Author Topic: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).  (Read 218118 times)


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1740 on: July 20, 2014, 04:36:49 PM »
Mille is pretty much one of the biggest badasses ever against the things, good to know. :3

(also yolf get on skype we miss you)

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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1741 on: July 20, 2014, 04:56:27 PM »
Which would be extremely useful information if we had any IC reason to actually know this. It's not that I can't find any way to stop him, but that the only ways I can stop him involve blatant godmodding, so I need to at least get Elf to approve it first.
Well he just needs to feed. He won't kill him.

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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1742 on: July 20, 2014, 04:59:03 PM »
Which would be extremely useful information if we had any IC reason to actually know this. It's not that I can't find any way to stop him, but that the only ways I can stop him involve blatant godmodding, so I need to at least get Elf to approve it first.
Well he just needs to feed. He won't kill him.

Well, what would be the likely effect? I'm just trying to work out how to react here.


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1743 on: July 20, 2014, 05:11:07 PM »
Something along the lines of "oh my god an evil shadow owl is on me and sucking out my soul aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh." I'd be more concerned about that first one than Kiyoshi's reaction there, the reaction bit's pretty simple in this case.

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Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1744 on: July 20, 2014, 05:17:56 PM »
Which would be extremely useful information if we had any IC reason to actually know this. It's not that I can't find any way to stop him, but that the only ways I can stop him involve blatant godmodding, so I need to at least get Elf to approve it first.
Well he just needs to feed. He won't kill him.

Well, what would be the likely effect? I'm just trying to work out how to react here.
It'd hurt but he'd be fine in a few days.

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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1745 on: July 20, 2014, 06:20:31 PM »
Which would be extremely useful information if we had any IC reason to actually know this. It's not that I can't find any way to stop him, but that the only ways I can stop him involve blatant godmodding, so I need to at least get Elf to approve it first.
Well he just needs to feed. He won't kill him.

Well, what would be the likely effect? I'm just trying to work out how to react here.
It'd hurt but he'd be fine in a few days.

A few days is quite a while in RP terms, so what prior to that point?


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1746 on: July 20, 2014, 07:06:01 PM »
Soreness and slight anemia, based on what YOLF said in the chat.

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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1747 on: July 20, 2014, 08:37:39 PM »
Kurogami clearly is starting to lantz his char.

My Mage in making might have pretty versatile Awakened Magic that bends reality to his will, but I'm sure to add weaknesses that in practice makes spamming magic and doing something too blatantly magic a dangerous proposition (Paradox backslash).

With Minato's time space control there is the issue of requiring long stretches of time (In the order 6 hours to several days, or shorter periods over weeks.) to do anything remotely significant with (I made a room slightly bigger!), and just because people seem to still have problems with it, I will add to that and say that the nexus supresses that and the only thing he can use time space power on is himself, the dorm, and things in the dorm.

I guess something I forgot to ask.

Why is this old man even doing this? What is his motivation? Why did he even pick Minato other than apparently being nice? How does he even have all these connections and influence?

I will be making a sheet for this guy eventually so most of his story will have to wait but his motivation can be summed up as a split between his ambition to bring peace to as much of the nexus as possible, and his own amusement. His interest in Minato started when he was saved a huge chunk of trouble by Minato destroying a rather violent feral dragon that had gone on a rampage.

The Abyss of Time was totally made by the SEES members' personae over six months, it also facilitates time travel. That is practically half of the plot of The Answer.

When the phenomena of Dark Hour and Tartarus was created, Tartarus, growing out of the ground each night eventually left a great cove underneath its roots. Following the death of the Protagonist, the Abyss of Time was attracted by SEES' grief and sorrow and spread its influence there, rooting down below the dorm. Eventually the Abyss of Time would become active, locking SEES in an infinite time loop where the time will re-reset itself whenever the clock hits 12:00 A.M., leaving time forever frozen on March 31.

Yeah my bad, I looked back over my notes and found that I had misremenbered a few things. I do not intend on taking out a bunch of things but I do want to try to be able to do the things I want to do without trampling lore too much. I actually have a better explanation in my notes that I will put in during my next edit.

I believe it's pretty much the equivalent to Kindred sucking blood that the Hunter is doing right now.

Also, the point with Strige that makes them so hard to deal with is precisely that normally very few things can hurt it, except for its Banes. That would be Fire and Sunlight plus whatever other Bane the Strix has acquired if it's been around long enough.

So, say, if it didn't use the Twilight Form power, a sword that can cut spirits still wouldn't be able to hurt it (unless it was specifically enchanted to hurt Strix by Blood Sorcery), but a shotgun with Dragon's Breath would because it's fire. And it doesn't matter if that fire is of supernatural or mundane origin, it is complete anathema to them.

Right, I get it. The question now becomes, would it be too meta for Minato to know to use fire, normally I would say yes it is and leave it but the city is apparently full of them so my line of questioning becomes;

Are the strix as a whole recent or have they been in the city over a long period?

If they have been here a long time what are the chances of Minato having run into them before?

And if he attacked them would they flee before he cycled through the other elements and tried fire?

I will not interfere this time but I want to know just in case it comes up again later.

Soreness and slight anemia, based on what YOLF said in the chat.

If that is all I will just have Minato heal the problem away at breakfast if Mike wants me to.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1748 on: July 20, 2014, 08:45:26 PM »
Kurogami clearly is starting to lantz his char.

My Mage in making might have pretty versatile Awakened Magic that bends reality to his will, but I'm sure to add weaknesses that in practice makes spamming magic and doing something too blatantly magic a dangerous proposition (Paradox backslash).

With Minato's time space control there is the issue of requiring long stretches of time (In the order 6 hours to several days, or shorter periods over weeks.) to do anything remotely significant with (I made a room slightly bigger!), and just because people seem to still have problems with it, I will add to that and say that the nexus supresses that and the only thing he can use time space power on is himself, the dorm, and things in the dorm.

I guess something I forgot to ask.

Why is this old man even doing this? What is his motivation? Why did he even pick Minato other than apparently being nice? How does he even have all these connections and influence?

I will be making a sheet for this guy eventually so most of his story will have to wait but his motivation can be summed up as a split between his ambition to bring peace to as much of the nexus as possible, and his own amusement. His interest in Minato started when he was saved a huge chunk of trouble by Minato destroying a rather violent feral dragon that had gone on a rampage.

The Abyss of Time was totally made by the SEES members' personae over six months, it also facilitates time travel. That is practically half of the plot of The Answer.

When the phenomena of Dark Hour and Tartarus was created, Tartarus, growing out of the ground each night eventually left a great cove underneath its roots. Following the death of the Protagonist, the Abyss of Time was attracted by SEES' grief and sorrow and spread its influence there, rooting down below the dorm. Eventually the Abyss of Time would become active, locking SEES in an infinite time loop where the time will re-reset itself whenever the clock hits 12:00 A.M., leaving time forever frozen on March 31.

Yeah my bad, I looked back over my notes and found that I had misremenbered a few things. I do not intend on taking out a bunch of things but I do want to try to be able to do the things I want to do without trampling lore too much. I actually have a better explanation in my notes that I will put in during my next edit.

I believe it's pretty much the equivalent to Kindred sucking blood that the Hunter is doing right now.

Also, the point with Strige that makes them so hard to deal with is precisely that normally very few things can hurt it, except for its Banes. That would be Fire and Sunlight plus whatever other Bane the Strix has acquired if it's been around long enough.

So, say, if it didn't use the Twilight Form power, a sword that can cut spirits still wouldn't be able to hurt it (unless it was specifically enchanted to hurt Strix by Blood Sorcery), but a shotgun with Dragon's Breath would because it's fire. And it doesn't matter if that fire is of supernatural or mundane origin, it is complete anathema to them.

Right, I get it. The question now becomes, would it be too meta for Minato to know to use fire, normally I would say yes it is and leave it but the city is apparently full of them so my line of questioning becomes;

Are the strix as a whole recent or have they been in the city over a long period?

If they have been here a long time what are the chances of Minato having run into them before?

And if he attacked them would they flee before he cycled through the other elements and tried fire?

I will not interfere this time but I want to know just in case it comes up again later.

Soreness and slight anemia, based on what YOLF said in the chat.

If that is all I will just have Minato heal the problem away at breakfast if Mike wants me to.

Too Meta. And the Strix have always been there. They just don't always show themselves. When calamity comes, the Owls come ahead of it, a Harbinger of disaster to come. With a possible demon apocalypse on the end, plus the Grail, they're being attracted in numbers because to them this is like a god damn dinner show. Plus, if he ever met one, I doubt he'd KNOW or have been even able to hit it before it decided he'd make a nice host, possessed him, and gone fucking apeshit with him because it can until his body rots to dust, in approximately 2 weeks or so. They'd probably not attack. They don't attack as much as take what they want. And what they want can be anything from a body to seeing someone commit suicide to just talking.

Fucking hell you're going full on Satoshi with Minato, Kurogami.


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1749 on: July 20, 2014, 08:47:40 PM »
I agree, he is going Satoshi 2.0.


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1750 on: July 20, 2014, 08:54:45 PM »
Spending time with Lantz caused him to be infected. Not surprising.

On 3/22/15, at 10:09 AM, Donkey Punch Fucker! wrote:
> On 3/22/15, at 10:07 AM, ReverseLogic wrote:
> > seriously, again, I ran one of the weakest characters. you keep obsessing over abilities and powers
> Power, it's something so... so intangible. Yet, has such a strong grip upon me. I... I want it. I desire it, in my hands, in my life, in my soul. And once I have, I will simply want more, while jealously guarding what I have.


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1751 on: July 20, 2014, 08:57:38 PM »
*rolls eyes* Let's not start user shaming quite yet.

That said, in the future, proper justification and explanations for things like what you've shown with Minato would be welcome beforehand.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2014, 08:58:50 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1752 on: July 20, 2014, 09:01:08 PM »
As YOLF was saying, play nice you guys. There are lines that can be crossed, after all.

To translate... quite frankly, a lot of this stuff doesn't make sense for Minato in terms of abilities or backstory. He shouldn't be able to manipulate the time space continuum, magically heal something like anemia, or take down a freaking dragon so easily, Persona or no Persona. Plus it seems OOC for him to be this actively heroic, or this willing to kill something that looks so human as a vampire does. After all, he's a normal kid at the end of the day.

Basically, Minato's stuff needs a lot of work at this point, as it is getting somewhat ridiculous. 

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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1753 on: July 20, 2014, 09:06:51 PM »
Welp, I have a bit of stuff to catch up with IC.
A lot happened in a short amount of time, and Phoenix's intervention adds to that. However, a fiery, hurricane-"level" whirlwind? With Aegis still active?
Spoiler for Best -monogatari:


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) Discussion Page (OOC).
« Reply #1754 on: July 20, 2014, 09:19:17 PM »
Too Meta. And the Strix have always been there. They just don't always show themselves. When calamity comes, the Owls come ahead of it, a Harbinger of disaster to come. With a possible demon apocalypse on the end, plus the Grail, they're being attracted in numbers because to them this is like a god damn dinner show. Plus, if he ever met one, I doubt he'd KNOW or have been even able to hit it before it decided he'd make a nice host, possessed him, and gone fucking apeshit with him because it can until his body rots to dust, in approximately 2 weeks or so. They'd probably not attack. They don't attack as much as take what they want. And what they want can be anything from a body to seeing someone commit suicide to just talking.

Fucking hell you're going full on Satoshi with Minato, Kurogami.

Alright then, that answers that. Too meta to know to use fire, no chance of having met one before.

No I am not, If I was going the Satoshi route I would have teleported into the bedroom in full battle gear and immediately overkilled it with a top tier fire spell without asking. Instead I have still done nothing and I instead asked questions in OOC to find out if it was feasible for Minato to intervene, which I now know that it isn't so I will do nothing.

To everyone else I know I have issues with explaining, I try to explain things as they come up because there are a lot of things I don't think to put in the sheet, which is one of the reasons why I edit it so much. I have taken some liberties with my Minato, but I try not put in anything that I cannot give an explanation for.

I will however mention that Minato did not have an easy time against that dragon, he nearly died several times over and spent more time healing himself than fighting.

And now I will definitely be starting another round of sheet edits tomorrow.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2014, 09:27:12 PM by Kurogami »