The Nasuverse in perspective.
Thought I'd give my perspectives on the characters and so forth. Before I get to it however. These are only my opinions.
It's an action mystery drama. On the whole I actually like it more than FSN.
It has three advantages over FSN.
Firstly it seriously concentrates on the heroines, Fsn was more concerned about telling a flowing narrative and as a result lost the freedom of choice which made Tsukihime great, I didn't have to play Ciel's route after Arcuied's, I chose to. More to the point I got to know all the girls much better in Tsukihime.
Secondly the division between Near and far side helped define the characters and give the characters a greater sense of purpose.
Thirdly the number of heroines and important characters is larger, it helps fill out the world.
Certainly more dynamic than it's predecessor, longer as well but that's it for advantages over Tsukihime.
Is it bad? No, not at all. I just find it to be less than Tsukihime overall.
Whether you agree or not with this opinion the point I have to make should be clear.
Fiction as a whole is subjective, like what you like, hate what you hate but always remember that fiction regardless of what and (especially ) in the case of fan fiction is an adaptive exercise. All the EU star wars and start trek books are technically paid fan fiction, same goes for the TMNT cartoon in the 80's and 90's, that certainly was not the original version of those characters and setting, yet still they are universally recognized by the fans as the TMNT.
My point is everyone has a view point, the process of applying said viewpoint will change the subject of the work. Instead of getting up in arms over fan fiction ( which let's face it is a luxury) or continuity I think we ought to see a story for what it is, instead of what it is not.
Raging over canon or slapping umbrella terms on to stories is pointless. It improves nothing. While I know I'm a minority in thinking these thought I thought it best to express them as they best explain why and how I write.
The thread is for discussion obviously. I only have one rule here.
1) be polite, rudeness, personal attacks and otherwise improper behavior will not be tolerated.