Author Topic: role playing ideas thread  (Read 47819 times)

Willy Vereb

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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #15 on: August 14, 2013, 06:47:41 PM »
I thinking of a mecha-based RP.
Somewhat resembling Super Robot Wars.

I'm not sure how many users like the mecha genre that much.

Cherry Lover

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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #16 on: August 14, 2013, 07:11:03 PM »
Well, it depends what your intentions for the RP are, but I do know that at least a few members are interested in Gundam and the like. If you post a more detailed RP idea then I'm sure you'll find at least some interest.


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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #17 on: August 14, 2013, 07:28:03 PM »
Agreed that it would hold some interest.

In fact, I might very well join, depending on when I get the chance to work on the character sheet (and depending on when the details get finished).


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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #18 on: August 14, 2013, 07:53:18 PM »
Mecha game? Rock and roll, I'd definitely be up for it

Willy Vereb

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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #19 on: August 14, 2013, 09:32:38 PM »
I'm more or less only fishing for interest for now.
I want to see if there are enough people to try.
And I think I like the reaction so far.

Anyways, so what's this game about?
Well, it's actually fairly adaptive and I'm open to discuss the details.
So the plot can be anything you think of.
Albeit it'd certainly involve alternate realities and such, giving players more freedom and diversity while creating their characters/mechs.

The core element is , like I said, resembles SRW.
Players form a team and undertake various "missions", to say.
It can be investigating a mysterious ghost ship, repel an alien skirmish, participate in a major battle, anything.
But generally they're combat-oriented.
There's also an "intermission" sequence when players can more freely interact with each other or even various NPCs (like the support crew).
And well, players are very much given the choice to "upgrade" their mechs. And I don't mean in the kind of "adding stat points" way. No, I mean upgrade them for real. Like installing new weapons, adding extra features or just plain improving something on it. You're given relative freedom, albeit between sane limits.

Lastly, I plan this to be semi-autonomous. After I lay down the basics I give people free reigns to create their own missions, passing around the GM's role after each "game".
It'd be also possible to temporally "split" the team (if we have sufficient numbers), allowing players to choose between 2 or 3 missions at once.
For example Team A fights the alien threat in space.
Meanwhile Team B investigates the ancient subterranean ruins.
And let's say Team C has troubles with some rebel faction on Earth. Maybe they'd be averting a Coup.

This is the sort of game I am talking about.
I already tried this on a different forums with relative success.
If there are enough mecha enthusiasts and sufficient activity I am certain it will succeed.
I'll be posting the character generation guide if anyone wants to.
Until then I show my character in that game:


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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #20 on: August 14, 2013, 09:48:37 PM »
Willy, you got yourself an interested player, you know that?

I will happily join the game when you have it all up!

Thank you for sharing the idea.

Willy Vereb

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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #21 on: August 15, 2013, 05:30:36 AM »
Glad to hear that.
So, is anyone else interested in this type of game?


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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #22 on: August 15, 2013, 07:23:07 AM »
It sounds interesting, I'll give you that. And given that I'm still a bit in my Super Robo Craze, I guess I'd give it a shot as soon as I got the character generation guide.

Willy Vereb

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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #23 on: August 15, 2013, 11:51:23 AM »
Alright, I can post the character/mech creation guide.
But I think it's better if post it alongside a whole new thread.


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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #24 on: August 16, 2013, 11:46:13 PM »
Okay, got an RP idea in mind from earlier in the year, hopefully I can still work with this.

It's a Persona 1 RP, which doesn't require that much knowledge on the game, though knowledge on the game would help people out.

Anyone interested so far?

Mordalfus Grea

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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #25 on: September 27, 2013, 09:35:12 AM »
I have an Idea for a RP

This will be a retelling of Fate Zero but with a little twist, the first servants are all the same but the second servants summoned by the masters will be either OC characters of ours or any other character we may want to use, however the characters must be from an alternate branch then canon. Meaning there would be a grand total of seven masters, fourteen servants, and at least five observers

Servant Stats
Servant: [Class Name]
[True Name of Servant, Titles associating with Servant for history or from legend]


Magic Resistance:
Noble Phantasm:

Class Skills:
Skill Name: Rank: Information on Skill and prowess of skill
Personal Skills: Unique skills or mindsets possessed by the servant in question in life or in legend
Skill Name (Element or Title): Rank: Information on skill and Prowess of skill
Noble Phantasm:
Name of Noble Phantasm (Element or Title): Rank:[/i] (Classification): Information on Noble Phantasm

For example

Spoiler for "For Example":

Servant: Rider

Master: Waver Velvet

Identity: Jack Sparrow, Captain of the Black Pearl, Pirate Lord of the Caribbean

Series/Universe/Creator: Pirates of the Caribbean, Disney

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Strength: B-

Endurance: B-

Agility: C+

Mana: C

Luck: A++

Magic Resistance: D+

Noble Phantasm: A++

Class Skills:

Riding: B+
The expertise to ride animals and vehicles.

Rider is extremely talented at commandeering naval vehicles, and to an extent horses and other animals, but cannot ride any magical beasts or very modern vehicles.

Independent Action: A
Independent Action is the ability to remain independent even when rejecting the prana supply from the Master

Rider remain in this world for a week even after losing his Master. However, to use Noble Phantasms of great prana consumption, back up from the Master is necessary.

Personal Skills: Unique skills or mindsets possessed by the servant in question in life or in legend

Disengage (Run away today, live to run away another day): A
The ability to break away from combat.

Rider is very adept at breaking away from combat and fleeing the scene. He is capable of fleeing all but the swiftest of Servants, assuming even those Servants can track his escape.

Nature of a Rebellious Spirit: A+
The temperament to never remain at one location and never embrace a lord. A wandering star that does not have the capacity to be king nor is capable of finding his own king.

Rider has lived his whole life on the principle that freedom is the most important thing in his life. This principle has been so integral to his existence that it is impossible for him to be swayed by any Charisma or offers made to him to serve under someone.

Pioneer of the Stars: EX
All difficult voyages and challenges which are considered "impossible" turn into "events that can be realized."

Rider is unsurpassed in the art of turning the impossible into the possible. Events and abilities considered beyond the natural law can be performed if they are made to facilitate a voyage or task. Even in life, Rider was adept at performing such feats, coming back from the dead on one occasion.

Eye of the Mind (True): C
The heightened capacity for observation, refined through experience.

Rider is not one to panic under a given situation when things appear dire, he is quick on his feat and will often find a way out. He is capable of escaping many situations through the most insane and craziest of plans, his sense of cunning is his greatest attribute.

Battle Continuation: A
The strength of vitality for predicaments. Also, the ability to withdraw from combat and reach allied territory alive after being defeated.

Allows for Rider to fight even with deadly injuries and can remain alive so long as he does not receive a decisive fatal wound.

Charisma: C
The natural talent to command an army. Increases the ability of allies during group battles.

Rider is a capable leader of his crew and can rally them for a fight or for retreat, more often than not it is the latter. He is capable of talking his way through difficult situations and convincing others to follow his lead, he can be charming at times but it can backfire as it has for Rider many times in his life as a Pirate.

Piracy: A+

Rider is never one to play fair, if he can get an advantage he would do so in an instant and if he had to play dirty then he'd play dirty. Rider would rarely ever face someone on their own terms, he'd rather move about and catch his opponent in a moment of weakness. Every opportunity counts in Piracy, every fistful of sand to their eyes and every backstabbing attack adds up.

Noble Phantasm:

Trusty Hanger (Keep 'em at a Distance): D: (Anti-Unit): Longer than the standard cutlass that most pirates favor, Rider would have used this sword through some of his many adventures. In battle, Rider wields this sword to keep his enemies a couple of extra inches away but he also kept his sword in a leather sheath, protecting the sword's blade. In combat he has a chance of disarming his opponent and if his sword is broken, it can be repaired by replacing it into its sheath for a period of time.

The Compass (Seeking the Hearts Desire): C: (Anti-Self): A magical compass gifted to Rider by a witch he knew in life, it points to the direction of whatever the person holding it desires for the most.

The Black Pearl (The Uncatchable Blackened Ship): A++: (Anti-Army/Anti-Fortress): Rider's signature mount in life, The Black Pearl is a large, Georgian-era pirate gunship. The fastest ship on the seven seas, it is capable of outperforming any other naval vehicle, even ones developed later in the future. Each of the Pearl's 32 12-pounder cannons count as an individual C rank noble phantasm cannon each and they can fire at a rate impossible for a normal ship of her age, the Pearl is a mighty ship. Once summoned forth by her captain, the Pearl can sail on land and through the air as if she were sailing through the ocean herself. Rider also calls forth the crew of the ship to fight alongside him from any point in time, some of those Jack is able to summon are also heroic spirits in their own right [Hector Barbossa, Will Turner, & Tia Dalma]. If the crew are killed when outside of the ship, they return to it; if killed when on the ship, they do not return for that Grail War.

Anyways, I think you guys get the idea, Right?

Fate Zero - Take Two
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Cherry Lover

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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #26 on: September 27, 2013, 12:42:55 PM »
Hmm, this looks interesting, although I'm not sure who I'd play yet. The Berserker class is a pain to make a good servant for (one that isn't just going to smash everything), but I don't really like most of the other masters, and Tokiomi has a complete dick of a first servant.

Mordalfus Grea

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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #27 on: September 27, 2013, 08:44:20 PM »
Hmm, this looks interesting, although I'm not sure who I'd play yet. The Berserker class is a pain to make a good servant for (one that isn't just going to smash everything), but I don't really like most of the other masters, and Tokiomi has a complete dick of a first servant.

For the Berserker issue, why not have a servant with the ability to block out mental pollution allowing for the servant to get all the advantages of Madness Enhancement but none of the disadvantages and dont forget the servant can be your own creation or it can be adapted from another storyline. As for the Archer problem, shy not an alternate version of Gilgako that was summoned by an alternate Shirou in another fifth war instead of saber while Rin got Saber and have a kinder a Shirou influence Gilgako as the second Archer or you could just have a OOC Archerko instead to just troll Gilgamesh.

I think if he got in on this, Milbunk could have his 'Downy Reed' character summoned as the second Caster and OPOI could even use his version of Shirou as the second Rider if he wanted to.
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Cherry Lover

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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #28 on: September 27, 2013, 09:03:57 PM »
My issue is with the original Gil, though, not with any replacement. And, any servant that I summon for Tokiomi will have to be someone who will clue him in on his younger daughter's plight and make damn sure he fixes it....

Mordalfus Grea

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Re: role playing ideas thread
« Reply #29 on: October 05, 2013, 08:43:48 AM »
One RP idea,  although it needs some fleshing out.

Evil Burger RP

Okay Evil Burger is probably one 9of my older RP ideas and it is about a small fast-food restaurant line located in Victory City, a city crawling with superheroes. Evil Burger is in actuality a front for a gathering of Supervillains who have evaded notice by masquerading as fast food employees, as for how they have not been noticed or captured, the heroes are either lacking in intellect, are overly trusting, or just don't like fast-food places. So anyways the RP mostly revolves around evildoers trying and failing to takeover the city while also working to keep Evil Burger afloat, throw in the added stress of a hero actually ordering food there and the villains needing restraint to keep from attacking outright.

Of course there will need to be a few Superhero OCs that are regular customers of Evil Burger and the rest being mainly the Villainous Employees working there. A ranking system will also be needed so that we don't have a [Mothman] Level Villain facing off against a [Superman] Level Hero, to keep things fair and the fact that many of those heroes will have either helpers, sidekicks, or both in combination.

Evil Burger Logo: It's so good, It's EVIL.

The Whole Villains not being recognized as villains is the same reason the heroes with poorly hidden secret identities [No Masks at all or just a classing eye covering mask] aren't recognised, also the same reason why no one puts the beating a certain villain receives before escaping to that of a bruised Evil Burger employee.

This is an RP idea based around the villains mostly and their plans to takeover the city, then the world if they can manage it but most often then not more heroes while pour out of the city.
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