Author Topic: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Character Page  (Read 91318 times)


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Character Page
« Reply #45 on: May 29, 2014, 10:13:53 PM »
Name: Mordred
Race: Heroic Spirit
Age: less than 10 (I swear she was 15, officer)
Height: 154 cm
Weight: 42 kg
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Scale: Servant
Strength: B+
Agility: B
Speed: B
Magic Resistance: B
Magic Ability: Mordred lacks any spells, but she is theoretically capable of being a spellcaster due to high reserves of prana.

Other Abilities: Saber's Noble Phantasms are Secret of Pedigree (ranked C in Servant Scale), her helmet that conceals her true name, Noble Phantasms, and Personal Skills, and Clarent Blood Arthur (ranked A+ in Servant Scale when beamu, C rank in Servant scale in its regular use), her silver sword capable of an Anti-Army attack. She does not move with the elegance of a knight or display the beauty of swordsmanship, but instead fights with abandon like a wild beast. This trait allows her to be summoned as Berserker. She uses her two handed sword with a single hand, and rather than simply doing so as to punch an opponent, she will even go as far as throwing her sword should it grant her victory over her opponent. Normally the the very heart and soul of the knight, she views swordsmanship as only another means of victory, and she is willing to punch, kick, or bite to win over her opponent.

Battle Continuation - B

She possesses Prana Burst like her "father", allowing her to release magic energy carried in one's arms or one's flesh to move with sudden speed or strength. She displays the ability to jump to the top of a building with a single leap, the force of her jumping is great enough to blow away a multitude of warriors and pulverize a battle tank with ease, and her augmented physical strength is enough to overwhelm fighters of much greater stature.

Origin: Saber's identity is Mordred,The Knight of Treachery, and the "son" of King Arthur, but she is actually female despite being raised as the secret male heir to the throne. She was conceived between Altria and her sister,Morgan le Fay, through unorthodox circumstances. Altria, normally female, was a pseudo-male at the time due to Merlin's magecraft, soMorgan enchanted her with a spell to extract sperm from her. Morgan developed it within her own ovary, and made the child into a homunculus clone of Altria. Due to her status as a homunculus, she was given a much faster growth period than a regular human being, and her life span was far shorter. She was raised in secret and told to hide her status and obey the king until the time was right.

Told that it is her right to inherit the throne, Morgan bid her to one day defeat the King of Knights and take "his" place. She did bare that same obsession as her mother, but before all that was her adoration for King Arthur. She felt ashamed of her twisted birth, unconsciously acting jealous of normal people, and, with the special innocence that children possess, she worshipped the "perfect king." Given a helmet she was told never to remove in front of others, she was eventually sent to Camelot under Morgan's recommendation, and through a presentation of her own superb swordsmanship, became one of the Knights of the Round Table. She was given her sword despite her unknown origins because of her abilities and straightforward mental chivalry.

She protected the way of the knights much like that which could only be found in picture books, working hard daily in being the ideal knight, all while hiding her dislike of others. In the end, even that innocence was shattered by Morgan, who revealed the secrets of her birth. She learned of her parentage and was told that the King didn't know either. Morgan tried to instill that the King would never accept such a filthy child, but she was, while shocked, wrapped in joy. While not a proper human being, sharing the same blood as the King, being the "son" of a superior king, she was proud of the fact that she was not human. She felt that in name, reality, mind, and body that she was fit to be the true successor of the King of Knights.

She went without having the slightest feelings of rebellion, spurred on by the truth, and approached the King with delight. Raised without a father, the King was the very form of a godlike "father" to her, but Altria rejected her very clearly. She said that, while Mordred is certainly born from her and her sister's plotting, that she will not recognize Mordred as her "son" or give her the throne. Mordred believed that it was all due to the King's hatred for Morgan, that it would be impossible for her "son" to be accepted. Thinking that was the reason her title was the weakest, believing that no matter how hard she tried, even if she excelled over everyone, that the King would forever view her as a dirtied child from the moment she was born from Morgan, her great love for the king up until then made her hatred burn.

Resulting from that, the distrust of the Round Table towards the King spread, and the reigns of power in Camelot were seized once the King departed for the Rome expedition. Mordred became the leader of the rebellion, representing the national discontent towards Arthur. After the King finally returned from a long and tiresome battle, Mordred raged, claiming that she hated the King and that only she was fit for the throne. The truth of the matter was that she only wanted to be accepted by Altria and wanted to be called "son" by her. The conflict eventually lead towards a final fight, where both armies were dying in heated battle. The few knights that stayed with the King soon died off, leaving only the two of them standing.

The two faced each other on a hill of swords, where Mordred pointed out that the country had ended and that the victor no longer mattered because everything was gone. Blaming the situation on the King for not giving her the crown, she asked if the King hated the "son of Morgan" that much. Altria emotionlessly replied, "Not once did I despise you. There was only one reason I would not give you the throne. You didn't have the capacity of a King." Mordred charged forward while driven on by passion, and was eventually defeated in single combat, collapsing while still impaled by a spear. Freed of the mask forced upon her, with a face identical to her "father", she said "....Father", all while reaching out to touch the King with blood-soaked hands at least once, but was not even granted that wish as she fell. Due to being bound by a strong curse, Mordred still swung her sword after her death, leaving a fatal wound on Altria who later died of her wounds.

Weakness: Daddy issues, haphazard and rushed style of fighting
Likes: Daddy
Dislikes: Daddy
« Last Edit: May 30, 2014, 02:52:48 AM by Cool Kat »


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Character Page
« Reply #46 on: May 30, 2014, 04:43:17 AM »
Name: Jubei
Race: Cat (beastkin)
Age: “Older then you young’un”
Height: 123cm
Weight: 25kg
Eyes: Red
Hair: Black and White
Appearance: A 2 tailed bakeneko who walks on his hind legs. Wears an orange jacket with a hood. Has a killer badass eye patch (It should be your first sign he is a badass, how many cats have an eye patch. It is even made of a fucking sword guard, he that hardcore).

Alignment: Chaotic good
Servant Scale
Strength: A+
Agility: A++
Speed: A++
Magic Resistance: NA
Magic Ability: Jubei is capable of manipulating Seither to enhance his physical capabilities as well as create some specialty items such as scrolls which will only share the message with the intended person. However he has no other notable magical ability.

Other Abilities & Equipment:
Mucro Somnio: Musashi: A pair of kodachi which possess the ability to cut with cannot be cut. In truth it is capable of cutting anything the wielder desires them to.

Great Mental Fortitude: Jubei is capable of completely resisting influence of a Nox Nyctores indicating incredible mental strength.

Sekkigan: The eye of his deceased brother kept under a killer fucking eye patch. The only ability Jubei has revealed is being able to actualize someone’s ‘true form’. He will likely not use this ability against anyone but those it is necessary to use it against, like Terumi who is a ghost with a mortal shell.

Near Unparalleled Close Combat Skill: Jubei is a highly skilled combatant despite his lack of desire to actually fight, much preferring to be a supervisor and observer, only getting involved when absolutely necessary. He is so powerful he has earned the title, “the strongest being on the planet” with other powerful entities such has Hakumen and Terumi to be hesitant to engange in combat with him.

Master Cook: can produce food at the level of a 5-star restaurant, he is generally humble about this.

Skilled Teacher: Has taught both Ragna and Jin to control their abilities, the Azure Grimoire and the Power of Order respectively.

Origin: Jubei is one of the Six Heroes of the Blazblue universe. He is Ragna the Bloodedge's master, and Kokonoe's father. He battled the Black Beast alongside Hakumen, and played a part in the Ikaruga Civil War and the Kaka Clan was genetically engineered from his DNA. After the War, Jubei was unfortunately left as one of the few survivors of the Six Heroes, Terumi having killed Nine and Trinity Glassfille and forcing Hakumen to sacrifice himself. He was on the run from the organization for many years afterward, being forced to abandon his daughter Kokonoe. After everything that happened he was determined to seal away the Nox Nyctores as Nine had intended.

While on the run, he freed Ragna, Jin, and Saya from a secret lab and then left in the care of his sister-in-law, Celica. He would return to the church years later and train Ragna.

Jubei landed mainly indirect assistance to the events in Kagutsuchi, offering advice, acting as a distraction, or saving those that had no chance to get away themselves. Afterwords Jubei trains Jin to use the Power of Order properly as well as inform him of many topics regarding Ikaruga and the NOL such as the Izayoi. He is sadly sucked into the Nexus city before he is able to arrive in Ikaruga however, but he has adapted to the city fairly well.

Weakness: Catnip, Magic.
Likes: Catnip, Kokonoe, Konoe, the Kaka clan
Dislikes: Setaria viridis, Terumi
« Last Edit: June 05, 2014, 04:36:04 AM by Knick »

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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Character Page
« Reply #47 on: May 31, 2014, 12:17:01 AM »
Name: Celica A Mercury
Race: Human
Age: a little over 100, if we’re being technical
Height: 5’3 feet
Weight: 98 pounds
Eyes: Red
Hair: Auburn
Scale: Human
Strength: D
Agility: D
Speed: D
Magic Resistance: D

Magic Ability: Healing muhgic: She can heal people’s injuries, as long as they are alive. Obviously more harmful injuries take more time to heal, and near fatal ones can take quite a while. She cannot heal diseases.

Other Abilities:
Seithr suppression: She can suppress seithr, the energy in the air. This also affects constructs made of the stuff, like azure grimoires, and as such she is poison to Hazama/Yuuki Terumi and to Ragna the Bloodedge. Ragna, however, has a counter for her seithr suppressing powers, one developed by Kokonoe.

If her seithr suppression is somehow amplified, it can overwhelm her and cause damage to her lifespan.

For the sake of the RP, seithr as "energy in the air" translates to whatever garbage is in Nexus's air.

Best girl: Celica is best girl, and is based as fuck. This makes her better than other girls, who are not based as fuck.

Origin: Millions of years ago, when dinosaurs walked the earth… well okay, not that long ago. Some time ago, or from now technically, there was this girl at a magic guild who had a super-powerful sister, and a super-smart dad whom she both loved. And then they like fought, or they fought before, so daddy left. Or maybe he was never at the magic guild in the first place? Right, he was a scientist. They left him, not the other way around, but Celica was all like “fuck that shit” and went to go see her daddy seven years after she was told he had died, because they found a survivor in the areas destroyed by the black beast, and she thought her daddy might survive too. So she went on an ADVENTURE!

She then promptly got lost, met this dude Bloodedge, got lost again, met a cat, went to a port city, had an endearing moment with Bloodedge on a boat, went to japan, got lost, met her sister and some chick, went to a lab, found a secret room, witnessed her sister fighting the cat she would later marry, had a break, and then picked up a pretty cool coat from Bloodedge who was about to go kill himself with a cat.

Some other stuff happened, she got a church, got some kids in the church, got wrecked by Hazama and died. However this was not her final form, as her niece popped her back into reality through her power over science. Also, she was young again. So she did some shit, sat in a tube for a while, got lost, met Hakumen and some of the six heroes again, and met her beloved Ragna.

They did some shit, ate some food, fought Ragna’s sister and got a cool gay robot out of it, until Ragna went nuts and wrecked his fag brother and Noel’s anuses. She’s not mad about it though, he didn’t mean it!

At some point she popped up in Nexus city. She works at a KFC now.

Weakness: Terrible fucking sense of direction, like holy shit it’s cray cray
Likes: Ragna, her sister, Kokonoe, Hakumen, Jubei, just fucking everyone, christ
Dislikes: Hazama, being told to give up or stop
« Last Edit: May 31, 2014, 12:26:36 AM by NamesAreHardToComeUpWith »


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Character Page
« Reply #48 on: May 31, 2014, 01:51:01 AM »

Barthomeloi Lorelei
Race: Human
Age: 27
Height: 160cm
Weight: 50kg
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Light-Brown.
Scale: Servant
Strength: B
Speed: C
Agility: C
Magical Ability: A
Magic Resistance: E
Three Sizes: 78/53/82
Weakness: Vain to the point of carelessness when dealing with lesser Magi, Zealous, infinite hate towards vampires, has no little to no social skills due to extremely sheltered upbringing, Magic Resistance.
Likes: Hunting vampires, practicing magecraft, (secretly) people who do not shun her despite her attitude.
Dislikes: Vampires, Supernaturals in general, Lesser Magi.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Other Abilities:

Magical Ability: Lorelei lacks any significantly special traits or unique thaumaturgy, but she is known as one of the greatest modern magi called The Queen: The Supreme Mage of the Present Era. She has raised her own abilities to close to the level of True Magic. She has an archetypical standard in her use of orthodox magecraft, and being a perfectionist, she believes that as long as her base is strong, simple magic raised to the highest degree, it is not necessary to have special abilities. Single blasts of her most basic spells can annihilate magically reinforced castle walls and reduce a large room to complete ruins with ease.

Spoiler for Magecraft List & Details, will add more as they are used:
The Barthomeloi Magecraft is based on various destructive forms of European magic, primarily Greek, but it also involves spells from other places.

Storm of the century
Θύελλα του αιώνα

A destructive spell that shoots forth one to uncountable amounts of lightning bolts in a frontal cone. Simple and not particularly flashy, but extremely effective.

Ten Zephyrs
δέκα μπεζέδες

A spell that creates a powerful vacuum, dragging enemies in before the pull turns into a whirlwind of razor-sharp winds that can mince a human in seconds.

Spines of the Manticore
Aγκάθια του μαρτιχώρα

A defensive spell that surrounds Lorelei in a cloud of circulating threads of electricity that spins around her at a rapid pace. They autonomously sense oncoming attacks and respond by counterattacking with one to a myriad of the tiny bolts of lightning. Most bullets that are not of absurdly high caliber will bounce off of Lorelei because of this.


Gandr is a simple curse originated from Scandinavia, decreases the physical health of the target. Because the curse properly said is released from the caster’s index finger and the target must be within the field of vision to be aimed at, it is dubbed Gandr Shot. A Gandr with so much prana concentrated into it that becomes capable of physical interference is called Finn Shot.

Lorelei is capable of creating Gandr shots with such an intensity of prana that they not only disintegrate human flesh on contact, but can easily blast through walls.

Wind Element: Any spell that deals with wind, lightning or related phenomena, as well as any that deal with kinetic forces, static energy, free energy and directed movement is significantly more powerful and easier for her to master. Due to her completely absurd prowess and natural ability, Lorelei does not suffer from any disadvantage at using Elements that are not her own.

Magical Attribute: Almighty: Lorelei’s Magical Attribute, related to her lineage’s great and massive lifespan, going all the way back to the Age of Gods. Regardless of the usual "limit" on how much prana can be used in a spell, Lorelei can pour as much power as she wishes into even the simplest spells, allowing even a basic Gandr Shot to become a building-leveling artillery attack, rendering her abilities as a Magus almighty even when working with the most basic of spells.

In effect, even her Single-Action spells can reach the level of High-Thaumaturgy or Greater Rituals in power. No matter how much Prana Lorelei pours into a spell, she is never under the distress of losing control of it.

Mystic Eyes of Domination: Lorelei’s Mystic Eyes, another part of her inborn magical abilities. Anyone she looks upon are struck with a sense of dread unless they possess great willpower or a large amount of mana and the ability to use it to resist Mental Interference.

Noble Blue Blood Magic Circuits: Special Magic Circuits only possessed by the Barthomeloi family. They possess absurd capacity, to the point where Lorelei has never suffered the threat of being lacking in Prana. She has a total of 110 Circuits, surpassing even the amount or quality that the Headmaster of the Clock Tower, an existence that has been around since the Age of Gods, has.

Barthomeloi Magic Crest: The ancient crest of the Barthomeloi family, so huge that it covers the entire right side of  her upper body. Lorelei has learned every spell written into the Crest, giving her a repertoire of Thaumaturgy that spans over two thousand years of history. She has only true mastery of her own, more basic spells. The massive Magic Crest also acts a second set of Circuits, effectively giving her another 90 Noble Blue Blood Circuits.

Reinforcement: The quintessential simple Thaumaturgic ability. The most difficult Magecraft with the purpose of pushing a basis to the utmost. It is the foundation of all Magecraft that enhance the existence of the target by pouring prana, but as no clear expression of how much it can be enhanced is defined, almighty reinforcements are rare. It is the same as adding something to an object that is already complete, in case of failure the target will receive it as a poison. Success requires a good grasp of the inner structure to fill openings with Prana. Reinforcing the purpose of existence would be increasing the sharpness of a knife, the nourishment of food, or in the case of a living creature, physical strength and durability. It is impossible to reinforce something vague. Lorelei is a perfect master of this form of Magecraft, and can boost her own physical abilities to match those of Servants and Dead Apostle Ancestors with ease.

Vampire Detection: Lorelei and her family line's incomprehensible hatred of Dead Apostles have given them a natural ability to detect them, and other humanoid supernaturals, through sheer instinct.


Holy Mithril Gauntlet: A blessed gauntlet of pure mithril crafted by Lorelei using blueprints drawn by a member of the Barthomeloi that lived over 600 years ago, used by Lorelei as a Mystic Code. It is almost on par with a Scripture-Class item and highly dangerous to all vampires. Combined with her Reinforcement, blows made with the Gauntlet can easily destroy a mid-tier vampire in a single blow, and it’s mere presence can bring discomfort to vampires and burns them on contact. It is also useful for covering up her Magic Crest, which’s influence covers almost the entire right side of her upper body, including her right hand.

Origin: Barthomeloi Lorelei is the Vice Director of the Mage's Association known as "The Queen" of London's Clock Tower, the central institute of the Association, and the current head of the Barthomeloi family. She shares her family's great sense of aristocracy and pride in their heritage, viewing the name "Lorelei" to be just an insignificant name stuck on to her "Barthomeloi" name. While the Barthomeloi have a completely irrational hatred towards vampires, Lorelei's own hatred is on another entirely different level than that of any past member of her family, and even she cannot understand why it is so strong. Spending time hunting them as if it were natural, she often ignores her work as the Vice Director, and even lends herself to the Church as a vampire hunter.

She finds fighting a Dead Apostle to not be heretic hunting, but instead a pilgrimage to show her dignity. She refuses to use followers on anything below the level of an Ancestor, considering them to be nothing more than pitiful bugs that require nothing more than her own abilities to destroy.

While the policy of the Barthomeloi family is that a battle should be won even while it is proceeding, she feels that annihilating them is neither a trial or a battle, but rather a simple hunting game that should be completed with elegance and pleasure. She cannot stand that she was beaten to Louvre's castle by Enhance and Satsujinki, feeling like a headless chicken running around in circles instead of someone on a prideful hunt or battle. She almost passes out from the humiliation, bites her finger to the point of smearing blood on her gloves to stop grinding her teeth in anger, and promises to make Satsujinki pay for killing her prey and damaging her pride despite not having even met him.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2014, 02:58:39 PM by Christemo »


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Character Page
« Reply #49 on: June 01, 2014, 05:49:38 AM »
Name: (The Glorious!) Sir Bonesington
Race: Lich
Age: You'd like to know, wouldn't you. So would I! But come on, admit this pile of bones is still worth a hump.
Height: 8 or 9 feet or so~? Do you count the distance to the floor? Or where my robe ends?
Weight: I'm as light as a feather! Don't even touch the ground!
Eyes: Why, they were as dazzling as a morning sunrise! Surely!
Hair: Quite sure it was as soft as touching heaven itself.... yes, I must've had an outrageous mane of princely hair!


Alignment: Outrageously Neutral!

Scale: Mixed
Strength: D (Servant)
Endurance: B+ (Servant)
Agility: A (Human)
Speed: C (Human)
Magic Resistance: E(+) (Servant. Stronger against ice or shadow magic.)

Magic Ability: A+ (Servant)
Undead archmaster of Ice and Shadow magic. Also learnt Necromancy, since it was a requirement for the job description he had in mind at a time. And like any good exceedingly accomplished mage, knows just enough about general magic of all kinds to count when there's a relevant plot reason to use it. Wards, summoning, and portals are just the ones that come up most often.

Really likes 'Mass spells', and other spells with a large and dramatic effect. Some of his preferred abilities are Frost Armor, Frost Blast, Frost Nova, Death And Decay, Shadowbolt and Sacrifice. His Ice and Shadow spells can all be instantly or near instantly cast, and have great power and area of effect due to his natural ability and skill. His ice explosion spells can freeze entire blocks and encase enemies in ice, and his shadow magicks and curses can cause very agonizing pain and widespread environmental and personal damage, as the case of Death And Decay.

He can raise the dead as skeletons, ghouls and wraiths that serve him and also summon many of his existing undead minions, some of which are notably stronger individually.

Other Abilities:
Farmer, gardener, engineer, playwright, actor extraordinaire, public speaker, singer, and dancer. The Glorious Sir Bonesington is all of these things with a passion! Most skills acquired from overseeing and educating position at a certain cult of the dead. Others he's just a natural though. Also was president of said cult's member association and organized a strike for more vacation days.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Bonesington (he has since forgotten his original name and no longer cares) was once a bright and studious young mage studying at the Kirin Tor. Y'know, back way before Lordaeron fell and Archimond and the Scourge totally wrecked it. And Bonesington was so good, people used to say he was the second coming of Antonidas. Except for using magic to make people sneeze and then freeze the sneeze in their face. And making the library into a ice skating hall. Or making people think they'd gone blind. But damn if he wasn't so classy doing all of that that he managed to prevent himself from getting expelled.

Bonesington had bigger, cooler, more exciting dreams than what people thought though. Eventually, he left Dalaran in search of new sights and new visions. And he journeyed through the Eastern Kingdoms and other places those of the human nations knew not, jumping all over the place. He got drunk with the dwarves, he very hurriedly and quickly declined to be a part of troll banquets, he tinkered with cogs and machines with the gnomes, he crashed blimps with the goblins, he learned the distinction between fabulous and ridiculous with the elves, he froze murlocks alive, he saw the nerubians do the most smackin' version of break dance in existence, and he flew through the skies of Azeroth with drakes. One merry day he was making his way through Lordaeron when he saw a shady pamphlet for an interesting job offer as local cult of the dead propagation manager. That sounded interesting and new! Also, their dental plan sounded really good.

So, to meet job requirements, he went and learnt necromancy. He took to it surprisingly fast. He had always wanted to try it to make skeletons break dance. Which he thought would be the most floor-clacking thing ever since he saw nerubians do it. It turned out doing that on the job was frowned upon, as new employees orientation for Cult Of The Damned members told him. Still, he listened and did his job, and did it well, and soon he was being promoted faster than it took him to say an orc joke. And for his troubles, the big boss got him turned into a lich. He thought it was totally radical.

He helped Arthas in his campaign in Lordaeron and spread the plague through the Eastern Kingdoms before he was stationed in Northrend, where he served as reinforcement against Illidan's forces when the Lich King was under assault, and after that was part of the crew overseeing the construction of Icecrown Citadel. Later, he organized a strike on behalf of the Scourge employees members' association to get their much deserved paid vacation while that silly tournament with adventurers from the Horde and the Alliance was going on.

They won. And went on vacation through Azeroth! Until while catching some waves in Tanaris, Bonesington stumbled into the Caverns of Time and got thrown into an unstable gateway by accident. Through time and space and multiple realities, it turned out to be his biggest adventure yet. In the process, he helped dethrone Discord, bitch-slapped Grom Hellscream for being an idiot, became the lead singer of the Elite Tauren Chieftains, engaged in the most amazing murder spree in ever with Richard the warlock, went to the whores with Benjamin Franklin, saved Britain and got armed a knight (whereupon he started referring to himself as Sir Bonesington), saved Christmas, and learned how to break dance.

When he finally got back to his proper Azeroth, the Lich King had already gotten himself killed by Tirion Fordring and co., so he quit his job and decided to buy a little farm in Hillsbrad Foothills, where he dedicated himself to killing helpless and stupid adventurers, gardening, and farming, employing some hard working skeletons to tend to the fields.
He also got a cat.

And one day he was playing around with portals when he tripped into one and found himself into Nexus City. Which he immediately decided, as a new place, he was going to get his fill of it. Within a few days of arriving to Nexus City, he relocated his entire mansion and farmplace to the edge of town, where he has gingerly made himself comfortable.

Weakness: His phylactery, fire magic, life magic, wrecking balls, bowling alleys.

Likes: His cat, interesting people, gardening, farming, dancing, opera, rocking out, tea and biscuits, seeing innocent people get flustered.
Dislikes: Obnoxious peasants, simple minded fools, over-thinking issues, people with bricks for brains, lack of flair, those who trample on his flowers or vegetables.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2014, 12:22:08 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts

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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Character Page
« Reply #50 on: June 01, 2014, 05:19:00 PM »
Name: Unknown(goes by Paladin or Captain)
Race: Human
Age: 32
Height: 6’0
Weight: 165 pounds
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Appearance:  Never seen without his armor and helmet on while in public. His armor is a light shade of blue with a large white serpent, the symbol of the ice god Stribog on it. He also carries a large, blue kiteshield enchanted to resist fire, and a sword made of ice which is usually kept within a dark blue sheath. His helmet has to slits that allow him to see and is a light blue color.
Scale: Mixed
Alignment: Lawful Good
Strength: D+(servant)
Agility: E(servant)
Speed: D(servant)
Magic Resistance: C+(servant) - Divine blessings allow Paladin to negate lesser magic and resist stronger types. Any magecraft that utilizes ice will fail to effect Paladin at all.
Magic Ability: E- (human)- Paladin has no skill in the magical arts, however he is aware of mana, and he can use it to increase the effects of his divine blessings.

The Tooth of Stribog: A beautiful sword with a blade made of magical ice. The hilt was created from the bones of a frost wyrm and blessed by Stribog himself. Any water or blood close enough will flow towards the sword and repair or recreate the sword if it is damaged. Paladin is also capable of firing the blade from the hilt if he wants to.

Ice Bag: A small pouch carried by Paladin at all times. It is used to subdue enemies who can regenerate. First he immobilizes them, then he takes out one of the ice shards in the pouch, and then he shoves it down their throat. The target then begins to freeze from the inside out. These ice shards must be swallowed because they must be put deep inside the victim, and they are too fragile to use during combat. The chances of them breaking is very high if used during a fight. Each ice shard is about the size of a quarter, and the bag has twenty of them inside. Paladin must make a sacrifice to Stribog in exchange for more shards.

The Book: Given to every Initiate before their first mission this book has an infinite amount of pages. Paladin writes down the monsters he encounters in here, however he also uses it as a journal. It has MR: B(servant) but cannot share this MR with Paladin.

Other Abilities:
Superhuman Physique: As a paladin this follower of Stribog has received a blessing of strength from his deity.

Swordsmanship: Paladin uses a style that could be compared to a glacier. He moves slowly and is not very agile, however he is very sturdy and can hit back hard. He mostly draws out conflict, and uses his high endurance to examine the enemies method of attack in detail while he blocks or parries any attacks. Then once he’s sure he understands how they fight he attack with brutal strength attempting to kill the opponent as quickly as possible.

Monster Hunter: Years of training and combat allow Paladin to analyze the attack patterns of beasts and people who emulate the attacks of monsters.

Willpower: A man willing to give up everything he was to serve his god, Paladin has incredible amounts of willpower, and most attempts to effect his mind will end in failure unless it is done by an incredibly skilled being.

Blessing of Ice: Paladin can never be hurt by the cold, and always feels more comfortable when it is cold. He is also incapable of swimming, however Stribog has blessed him with the ability to create a thick platform of ice when his feet touch a deep enough body of water. This basically allows him to walk on water, and he is capable of expending mana to increase the size of these platforms so they can accommodate two people. These platforms last up to an hour.

The Gift of Stribog: Paladin can make a sacrifice to Stribog in exchange for a boon. Considering his status as a Captain Paladin can ask Stribog to bless an item or animal smaller than a bus, or he can ask for aid in fighting an enemy. If Stribog accepts the sacrifice he will gift Paladin an orb of ice from his throne. It is about the size of a baseball, and if Paladin crushes it layers of ice will form over him, and he will turn into a titanic ice knight. Standing at 7 ½ meters tall Paladin will receive a two rank ups in strength and speed, and he receives one rank up in agility. This lasts for an hour, or whenever Paladin removes it. Paladin’s Blessing of Ice will also generate thicker and larger platforms capable of holding his extra weight  while he is in this state.

Origin: When he became one of the Paladins of Stribog his past was thrown away like every other paladin. His name, his money, and his identity given up to Stribog. His years as an Initiate were brutal, and terrifying. Years of hellish training were not enough to prepare him for a real fight. It was against a drake of Ragnaros. One of the lesser dragonkin, but it was a terrifying beast to see, and fighting it was even worse. Paladin along with the Captain and one of the other Initiates survived the conflict and slew the beast. This would be the pattern for years. Work with a group of initiates, fight a beast, and lose several every time. Over the years he would climb to the rank of Captain, and receive “The Tooth of Stribog” as a reward for his years of service. He led a small group of paladins for four years before being thrown into the Nexus. Now he is searching for a way home, and if that fails Paladin will find someone capable of holding onto his book.

Paladin History: Paladins are warriors who worship their respective gods and fight the enemies of their god. Upon initiation all Paladins forsake their name, wealth, and past in service to their god. They must also wear their armor and helmet while they’re in public. No one is allowed to see their face. Paladins sacrifice their very existence to their god. Every paladin wears the same armor, and the only thing separating the different ranks is a line scratched through the insignia on their armor. If they die no one will remember them. No one will even recognize them when they die because they are buried in a massive graveyard along with their brothers still outfitted in their armor. The only proof of their existence is a book given to each Initiate. They are supposed to write every encounter with an enemy they have so that future paladins will be prepared, however most of them also use it as a journal or even a diary. It is the only proof of their existence. The only thing in the world that shouts “I am here!” long after they are buried with their brothers. It is their legacy, and the destruction of the book is an unforgivable crime.

Weakness: Ranged combat, people who are much faster then him, very powerful magic users, and people with more endurance than him.

Likes: Anything cold, worshiping Stribog, writing in his book, and working with allies.

Dislikes: Blasphemy, monsters that attack the innocent, and hot places.

« Last Edit: June 21, 2014, 11:37:52 PM by Umbra of Chaos »

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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Character Page
« Reply #51 on: June 02, 2014, 03:13:36 AM »
Name: Daniel Roswell
Race: Human - Werewolf
Age: 36
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 189 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: A light brown now streaked with patches of grey
Appearance: He's seen better days that's for sure. He's tall, but he seems to not get enough sleep, or anywhere close to it, judging by his eyes. His hair used to be a dark brown, but time and alchemical side effects has lightened it unnaturally fast - he'll probably go completely white before he hits 45.

His werewolf transformation is huge. Easily five and a half feet tall at the shoulders, a massive grey wolf capable of crushing a man's head in its jaws like an egg. It isn't as strong or fast as a true werewolves, but it's just as tough and just as dangerous to any human.
Scale: Mixed
Strength: C (Human) [C] (Servant)
Agility: C- (Human) [D] (Servant)
Speed: D (Human) [C] (Servant)
Magic Resistance: D (Human)
Magic Ability: A- (Human)

Other Abilities: The werewolf transformation increases Dan's stats to the level and letters within [ ]. Dan's alchemical mastery is among the best in the world but otherwise he's got no other magical tricks up his sleeves.

Origin: Dan isn't a naturally created werewolf. Instead, he became one, unintentionally, and through a magical method. See, Dan's an alchemist, and his opinion, one of the best damn ones in the modern age, not that anyone outside of the magical community would know that. He's studied under the great masters of the art when he was younger, and did quite a bit of traveling back in the day before he settled down in the midwestern United states, in a minor town that is a major traffic hub along I-90. He sells nearly everything in his little shop, from vigor tonics to love potions (of course he keeps the real stuff off the shelf. A placebo can work wonders after all, when often times confidence is all that's needed) to a few ingredients of a more mystical nature to any budding alchemist that passes through. Within the last two years though, he started coughing up blood. A quick visit to the doctor confirmed his suspicions - Lung Cancer, caused by exposure to the fumes and dust produced through his alchemical experiments and production of the potions themselves.

Suddenly, he had a new goal, and he thought he knew how to do it - cure his own cancer. His searches through a variety of his collected works on alchemy included an old arabic recipe calling for a mix of powdered werewolf fang, werewolf blood, and a variety of other healing ingredients. Some of his own knowledge, thrown in to replace ingredients he simply couldn't obtain.

And despite his skill, his preparation, he failed, in curing himself. But the potion had an unintended side effect, spurred on by his own additions. It passed the same curse and blessing of the werewolf onto him. The full moon forced his first transformation upon him, and his life hasn't been the same ever since for him. Once a month, he shifts into a pale shadow of what a true werewolf would be.

He's refined the potion since then, ditching the rare werewolf reagents for something similarly capable, but the damage is done: without this concoction, his cancer will once again slowly advance through his body, into his heart.
Weakness: Human, he's pretty much as squishy as the rest of them. Alchemical potions can only push the body so far, and Dan's already at his limit. Lack of proper magic leaves him vulnerable to magically based effects, in both werewolf and human forms. He's a terminally ill man - though while it's kept at bay by his alchemical potions, any sort of disease spreading power will easily be possibly deadly to him. The werewolf transformation is also incredibly taxing, especially when forced through an overdose of his alchemical concoctions. As a werewolf, he's barely in control, higher brain functions pretty much shut down. Memories don't transfer well between the forms. Wounds however, do.
Likes: Other werewolves (Who can control themselves), his alchemy, blondes, fresh air
Dislikes: That time of the month. Things that aggravate his lungs. Other werewolves (Who can't control themselves)
« Last Edit: June 02, 2014, 03:14:15 AM by Arch-Magos Winter »


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Character Page
« Reply #52 on: June 02, 2014, 06:00:03 AM »
Name: Maximillian Achterberg
Race: Vampire (Kindred of Clan Mekhet)
Age: 114 (Appears younger than 40, his age of death. Even before the Embrace, he aged well.)
Height: 6 feet
Weight: Around 170 pounds
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dirty Blonde
Appearance: Max is a handsome German man that appears to be around his early thirties. He usually wears a German army styled military looking uniform of dark colors, complete with a matching peaked cap without any symbol, black gloves, and a trench coat. When feeling less formal, he opts for a simple high collared jacket, a shirt, dark pants and boots or some manner of heavy weather footwear.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Scale: Mixed
Strength: C (Human)
Endurance: B (Human)
Agility: A (EX) (Human. See Celerity.)
Speed: B (Human)
Supernatural Tolerance: E+ (Servant. The thickness of his blood, more than the norm for his age as a vampire, offers him some resistance against all manner of supernatural powers)
Magic Ability: None.

Other Abilities:
Innate Durability: Kindred are inhumanly resilient. Most mundane weapons are no more effective against him than an unaided punch, and even then he can take a greater amount of punishment than any regular human.

Healing: So long as he has life force from human or vampire blood in him, there are few injuries that he cannot heal. With time and effort, it is possible to even regrow limbs.

Kindred Senses: Maximillian possesses very keen senses, twice as accurate and capable as the average healthy human being. He can easily see in perfect darkness without even the slightest effort. His sense of taste for blood is incredible. He can see even the smallest traces of blood anywhere within line of sight, and smell blood clearly at up to 60 yards away. He can hear heartbeats at up to 9 yards away without issue. While his sensitivity to blood can prove incredibly useful, it can also be very distracting when hungry.

Physical Intensity: By expending the life force of his cursed blood, Kindred can briefly achieve great bursts of physical prowess. Maximillian can temporarily become sturdier, stronger or more agile, by empowering himself in this manner.

The Beast: As much a weakness as a strength, the Beast is the source of all vampiric power in Maximillian's world, the personification of all bestial instinct and desire that lurks within each and every Kindred. It provides them with the drive to continue surviving from night to night, pushing them to feed, flee from their banes, and destroy perceived insults.

It allows them to detect others like itself lurking within, making identification between vampires a simple matter barring certain powers, and can lash out to provoke people to wanton desire or primal fear. When allowed to be in the driver's seat it sends the body into a frenzy, its power pushing the vampire beyond its limitations. Thanks to one of the natural powers of his clan, Max can make himself impossible to sense as kin by other vampires.

The Kiss: Also known as 'orgasmic bite', if you're not using the popular slang. It's a hunting aid, and it does pretty much what you would expect.

The Blood: Vampire blood is addictive, and drinking it will bind your heart in love for the one who fed you. Drink three times and it will become almost unbreakable, deep and obsessive as it roots into your heart. It lasts a year without reinforcement. On the other hand, mortals who are fed like this can be gifted a portion of the power belonging to the vampire including a cessation of aging.

Auspex: Even more than other kindred, the Mekhet live in the shadows, and they feed on what is hidden. Letting loose the Beast on secrets, Maximillian can obtain visions and flashes of insight that reveal precious information that he can exploit. The Beast can pinpoint danger and weakness, perceiving things others cannot, and provide awareness of what is not apparent in people; and focus on a single person to peel back the shroud of misdirection over her mind and sniff out her secrets, exposing the truth she is hiding to Max. He can use these powers often and without cost, but employing them repeatedly takes effort.

A series of psychic sensory tricks that allow Maximillian to perfectly blend into crowds our groups of people despite his appearance, going unnoticed by anyone as long as he does nothing attention-grabbing; he can extend this benefit to objects or other beings that he comes in contact with. He can also, with some effort, vanish completely to all five senses. If he does this no amount of activity will alert anyone but his direct victim to his presence... or the victim's peril.

Some vampires keep their Beast tightly leashed. Others indulge in it, allowing it to manifest in the increasingly more monstrous ways that are the domain of this power. Maximillian can use this power to make the earth itself open to receive him and merge with the ground, safe in its embrace where he can remain until he decides to emerge. He can sink into other materials apart from soil with additional effort. While submerged, Max's kindred senses continue to function and he can absorb blood that is spilled on the ground. Greatly damaging the ground where he is resting will cause him to emerge.

Celerity: Unholy speed achieved by channeling the power of the Beast, which gives Maximillian some ability to dodge bullets through increased reflexes; and by expending life force, allows for bursts of speed faster than the eye can perceive.

Military and Special Ops Training: Maximillian is a trained officer of the German army and a veteran of both World Wars. He is trained in gun-handling (particularly, he is very good with a pistol) and close-quarters combat, focusing on knife fighting, and has basic first aid and survival knowledge. During the era of World War II, he also received expert stealth and infiltration training, and became familiar with basic occult and scientific knowledge. Additionally, he is skilled at deception and manipulation, and retains all of his experience gained on the battlefield and his secret assignments.

- Combat Knife
- Heckler & Koch HK45 (.45 ACP) Pistol
    - Compatible Suppressor
    - 2 Magazine Reloads
- Stun Grenade
- Handcuffs
- Duct Tape
- Gold tooth set in a pendant

Spoiler for Hiden:
Maximillian was born in 1899 in Germany to a countryside middle class working family during the imperialistic era of Germany. As a youth, he lived the rise of tensions across Europe and was drafted to join the military once World War I broke out in June 1914. After receiving training in a regiment, he and his fellow soldiers joined an infantry division as part of a corps organized with a number of others, forming one of the newly established army-inspectorates.

Their division was first deployed on the western front at the beginning of 1915 and was a part of the reserves that countered the British Army's capture of the Aubers Ridge. Afterwards they served as a mobile offensive force and engaged in trench fighting across the western front. Maximillian and his division were some of the forces that stood witness to the most successful use of chemical attacks during World War I, the Second Battle of Ypres.

Maximillian continued to serve in the defense of the western front, and transferred divisions and positions multiple times due to the death of most of his original division. Eventually he attained the position of Lance Corporal (Gefreiter). He cooperated successfully with multiple operations despite being wounded several times in service, but the only other major battle in which he participated was the Battle of Passchendaele in 1917 after taking part in the failed defense of the Messines Ridge. Afterwards what remained of his current division was recalled from the frontlines, and were to serve as some of the reinforcements during the Spring Offensive of 1918, but the German strategy fell apart and they were forced to retreat from all ground taken during the Spring Offensive as a result of the Allies' counter-offensive.

After the Hundred Days Offensive had begun, Maximillian's commanding officer and troops under his command surrendered in October, alongside the large number of other German troops that laid down their arms following the string of military defeats for Germany. Subsequent to the armistice, the Imperial German Army was dissolved and reorganized into the Reichswehr. And as the war ended, popular discontent and the situation of Germany brewed revolution. Max got to live through the death of the empire he served, as the Wiemar Republic was implemented and Germany was made to sign the Treaty Of Versailles, which he alongside many others viewed as a humiliating epilogue to the war. Max endured his feelings on the conditions imposed upon Germany and remained in the reorganized armed forces not for his own sake, but to support his family, who had suffered greatly from the "total war" commitment policy of the country during the war which gave priority to most supplies and produce being sent to support the military's operations.

With the disconnection of the new government from the people, especially the working classes, and recognizing the general instability of the country, Maximillian became a silent supporter of the German Worker's Party (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, DAP). In 1919 he attended a few of Adolf Hitler's speeches for the DAP, and he was convinced to officially join it, becoming its 60th member with the number 560. He continued to support it through its change of name after which it was more commonly known by the Nazi Party. Although he did not directly participate in the Nazi Party's attempted coup d'état, he was among the individuals that unsuccessfully attempted to rally the aid of the local Reichswehr forces, and was only deposed of his rank for his guilt as co-conspirator, an even lighter punishment than the lenient prison sentences of Hitler and other key members of the party. Upon its reformation, his respect for Hitler was renewed, and despite his wish to join the SS after it was formed, he had to remain with the army to provide an income because he couldn't depend on the party to do so.

With its growing strength towards the late twenties and finally the crash of the Great Depression upon Germany, Maximillian left the army to fully dedicate himself to the Nazi Party and the opportunity it was offered, becoming a part of the SS. Max had full faith in Hitler's promises and goals for Germany, fueled by his resentment at the result of the war. They had lost so much, and now they were going to take it back, and more. After a series of political campaigns, the Nazi Party controlled the majority of parliament with the German Communist Party, and in succession to a series of unsuccessful cabinets, Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany on 30 January 1933 by President Paul Hindenburg.

Soon, Adolf Hitler, officially named the Fuhrer and made head of state and head of government, established a centralized totalitarian estate with completely control, focused the industry to remilitarization, and introduced strong anti-semitic policies and laws, as well as rapidly suppressed political opposition. Maximillian was given the rank of First Lieutenant at the time and participated in the annexing of Austria as Germany launched into a series of operations for the sake of regaining control of their own borders and the territory they lost from of World War I.

When plans were being made for the invasion of Poland in 1939, Maximillian had all intentions of participating on the front lines, anticipating a much larger confrontation exploding from it, but then he was recalled to the capital on an urgent note. He personally met the Fuhrer, who explained to Max he had been recruited for a 'special project' sponsored by him. His leader spoke to him of glory, of power to be used for Germany's sake if he would be willing to serve it from the shadows with the same unflinching resolve he had shown, and asked if he was ready to set down his life for the good of the country. Maximillian did not hesitate to accept his Fuhrer's command. That same day, he officially joined the Ouroboros Division. A week later, he had learned of the occult secrets it hid, researched and made use of, and of the existence of Kindred from his Major. Maximillian Achterberg died, and was Embraced, reborn as one of the Nazi regime's secret vampire agents.

He received intensive stealth and infiltration training, learned how to make use of his vampiric powers, and throughout World War II was deployed on an extensive number of missions. He successfully completed multiple nigh-impossible espionage and intelligence assignments across Europe, assassinations, and several special interest targets to consolidate power for the division.

However, in-between missions, he found his belief in Hitler's regime fading as the war escalated and the crusade against the ethnicities that threatened the power of Germany plummeted into what he realized were atrocities against humanity itself. He realized exactly what kind of creature he had become, the kind of monsters and dark knowledge his country were using as tools of war, and how wrongly he had invested his allegiance.

Even though Maximillian now contested the current ways of Germany, he could not act in rebellion due to his position and he still owed loyalty to the people of Germany if not to the mad designs of its leader. Indecision kept him from organizing a revolt or turning traitor, although he managed to help a few concentration camp prisoners escape, even while under his Major's scrutiny. Almost a year since his shift in views, in 1945, the Axis Powers decisively lost ground in the war and the offensive of the Allies intensified and finally reached Germany. During the ensuing chaos of the Soviet and Polish forces storming Berlin, the headquarters of the Ouroboros Division were caught up in the fighting and their libraries of stored occult and esoteric knowledge raided. Mac returned from amidst the skirmishes approaching the capital to that chaos, and it was then that he first met Kindred who were not of the secret Nazi force.

In the aftermath, most of his division and his superior were killed. Due to the secrecy of the matter, it was easy for him to slip away and disappear, as World War II officially ended. While he had no loyalty left for the fallen Nazi regime, he still had duties to the German people and patriots who he did not believe were to blame for the extremes their country had taken, so he helped many escape from becoming prisoners of war or ending up unfairly judged and convicted for their superiors' actions.

It was at that time that he first came into contact with the society of the Kindred behind the Masquerade, and learned of the disturbances the war had left in it as far as Germany was concerned. Max had interest in making sure that the unlawful vampires and loose cannons of the Kindred did not cause further grief to the German people than the war had already, and he made a strong impression on the vampires of Berlin by acting as an enforcer against these miscreants and undesirable sort that threatened the stability of vampire society and Germany.

Eventually, Maximillian cut off all of his remaining personal ties with the mortal world and joined the ranks of the Carthian Movement, which he remains dedicated to this day for their ideals of bettering Kindred society, while serving as an enforcer and aid of the Sheriff of Berlin, as well as a freelancer for miscellaneous jobs requested by the remaining covenants and the kindred in power.

Until the day he fell into a ditch after feeding from a drunk thug on the streets and woke up in Nexus City.

Sunlight: Burns him on contact every minute of exposure. Seeing it can provoke him to uncontrollable fear in some cases.
Fire: Burns badly, defying easy regeneration, and provokes the same fear as sunlight when seen. One of the few things that can leave scars on Kindred.
Staking: Does not destroy him outright, but it renders him completely paralyzed if his heart is penetrated with wood. On the other hand, the ribs at protecting the heart from threats like that to begin with; most humans can't manage enough force to pull it off without assistance even without his enhanced reflexes.
Running Water: Most kinds of running water such as rivers and rain water flowing downhill on a sidewalk strongly repel Maximillian and deny his unlife, searing existing wounds on contact. He can cross over bridges and such, but otherwise, he cannot draw closer than 4 yards from his bane without some difficulty. Much to his dismay, he also finds water taps and showers uncomfortable. And rain. Luckily, smaller volumes of vertical running water don't outright drive him away.

Likes: Animals, hiking, parties, jigsaw puzzles, jogging, democracy, driving
Dislikes: Discrimination, abuse of power, autocratic figures, unnecessary killing, families being torn apart

Notes: Although he still has no problems relating to humanity, Max is not as emphatic to people as he used to be. As a consequence of his waning ability to relate, he has acquired Banes and become completely emotionally disconnected from intentional murder, which bothers him greatly (to the point that he used to scorn it but simultaneously think it a relief). Due to his banes, running water repels him, and he is despised by animals, which go out of their way to avoid him or express their dislike by hissing, growling, or behaving defensively regardless of his actions.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2014, 06:01:29 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts

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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Character Page
« Reply #53 on: June 03, 2014, 12:05:38 AM »
Name: Anti-Fog Metahuman: Prototype Seven
Nickname: Aef (Pronounced A F), or Archive Hunter (prefers the latter)
Race: Metahuman/artificially created humanoid mutant
Age: 28
Height: 5’11
Weight: 175 pounds
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Grey

Appearance: A man wearing a duster, chaps, a worn-out pair of cowboy boots, a cowboy hat and a button-up vest, he is a man with a specific taste in clothing. He keeps himself shaved, and always cuts his hair once they go down into his eyes. As it stands, his hair isn’t far off from a cut.

Scale: servant
Strength: E
Agility: E
Speed: D
Magic Resistance: none
Magic Ability: None

Other Abilities:
Inferno Revolver: A large, metallic rectangle with a handle, and two demi-circle protrusions coming out of its sides near the grip. The top of the length of the rectangle is a barrel, and the bottom a cooling unit with a line-shaped heat indicator, turning blue to red. The demi-circle protrusions are where the chamber is held, sealed.

The Inferno Revolver is a gun with six shots that fires lava, or something so close to lava that the effects and look of it are the same. Naturally, this gun is immensely powerful. However, it takes about a full hour to properly reload, making it far from practical. It suits his goals, however, and he has grown emotionally attached to his own.

Mental Immunity: Aef was made to counter the maddening effects of the world-consuming Fog, and the process that brought forth this success was heavily relying on the idea of “fighting fire with fire”. As such, he is immune to mental interference, contact and attacks.

Talking, attacking and befuddling his mind directly is akin to attempting to walk into a room that has been one-hundred percent filled with concrete.

Fog Walker Unit, design classification: Sleipnir. Also called Slip, it’s a mechanical horse that was once steely gray, but the dusty road worked its magic on it, giving it a brownish color. It is equipped with body-wide shocking capabilities, and a single laser eye, the other one damaged and removed. The laser eyes are small-scale and more of a scare for wild beasts than a real weapon.

It pulls Aef’s wagon.

A Wagon: It’s a wagon, made with somewhat modern materials. It has tires. Also, it has a tarp as a cover for it instead of canvas. Inside the cart is a collection of chests and boxes labeled with all sorts of different subjects, from “HISTORY” to “NON-FICTION” to “FOG” to “SOCIAL STUDIES”.

They are the fruits of wandering throughout what used to be cities or labs, and by extension the reason he is called “Archive Hunter”.

Origin: In a future a couple hundred years from now, there was an elevated lab. Elevated high enough so that the Fog would not be able to climb up and interrupt them, this lab carried out a very important project: the AFM project, a project to artificially create a mutant who could resist the Fog, so that it could find the source of this oppressive substance that had taken over most of the world.

Aef was the seventh prototype, but saying he was the seventh try would be inaccurate. He was the seventh to survive the initial steps, before the scientists moved on the later stages of their anti-Fog alterations, and the second to survive the entire process. The first, and the room their vat was in, was ejected after a series of accidents believed to be the fault of the awakened prototype, due to an unstable state of mind. Aef awoke stable, confused but obedient. He was woken, passed through tests, and put under once again to start a direct brain download of data that would be important to his survival and success on his upcoming mission.

While the download was ongoing, the Fog did the unprecedented: It climbed the height of the research lab and flooded it, in the same way an army would make a preemptive strike against future threats. Aef was in his vat obtaining a data download, and remained blissfully unaware of all of its creators going mad on the outside.

Many years later he was pulled out of his sleep by a Himalayan-class mutant, an eight-or-higher foot tall mass of muscle, who were too wide and whose legs were too big to confuse for a normal humans. The dull witted mutant, resistant to the Fog’s effects to a certain extent, dragged the boy home to show the ‘smart humans’ who lived higher up the mountain. A human village, surviving the Fog’s effects through altitude, where the Fog was so thin it hardly affected them in a negative fashion anymore.

Aef lived there until adulthood, being a boon to the village folk and the mutants alike with his immunity to the Fog. Where mutants could survive being in the Fog for hours at a time, he was both rid of the time limit and overall smarter than the average mutant, who had their brains dulled over time through living further down the mountain, where the Fog wasn’t as thin as it would be higher.

Reaching both the age of twenty and a new, insatiable curiosity, he got the mutant who found him to lead him back to the lab so he could learn more about himself. Searching the high tech lab, he found maps designating other laboratory areas, among other things, with projects related to the Fog, and how to “solve” it, and he also found out the purpose for which he was actually created.

He went on an ADVENTURE to these other labs, figuring that he might as well leave home and see the world after all. Armed with a machete, an Inferno Revolver he found at his birthplace and a backpack, he set out into the dangers of the Fog.

After a few labs, a few libraries, a few settlements and a few years, he was fully equipped with a robot horse, a wagon and the knowledge he had a big sister, the other successful AFM protoype.

Then one day he’s sitting around on his wagon reading shitty literature to pass the time, and bang, solid sunlight and no Fog. He was in Nexus city.

Weakness: long reload time, his library
Likes: Dumb people, reading, his gun
Dislikes: Loud noises, being interrupted, people messing with his shit, laws


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Character Page
« Reply #54 on: June 03, 2014, 09:59:08 PM »
"The motto of the Undead is 'If you fall down seven times, step up eight.' I wish that I could believe in it..."

Name: Can't Remember (Most just refer to him as the Undead Knight or the Chosen Undead)
Race: Undead Pygmy
Age: Can't Remember
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 190 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde

Scale: Mixed
Strength: E (Servant)
Agility: B (Human)
Speed: B (Human)
Magic Resistance: E (Servant)
Magic Ability: C (Servant)


Astora's Straight Sword (Reinforced): A holy broadsword he found while traveling in the Valley of the Drakes.

Winged Spear (Reinforced): The Undead's primary weapon. Can be used in conjunction with his shield.

Crest Shield (Reinforced): A shield lifted off of Oscar the Fateless' body. Resists both normal and magical attacks. Reduces magic damage by 80% and fire by 55%. With his natural magic resistance, it nullifies 95% of damage from magical attacks.

Talisman: Enables the Undead to perform Miracle Spells.

Sorcerer's Catalyst: A wand that enables sorcery.

Magical Abilities:

Wrath of the Gods: A miracle that knocks back, stuns, and physically harms all those within a few meters of the Undead. Quite powerful, but limited in range.

Vow of Silence: Prevents the ability to cast magic in an area, including the Undead Knight's Miracles.

Great Heal: A powerful healing spell. Can be used on himself or onto others.

Sunlight Spear: A magical javelin made up of powerful sunlight and lightning spells. It is the Undead's solution o ranged combat, but has only a limit amount of uses without rest.

Homing Soul Mass: One of the Chosen Undead's few Sorceries. This spell produces five seeking soul-mass orbs, which explode upon impact.

Cast Light: Another sorcery. The Chosen Undead spawns an orb of magical light.

*Note: The Undead prefers physical combat over Miracles and Sorcery, using magic to only augment his abilities or to turn a losing fight into a winning one. He can continually swing or stab, but can only do a limited amount of magecraft without resting*


Mark of the Undead: A black circle located on the upper right chest the Undead Knight tries to cover up in the presence of others. With this, he can never die. Being undead, he neither has to eat nor sleep, but will eventually go hollow and insane.

Humanity: The Undead Knight keeps around twenty of these black sprites in a pouch. These are recovered from the bodies of his fellow man (Though he adamantly refuses to kill others for them). He consumes one of them every time he "dies" to become fully human again.

Souls: Over the course of his journey, the Knight collected many souls. The only ones he has now reside in another pouch. However, not all souls are equal:

1 Soul of a Brave Warrior: 5000 normal souls
3 Souls of a Proud Knight: 2000 normal souls each
14 Souls of a Nameless Soldier: 800 normal souls each
46 Souls of a Lost Undead: 200 normal souls each
15,475 Normal Souls

Along with these are souls who are worth far more; The Chosen Undead also has souls of Gwyn, Gwyndolin, Ornstein, Smough, Sif, Quelaag, and Manus.

Rusted Iron Ring: This ring allows him to travel through water unimpeded. Basically, it enables him to walk in water, even if it is chest high, as if it is dry land.

Old Witch's Ring: Does not provide any benefit aside from talking to the Fair Lady. Wears it out of guilt rather than for usefulness.

Skilled Archer: The Chosen Undead had become accustomed to archery, with both bows and crossbows. However, he had neither of those weapons when he came to Nexus City.

Origin: The Undead cannot remember the time before he was sent to the Undead Asylum. All he knew was that he was a knight of some sort, apparently one who was with a Covenant due to his knowledge of Miracles. Sometime after his imprisonment, a fellow knight named Oscar started freeing many the undead, trying to figure out who was destined to be the Chosen Undead. Oscar was unfortunately killed by the jail keeper, but the Undead Knight escaped the Asylum and begun the journey to Lordran.

It was in that city that he faced many trials, such as slaying dragons, demons, even the guardians and Gods themselves. He became known as the Chosen Undead, one who was to bring about change. But the man was sliding down to the pit of despair. It seems that all he brought was further suffering to those around him: Some friends were becoming Hollows, others he just wasn't able to save from gruesome fates. His kindness was returned with treachery, his violence was met with guilt. It was eroding the Knight, rotting him from the inside out.

It was only after he killed Gwyn, Lord of Sunlight, that he nearly became Hallowed himself. He was presented a choice: To give his body to the first flame and hold back the inevitable night just a little longer, or to allow darkness to reign. Both choices were poor. The former only led to suffering for himself, only for it to be in vain in the end. The other...well, he had seen the Abyss, and what it does; to become the new Dark Lord would be to cause The End.

So, he just sat down, refusing to do either. Giving in to his own pity, the Undead almost became just another mindless husk. It was only for the fact that a portal opened up beneath him, sending him to a city that he neither knows or understands...

Weakness: Overwhelming force, Despair
Likes: Bonfires, Warmth, Estus
Dislikes: Cold, Spiders, Monsters, Dark Places
« Last Edit: June 28, 2014, 06:06:35 AM by MissingMandible »


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Character Page
« Reply #55 on: June 04, 2014, 12:23:08 AM »
Name: Kishinami Hakuno
Race: Human (Magus)
Age: 17
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 99 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Light Brown

Alignment: Neutral Good
Scale: Mortal
Strength: C
Agility: C+
Speed: C+
Magic Resistance: B-
Magic Ability: B-
Other Abilities:
Moe: So adorable, she fosters a feeling of needing to be coddled. She makes friends easier than most despite not seeming to be that extrordinary on first glance.

Hidden Potential: Despite not having really any knowledge period as a magus, she may well have potential towards greater things now that she may have access to magecraft. This will take training to exploit, however.

Moon Cell Physics: Her contract with a Servant works similarly to how it did in the Moon Cell, despite now being in the Nexus. This means that the strength that her Servant gained from her growing stronger is retained.

A contestant of the Holy Grail War on the Moon Cell that managed to surprise everyone by making it far into the conflict despite being a complete underdog. Despite feeling guilty for the deaths she had caused, she soldiered on, with her Servant Archer at her side. However, one day, everything changed.

She went through a seemingly calm, yet looping simulation that shared some similarity to the one that she and the other contestants went through pre-War as a test, until she managed to break through, and it was invaded by shadow monsters. She wound up on the Dark Side of the Moon, her Servant Archer by her side, and together they began to investigate who was responsible, why the slain masters still drew breath, and why they had been brought there.

...But now, things have changed yet again. Hakuno now finds herself in the Nexus, and this time, nothing is familiar. Will she be able to survive this unfamiliar city?
Weakness: Being apart from her Servant or any sort of power boost, as she's essentially a normal girl otherwise unless she learns some magecraft.
Likes: Archer, candy, caring, whether giving or receiving.
Dislikes: Killing people, excessive bragging, hard beds

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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Character Page
« Reply #56 on: June 05, 2014, 01:53:04 AM »

Name: Vlad Drăculea (Vlad Țepeș, Vlad the III)
Race: Heroic Spirit (Human)
Age: 45 (583 years since his death)
Height: 191cm (6'3")
Weight: 86kg (189 lbs)
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Platinum blonde with Pale Blue locks
Scale: Servant
Strength: B (A+) [Without Master - C]
Agility: A (A++) [Without Master - B]
Mana: A (A++) [Without Master - A]
Endurance: B (A+) [Without Master - C]
Luck: D (B) [Without Master - D]
Magic Resistance: B (Cancel spells with a chant below three verses. Even if targeted by High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for him to be affected.)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Weakness: In his Vampiric form he’s vulnerable to holy objects.
Likes: Loyalty, Competence
Dislikes: His legend as a Vampire, Traitors, The Ottomans

Other Abilities:

Independent Action: B
The ability to remain in the world without a Master for a certain period of time. Acting independently from the Master’s prana supply, it is possible for the Master to concentrate their own prana on larger spells, and the Servant fare well if they are injured without receiving prana. At Vlad’s rank, he is capable of surviving three days without a Master, and can remain in the world for several hours upon receiving severe damage to his spiritual core.

Authority of the Impaler Prince: B
An ability that reflects itself as a presence that can be felt merely by being within Vlad’s gaze. Cultivated during his rule, it is the feeling that, before his icy stare, one would find themselves a hopelessly weak and powerless existence. Where he stands, one feels overwhelming pressure, and wherever he looks, there is ceaseless trembling.

Demonic Defender of the State: EX
The ability to mark a region as one’s personal dominion by securing the surrounding leylines prior to an engagement. Within the marked area, Vlad receives a power boost equal to the skill Mad Enhancement rank A minus the loss of sanity. Use of Kazıklı Bei is only permitted within this area.

Kazıklı Bei: The Lord of Execution: B
A Noble Phantasm deployable only within Vlad’s territory. Within a range of one kilometer, up to 20,000 stakes at a time can be manifested at will by Vlad, bursting from the ground to impale opponents or to be used as personal weaponry. Manifested pikes remain as a physical barrier that eliminates free ground, and evasion thus becomes less likely with passing of time. The sight of the pikes impose a curse-like psychological effect, destabilizing an opponent's mental condition with oppressive anxiety and fear.
The Legend of Dracula: The Succession of Blood: A+
Anti-Unit (Self)
An ability Vlad gained through the distortion of his heroic legend, allowing him to alter his aspect to become the vampire modeled after him. In exchange for the sealing of his normal skills and Noble Phantasm, all attributes are boosted to the ones listed in parentheses, and he obtains the capacity to shape shift into a prana-draining mist and assorted animals. Being similar in nature to a Dead Apostle, he possesses the Curse of Restoration and the Mystic Eyes of Enchantment, as well as weaknesses towards daylight and holy symbols. As Vlad has a fervent hate for the vampiric myth surrounding him, he will never resort to this willingly.

Demonic Spear
A demonically-enhanced spear that deals increased damage against those who do not follow the laws of the Impaler Prince. All damage is raised by 1 rank towards opponents whose alignment is not “Lawful”.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2014, 01:17:05 PM by Mooncake »
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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Character Page
« Reply #57 on: June 05, 2014, 03:48:54 AM »
“It’s good to dream, but don’t be shocked when your dream ends up a nightmare.”

Name: Amelia ‘Amy’ Tanner
Race: Human (magus)
Age: 18
Height: 5’4
Weight: 104
Eyes: Blue    
Hair: Black with brown highlights
Appearance: She has a slightly boyish appearance, normally wearing coats over incredibly light clothing such as tank tops. She normally wears slacks for pants.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Mixed Scale
Strength: B (Human)
Agility: B (Human)
Speed: B (Human)
Magic Resistance: E (resistance to mental influence and minor curses)
Magic Ability: A+
Element: Nothingness
Origin: Dreams and Wishes (can be expanded to, “One who grants wishes and realizes dreams”)
Amelia was born with an absurd amount of magic circuits of incredible quality, especially considering she has no linage, even higher than a certain curry loving member of the church, and can be called a miracle for simply existing. Born with the imaginary element of nothingness which is defined as that "which is not possible, but materializes”, and the Origin of Dreams and Wishes. Due to the existence of both of these in Amelia she is capable of the creations of Demons, beings which warp the world around them to how they view it. To give birth to these beings is the purpose of Amelia’s life. The level of her creations depend on the dream or wish she is basing it off of, however she can twist it slightly, for example the wish to ‘fly’ can be actualized as a flying demon with control over wind, or as a demon which remove the earth beneath them making one ‘fly’ until they hit the ground and perish.

Her power itself is comparable to the power of Merem Solomon, who is capable of actualizing his imagination. This is the fundamental difference between the two; Merem can only create things he can imagine, while Amelia relies on others to create. Unlike Meram she names her demons, because unless named by the one who processed the wish or dream they cannot become independent.  It is important to note that while creation of demons is a magical phenomenon once they have a form they become conceptual existences that are no longer affected by things that act against magecraft.  The more impossible the dream for the individual that has it the more powerful the demon will be.

She fails in all other forms of magecraft, even simple reinforcement. This not because lack of potential, but rather she has never received any instruction, but even if she does learn she would only be able to achieve high levels of skills in fields similar to the Einzbern wishcraft, dream magic, or generation of ether clumps. However she can easily create demons as an almost natural process in which she does, how to preform it coming to her instinctively. She often turns the demons themselves into books, which she carries around in a satchel. She is capable of telling the wishes of others. She can utilize a maximum of 2 demons at a time before she starts to lose her ability to move. At 3 her senses diminish and at 4 she cannot respond to any external stimuli, however she can still will her demons to return.

Known Demons:
      King: Her first demon, made with the wish of ‘supremacy’ by one with a low IQ, physically weak, and no talents. It is a demon which will always have a rank higher capabilities then its target, and will never decrease in base capabilities.  Has the form of a wolf with a black crown and bloody spikes coming from its back which produce a highly lethal poison. It distorts the area around it into an empty field of black sand filled with bones. It does not accept commands unless its target dies or Amelia is in danger of death. It is very protective of Amelia, its ‘mother’. It is best described as a rebellious teenager.
         Stats: Servant Scale
            Strength: C
            Agility: C
            Speed: C
      Seraph: A demon created with the wish to ‘meet god’ by one who was a man who committed horrible sins in the name of god and desired impossible repentance. It is a demon that specializes in killing, it adapts depending on its foe to make itself more effective, its stats do not adapt but it gains abilities, like magic resistance or protection from arrows. Not effective on those which have no ‘god’, however even a vague acceptance of an afterlife or higher power will be enough.  Resembles an angel made of raw flesh and porcelain, has multiple wings. The alterations to the world around it vary but always make an unfavorable environment for its target, such as causing floors of collapse at in opportune moments. Completely obedient and does not talk.
         Stats: Servant Scale
            Strength: E   
            Agility: E
            Speed: E

      Ages: A demon created with the wish ‘survive’ by one who could not live no matter the means due to an incurable disease. A demon made of material harder than anything else known to man; it can defend against almost any attack, even magical. Its form varies on the situation, but is always covered in moss and either has incredibly small legs or even lacks them all together, depending on the incarnation it could even be stuck to the floor. The alterations to the world around it vary, however they are normally creation of structures like fortresses or distortion of natural traits of materials, such as making iron soft. Capable of talking, complains about being a shield. Its personality is best described as a cranky old man. 
         Stats: Mixed scale
            Strength: A (Servant)
            Agility: E (Servant)
            Speed: E (Human)

      Proxy: A demon created with the wish ‘to preform magic’ by one who did not know of magecraft and processed no traits or circuits. It is capable of magecraft, the more basic the magecraft the more effectively it can use it but it can replicate just about anything it can see. It passively creates a field where magecraft is slightly increased in power and easier to cast. It takes the form of a rabbit; however it lacks anything on the inside and is simply a hollow shell so will shatter if enough force is applied. Very friendly and capable of advanced thought, discussion and reasoning. It can create human constructs to interact with humans. 
         Stats: Human scale
            Strength: E
            Agility: B
            Speed: A

Other Abilities:
Cold reading: Amelia is capable of reading people very well; she can determine general facts about people by observing their mannerisms, clothing, and so on and so forth. She is also very capable of reading tells and determining if one is lying.

Expert Cheater: Amelia often gambles or does scams to get money due to how she travels. Because of this she has learned to cheat in all manners of games, such as being capable of throwing a dice to land on a specific side or advanced card tricks.

Survival Skills: Very skilled at surviving in the wild and living off the land. She can easily create or find shelter and obtain a steady source of sustenance in the wild or urban environments.

Marksmanship: While not on an expert level she is fairly skilled at using guns, both for hunting and killing.

Satchel with ‘Demon’ Books and other numerous pockets

Simple 9mm handgun

And old bolt action hunting rifle

Rope, Buck knife, other survival tools
Pens and a small journal filled with drawings of demons she can create if she finds a suitable dream/wish
Background: As a child Amelia was born with bizarre magical potential, however unlike her alternate which would become a dread hunter, her abilities where not found out until she awakened them herself. As a child Amelia always seemed to attract success, people would just obtain what they wanted when she was around. Because of this she had many friends. However despite this she knew they were just using her, and so she became resentful.

Then one day she discovered her power, thinking up an odd creature she showed a picture of it she drew to one of the people around her. However after showing it to them the beast came alive and consumed her friends. The beast was born of a wish of supremacy that her ‘friend’ had, and so Amelia instinctively used it to create a beast that would ‘remove all obstacles’ to her supremacy. This demon destroyed the small town she lived in, drawing the attention of the church. However they were unable to defeat the demon or kill Amelia, and she fled riding the demon.

The next few years would be followed by running and surviving, all the while creating demons, setting free ones which were not to her liking. In her travels she has met Merem Solomon multiple times, their meetings either resulting in a nice conversation or Merem having to try and kill her as per Church orders, leading it Amelia creating demons to deal with Merem, such as Seraph. However they were still incredibly friendly despite this.   Amelia loved her new ability and become one who realized dreams. Too bad people don’t know that dreaming for the impossible is unhealthy. Creating a demon with the wish ‘Escape’ forced her to escape the world bringing her to the nexus. From the frying pan into the oven is the saying right?

Weakness: Anti-demon defenses and weapons, those faster than she can react, each demon has specific weaknesses
Likes: Ice cream, Animals, Movies (Thrillers), the wilderness, books, idealist (their dreams make interesting demons), Merem Solomon, drawing
Dislikes: Religion, Science, Dresses, hiding, realists (they are so boring)
« Last Edit: August 12, 2014, 04:32:54 AM by Knick »


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Character Page
« Reply #58 on: June 05, 2014, 11:58:50 AM »
This character deters heavily from the canon he belongs to and includes a multitude of elements from a future fic of mine. Thank you for your understanding.

"It's not that I don't have one. I'm a magus too, of course I want to reach the Root and all... but, I think there are some other things I want more. Anyway, I won't know until we get to that point. For example, if my sister dies in the war, I may want to resurrect her. Something like that would override my own wish. The sister I have now means more to me than the Root I'll reach in a hundred years."

Name: Caules Forvedge Yggdmillenia
Race: Human
Age: 18
Height: 172cm
Weight: 63kg
Eyes: Greyish Blue
Hair: Dirty blonde
Scale: Human
Strength: A+
Agility: A+
Speed: A++
Magic Resistance: C+
Magic Ability: B-
Weakness: Overprotective to a fault. Incredibly nearsighted, to the point of being legally blind, without his glasses.
Likes: Fiore, Classical music, his uncle, thinking logically.
Dislikes: Anyone who comes Fiore to harm, his father, the “Magus mindset”, being looked down upon, lying or being dishonest.
Alignment: True Neutral

Other Abilities:

Magical Ability: The Forvedge family’s native magecraft is Spirit Evocation; The use of Prana to summon spirits, Demons and similar creatures. While he has great skill in using this in a myriad of appliances, Caules is not a particularly great Magus with average Circuits in both quality and count, little more than a pale comparison to his sister’s talent.

Residual Thoughts Playback: One of Caules’s most interesting uses of his Magecraft; using the residual thoughts of those who have been in the surrounding area in the last few days, effectively allowing him to create and watch a security camera tape of the local happenings. This is far more effective if the person whose thoughts he’s watching has already deceased. This spell is also quite dangerous to Caules himself, as it forces him to relive the pains of the person whose thoughts he’s playing back.

Summoning: The primary purpose of Caules’s Magecraft. Due to his weak magical aptitude he only has three different kinds of summonable creatures.

Leopard: A leopard summonable through the use of a full ritual. It doesn’t behave any differently than any normal leopard, but it is directly controlled by Caules’s own thoughts.

Rot Worms: Worms that are by themselves pretty harmless but move at high speeds, they dig into their opponent’s flesh and dissolve into dozens of eggs, which rapidly hatch into more worms, the hatching process causing insurmountable amounts of pain to the target.

Lesser Demon: The most basic application of someone who practices Spirit Evocation; The calling forth of weak beings made from the Sixth Imaginary Element. Their functions vary greatly, but are generally not that powerful and are mostly used as scouts. Caules is reluctant to use this because of a childhood trauma of his father summoning one of these in his and Fiore’s dog.

Reinforcement: The quintessential simple Thaumaturgic ability. The most difficult Magecraft with the purpose of pushing a basis to the utmost. It is the foundation of all Magecraft that enhance the existence of the target by pouring prana, but as no clear expression of how much it can be enhanced is defined, almighty reinforcements are rare. It is the same as adding something to an object that is already complete, in case of failure the target will receive it as a poison. Success requires a good grasp of the inner structure to fill openings with Prana. Reinforcing the purpose of existence would be increasing the sharpness of a knife, the nourishment of food, or in the case of a living creature, physical strength and durability. It is impossible to reinforce something vague.

Caules was taught high-level Reinforcement by his uncle, a weak Magus who abandoned the path of the magecraft and instead used his magical talents to become a world-champion Savate boxer through the use of reinforcement, applying great levels of control to compensate for his weak circuits. Caules, over the course of a couple of years, inherited his technique.

Savate: A traditional French martial art which uses the hands and feet as weapons combining elements of western boxing with graceful kicking techniques. Caules was taught this by his uncle, a world champion of 14 successive years through the use of impeccable technique and the use of Reinforcement. Due to the use of prana and Reinforcement, the version of the art Caules practices is somewhat different from ordinary Savate, instead having become an art that only a Magus could practice, a kind of “Super Savate” similar to Kotomine Kirei’s “Super Baji Quan”.

Origin: Born into the 6th generation of the Forvedge family, an originally Italian Magus family that moved to Britain some time in the past, Caules could not be called a fortunate or even a loved child. His family held him to standards he could never reach, standards set by his elder sister, a genius from birth who went above and beyond all expectations despite being crippled. Caules was humiliated, scolded or even beaten for every standard he did not reach. Only the sister that he might have otherwise shunned genuinely cared with all her heart for him; Giving him her meals if he was denied food, helped him patch up if he was beaten and offered him a shoulder to cry on whenever he needed one, despite her being scolded for doing so every time.

The hostilities between Caules and his parents reached a peak when he was thirteen: His father, a cruel and abusive aristocrat responsible for his children’s torment, used Fiore and Caules’ dog, a wonderful animal Fiore got as a birthday present when she was eight, as an example of the consequences of messing up when using Spirit Evocation. Forcing his children to watch, ordering them to look upon the horrific sight and not move even a muscle, he summoned a Demon within the dog, causing it to be torn apart and cover the room in a fine sheen of red. Though Fiore was struck still by sheer terror and disbelief at her father’s actions, Caules snapped, attacking his father and through the help of Reinforcement applied in a mad panic, tore one of his old man’s hands off in rage. Horrified at what he had done, Caules ran. Even if he hated his father, and his mother for never stopping her husband, he had forced Fiore to behold kin turning on kin in his blind rage, and he could not face her or forgive himself for such a thing.

Now on the run from his family, Caules was picked up and taken in by his uncle, a weak Magus who abandoned the path of magecraft in disgust of the heinous actions of Magi in the name of improving their craft, instead taking up the sport of Savate, in which he became a world champion with a one-and-a-half decade long streak through the use of mild Reinforcement. Over the course of three years, Caules became the spitting image of his uncle in his youth; Strong, logical and yet entirely awkward. Going to school while training in the art of Savate in his spare time, Caules abandoned the path of the Magi for those three years, thankful of his uncle who, unlike his father, genuinely cared about the children his father could not claim to do the same for.

At the end of the third year, Caules learned that his parents had passed away in an experiment caused by trying to summon a Demon too great for his father to handle, and with their passing, Fiore, now the Head of the Forvedge family, re-established contact with Caules. Joyous to see the sister he was born only as a ‘spare’ to would forgive him for the sin he committed, Caules rejoined his sister in the family estate, and once again took up their craft in hopes of lightening the burdens he could not help her bear for all the years he was gone, and all the ones to come. He never hated the idea of thaumaturgy, holding and controlling scientifically impossible phenomena, merely the path necessary for being a master practitioner of it. Upon their reunion, Caules vowed to protect his sister from all harm until the day he died.

Not even two years later, Caules and Fiore were called forth by the family they were themselves a branch of, the Yggdmillenia, to do great battle together with the Lord of Millenia, Darnic Prestone Yggdmillenia, for the sake of the Holy Grail. Except that they, on the way there, ended up in entirely different parts of Nexus City.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2014, 01:43:46 PM by Christemo »


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Character Page
« Reply #59 on: June 06, 2014, 08:22:00 AM »
Name: Kyle Teems
Race: Werewolf
Age: Around 400, looks ins his mid-twenties
Height: 6'
Weight: 170 lbs
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Black

Appearance: Kyle has an athletic but not too muscular body. His skin is on the light brown side of dark and he keeps his hair in intricate yet artistic cornrows, each ending up with a clip taking the shape of a snake head. On his left palm, a pentagram can be easily spotted, proof of his nature. Kyle doesn't like to look at it and covers his hands with leathery gloves.He has an intriguing presence and masculine yet rather harmonious traits. His eyes shine strangely in the dark. He sports a thin goatee and his left brow, upper right ear and tongue are each pierced with a set of three diamonds. His left eye is surrounded by a snake tattoo coiling around the left side of his face and ends around his left ear. Surrounding his neck hangs a crow pendent Forest gave him centuries ago.

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Scale: Servant
Strength: B (A+)
Agility: D (C)
Speed: D (C)
Endurance: C (B+)
Magic Resistance: -

Weaknesses: Silver, decapitation, brain destruction. Sustaining more damage than he can heal. Magic works fine. Ghosts freak him out.
Likes: Forest, Wynn's body, hitting on Ash, freedom, money, a good laugh, rough sex, carefree people, grapes and rum, teaming up with Gabriel to tease Forest.
Dislikes: Quinn R. Frost, Ash(Berserk mode), stuck up people, Werewolves, the No Man's Land.

Other Abilities:
Martial Arts: Kyle has learned how to defend himself with different styles over the centuries. While he's more prompt to shoot people because of his practical side, he has been more than once in situations where it came in handy. It also helps channeling his anger which leads to becoming a hulking not-too-happy beast.

Shapeshifting: Like other Werewolves, Kyle has the ability to change into a feral beast. Doing so enhance his abilities as a fighter but reduces thought capacity. Kyle has retained a certain control over it but will eventually snap if provoked in this form.

Regenerative ability: Part of the curse if that it makes you heal faster than mortals and most supernatural species. While quite handy, it still requires time to recover from the worse wounds.

Expert Tracker: Kyle is skilled when it comes to trailing someone. For this very reason, he's often hired to find people disappearing in the Nexus. His success rate is mild, which is pretty decent for a place like the Nexus.

Burglar: Kyle is an extremely talented thief. Able to break in most places without raising attention. He can lockpick pretty much any door, unless it's something akin to a safe with a specific mechanism.

Mental Training: While it may appear that Kyle has a good grasp of his bestial side, it's related to the daily mental exercises he has to go through. Because getting angry is faster when you're a predator, it's necessary to keep his psyche balanced and evacuate the stress before he reaches his limits. This allows him to resist mind probing. It doesn't block off telepathy but won't allow people to read him open like a book. A powerful mind reader can bypass his mental defenses with brute force but doing so is very likely to trigger a transformation.

S&W M&P 40: His weapon of choice. 15 rounds capacity. While it looks like a normal weapon, it has been cursed by a powerful witch to bring unbearable pain to whoever gets shot. The suffering is proportional to the sins this person brought to others.

Silver & Iron handcuffs: Ideal to neutralize vampires, werewolves, faeries and some other species. He always have at least a pair of these on him.


Unwanted child born from an abusive master and a slave mother in 1623. He grows up in Virginia and learns to work at three. When he reaches his six year of existence, he's sold as a sex slave to an European Aristocrat traveling back to England. The child is quickly put to 'work' and starts a miserable life devoid of any hope. Docile and patient, he waits for a good opportunity to escape. This chance his granted to him two years later when he managed to run away from town and makes his way into the nearby woods. Thinking himself in security for the first time of his life, he doesn't bother to look behind as he goes deeper and deeper inside tortuous paths. As he starts to wonder how he will find food in this dark place, he finds a seemingly desert campfire with what looks like a roasting rabbit on it. Hoping nobody would find out, he snatches the piece of food and run away. As he stops to catch his breath, Kyle finds three people surrounding him. The trio neutralizes him quickly then decide that he's far too skinny to make a really good meal. One argues that he's only interested in devouring his heart but the others two propose to turn him so that he can lure more people into the woods for them. Without a way to defend himself, Kyle become their plaything. He follows their orders and help them feed. After a while, the group starts getting closer to the town, much to Kyle's terror. Eventually, the young boy managed to bring a blond woman with him but, when his comrades surround her, she makes short work of them. Kyle tries to flee, in vain.

The vampire presents herself and explains him that she was sent to inquire about the disappearance of several persons in the vicinity. Kyle explains that what he made was wrong but didn't have a choice. He asks for forgiveness in tears but instead of the cold silver kiss, she gives him a hug and promises to not hurt him. From this point onwards, the two travels together as Forest teaches him how to control his instincts. She gives him a short but strict education and the little wolf is happy to learn. They only stay together for a couple of weeks before she brings him to a vampire's couple who would raise him as their son. Kyle refuses to part ways but Forest answers that she couldn't guarantee his safety. She gives him a crow pendent and leaves shorty after.

Nowadays, Kyle is a Hunter. Contrary to most of them, who act in cooperation with the Church or any other organizations willing to share information, he usually works alone. He gives chase to the supernatural beings in the Nexus who threatens the population and help those in troubles. While he is willing to help however he can, he prefers to keep an eye on his own species because unlike him, they rarely shows the will to control their powers or their frenzy.

Just by looking, it's easy to tell, Kyle is a kind guy with an open personality. He doesn't discriminate, simply esteem people through actions. Among the Lycanthropes of the Nexus, he's one of the easiest to get along and it happens rarely that people get seriously mad at him, because, down to the core, he stayed true to the teachings he received from a certain vampiress. He gets along just fine with about anyone and this clownish facade that he shows is genuine in spite of what others might think.

Kyle is often difficult to keep up with, his pace being somewhat unpredictable. Kyle is also stubborn and persistent. He's rather pragmatic and prefers the expeditive approach when dealing with a job. He's not heartless but would rather kill a dangerous guy than seeing him free few hours later because he knows who to bribe. While being part of the goods guys, he's still down to earth on matters of money and ask for a reward each time he accepts a job.

He is rather well known among the werewolves for having killed some of their pack leaders but, is considered a strange individual for denying the life in community with his kin.

He has a serious feud with Quinn and would likely kill him if given the opportunity. He gets along mildly with Gabriel, calling him Lucifer. Although they might not be really close, he usually tags along with the hybrid in order to tease Forest. He considers her lakin to a mother figure but won't necessarily listen to her. Because she has yet to succumb to his charms, he has his eyes on Ash nowadays. Although he doesn't have real feelings for her, he thinks she would make for a nice trophy. He's also an acquaintance of Joshua Hunters.