Try out the Arcade! Aim for the highest scores and become a champion!
I'm having deja vu
Cool, planning on going rather low teir people this time. Or rather people that suffer crippling overspecialization, whose abilities might seem strong in theory but in practice are not really all that amazing.
Is the character sheet format staying the same save for some variation in stats?
If everything goes well, I should have things up this weekend.Now, to be fair, what is the max amount of characters we should have?Right now I'm thinking of 4 + one killiable Antagonist (however only a few members will get to play villains/antagonists).I don't want a cluster fuck of characters that get abandoned or people getting stressed out because they can't handle them all.
Well, I have a significant problem with anything less than five right now, because I have five characters and I can't easily drop any of them (Kiyoshi and Rider are the only two I have that I can send in right away, and Rider on her own wouldn't have much reason to do anything, plus I then can't justify sending in the rest later).
Hmm, has the rule changed for Tom then? Is he still one of my four/five normal characters because of the whole "can be redeemed" thing, or is he in the antagonist slot? I'm cool with it either way, I'm just asking for clarification purposes so I know whether I have an extra slot or not.