.

OOC: She's a bit of a closet pervert.

Imiganai: *even larger blush* Lies!


Seras: I have no idea now a days. I have both men and women of various sexual preferences and kinks within me, but the truth is that I kinda well..... *blushes furiously and looks away* .....swing both ways, so to speak *hides in casket*


Imaganai: Is it embarrassing running away from a direct challenge?

Imiganai: Retreating is not Running Away, besides that mortal was annoying and he failed to understand his own position. I could have removed the entire building and all in its vicinity had I chosen to do so.
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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #88 on: December 08, 2013, 12:45:33 AM »

Axe Cop: If you met someone who called themselves "King of the Pirates" how would you react initially? And after said 'King' either causes serious amounts of property damage or retaliates when one of the normal officers try to arrest him only to be put through a few walls, then how would you react? Also, are you capable of impounding a Pirate ship if one where to appear at the marina?

Ruu: Have you ever had a near-death moment involving the dreaded 'womanly marshmellows of death'? If so how did it occur? Have you ever be swarmed by woman with cries of "Kawaii" due to your child-like appearance and stature?

Raul: Your thoughts on Necromancers?

Jack: What is your other half like?

Archer: If Hakuno told you that she was pregnant with your child, how would you react?

Ran: Have you ever encountered a cursed weapon before?

Rin: Have you noticed that so far there have been no children between you and Shirou?

Sakura: Do you have embarrassing stories about Kiyoshi? If Kiyoshi happened to walk in on you and Shirou, how would you react?

Saber: If Merlin arrived in Nexus, how would you react? If it was Lancelot instead, would you react any differently? If it was Mordred who was seeking reconciliation for the past, what would your reaction be?

Angra: If you had to choose any of the people not native to this city, Satoshi excluded, to have a child with, who would it be? If you had a choice, would you want a Son or a Daughter?

D. Archer: If Rin gave you a gift that was a mug with the phrase "World's Best Dad" on it, how would you react?

Lancer: Would your primary Noble Phantasm work against a living skeleton? Does it piss you off that the Archers and Shirou all have copies of Gae Bolg? Have you ever had a moment where you would've prefered a smaller weapon?

Forest: Lancer wants to fight the Original Hulk, as in Mr. Big Green and Angry, if you had the chance would you convince him it would be a bad idea? Are there any characters of the Marvel, DC and any other Comic Universes that you would recommend that Lancer NOT fight?

All Gun Wielding Characters: If you met a blond haired girl with a large chest carrying a Breach Loaded Thirty Millimeter Anti-Tank Rifle, how would you react? If she was carrying a pair of Thirty Millimeter Belt-fed Autocannons, would you react any differently?

All Sword Wielding Characters: Is wielding three swords all at the same time practical? If you met a man claiming to have master the wielding three swords and claiming to be able to cut solid steel, how would you react and would you believe him?
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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #89 on: December 08, 2013, 12:54:57 AM »
Raul: Your thoughts on Necromancers?

Jack: What is your other half like?
RAUL: I have never met a 'Necromancer.' Explain the term.

JACK: Well, uh, the Beast isn't really my other half so to say. It's just the core, primal instincts that come along with being Kindred. Gangrel as a clan are much more 'in tune' if you will with their Beasts - and it isn't a good thing. Our vampiric instincts are far far stronger than those of any other clan. Its why we're so good with Protean, we're intrinsically less human than most vampires care to admit.

All Sword Wielding Characters: Is wielding three swords all at the same time practical? If you met a man claiming to have master the wielding three swords and claiming to be able to cut solid steel, how would you react and would you believe him?
RAUL: I have four arms, all of which may sprout blades. I do not consider this impractical in the least. In fact, I do not see such an ability as unusual at all.