Lantz dismisses Alice's movie quote like it's complete hogwash despite spouting on dozens of occasions that his mindset and morality are copypasted from stuff like Star Trek. That
's example one of his hypocrisy on just this last page.
Well, I'm not honestly sure what he meant.
But, yeah, just because a quote came from a movie, it doesn't mean it's automatically invalid. Alice was just using a movie quote to state an opinion that she thought the quote illustrated well. It's no different from someone quoting 1984 or Animal Farm (which I'm pretty sure is not uncommon).
Then he goes on to say "lolnousuck" when Kat brings up the episode of Star Trek that literally spells out "without negative traits that are harmful to others, humans aren't humans". That's example #2
I'm not sure that is necessarily contradictory with idealism.
Gray is asking for clarification. So am I.
Sure, clarification would be good. Asking for it like that, however, is