"Throwing him to the wolves? I'd have thought more kindness would be shown by a saint of generosity."
"You are dearly mistaken. I am not throwing him to the wolves by asking our dear host if he should be removed. I am saving him from the horrible wrath of the she-beast that rules this house, and besides, if Grigori could not dispose of this thing I dare not call a true man, then I doubt anyone short of myself can."
"I take thee at thy word:
Call me but love, and I'll be new baptized;
Henceforth I never will be Romeo."
"I don't understand this at all, Master. They are of rival houses and will never be together, so why even try?", complained Assassin, leaning back into her seat.
"Well, Assassin, people do some crazy things for love", answered her master in kind in a whisper, eyes still on the scene at hand.
"Love... What even is love?", she grumbled.
"Well, I can't say I know much of it myself, but a friend of mine who got married early once described it to me. He said "Love is something you can't measure, decide or even understand. It has no value, but it's still the most wonderful thing in the world, which is why people search for all their life to find it."
"He sounds like he was quite the poet."
"He was. He was a fantastic poet and a devout man. At least until Iemitsu had his tongue torn out, his fingers slowly cut off with the strings of his own shamisen and then fed to the hounds", Shirou mused with just the smallest hint of bitterness on his voice.
"Oh." With that Assassin shut up once more and looked at the movie at hand.
So that's what love is. How very odd.'