Explanation of my badness part Final
8. Last, and most importantly, is that he's basically godmoding (even if you deny that with the fact that you didnt give him the item that makes him, you know, immune to ANYTHING)/metagaming.
Ok so this I cannot arbitrarily deny, due to inherent bias (Mine). I will however try to reasonably argue that it wasn't, though you are free to call me on my bullshit.
Bullshit-Zelretch-fic-tier teleporting outside-of-space-and-time dorm with more stuff in it than you can shake a stick at,
Seven or eight personae can create a vast underground labyrinth, perpetuate an infinite time loop, and facilitate full on time travel. Minato has 200 at minimum.
Though it is not outside either time or space, it is affected by time normally but occupies multiple points of space.
As for the stuff in it, most of it is stuff he picked in Tartaros, treasures, weapons, ect. Most of which has little use and is of little value other than ooh shiny. Some of it may come into play later but most of it is just shiny stuff on a wall.
The Tea he bought in a specialty shop that was recommended to him.
consumable items for literally every situation (none of which are listed on his character profile),
I will add mention of his inventory in my profile edit. I will try not to be too unbalanced with item use.
apparently has stuff like "How to survive in the Nexus: the book" (Excuse but u wot?)
Maybe I should have just called it that...
That was a heavy handed reference to Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy, and to be honest given the sheer number of people in the nexus, and that there is apparently no such thing as a native, I would be more surprised if nobody had written a book on how to survive there by now.
and worst of all; his complete and total domination of every scene he is in. Not in the physical violent sense, in the sense that he completely shuts down other people's character interaction by having the situation always centered on himself. Can you really, honestly, truthfully tell me that his interactions with JoJo and Tokiomi was him/you not destroying any attempt at JoJo or Tokiomi being able to interact, while steering the situation 1000%?
This I must apologize for. By the time I realized what I had done I was stuck at a point that I just had to keep going and hope for the best. To Knick and Kat, I am Sorry.
Minato's Personae are supposed to affect how he acts, but I ended up overdoing it, sorry.
There is not really anything else I can say but that I will try to get better.