Author Topic: Shattered heroics new world  (Read 6701 times)


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Shattered heroics new world
« on: December 21, 2014, 05:22:24 AM »
Shattered Heroics: New World

Sion collapses against my bare chest. Sweat and her shampoo fill all my senses. It's strawberry now. I don't dislike it, but it's unlike her.

"Sun Lord, I mean, Satoshi. The world has officially announced it's full conversion into a single nation state. There is nowhere you do not control", she says in a matter of fact way.

The sex between us is necessary but not lifeless, she needs it to suppress the vampire urges and she uses this time to give her predictions of the future or morale of the troops.

I'm grateful for her assistance but, honestly, every time she starts these briefings I just want to start fucking her again. It's probably just my attraction to unusual women.

At any rate I realize I've been lost in thought and Sion is staring, waiting for an answer. Her blood red eyes are focused straight on mine.

She waits and then, realizing I'd drifted off, repeats herself.

"That bitch Rin wants more mana for her experiments. Her resources are empty, so you'll have to give it directly", she says.

I imagine that the first iteration of the announcement was far nicer. Sion has become something of a staple in my life so I'm careful about watching her feelings. Not that I'd have to be in this case, it's obvious that Sion doesn't like me being around Rin. Maybe it's because Rin is fairly smart, or maybe it's because she doesn't like the idea of me having sex with Rin superfluously or, indeed, at all. It's kind-of cute. In either case, my reply is clear.

"Of course I won't, resources are finite. Although, given the state of things Archer could stand to relocate some of that prana to his master, after all we won't be attacked until I begin phase two anyway", I tell her.

She furrows her brow and eventually sighs. "Why haven't I heard about it?"

"Because we hadn't finished stage one. Stage two is simply another world to conquer and protect", I answer as I begin to softly touch her chest.

She gasps from the sudden touch "H-hey! This is s-serious! How do you expect to get to another world?" she asks, paralyzed from the sensation.

"Rin has or will have the second magic. So, if you don't want me to give her prana directly you'll have to convince Archer to do it. He needs it anyway. And, Sion, this attitude towards the girls is cute, but be fair, please", I say.

Sion pouts for a moment, and then slides off me, retrieving her clothes.

"I, I know they need it, and I love you because you aren't a hurtful person but I can't help being jealous of Ciel and those other titty-monsters. It's just how I am, you seem happier with them".

"Well, I enjoy catching them off guard and doing them till they are nothing but a mess of pants and moans but I wouldn't say I'm happier, I do that with you too. You just can't tell because whenever we lock eyes I become an animal, so I have to do you from behind", I reply honestly.

The silence from Sion from would be unnerving if not for the wet trails down her thighs. I surprised her with that and, like everyone, she enjoys praise.

"I'll force Archer if I have to. The girls turned in their verdicts regarding release from the tattoos, none of them want it. Also, you have a party to attend and, finally, avoid the West Hall, your flat chested tit of a sister wants your cock badly and will likely use force to get it", Sion announces, leaving me to dress and get ready.

What now?

1) Go after Sion.
2) Go to the Church.
3) Go to the party.
4) Go to the party via the West Hall.

(AN: voting is tandem, you may vote once on DSM and Once on BL)

Cherry Lover

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Re: Shattered heroics new world
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2014, 06:46:47 PM »
Hmm, OK, I think I'm going to vote for option 1 for now.


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Re: Shattered heroics new world
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2014, 11:58:40 PM »
Option one is the winner, votes closed, back with the next part soon.


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Re: Shattered heroics new world
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2014, 03:05:20 AM »
Aw, shoot. I missed the vote. What shall I do?

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Cherry Lover

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Re: Shattered heroics new world
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2014, 03:14:56 AM »
Just leave it and vote in the next one, honestly. The most you could do would be cause a tie anyway....


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Re: Shattered heroics new world
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2014, 04:09:38 AM »
Indeed wait, assuming you are in fact interested and not here to cause trouble. There will be other votes coming. Although unlike Michael you'll have to vote in both threads to total two votes. So keep an eye out on both sites.


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Re: Shattered heroics new world
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2015, 01:59:18 AM »
Choice one.

Archer can wait. I run after and catch Sion by the arm. She turns, puzzled and, in that moment, I press my lips to hers.

She's stiff, but only for a moment, before she melts and we trade passionate kisses, embracing tightly.

Instead of explaining, I just take Sion by the hand and take her with me to the party room. A huge bed adorned with purple sheets and curtains awaits us. On either side of the bed stand the always-lovely Leysritt and Sella.

The two first started coming to these infrequent gatherings as a means to gain prana for Ilyaviel and, subsequently, Berserker. Eventually, it became a social function for them. Sella persists that it is merely duty, but Leysritt is quite open about the truth. It makes me happy that the two are enjoying themselves rather than doing it out of obligation.

In the moments my eyes were away from her, Sion has seen fit to dress down to nothing but her beret, white socks and a somewhat large, black strap-on. Despite the sour look on her face, her cheeks are a bright red. Having known her this long, I'm sure she'll take that strap-on and use one of the girls as stress relief.

Apparently speaking of the devil is not the only way to make her appear, as Sakura comes into the room dressed in elegant silk. Her dress makes her look good but, then, anything purple looks good on her.

Behind her, on their knees, are Satsuki and Rider, both naked save for the collars and leashes attached to them. Sakura approaches me with Satsuki in tow, while Sion takes the opportunity to start molesting Rider with her hands.

"I've brought you these appetizers to snack on Satoshi, enjoy them before the main course", Sakura says, her hands pulling away what little fabric covering her neither region and spreading her soft folds.

Food analogy aside, they do unleash a hunger in me, and I'm inclined to feed it. First, though, I need to defuse Sion's obvious attempts at a take-over. Taking the leash from Sakura, I raise Satsuki upright. The vampire girl is usually eager to wrap her body around mine but, before she can, I kiss her softly and we begin caressing each other tenderly as our lips meet over and over. Were we alone, this would be the part where we look at each other softly and Satsuki would slide me inside her waiting slit in her own, cute way.

She wants it and so do I, but I resist the urge and lick her earlobe, our signal to silently say, its OK, drink. Satsuki takes the hint and slips her fangs into my neck. She drinks deep, and I slip away for a moment. Regaining myself, I find Sella staring down at me.

The shock of release silences my obvious question and, turning my head, I see Leysritt's massive love pillows covered in my warm juice, as she continues to massage my manhood.

Naked, with my head in Sella's equally naked lap, I relax despite Leysritt's enthusiastic attentions to my throbbing heat. Turning to the group, I find Satsuki with a fist full of Sion's hair, forcing her to attend her slit. The double-sided strap-on is now firmly resting in the alchemist's ass and pussy. Somehow, Sakura has been stripped and restrained in the chaos I missed, her thick heart-shaped butt wiggles in a cute way as she gasps. Satsuki flips the switch on a device in her hand, and a moment later the loud whirring noise of several vibrators erupts, seemingly coming from inside Sakura.

"Oh god please, turn it off, it's too much", Sakura cries.

Satsuki laughs and does the exact opposite, jamming the toys to maximum before retrieving a hard, thick wooden paddle from the depths beyond my sight.

A moan erupts from Sakura as the paddle strikes her voluptuous behind. It's rough but not uncaring, and that's why Sakura likes it. We do not treat her as frail or weak and so she gives herself to us freely.

Satsuki continues to harshly strike Sakura's bottom, but Rider interrupts my view. Despite the blindfold hiding her eyes from me, I can tell Rider wants my blood, at least more than the bit Satsuki undoubtedly gave her. Before she can be given or steal it, however, the maids go on the offensive, seeing me as theirs for the time being.

Sella pushes Rider off balance and Leysritt grabs her from behind, pressing her breasts into Rider's back while taking hold of Rider's nipples. A soft tug later has Rider paralyzed, an unspoken agreement to be good and wait her turn.

Sakura screams again as the hard wood meets her voluptuous bottom. It hurts, certainly, but Sakura likes it. After all, if she didn't she would use her safe word. At least I hope so, despite her assurances I'm ever worried about her getting hurt, not physically but emotionally. I honestly hope I'm worried for nothing.

The maids take my moment of reflection to present Rider as a gift. Her slender arms are bound together behind her back with leather around her wrists, her palms set flat against the ground to support her weight. Leather straps descending from the ceiling support her legs individually at the ankle, and her legs have been spread wide apart, giving me a perfect view of her shaved slit. Amidst Sakura's moans and screams of pleasure I approach Rider. Drinking in her beautiful form, I cannot help but smile in a slightly perverted way.

"Rider, you've allowed me to be your lover for your master's sake. Can you disregard that obligation finally and allow our relationship to grow?" I ask.

Rider's face becomes a soft pinkish-red. It's not the most elegant way to ask, but I think it's less cheesy than saying “I love you, please allow me to prove my conviction in this way”, or something like that. Before she can answer me, a sharp laugh erupts from Satsuki, drawing our attention.

There, still being worked over by Satsuki, is Sion. Her face is buried in Satsuki's crotch and her neithers are still occupied by the double-sided strap-on. I should take care of that but, on cue, Rider replies. At first, her words are inaudible to me but, suddenly, she repeats them more forcefully.

"Fuck me hard and dirty damn it!" she yells, squirming.

Rider, like me, has hidden her feelings it seems. In the face of such a demand I cannot refuse, Sion will have to endure Satsuki's extremes for just this once.

Sella spreads Rider open and begins playing with her clit in a rough way. Rider's cries are cute and, without hesitation, I enter her, burying myself at deeply as I can manage, first inside her and then between her sizable fun pillows. Her heat squeezes around my steeled sword and, as we melt together inside, our breathing becomes matched.

"If I can still walk straight after, I'm going to disappointed", Rider says.

"What is this 'after' you speak of?" I ask, eliciting a laugh from her.

"I'll hold you to that if you're not careful, now pound me like a hammer", she retorts, moaning softly.

I begin roughly sucking her nipples, flicking and tweaking them softly just to see her squirm. Her soft moans clash with Sakura's sharp ones each time the paddles cracks against her rear. Rider's lips purse and, trembling ever so slightly, I begin to thrust inside her.

Small moans come from Rider, at first uncontrollable, like hiccups. Selfishly, my pride acknowledges my name among the cute noises. The world shuts off for a minute, and there's only Rider and I doing this perverted waltz until I release inside her, causing her to scream in ecstasy, drowning out Sakura's own passionate cries. All eyes are on us, and Rider, whether through lust or embarrassment, snaps her bonds and wraps her arms and legs around me.

With her face buried in my neck I'm able to see where the maids got to. Sella and Leysritt are there beside Sakura, the former removing the vibrators from the overworked woman and the latter satiating her oral fixation by having Sakura felate a Sushi roll. I imagine that Sakura had some food sex thing planned, before Satsuki took over that is.

Rider's nips my ear. "Thank you", she whispers.

I don't think it was much at all, but as long as she's happy, that is all that matters. Letting her down to sit on the table we part from our embrace. I miss her warmth already, but Sakura needs some meat to go with that rice.

Leysritt pulls the wet roll out of Sakura's mouth with a sloppy noise which only makes me more eager. Then, she moves behind Sakura and takes the paddle from the barely-attentive Satsuki.  Sakura looks up at me, hungry, but with her arms and legs taped together she can't move far enough to reach me.

Looking closer, I can see that Sakura now has a vibrator on either side of each nipple, held on by strips of tape stuck to either side of her breast and the nipple itself. Attached as they are, it will certainly hurt when the tape is removed, especially her nipples, although that's likely the point. Suddenly, Sakura yelps and crawls towards me, passively. Leysritt, the cause of Sakura's pain, holds the oversized paddle at the ready for another swipe.

The low hum of the egg-shaped toys hits my ears as the intoxicating, electric warmth of her breath reaches my divine sword. I grasp the tape on her right breast with my left hand and the back of her head with my right. Sakura looks up at me, she's expecting, wanting what comes next, but still I wait. Fed up from the tension, Sakura tries to move on her own, and that is when I strike.

Tearing the tape from her breast so suddenly causes her to scream, and that's when I thrust her head down on to my waiting manhood. Gagging slightly, she tries to pull back. I'm willing to let her, but Leysritt will have no such thing and strikes Sakura's already-red bottom with thunderous force, strong enough to split the paddle down the middle.

Instead of screaming, Sakura tightens her throat around me. The look in her eyes is predatory, I would say she had bested me if not for the feel of her lips against me.

The silence is unbearable for just a moment then, skilfully, Sakura begins to polish my rod. I explode almost instantly, splattering her throat with my seed. She swallows and continues her task, clearly wanting me to suffer the build-up as punishment for leaving her alone all this time.

I look to Satsuki, still firmly enamored with Sion, and am immediately punished as Sakura intensifies her attack, pulling away to leave only the tip inside her.

Her eyes remain locked on mine as the pleasure overwhelms me, but she's careful not to let me cum until I look truly frustrated.

With a smile, she pulls off me in an instant, causing me to cover her face this time. Sakura grins smugly, knowing she's won, and licks the cum from her lips.

"Next time let's make this private", she says, leaving me to my own devices.

Before I deal with Satsuki, I tear the tape from Sakura's other breast, to teach her not to say such things and that I'm the boss here. As she begins awkwardly trying to massage her breast, I turn to the monster I have unleashed.

Sion is stuck between Satsuki's legs, helpless against the lust-crazed girl. Luckily, she isn't paying attention to anything but her prey. I slip behind her and, with a handful of the cool lotion from the bottle on the dresser I move quickly, slipping my fingers into her rear, which causes her to yelp in surprise. Satsuki drops Sion as she turns her head towards me but, unfortunately for her, she's too late, and I plunge my throbbing heat into her firm, waiting ass. Her eyes widen but, before she can say a word, I start pumping her furiously. The next ten minutes are a blur filled with Satsuki's pleasure-filled screams.

With Satsuki a near-comatose mess of bodily fluids and lube, I take Sion's hand and lead her away to get cleaned up. The shower is quiet, save for a bit of light petting as we wash ourselves. I suppose I'll have to attend to the day's chores and affairs after all. Ruling sucks sometimes, especially when you don't know what ought to be most important.

1) Go to the church.

2) Go to the treasury.

3) Go to bed.

4) Go and see Alter.

5) Go to deal with Rin.

6) Go to the medical services area.

Cherry Lover

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Re: Shattered heroics new world
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2015, 10:46:12 PM »
Ok, I'm going to say 3) Go to bed


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Re: Shattered heroics new world
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2015, 05:11:31 AM »
Vote closed, three is the winner, update soon


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Re: Shattered heroics new world
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2015, 03:07:52 AM »
>not dead

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Shattered heroics new world
« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2015, 07:17:17 PM »
It's not dead, been busy/sick rl plus I have been writing for fics apart from this one. Life runs away sometimes