No really I am Fucking finished!
My Gods that was horrific, I hope I never have to go through this again.
Done with the sheet? Good! Minato's unapproved.
The sheet in question:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Name: Arisato Minato
Race: Ascended Human
Age: 17 (Physically - Aging has Ceased)
Height: 170 cm
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Blue

Alignment: Variable Neutral
Base Stats
On the Servant Scale
Strength: X
Agility: X
Speed: X
Endurance: X
Mana: X
Luck: X
Magic Resistance:
The equipment grants strong resistances to everything, further enhanced by the persona though the effect Varies according to the one currently equipped.
Magic Ability:
Fire, Ice, Wind, Electric, Light, Dark, Almighty, Powerful fusion Spells, and other spells of various types are made available through persona.
General Magic Ranking
Special Ability:
A Persona is a manifestation of a person's personality, referred to as a "mask" for an individual to use to face hardship. A Persona is similar to a Shadow. Shadows are malevolent manifestations of ones inner thoughts, while a Persona is a manifestation of the same feelings but tamed and trained. A Persona grants numerous benefits to it's user, a few of which are actually useful outside of battle.
As a side note, as a persona is a manifestation of the user's psyche, a change in the persona is effectively a change in the user's personality, to a greater or lesser extent.
The user's base stats are equal to the equipped Persona's listed stats. The evoked Persona has double the listed stats. The effects of skills take precedence over innate resistances.
The Inherent attributes are unique traits particular to a single Persona granted to it's user while equipped.
Orpheus Telos
Wild Card- The Universe
The power to wield many Persona, even changing between them mid battle. Unlike the three Persona Orpheus Telos, Thanatos, and Messiah, which are fixed, wild card Persona can be gained, lost, combined, and replaced depending on the circumstances. Normally The Universe would allow the user to use any Persona they wished, but the unusual nature of the nexus has limited his available Persona to twelve in total.
Inherent Attribute
The unique capability that is granted to a persona user by their persona. This ability is inherent in all personae. Normally a persona will only possess one inherent attribute, but certain special personae will possess two; A persona that has undergone an evolution will retain the ability from it's previous form, in addition to it's new one. Because of the nature of inherent attributes a normal persona user will only ever have access to one or two of these abilities. It is the users of the Wild Card who are able to truly take advantage of the different abilities granted by persona.
Fusion Spells
The highest form of power, attained by unleashing two compatible Persona at once.
The End, ultimate power which obliterates all in it's path. The form it takes varies according to the user's will. Armageddon reveals the last Truth, that in the end all things will become as nothing once more. The true form of this spell is an unstoppable wave of destruction which leaves only the azure star of mourning to witness what remains. The immense strain involved in using this Spell in particular makes more than a single use per day entirely impossible.
Other Abilities:
Charm- A+
A measure of ones attractiveness, both in speech and appearance. At this level the effect can be mistaken for a magical compulsion. Grants a bonus to persuasion, and at ranks higher than B also provides a bonus to Charisma.
Courage- A+
The measure of ones ability to overcome fear and face dangers to ones life.
At this level the impossible is made possible through sheer force of will, one can only be called a badass; Even the eldritch horror that is Fuuka's cooking can be faced without flinching.
Academics- A+
A measure of the knowledge one has accumulated. Higher ranks allow for broader and deeper knowledge, as well as understanding of more obscure subjects. At this level one can be called a genius whose knowledge has exceeded what can be gained merely through study, possessing a deep understanding in a large number of subjects.
Mind of the Universe
The presence of a vast number of Persona has the side effect of rendering mental intrusion by beings with minds less vast than an elder god unwise...
Not always in the form of actually being knocked down, Minato will always have an adverse reaction to proximity to or contact with his current weakness, the effects can range from general discomfort to massive damage or unfathomable agony. Constant damage from a weakness may prevent Minato from switching Persona until the damage ceases.
Immune and Absorb
In a similar manner to his weaknesses, his immunities are enforced on a conceptual level. That is to say that an attack of the Fire element regardless of it's power or direction will never harm Minato while he is immune. Absorb should be obvious, things that should hurt heal instead, but only when the right Persona is equipped.
Social Link
The true source of Arisato Minato's power, simply put is bonds between others. This manifests quite strongly in Minato's case as The Universe, a power no one had possessed before and no one has since. Due to Minato being complete as an entity, the flow of the links have changed and now grows, stabilizes, and evolves the potential of those he is linked to. This can manifest as growth of existing abilities, development of new ones, or even gaining access to abilities that were previously out of reach. All that can be said for certain is that the growth will always be beneficial in some way, and that it's effect grows as the link does.
Inhuman Soul
Having once hosted a portion of Death in his soul, Minato's soul is no longer entirely that of a human. Even as part of Minato's soul and humanity bled into Death allowing it to later become Mochizuki Ryoji, an equal amount of the inhuman essence of Death was merged with Minato's soul. The result of this did not make itself known until after Minato arrived in Nexus City, solidifying into two distinct skills each with its' own weaknesses and limitations; Lesser forms of the power from which they originate.
Dark Moment
Only at night once per night, Minato is able to disrupt the flow of time momentarily to produce a lag in local space time. Such a thing is entirely useless in most cases, but it may be able to disrupt certain types of effects...
Were Minato willing this skill could in theory be used to institute a Dark Hour, but the energy requirement for such a feat would be beyond astronomical, it is not an amount that could be gathered on one's own even with a thousand years.
Hall of Doors
The ability to see and use doors that lead into the hall of doors. It is just as the name would imply, a virtually infinite hallway with a multitude of doors to many places in and out of the city. This is technically something any human with the right mentality could access, but the only user in the city at this moment is Minato. Though the number of doors in the city indicate that there were users in the city before Minato's arrival.
A user of the Doors is able to bring others through the hallway as well, most will find themselves unable to perceive the doors afterwards; A few however may gain the ability to use the doors themselves. It is impossible for even Minato to perceive the doors during high tension scenes like battles.
A Door user is able to create new doors through exertion of will, but once created the door can never be destroyed, even by the one who created it. Also it should be understood that one must actually physically go to a place if they wish create a Door there.
After arriving in the Nexus, all of the doors leading to anywhere outside of it vanished.
Holy Grail Lucifer
The Holy Grail, forged of the Jewels taken from the Crown of the Fallen Angel Lucifer. Used as a weapon, the divine light within the grail forms into a blade by the user's will. Though it is not primarily a weapon by nature, it should not be underestimated. As a divine relic it exceeds even supreme holy objects such as Lancea Longini or Excalibur, though as a weapon it is exceeded in killing ability by the god killing lance, and is not suited to comparison against the anti fortress Excalibur.
Armor of Light
A set of pentacle engraved armor made from divine light. Provides a large bonus to both physical and magic resistance as well as boosting END. It is generally invisible but Minato can choose to reveal it.
Shoes of Light
A pair of pentacle engraved shoes made from divine light. Provides a large bonus to evasion as well as boosting SPD and AGI. It is generally invisible but Minato can choose to reveal it.
Mp3 Player
A supreme divine relic that grants the user an authority - changing the BGM...
But really, it's just an mp3 player, a really cool one with custom headphones Fuuka made.
The Evoker is a gun-esque item that functions as a summoning medium for Minato to invoke and control his Persona. While it is not strictly necessary in the nexus, he still uses it.
Minato keeps a number of the more useful items that he acquired, such as traesto gems and medical powder, on him just in case he finds need of them.
The Dorm
Spoiler for Hiden: from the original in the video:
On the right wall of the dining area on the first floor is a door leading to a fairly large kitchen.
The door in the indented section of the back of the first floor dining area leads to the basement... And by basement I mean underground time space labyrinth, the lower levels of which hold a large percentage of the shadows in the nexus.
The second and third floor hallways get longer and add rooms based on the number of occupants.
There is a red door on the back wall on the second floor entry that leads to a sort of armory where Minato stored all the weapons and armor he has collected.
There is a yellow door on the back wall of the third floor entry that leads to a treasure room where Minato keeps all the gold, jewels, treasures, and artifacts he has accumulated.
A person who signs the golden book at the front desk will be considered a permanent resident and will find their name on a door on the appropriate floor. The door will only open for the person whose name is on the door, unless the person gives someone else permission to enter. The room of a permanent resident is automatically altered to suit the owner's needs and desires, and can even have doors to or be combined with other rooms if both residents want such.
Spoiler for Hiden:
The Journey
The Protagonist in Persona 3 is first seen departing for the Dorm in Port Island. During that time, he experiences the Dark Hour, and is confused upon the sudden change of the surroundings and the sudden halt of his earphones functioning, though he takes the hour in stride, seemingly unaffected. Upon reaching the dorm, he encounters a child, who promptly gives him a contract to sign, providing players the opportunity to name him. The protagonist transfers to Gekkoukan High School on the next day. His invitation to study as a transfer student is later revealed that due to his capability to adapt to the Dark Hour, he was moved to the co-ed dorm so his potential can be monitored.
During a full moon, one of the Shadows attacks, causing the protagonist to awaken his initial Persona, Orpheus. The summoning sequence, however, was interrupted as Thanatos bursts forth from Orpheus' head, tearing apart Orpheus and slaying the Shadows. After dispatching the remaining Shadows, the protagonist fainted and was taken to the hospital. While unconscious, he awakens in the Velvet Room, where he learns about his abilities. The protagonist later learns about the nature of the Shadows and the existence of SEES, and eventually joins SEES. Out of all characters to appear Persona 3, the protagonist is the only character throughout the game with access to the Wild Card ability.
The protagonist's past is later revealed after Aigis' memories are restored. In the year 1999, when Death escaped the Kirijo group, Aigis was dispatched and was in hot pursuit of the Shadow. It is during Aigis' confrontation with Death, during the Dark Hour, that the protagonist's parents died. Presumably, the protagonist survives due to his potential allowing him to be active during the Dark Hour. Aigis, knowing that she cannot defeat Death, seals a portion of Death inside the protagonist, thus amplifying the protagonist's capabilities of summoning multiple Persona.
In SEES' final confrontation with Nyx, the bonds he has forged with SEES and his other friends give him the power to fight the sorrow, depression, and apathy of humankind, which were what drew Nyx to Earth, by letting him create the final arcana, the Universe Arcana with the help of Igor. With the power of the The Universe, and the cheering on of his comrades he ascends to Nyx' true body, the moon, to combat Nyx itself in a one-on-one battle. After being downed and uplifted multiple times by the SEES members' prayers and Nyx's attacks, he eventually reaches his full potential and performs the Great Seal to miraculously seal Nyx.
The protagonist clings to life for one month after fighting Nyx. He, unlike the others, retains his memories regarding the Dark Hour and Nyx in order to keep the promise he made to meet his friends on Graduation Day. Once his oath was fulfilled, he "falls asleep" in Aigis' lap, smiling.
The Answer
In the playable epilogue of Persona 3 FES, titled "Episode Aegis" in Japan and "The Answer" in the localization, it is revealed that the Protagonist died the day after his sleep, leading to the members of SEES' confusion regarding his cause of death, as the doctor cannot find any unusual symptoms before his death.
After the defeat of Nyx and the death of the Protagonist, Aigis was the one who kept his Evoker, upon witnessing the Abyss of Time, the remaining members of SEES encounter a recurring silhouette resembling the Protagonist. However, whenever they come into contact, the silhouette flees.
It is not until venturing into the deepest area of the Abyss of Time, that the silhouette is revealed to be a shadow resembling the protagonist's appearance. It manifests through the negative emotion and urge of seeing the protagonist one more time deep within the members of SEES. Making its entrance, the shadow challenges SEES, copying their Persona (all of which are colored with a grayish tint) except Psyche and Juno, retaining the Wild Card ability, and several attacks of the protagonist.
Protagonist becomes the Great Seal
The "real" protagonist is later seen in the past, where he seals Nyx. In order to seal Nyx, the protagonist sacrificed his life to become the Great Seal. He was, however, capable of retaining his consciousness long enough to fulfill his oath between the members of SEES to meet again on Graduation Day. The protagonist is shown as a statue, crucified and bound to the door between Nyx and humanity. It is later revealed that Nyx was only awakened because Erebus, a grand being manifested from humanity's grief and negative emotions, was reaching out to Nyx to bring the Fall. The protagonist wasn't trying to seal Nyx, he was acting as a barrier between Nyx and Erebus. After defeating Erebus and realizing the protagonist's purpose, the remaining members of SEES swore to help him bear the burden by making the most out of their own lives.
During the long period of time that he spent as the great seal, Minato would occasionally regain awareness; Sometimes these would only last for only a few minutes, sometimes they would go on for days. Minato has no way of telling how long that lasted, but just the times he was aware seemed to have added up to much longer than he had been alive before.
When he finally woke as a living being once more, many centuries had passed, his loved ones had all passed from living memory. Even Aigis, who had weathered the ages awaiting him, shut down for the last time shortly after she and Elizabeth woke him. He had awoken to an age where he was no longer needed; Humanity had finally overcome it's wish for death.
The Nexus
It was a short and rather uneventful period after his awakening before Minato one day woke up in his old bed, in his old room, in his old dorm, in an entirely new city. A few days later while exploring Minato ran afoul of a rampaging feral dragon. After defeating it and nearly dying in the process, he was approached by an somewhat old man introducing himself as Aien Caebel; The City Council representative for Nexus City District 11, the district Minato's dorm landed in. Aien invited Minato to his home and told him of his dream, to transform District 11 into a place where beings of all shapes and sizes, both strong and weak, could live together safely and in peace. Minato for his part, had nothing better to do, plus he liked the idea; So when Aien asked him to help, Minato agreed.
In the five years that followed Minato explored a large portion of the city, fulfilled requests both mundane and supernatural in nature, and worked with Aien to create that safe haven. In the beginning it was only a small area, but as the reputations of both Minato and the safe haven grew, many beings came to see and participate; Some hoping to finally have a safe place, others hoping to preserve that for others. Over time, with the participation of the many beings (even ordinary humans) from within who had been inspired to join in and from outside who had come to fight for a chance at peace, the haven grew; By the end of the third year the haven had grown to fill the entire district. From there things grew better within, but the chaos outside became a periodic issue as things attempted to encroach on the district.
Over the course of those five years, Minato participated in a great number of battles; Fighting dragons, though none were as strong as the first; Angels and Demons; A hero or two, though neither were of truly mythical status; and Monsters (Read "lots of werewolves"). At one point he even battled a god, though said event was quite unlike a normal battle, and Minato refuses to speak of what happened to this day. Because of this, the district, and the sheer number of requests he has taken; Minato has developed something of a formidable reputation and it is thought by some, quite innacurately, that there is no request he cannot fulfill. Aien has taken every opportunity to whip up and inflate that reputation contributing greatly to just how formidable it has become.
Weakness: Public Speaking, Elevator Attendants, Megidolaon, Others (Depending on the Active Persona)
Likes: Social links, Music, Pharos, Coffee with hot sauce, The Dorm, Cooking Large Meals, Eating Large Meals, Teamwork
Dislikes: Erebus, Reversals, Nihilism
I shall list through... questionable items that led to disapproving the sheet.
Now, since I'm only at the very beginning of P3, I asked people who have played the game about certain things, and have observed youtube videos for others. As such, similarly to how a certain "nasuverse OC" was seen as nonsensical even within his original universe's canon, Minato will also be judged for the game's canon.
Let's start at the beginning.
Race: Ascended Human
Age: 17 (Physically - Aging has Ceased)
Becoming a statue/seal does not make you into some kind of ascended human, and there is literally not a single thing to make you think so inside P3.
It might have kept him in stasis, but that's it.
Base Stats
On the Servant Scale
Strength: X
Agility: X
Speed: X
Endurance: X
Mana: X
Luck: X
Write the character's stats please thank you. This right here is the remainder of an incomplete sheet.
Persona give him different stats? Okay! Then, these stats are him, high school boy, without the persona.
Magic Resistance:
The equipment grants strong resistances to everything, further enhanced by the persona though the effect Varies according to the one currently equipped.
It's not classic "magic resistance," though. He does resist elements because equipment and shit, but that's not "magic" resistance, that's more like SMT-style elemental resistance.
The elements you should have listed instead of lazily writing "everything," by the way.
Even the armor of light, just resists all elements.
General Magic Ranking
Agi- C
Maragi- D
Agilao- A
Maragilao- B
Agidyne- A++
Maragidyne- A+
Ragnarok- EX
Ragnarok does a lot of damage, sure, but is a tiny fart of fire. It's not EX. EX would break the limit on damage solely because too stronk. EX is Enuma Elish, which, at 2% of its full power is stronger than excalibur.
To make a comparison, final fantasy 6's ultima spell. It's stronk as fuck, 9999 to every enemy ever, still not EX. A+ to A++, tops. And it's the strongest spell in the game.
Basically your entire scale's off by three or four increments, though I doubt you think so. This spell baseline is way overwanked.
The user's base stats are equal to the equipped Persona's listed stats. The evoked Persona has double the listed stats.
The evoked Persona has double the listed stats.
To quote my source, "There is literally no reason for that."
We use a scale of E to A. Not numbers. And no, they don't directly translate into nasuverse, so no, they don't all have A+ in everything.
From my source:
>The Inherent attributes are unique traits particular to a single Persona granted to it's user while equipped
>the concept of inherent attributes is flawed
>since Persona are basically shadow/manifestations of your psyche that emulate mythological beings
>and should not have abilities pertaining to the actual being in SMT
>or mythology
Basically, all that in inherent attributes about Messiah?
You want to play Jesus? Play Jesus. Don't make up shit to play japanese magic persona jesus, because it's stupid. And makes no sense, even in-universe.
The other inherent attributes too. Fusion spells are fine, abilities it gives you (1h sword master, or whatever) are fine, being magical japanese jesus because "well the card IS called messiah, might as well go for ALL JUDEO CHRISTIANS WILL WORSHIP IT ON-SIGHT, CAN PERFORM MESSIAH FEATS" is not fine.
The End, ultimate power which obliterates all in it's path. The form it takes varies according to the user's will. Armageddon reveals the last Truth, that in the end all things will become as nothing once more. The true form of this spell is an unstoppable wave of destruction which leaves only the azure star of mourning to witness what remains. The immense strain involved in using this Spell in particular makes more than a single use per day entirely impossible.
>Unstoppable wave of destruction
By the flavor text you'd given it I thought it'd be a big deal, but like, it's just another fire fart. It is blue though. Very impressive. But you made it sound like Enuma Elish at 100% where it split apart the heavens and earth, and yet...
it's just a tiny little fire fart! Ooh, 9999 damage, we talked about this.
Also, we use a scale. E to EX(no this is not EX).
Charm- A+
A measure of ones attractiveness, both in speech and appearance. At this level the effect can be mistaken for a magical compulsion. Grants a bonus to persuasion, and at ranks higher than B also provides a bonus to Charisma.
Charisma's been explicitly told to NOT be put on sheets. This stat? This is charisma under another name.
Your character's charming? That's cool, but instead of saying he is, make him charming instead.
Courage- A+
The measure of ones ability to overcome fear and face dangers to ones life.
At this level the impossible is made possible through sheer force of will, one can only be called a badass; Even the eldritch horror that is Fuuka's cooking can be faced without flinching.
Academics- A+
A measure of the knowledge one has accumulated. Higher ranks allow for broader and deeper knowledge, as well as understanding of more obscure subjects. At this level one can be called a genius whose knowledge has exceeded what can be gained merely through study, possessing a deep understanding in a large number of subjects.
Same here, show, don't tell.
Though, those are lesser complaints. Figured I'd say everything everything.
Mind of the Universe
The presence of a vast number of Persona has the side effect of rendering mental intrusion by beings with minds less vast than an elder god unwise...
Personas are a reflection of your psyche, if anything, someone looking in would just see a kind of mess. Invasion sure would be like fighting a small army, but looking in wouldn't be too bad.
Dark Moment
Only at night once per night, Minato is able to disrupt the flow of time momentarily to produce a lag in local space time. Such a thing is entirely useless in most cases, but it may be able to disrupt certain types of effects...
Were Minato willing this skill could in theory be used to institute a Dark Hour, but the energy requirement for such a feat would be beyond astronomical, it is not an amount that could be gathered on one's own even with a thousand years.
...This entire idea comes out of absolutely nowhere.
Hall of Doors
The ability to see and use doors that lead into the hall of doors. It is just as the name would imply, a virtually infinite hallway with a multitude of doors to many places in and out of the city. This is technically something any human with the right mentality could access, but the only user in the city at this moment is Minato. Though the number of doors in the city indicate that there were users in the city before Minato's arrival.
A user of the Doors is able to bring others through the hallway as well, most will find themselves unable to perceive the doors afterwards; A few however may gain the ability to use the doors themselves. It is impossible for even Minato to perceive the doors during high tension scenes like battles.
A Door user is able to create new doors through exertion of will, but once created the door can never be destroyed, even by the one who created it. Also it should be understood that one must actually physically go to a place if they wish create a Door there.
After arriving in the Nexus, all of the doors leading to anywhere outside of it vanished.
Elf already noped this. It's stupid, and is an addition to nexus (her baby) made without her consent or even consultation.
Minato keeps a number of the more useful items that he acquired, such as traesto gems and medical powder, on him just in case he finds need of them.
You know when I told you to add details?
Saying "Oh he has some items" and not specifying what they do is the exact opposite.
There is a red door on the back wall on the second floor entry that leads to a sort of armory where Minato stored all the weapons and armor he has collected.
If this wasn't in the original dorm, and he's been a statue for so long, why are they there apart from "MUH SPECIALIZED BOSS SETUPS"?
There is a yellow door on the back wall of the third floor entry that leads to a treasure room where Minato keeps all the gold, jewels, treasures, and artifacts he has accumulated.
If this wasn't in the original dorm, and he's been a statue for so long, why is all his shit intact and exactly where he needs it?
The door in the indented section of the back of the first floor dining area leads to the basement... And by basement I mean underground time space labyrinth, the lower levels of which hold a large percentage of the shadows in the nexus.
Usually when you add a dungeon to someone else's RP setting, you ask permission.
It was a short and rather uneventful period after his awakening before Minato one day woke up in his old bed, in his old room, in his old dorm, in an entirely new city.
With all his accumulated gear and money and everything. Right.
A few days later while exploring Minato ran afoul of a rampaging feral dragon. After defeating it
This reminds me of squirrel girl, that one marvel hero who'd defeat Galactus in a fistfight offscreen.
In the five years that followed Minato explored a large portion of the city, fulfilled requests both mundane and supernatural in nature, and worked with Aien to create that safe haven. In the beginning it was only a small area, but as the reputations of both Minato and the safe haven grew, many beings came to see and participate; Some hoping to finally have a safe place, others hoping to preserve that for others. Over time, with the participation of the many beings (even ordinary humans) from within who had been inspired to join in and from outside who had come to fight for a chance at peace, the haven grew; By the end of the third year the haven had grown to fill the entire district. From there things grew better within, but the chaos outside became a periodic issue as things attempted to encroach on the district.
Over the course of those five years, Minato participated in a great number of battles; Fighting dragons, though none were as strong as the first; Angels and Demons; A hero or two, though neither were of truly mythical status; and Monsters (Read "lots of werewolves"). At one point he even battled a god, though said event was quite unlike a normal battle, and Minato refuses to speak of what happened to this day. Because of this, the district, and the sheer number of requests he has taken; Minato has developed something of a formidable reputation and it is thought by some, quite innacurately, that there is no request he cannot fulfill. Aien has taken every opportunity to whip up and inflate that reputation contributing greatly to just how formidable it has become.
HE CAME TO US, A SAVIOR but in backstory only.
This entire backstory smells a lot of sucking dick. Minato's, specifically. How much of a pedestal are you trying to put him on?
I mean, come on. You're wanking this guy to hell and back. A better idea would have been to start at day 1 and actually RP your way into getting that RESPECT AND PROTECTED DISTRICT, instead of just going "THIS GUY IS SUPER RESPECTED HUGE GOOD REP K? K HE'S ALSO VIEWED AS A GUARDIAN BY EVERYONE AROUND bluh bluh bluh." From the get-go.
You're trying to start your part of the RP at the top, and the way you went to it was stupid and not how you should be RPing in general.
Weakness: Public Speaking,
What was all that nonsense about charm and courage, then?
Anyway that's that, I didn't go through every single persona (since already inherent attributes noped at) because they just take up useless space on the sheet, but the bottom lines are:
If you wank your character this hard, they're at risk of going blind.
This is someone else's RP setting, don't add shit like doors, an entire protected district, a dungeon a personal of HUGE REPUTATION and HIGH STANDING, a city counselor (Does Nexus even have a city council?) without even consulting them.
If you want to have a highly respected and influential character, don't be an ass: RP them getting to that point instead of walking in and going "LOOK I'M AMAZING". Minato earning respect and rep through fighting and diffusing fights and what have you could have been interesting to see, while other people's characters would come in and out and shit. Instead you skipped the "grind" just to have your AWESOME SNOWFLAKE.
Learn to actually scale shit.