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No Man's Sky

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No Man's Sky

At the recent VGX awards, one of the real standout announcements (in my view, at least) was for Hello Games' upcoming No Man's Sky; a quite ambitious ground, sea, and space exploration game with a massive procedurally-generated universe to play around in.

I find it interesting to see a game with such a strong Elite vibe off of it show up like this, not least since Elite: Dangerous is also in the works. How might the two games compare and contrast in their respective visions of what lies beyond?

Cherry Lover:
Hmm, wow, that looks really interesting, but also really ambitious. It's one of those things that's either going to turn out to be really great or utterly dire (or just plain non-existent). It's going to be difficult to develop it with just four people, though, I've looked into the idea of developing games before and I wouldn't want to program even something like BMW from scratch with four people, let alone this.

Honestly, it looks like it could be really awesome, but I have a suspicion it'll never see the light of day. It just seems too ambitious for the people developing it.

The new E3 PS4 trailer:

No Man's Sky Gameplay Trailer | E3 2014 | PS4

Cherry Lover:
Wow, that does look pretty awesome. Is that from actual gameplay, or is it just a mock-up of what the game might look like?

I think it's meant to be in-game, though we'll see how it pans out once the game is published.


No Man's Sky: Infinite Worlds


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