Cross Effects > 2.0 Archive- the one no one cares about

Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP

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Ivan The Mouse:

--- Quote from: Elf on September 02, 2014, 04:40:48 AM ---Wynn watched as the German man composed himself as they traversed the shadows together.  His hand was pleasantly warm in hers, but his manner was slightly odd.  He had been nervous sitting in Forest's study for whatever reason. 

Then again, Wynn cared little for the mental states of mortals.

She opened her "door" into her personal salon.  The room had a coolness to it despite its pleasant temperature.  The walls and floor were composed of a deep gray stone with white opalescence heavily threaded within it.  There was plush, black leather furniture and a table made of dark wood that sat low to accommodate the heavy black  chairs. 

Smiling, she let go of Rattus' hand and said, "Have a seat."

--- End quote ---

"Thank you, my lady." He replied compliantly, as she let go his hand. Upon exiting the shadows, Rattus internally marveled when he saw the salon for the first time, with its walls and floor made with what seemed to be as polished dark gray granite and its leather and dark wood furniture. He thought that this room's aesthetic style did not match the warehouse-like exterior of the residence, if ever that this room was actually a part of the structure.

As he walked to the leather sofa and before taking his seat, Rattus turned to face the mysterious woman for the last time. He then straightened his posture in a very military manner and stated, "Pardon me if I did not properly introduce myself earlier, by the way, and I would like to do so right now. I am..." He paused for a bit to ponder what name should he tell to her, whether should he use his old aristocratic name or his modern name, not that there was much of a difference between the two.

But he was quick to make a decision. "...I am Rattus von Engles. Again, I am grateful to meet you and more so that you have entertained me into your residence."

Jorge felt like a stalker. He was unsure if following them even as they jumped into a vehicle was a right thing to do, but he was interested in offering help in the investigation. Shit, I need find way to keep up with the car Hoping it would not be too vulgar spell, he took some painkillers for work his Life sphere Magic, and as he was already under the influence of THC, he could combine it with his Time sphere. He planned to augment his body in order to run faster while accelerating time to not lose the sight of the car. He hoped that this world was more adjusted to seeing magic and he would not keel over from the Paradox.


Songbird was already committed to the attack when a newcomer arrived. To him, the child was just another intruder in his roost.

It only took a slight alteration of the path to allow the manbird to strike both.

When Songbird slammed onto the rooftop, he caught the Hooded One underneath his taloned feet. Moments later, the A/C unit in his right hand slammed down on the Little One. As soon as he made contact with the intruders, the manbird spread his wings and shot up into the air again to view his handiwork.

Shiro's comment about his "old associates" piqued her curiosity, but before she could try inquiring, their food arrived.

The grilled chicken was simple, but obviously prepared well and smelled great. Next to the chicken was a stack of fat, juicy looking steak fries.

Revya blushed as her stomach growled a bit. She really should have ate a bigger meal before they left.

While trying to retain some semblance of manners, she tucked into her food with gusto.

"Mmph, this ain't half bad. Gotta give you that much, Old Man. Hey, Kid! I know you're hungry and all, but slow down, would ya? Look, it's like what I said way back when we were at What'sHisAss's place, right? You gotta saaavor it. Not that this is up to that quality, but eh, ain't much we can do about that shit."


--- Quote from: Luvia ---"Two days should be plenty for magi of your caliber. Your mission was simply to investigate. The receptionist seems to believe she went out with a random male, yet she did not confide in you this? What lousy teamwork indeed. Though, I don't particularly hold you accountable for her actions, but surely you could be doing more than... exorcising... at a pool side. You are not on vacation after all, this is work."
--- End quote ---

This Mille raised an eyebrow at. She continued her lifting, never ceasing. How she could just keep lifting like this was a mystery for the ages.

"From what intel I've already gathered, this city alone is about the size of a small country. On the larger end of that, no less. While we've already found a potential explanation for the portal that manifested in our world, to conduct a thorough investigation and study of this plane of existence, two days is simply insufficient. That would be like submitting a paragraph for an assignment where one was asked to write a ten page paper. Our mission is to explore this world as well, to see how it can be used to further the Association's goals."

Mille shook her head. "If the Association is really so foolish as to condone conducting such a sloppy investigation, I would have to begin questioning their competency." Again, her voice had not a single hint of mockery.

At last, the weight went down. Instead of approaching Luvia however, she went over to a nearby treadmill, set the machine to start at a steady pace, and began walking. Nothing was going to stop her exercise routine, unless, of course, it was terribly important.

RinRin didn't notice Lancer's smirk because her head was tucked close to his chest, for warmth. And oh, what a chest it was. The Tohsaka heir wasn't particularly fond of the random blizzard, but having to snuggle close to the Servant as a consequence- now that, that she could easily live with. Still, the cold still wasn't terribly fun, and she still couldn't wait until they could get to someplace warm. And at the speed they were going at, anything she would have to say would be torn right out of her throat anyway, lost to the winds.

So Rin just repositioned herself a tiny bit, and reveled as much as she could in the warmth Lancer provided her with. She could use all of it she could get.

Arch-Magos Winter:

--- Quote from: Elf on September 02, 2014, 05:13:48 AM ---Forest eyed her wrist and then looked back at Archer.  He kept dancing around forming a contract.  Which meant it was more than just some magical ritual, or at least the only way he could preform it.  Not to mention Gabriel was really bloody happy when he started talking about it, the blond thought to herself.

"Well, I don't have any souls for you to snack on, but I can always get blood," she said before absently rubbing her wrist.

--- End quote ---

"Being a vampire does have that perk, doesn't it?" Archer shrugged, leaning against the wall. "And really, I don't want to have to eat souls. I bet that it would taste horrible."


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