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Paradox Games General Thread


Crusader Kings, Europa Universalis, Victoria, Hearts of Iron and even more obscure Paradox Games series can be discussed here, of any generation.

Arch-Magos Winter:
Speaking of which, EUIV LP as Sweden expected to start sometime this month.

Bork bork bork.

I'm doing campaign as Piast in 867. Poland unified in less than decade.

It's year 905, I started my campaign in 769 as one of minor Welsh dukes. The result:

- everything Saxon south to York has been subjugated by my dynasty, Kingdom of Loegr restored (suck it, Arthur).

- Isle of Man subjugated, I'm currently civilizing them, trying to promote them from a tribal society to proper feudal one.

- Just repelled invasion from a Byzantine adventurer who tried to do Wilhelm The Conqueror before it was cool. I lost 75 % of my soldiers, but repelled that Greek illegal immigrant.

- Vikings keep raiding, but they are not a problem.


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