Cross Effects > 2.0 Archive- the one no one cares about

Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP

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Arch-Magos Winter:

--- Quote from: Elf on September 01, 2014, 03:56:20 AM ---Forest bit her lip as she looked at Archer's teasing smile.  Her eyes narrowed slightly as she gripped the plate in her hands.

"Yes, I just asked you on a date," she managed to say before quickly looking away, "I was offering to show you around town."

Then she braced herself for the upcoming rejection.

--- End quote ---

Archer just nodded, speaking once again. "Sure, I'd love for you to show me around town. I should be good on magical energy for that long at least."

Taking a bit of food off the plate, he munched on it considering just how similar the people he'd been summoned (well, fell into the bed of) were to one another. The universe it seemed, loved patterns.

Saber nodded at Lancelot's statement and eyed him.  Taking a deep breath, she said, "You can call me Arturia if you wish.  King Arthur . . . has been dead for quite some time apparently.  However, I do go by Saber here."

Quinn tilted his head back and said, "Hey Lancelot, we don't drink there.  Beer tastes like fucking shit, but they do have non-alcoholic stuff there."

Saber nodded, causing her ahoge to bob so slightly, and she said, "Yes, they have this beverage called 'Dr. Pepper' and it can be mixed with vanilla syrup.  It is . . . wonderful."

"Art, you keep drinking that shit you're going to rot your fucking teeth out," Quinn said, smiling slightly and hiding his canines.

Heat filled Saber's cheeks at both the familiar term Quinn had called her and his chiding.  There were times where he reminded her of Archer:  he was concerned about her well being but confessed this by being somewhat insulting.  She folded her arms around herself and she replied, "Dental hygiene has advanced far enough where that is not a concern."


Wynn watched as the German man composed himself as they traversed the shadows together.  His hand was pleasantly warm in hers, but his manner was slightly odd.  He had been nervous sitting in Forest's study for whatever reason. 

Then again, Wynn cared little for the mental states of mortals.

She opened her "door" into her personal salon.  The room had a coolness to it despite its pleasant temperature.  The walls and floor were composed of a deep gray stone with white opalescence heavily threaded within it.  There was plush, black leather furniture and a table made of dark wood that sat low to accommodate the heavy black  chairs. 

Smiling, she let go of Rattus' hand and said, "Have a seat."


Forest noticed the wink Henry gave Archer as he left and was glad she couldn't blush at the moment.

That, Forest thought at Archer's reminder that he had an expiration date if action wasn't taken.  She watched him eat quietly for a moment before biting her lip.

"About the magical energy.  How can we make sure you get a supply so you don't bloody fade away?" Forest asked in a soft voice.


Gabriel raised his eyebrows and said, "Even if its slightly devious?"

Arch-Magos Winter:

--- Quote from: Elf on September 02, 2014, 04:40:48 AM ---
Forest noticed the wink Henry gave Archer as he left and was glad she couldn't blush at the moment.

That, Forest thought at Archer's reminder that he had an expiration date if action wasn't taken.  She watched him eat quietly for a moment before biting her lip.

"About the magical energy.  How can we make sure you get a supply so you don't bloody fade away?" Forest asked in a soft voice.

--- End quote ---

"The easiest way would be to form a contract, though how to do that may be tricky, and I know of only one real way I can perform it with any certainty." Archer finished off his little snack, before continuing on. "Feeding me blood or souls should work otherwise. I need spiritual or magical power to keep me, well, grounded."

Forest eyed her wrist and then looked back at Archer.  He kept dancing around forming a contract.  Which meant it was more than just some magical ritual, or at least the only way he could preform it.  Not to mention Gabriel was really bloody happy when he started talking about it, the blond thought to herself.

"Well, I don't have any souls for you to snack on, but I can always get blood," she said before absently rubbing her wrist.

"Oh it is exactly because it's "devious" that I'm curious. So, please, enlighten me."


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