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legends one is more solid but shorter legends 2 is great too

I'd like to say I'm a fan, but I've only really played the Zero, ZX, Battle Network and Star Force series. My knowledge of the other series (Classic, X, Legends, etc.) only comes from what I've read in the wiki.

They have the ps2 collections available for both the original series and X

Plataform games aren't my thing. And lol, you think I have enough money to buy video games consoles? Here in Brazil they cost a shit-ton of money thanks to taxes over imported goods and etcetera. This and my PC can't emulate PS2 for shit (strangely enough, it can emulate a PSP just fine, but PS2? NOPE!).

Actually it can, but at an awfully 10fps (a.k.a not playable at all).


--- Quote from: GabrieliosP on May 18, 2013, 01:35:23 AM ---Plataform games aren't my thing. And lol, you think I have enough money to buy video games consoles? Here in Brazil they cost a shit-ton of money thanks to taxes over imported goods and etcetera. This and my PC can't emulate PS2 for shit (strangely enough, it can emulate a PSP just fine, but PS2? NOPE!).

Actually it can, but at an awfully 10fps (a.k.a not playable at all).

--- End quote ---
But can it run Crysis?/jk

But if it's emulation, you can always emulate the original NES and SNES games (hell, even the PS1 games)


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