Author Topic: role playing ideas thread  (Read 47832 times)


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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #75 on: June 03, 2014, 09:17:33 PM »
pls no

Soldat der Trauer

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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #76 on: June 03, 2014, 09:29:58 PM »
Define quest Sol.

I can do several fantasy genre types.

super robot wars is easy given my mecha knowledge (not all encompassing but fairly decent)

I can do the X time line, I know enough mega man to do any time period. But for a point of fact it was an alternate time line after the classic period to lead into the X time period based on the theory that Zero killed classic mega man. That was the RP I had. Still X time line would be fun. Just don't expect mercy in regards to the boss fights and missions.

>"Quest" as in a community game, where you have one or multiple PCs and players have to share by voting on/writing in actions.

>Hopefully. I can still get into Warcraft, Forgotten Realms, Pathfinder, vanilla D&D and whathaveyou, but Black Company's subversion of the overall genre stereotypes is something very near and dear to my heart. Now, if you were feeling ambitious and tried doing something in the vein of Dark Souls... :3

>Even something like "Macross in the One Year War" is acceptable, I just would like the story to 1) not sound ridiculously campy and 2) players have a variety of mecha universes to delve into. On BL, Eternal Rubicon was a pleasant surprise, but the pre-designed mecha choices were all kinds of blargh. Shit-tier taste, in my opinion, even if the actual sheets may have later made sense.

And one innovation Mellon thought to include that I especially liked (but failed to submit for) was the idea to include a Captain PC archetype and a player-designed command vessel. VERY nice. It fits the spirit of many better-known franchises where scenes/plots often shift focus b/t the ship as much as the individual pilots.

An alternate premise I wouldn't mind is to do something involving Evangelion. Adeptus Eva uses d100, though, and I've heard enough complaints from certain members that I'm not sure it'd be a popular option. Although... You could try for an Eva x Pacific Rim setting like the one discussed and archived by /tg/. Or do a flipped-POV for an AU where the JSSA(sp?) kept traction and fielded units of their own to rival/support Evangelions. That'd be a nice change of pace from usual attempts, too.

>While that may have been your premise, I'd argue that it's something that didn't come up in canon simply for the in-universe symbolism behind the intended X-Zero dynamic. Both were built as the epitome of their respective creator's research and life's work, and we know for a fact that Zero's entire purpose revolved around the discovery and termination of X. To be used to put down the likes of Megaman, Protoman, even Roll and Rush, seems like something that'd sully the...purity, of that function. I mean, that one cutscene in X4's Zero route even makes Wily sound *calm*, in control, not in a frenzy to kill everyone w/ his new toy-cum-masterpiece.

Zero easily could have, no doubt, but it doesn't seem like something that Wily would actually do simply b/c it'd be like overcompensating; the Zero Space Generator makes Zero literally the ultimate fighting robot, and the one lasting incarnation as well as inheritor of Wily's legacy.

>OH MAN, HOW DID I FORGET DOUBLE CROSS?!? Yeah, Double Cross would be an amazing campaign to try out!
« Last Edit: June 03, 2014, 09:38:33 PM by Soldat der Trauer »


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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #77 on: June 03, 2014, 09:51:01 PM »
I do quests all the time, I just assign them the genre of interactive fiction and thus belonging in the fan fiction section.

in regards to fantasy, the prepared idea was a tower dungeon crawl, I want to gauge players and it's a direct story. I could easily do dark souls like stuff.

in regards to mecha, it's easier if we choose a type of genre within mecha, I can do a general game but it becomes very hectic action wise when seventeen different scales of robot are running about.

evangelion is. Well Eva is something my friends and I have home brewed and played extensively. I can run seven types of that.

as for mega man, I don't exactly support the kill classic mega man theory myself but I built the premise around it because it was interesting. I would prefer, if we do megaman X or otherwise to invoke main character status for the PC's though.


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Soldat der Trauer

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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #79 on: June 07, 2014, 10:12:47 PM »
>Double Cross RP. An artistic-license-biology virus has begun infecting teenagers (and adults, I guess...) w/ attitude (and manga artwork!), granting them assorted superpowers known as "Syndromes". Nebulous organizations, psychological breakdowns and body horror await!

>JSSDF Evangelion AU. Fuck NERV, Eva pilots aren't the only ones w/ issues. Take part in the fight against the Angels as part of the conventional military forces! Supporting Evas optional!

>Bubblegum Crisis RP. B/c quite frankly (and w/ all due respect) fuck Shadowrun, I want magic-free cyberpunk :V !!!


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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #80 on: June 13, 2014, 01:00:00 AM »
Anybody wanna do dragonball/Z?


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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #81 on: June 13, 2014, 06:45:18 AM »
thread NATO in force, guys.

Soldat der Trauer

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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #82 on: June 13, 2014, 07:42:40 AM »
Anybody wanna do dragonball/Z?


When a setting has so much bloody SHOUNEN that the word needs capslock in order to impress the density of, a GM who insists on forcing crunch into a series better known for rule of cool ends up missing the point of the original entertainment value, and furthermore arguably attacks the very spirit of the the setting.

>That said, how about reception for a Medabots x Megaman fusion crossover? This would be something I'm willing to run.


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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #83 on: June 13, 2014, 07:57:11 AM »
Sol, dude assumption bro. There's no crunch, there's a system but no crunch.


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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #84 on: June 14, 2014, 07:30:32 PM »
Shouldn't Meido quest be moved to Lantz Fics section? It's not even RP, it's like School Daze.

Cherry Lover

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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #85 on: June 14, 2014, 07:38:14 PM »
Shouldn't Meido quest be moved to Lantz Fics section? It's not even RP, it's like School Daze.

We had this discussion several days ago. The answer is, that, no, it should not be moved. Quest RPs are still RPs. If you want an example, see,301.0.html.

It would be entirely reasonable to ask whether School Daze should, in fact, be in the RP section, but since I don't think anyone actually wants it moved, there is absolutely no reason to bother even having that debate.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2014, 07:39:36 PM by Cherry Lover »


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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #86 on: June 14, 2014, 07:50:53 PM »
Seriously, like School Daze it's only bunch of one liners with one player. Choose-your-=own-adventure style.

Cherry Lover

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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #87 on: June 14, 2014, 08:02:24 PM »
Seriously, like School Daze it's only bunch of one liners with one player. Choose-your-=own-adventure style.

Kat, we had this argument two days ago, and the decision was that it stays in the RP section. You are not going to change that decision however much you complain.

It is not "choose your own adventure", in fact the "one-liners" thing is part of what makes it an RP and not a fanfic. Fanfics have longer chunks. And, the number of players is irrelevant because that is not an intentional part of the set-up. If we moved it and then 10 new people came and started posting in that thread, by your logic we'd have to move it back, and that is utter lunacy.

Also, this is definitely not the place to have this discussion. This is a thread for ideas, not a thread for complaining about administrative decisions....
« Last Edit: June 14, 2014, 08:07:16 PM by Cherry Lover »


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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #88 on: June 14, 2014, 08:07:59 PM »
The main difference is character creation and the instance of direct failure and character death. That's what Separates the two.


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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #89 on: June 14, 2014, 08:09:41 PM »
It is not "choose your own adventure", in fact the "one-liners" thing is part of what makes it an RP and not a fanfic.

Look at Cross Effects RP. One liners are something extremely rare. Roleplaying implies you actually try to play a role and interact through your character with the world actively.

If we moved it and then 10 new people came and started posting in that thread, by your logic we'd have to move it back, and that is utter lunacy.

Good joke.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2014, 08:11:56 PM by Kat the Satan »