Author Topic: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).  (Read 217954 times)


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1500 on: July 08, 2014, 07:29:37 AM »
Call it what you will I won't just sit idly back anymore when I see something that really shouldn't be on a sheet, especially if the Aprocrypha version is what he is trying to go for.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2014, 07:30:16 AM by Milbunk »


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1501 on: July 08, 2014, 07:35:29 AM »
Call it what you will I won't just sit idly back anymore when I see something that really shouldn't be on a sheet, especially if the Aprocrypha version is what he is trying to go for.

There are tons of other OPed shit on this rp and this is seriously the one you decided to flip your lid on? Well, um, ok. If that's what you insist on, lol. Hue.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2014, 07:36:13 AM by Puck-Chan »

On 3/22/15, at 10:09 AM, Donkey Punch Fucker! wrote:
> On 3/22/15, at 10:07 AM, ReverseLogic wrote:
> > seriously, again, I ran one of the weakest characters. you keep obsessing over abilities and powers
> Power, it's something so... so intangible. Yet, has such a strong grip upon me. I... I want it. I desire it, in my hands, in my life, in my soul. And once I have, I will simply want more, while jealously guarding what I have.


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1502 on: July 08, 2014, 07:37:06 AM »
Call it what you will I won't just sit idly back anymore when I see something that really shouldn't be on a sheet, especially if the Aprocrypha version is what he is trying to go for.


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1503 on: July 08, 2014, 07:38:55 AM »
Call it what you will I won't just sit idly back anymore when I see something that really shouldn't be on a sheet, especially if the Aprocrypha version is what he is trying to go for.

I love you Kat. <3

On 3/22/15, at 10:09 AM, Donkey Punch Fucker! wrote:
> On 3/22/15, at 10:07 AM, ReverseLogic wrote:
> > seriously, again, I ran one of the weakest characters. you keep obsessing over abilities and powers
> Power, it's something so... so intangible. Yet, has such a strong grip upon me. I... I want it. I desire it, in my hands, in my life, in my soul. And once I have, I will simply want more, while jealously guarding what I have.


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1504 on: July 08, 2014, 07:43:23 AM »
Like I said, one thing at a time.


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1505 on: July 08, 2014, 07:51:43 AM »
Like I said, one thing at a time.

How about this? You let Nachos and Elf deal with it and pipe down, okay? It's their job to decide, not yours.  :3

On 3/22/15, at 10:09 AM, Donkey Punch Fucker! wrote:
> On 3/22/15, at 10:07 AM, ReverseLogic wrote:
> > seriously, again, I ran one of the weakest characters. you keep obsessing over abilities and powers
> Power, it's something so... so intangible. Yet, has such a strong grip upon me. I... I want it. I desire it, in my hands, in my life, in my soul. And once I have, I will simply want more, while jealously guarding what I have.


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1506 on: July 08, 2014, 08:05:39 AM »
Fair enough, I'm not the GM so I cannot actually do anything about it, however that won't stop me from voicing my complaints and I really don't want to end up in another Karna vs Gil debacle that really shot down my motivation for this particular RP, and I'm still struggling to find a new foothold in some way.


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1507 on: July 08, 2014, 08:08:26 AM »
Fair enough, I'm not the GM so I cannot actually do anything about it, however that won't stop me from voicing my complaints and I really don't want to end up in another Karna vs Gil debacle that really shot down my motivation for this particular RP, and I'm still struggling to find a new foothold in some way.

Meh. Just deal with it. Doubtful it'll become like that again anyway, so as long as people are careful.

On 3/22/15, at 10:09 AM, Donkey Punch Fucker! wrote:
> On 3/22/15, at 10:07 AM, ReverseLogic wrote:
> > seriously, again, I ran one of the weakest characters. you keep obsessing over abilities and powers
> Power, it's something so... so intangible. Yet, has such a strong grip upon me. I... I want it. I desire it, in my hands, in my life, in my soul. And once I have, I will simply want more, while jealously guarding what I have.


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1508 on: July 08, 2014, 08:32:23 AM »
This was a beam by the fortress not from Semiramis herself correct? That is a very different thing you know.

It's one and the same. She's directing every beam from the fortress herself. There's no difference.

Semi can also make functional mirror images of herself with the same magical output and insta-cast Greater Rituals while on the Fortress.

I mean, for fucks sake, are you expecting an EX-ranked Anti World NP  to not be ridiculously overpowered?


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1509 on: July 08, 2014, 08:43:24 AM »
The difference is for example where in the world she can even aim the beams or how many she can fire at a time or if she can even fire them from her person like Medea can for example.

Just how can you confirm that they have the exact same magical output as she does?

And what kind of Greater Rituals, there's a huge difference in the types as you should know.


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1510 on: July 08, 2014, 08:48:49 AM »
Because the mirror images do the same amount of damage with beam spam.

Don't even start on the specifics of the Touhouness when Medea doesn't have em herself.

And by Greater Rituals I mean insta-summon 3000 of the Dragon Tooth Warriors Medea has, except they're stronger and can fly.


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1511 on: July 08, 2014, 08:55:49 AM »
So you're telling me she has HSDW, like she actually casts it from her fingers like Medea does regardless of if it is a clone or not?

I refer to the fact that Medea has the knowledge and skill to be able to cast as effectively as she can while Semiramis lacks HSDW for some reason or another. You'd figure she'd have it even at a reduced rank if at all but nope she does not.

No where does it say they are stronger then Medea's bone warriors. And besides Medea's bone warriors are just as easily summon-able considering that by herself she can instantly surround the Emiya household and summon them so fast that they can even trip up Saber. They are even saidthat each one is stronger then a normal human.


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1512 on: July 08, 2014, 09:06:39 AM »

I'll add HSDW if it gets your panties untwisted. She possesses the ability to insta-cast Greater Ritual-level stuff so I guess she should have it.

And surrounding a house and THREE THOUSAND are entirely different ballparks. And each one is equal or better than the Yggdmillenia's combat Homunculi, who are a lot more than human. And they can fly.

Mil if you quit waifufagging here and stop complaining about an EX Anti World NP being stupendously OP, then my answers will stop boiling down to smug ways to say "LolEX"
« Last Edit: July 08, 2014, 09:15:08 AM by Brahmastra »


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1513 on: July 08, 2014, 09:15:55 AM »
No I don't think I will and you want to know why? Because if she really does have HSDW that are stronger or in equal rank to Medea I would have received multiple messages about it and I'm not going to let that slip by.

Consider the circumstances of which those are taken from, Medea has just lost her base, her Master and pretty much everything she had and still summoned a ton of them while Semiramis is sitting pretty on top of her giant base, given the circumstances I think it's more impressive for Medea.

Also if they were equal or better then all of the Yggdmillenia's stuff then how come they didn't just swarm them all on the first day and win instantly?

I will quit complaining just as soon as you quite trying to overpower Apocrypha Servants.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2014, 09:17:13 AM by Milbunk »


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1514 on: July 08, 2014, 09:58:05 AM »
Hey Mil why didnt Medea just steamroll every Servant in the war including Gil without a Master, a base and whatever else she had and won the war in a single night?


1. Medea has at most shown to summon a few dozen spoopy skelemans at once. A few dozen <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 3000 stronger ones. I don't give a shit about circumstances.

No I don't think I will and you want to know why? Because if she really does have HSDW that are stronger or in equal rank to Medea I would have received multiple messages about it and I'm not going to let that slip by.

2. Please tell me more about your Medea Powerlevel NSA that doesn't exist.


Also if they were equal or better then all of the Yggdmillenia's stuff then how come they didn't just swarm them all on the first day and win instantly?

Because A. Black Team has Servants. B. Hanging Gardens takes a while to set up. and C. Because it would've made for a shitty story, and check my comment above point one.

I will quit complaining just as soon as you quite trying to overpower Apocrypha Servants.

And I won't give an inch because you believe a low-tier Servant is the center of the fucking universe. Otherwise wait for CanonRap to translate Vol 2 and then forever hold your fucking peace when he proves me right.

Semiramis isn't getting changed in any way other than what Names requested.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2014, 01:15:53 PM by Brahmastra »