Cross Effects > 2.0 Archive- the one no one cares about

Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP

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"Later," Henry declined the offer momentarily, "I think whatever is making the ruckus above our heads warrants more attention. I hope you will excuse me for my leave..."

He then started to follow after Archer and Hakuno while starting to leave the room. But not before he gave a subtle boyish wink towards the Scarlet Knight for luck. It was then the doctor finally started to briskly walk through the hallway to head up the stairs.

Ivan The Mouse:

--- Quote from: Elf on August 31, 2014, 02:34:13 PM ---Wynn's lips curved upward as she took the German's hand.  She said, "I would suggest not letting to of my hand, or there is a great chance you could be lost forever."

Then she pulled Rattus and herself into the shadows.
--- End quote ---

He felt puzzled upon hearing the strange woman's warning of not letting go of her hand. But his hold already was firm yet gentle, so that when she suddenly pulled herself into the shadows and brought Rattus with her, there was no way that he could be lost forever, as she phrased it herself.

The first thing that the German felt when he entered the shadows is pure dread. The shadows, as he saw it, lived up to their name by becoming not only dark, but also empty. However, he thought to himself that this realm or dimension was not empty, but rather full of nothingness. He also thought that the shadows were a perfect manifestation of how some people interpreted the aftermath of death, which is a never-ending and vast space full of nothingness. But Rattus' dread was quickly but gradually replaced with a neutral feeling, not too serene that he would like to be in the shadows, neither too empty that it would make him feel bleak and depressed. And soon enough, Rattus did not feel a thing during his whole stay in the shadows and he was back to being composed.

As Quinn led them to their destination, Lancelot fell in step to the right of and just slightly behind the former King of Knights. He considered taking off his helmet, but the Knight of the Lake was still extremely unsettled, and remaining hidden behind the metal visage provided some measure of comfort and solace from the stares he was drawing. Lancelot knew he should be above such petty concerns, but the past few weeks, from trying to kill his former king to being crushed underneath a “car” like so much dirt underneath the wheels of a chariot, had taken their toll. It was shameful, and only compounded the embarrassment he already felt.

With no conversation immediately forthcoming, Lancelot addressed the easiest concern while keeping his eyes firmly trained on the pretty boy in front. “I must apologize, King Arthur…” The dark knight blinked, realizing his mistake. The thought crossed his mind to call her Arturia, given she clearly wasn’t hiding her gender, but after so many years of keeping it secret he dismissed the idea out of hand. “Arthur, please forgive my rudeness, but I think it best that I do not partake in what drink this establishment provides to its patrons.”

"No, I think I should explore the city for a while longer," Shirou Emiya decided to himself as he aimlessly wanders the street's of Nexus City.


--- Quote from: Elf on September 01, 2014, 03:56:20 AM ---Gabriel said, "Aren't you going to ask what my slightly devious plans are?  Aren't you just a bit curious?"

--- End quote ---

"I am quite curious, but I'm not gonna beg you to share."

--- Quote from: Knick on August 31, 2014, 06:00:06 AM ---Amy

 “Hihihihi” laughed Proxy, as he was scolded by Fiore, completely ignoring his glaring mother as she dripped with water. “But it was getting to boring in here. “ He then frowned as he looked at the Mille and the blond girl the thing floating around her. All the while Amy stomped up to him and Fiore.

“But that shiny stick had to ruin my fun” He said sadly as he was picked up by the fur around his neck by Amy.

“Dry. Now.” Amy said, her eye twitching as she held the rabbit to her face.

“Hihihi, ok then mother.” And at that the rabbits collors shifted again, becoming a pale green with a flashes of blue. The wind picked up at the water began to flow out of Amy’s clothing, becoming droplets before floating back to the pool.

“Happy?” Proxy said cheerfully as Amy put him back down into Fiore's lap.

--- End quote ---

"Just because you think it's getting boring doesn't mean you can just dump water on everyone. You're not moving from this spot. Is that clear?"

For now, Fiore held a relatively tight hold on the rabbit's back to make sure it wouldnt jump around and spray any more people.


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