Truly you do not understand, young one. Why is the sky blue? Why do the birds chirp? Why does Spring come?
Why do crazies do crazy talk and come up with crazy random, mystical sounding stuff to justify epic imaginary battles and awesome in mind clashes of will and destinies and superpowers and magic, all interlaced in fun and made up as you go along almost cliche scenarios with characters each even more unique, flamboyant, and awesome than the last, as things completely come together into chaos and panic and fuck yeah moments so strong we don't even care 'bout the issues, and maybe also a lead in to the character's actual thoughts and development and the exploration of the theme of imagination and living in a world much beyond what reality permits cause we like it, so long as one can balance it, or not?
This has been YOLF's non-regularly scheduled pearls of wisdom for the day, thank you for listening.