Author Topic: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP  (Read 211684 times)


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #225 on: May 31, 2014, 07:14:42 PM »
Enkidu - No Man's Land periphery

The creation of the gods kept his composure during the whole exchange, showing no sign of impatience. After all, he had absolutely no idea how to deal with people from the modern era. Leaving the talk to the Wingless One had been wise for it seemed to have managed to engage in dialogue. Enkidu couldn't tell what was said but never kept his focus on the behavior of the two women. When his name came up, his attention fell back on the dragon and he smiled. The older of their interlocutors gave him a nod and he answered with a nod of his own. As for the one enclosed in the metal construction, he raised a hand to her and offered a polite smile.

"Greetings", he sent to her and her only.
His observation came to a stop when he noticed nervousness from his companion.

"What is the matter, Wingless One? Bad omen?"

For him who couldn't make sense of the discussion, any hint could be misinterpreted.


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #226 on: May 31, 2014, 07:19:51 PM »
Lycodrake Aptera
His observation came to a stop when he noticed nervousness from his companion.

"What is the matter, Wingless One? Bad omen?"

For him who couldn't make sense of the discussion, any hint could be misinterpreted.
The wingless dragon directed his attention away from waiting on Ash's response and to his green haired companion. He shook his head. There was no bad omen as far as he knew, besides the mention of the word Frost. As a supernatural creature weakest to ice and cold, he made it his business to read about beings such as Jack Frost, who was known for his friendly demeanor - up until he was crossed or slighted.
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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #227 on: May 31, 2014, 07:26:19 PM »
"Apparently the park and the nature preserve are one and the same.  I'm not an outdoorsy type.  I prefer cities," Ash said as she fumbled with her phone to try to download a map to show them where said place was.

Then she noticed Lycodrake's agitation as she said Frost.  She chuckled, shook her head, and said, "Quinn 'Fucking' Frost.  He's . . . well, he's a cunt, a very pretty cunt with a mouth of a gutter and face of an angel.  He also happens to be brilliant.  See, I'm trying to download a map onto my phone but it's being a twat."


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #228 on: May 31, 2014, 07:36:01 PM »
Lycodrake Aptera
"Apparently the park and the nature preserve are one and the same.  I'm not an outdoorsy type.  I prefer cities," Ash said as she fumbled with her phone to try to download a map to show them where said place was.

Then she noticed Lycodrake's agitation as she said Frost.  She chuckled, shook her head, and said, "Quinn 'Fucking' Frost.  He's . . . well, he's a cunt, a very pretty cunt with a mouth of a gutter and face of an angel.  He also happens to be brilliant.  See, I'm trying to download a map onto my phone but it's being a twat."
"I suppose I'm an odd case when it comes to cities and the 'outdoors'. I like both, but the areas we began at and went through were overcrowded, noisy, and the humans were terrified of me." That still bothered him.

He was no stranger to harsh words, though he preferred not to use them himself. He found that a dragon cursing in a handful of languages tended to freak others out. Ash's commentary on the man was met with neutrality, though he made a note to avoid this "Frost". "I'm unfamiliar with such technology, but I don't doubt your words. We can be patient, though I don't want to hold the two of you up."
« Last Edit: May 31, 2014, 07:43:57 PM by Lycodrake »
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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #229 on: May 31, 2014, 07:57:09 PM »
Rin and Mille
Despite being a veritable cess pool, filled with many dangers and beings that could rival gods in their power, people still eked out enough of a living in the Nexus, even to the point where luxury was an option. The lovely series of apartment buildings seemed an odd contrast to the decaying docks, and despite such a thing not being so unusual in their home dimension, the difference was so stark that the girls had to stand there and register it for a minute or two. The one they were looking at in particular was a bit odd, as it came off almost more like a luxury hotel than an apartment complex, with a pool and everything. But that of course wasn't why they were so interested, despite both girls rather liking the idea of getting out of their still dripping wet clothing and resting in a nice, soft bed.

"I hope this is the right one, it'd be awkward to walk in soaked like this for nothing." Rin eyed the complex one more time before smiling cheerfully. "Still, I don't know if we could afford it, but it'd be nice to stay in a place like this. Would certainly beat having to take our chances elsewhere."

Mille glowered at the towering building, not even bothering to look back towards Tohsaka. "That's not important right now. What is important is finding clues to what caused that dimensional rift. That takes priority over everything else, even if it means we have to sleep in a tree for the night. "

Rin sighed. Even Sausage Curls is more fun than this. "Look, the Association isn't here to monitor our progress. Without those stupid sticks, we can't even get back to the rift, assuming it hasn't closed entirely. We might as well assume we're going to be here for awhile. There's no point making ourselves miserable if it's avoidable."

"Doesn't matter. Finding the source is still our top priority."

"You do realize this place is probably dangerous, right? It's probably smarter to find a more secure place to stay than a tree. There's no point to any of this if we're dead."

"Better than not accomplishing our mission."

Rin sighed. "Ugh, lighten up already. It's not like the world is going to end if we don't find the source of the rift this very second."

"For all we know, it is. That's why this is important." Mille glared back at Rin. "As a magus, you should be taking this more seriously. Honestly, I don't know why you have your reputation, when you're making such amateurish assumptions."

There wasn't any arrogance in her voice, just... a rather stubborn conviction. Which honestly threw Rin a bit. Granted, the odd girl showed more of a penchant for being duty obsessed, overzealous, and impulsive than overly egotistical, but Rin found it puzzling regardless. And yet, still...

"Why do I have the feeling that if the Association told you to retrieve someone's used toothbrush, you'd be treating it with the same urgency?"

"What was that?"

Rin smiled sweetly. Too sweetly. "Oh nothing, nothing~"

Garrison rolled her eyes and turned back to the complex. "We've wasted enough time. Let's head inside." Without waiting for Rin, Mille marched toward the doors. With a slow shake of her head before following, Tohsaka followed suit.

Inside was a cozy looking reception area, again more reminiscent of a hotel than an apartment complex. A kindly looking old woman sat at the desk. A bell rang as the doors opened, drawing the lady's attention to the two girls. She squinted at them for a moment before her eyes lit up in recognition.

"Oh! Well hello, you must be related to the young man living in the penthouse upstairs. You look so much alike! Come in, come in!"

The two paused for a moment, stunned. A look passed between them as they processed one of two things. One, that someone related to one of them, rather by blood or otherwise, was in this world. And two, that based on the woman's gaze, that someone was Rin.

The old woman's voice broke their stunned silence. "Oh dear, you poor things! You're soaking wet." She turned her gaze on Rin. "I'm afraid your relative is out for the moment, dear, but I can get you two a towel and direct you to his room. So what is he to you dear, cousin, brother?"

Rin snapped out of her shock entirely, trying to focus on the current situation. After all, she was a Tohsaka. The Tohsaka were all about elegance. Right now, if this was indeed the lead they were searching for, she would need to keep it together. And as she'd put on a masquerade like this on a daily basis before, it didn't take long for her to give the elderly caretaker a pleasant smile. 

"My brother. I just arrived here recently, so I've had some trouble finding him. I'm glad I found this place finally, I've been wanting to chat with him for awhile."

The woman smiled back and nodded. "Yes, yes, I suspect so! Such a nice, polite young man! You two are so much alike! I'm sure he'll be happy to see you."

Probably not at all, Rin muttered to herself mentally. To the old woman, she replied, "I'm sure he will, as will I."

"Good, good! Now then dears, I'll get you those towels, and I'll send you up to his room! I'll be right back!"

With that, the old woman waddled her way out of the room. When she was well out of earshot, Mille turned to Rin.

"I didn't hear anything about you having a brother, Tohsaka."

Rin sighed. "No, of course not. The fact that there's a man that looks very similar to me is more than a bit odd though, don't you think?"

The redhead rolled her eyes. "Well, duh. You think this and the rift are related?"

Rin blew the reaction off, despite the tiny flame of anger that was starting to gain fuel inside her. "They have to be. Possibly this place is a sort of magnet for dimensional rifts. Like a big, interdimensional Nexus. Possibly this place opens portals not just from other dimensions, but alternate timelines as well."

"So, then, your 'brother.' Do you think he's-"

Mille cut off mid sentence as she heard the opening and closing of a door, the old woman carrying a pair of fluffy, white towels.

"Here you go dears. Now, I'll write down the room number for you, and you can wait up there. Is that all right with you?"

Rin approached her and graciously took the towels, Mille warily following behind. Rin reached back and gave Mille a towel before bowing to the old woman.

"Thank you very much, we appreciate it." She straightened up, wrapping the towel around her shoulders. The old woman dismissively waved a hand as she went behind the desk.

"Oh, for goodness sake, it's no problem, none at all! Certainly nothing to be bowing to me for! Now here, just give me a moment." She dragged out a post it note and pen, scrawled a number in barely legible handwriting, and handed the paper to Rin.

"Here you go, dear! Now, that's on the second to highest floor. I'll tell your brother when he gets here that you're visiting. Enjoy!"

With another quick "thank you," Rin made her way to the elevator, Mille in tow. One button push later, and they were headed to the top floor, their faces reflected on the glass that allowed them a rather nice view of the pool that sat in the center of the complex.

"So, Tohsaka. What's the plan?"

"Take down any defenses he has around the door. Get inside. See what we can find."

"Sounds simple enough."

Rin looked over at Mille. "How experienced are you with bounded fields? Making them, dismantling them-"

"More than most magi, I can tell you that. I've always been good with bounded fields."

"Ugh, and how was I supposed to know that exactly?"

"I didn't figure you would. But I also figured you'd look down on me, underestimate me. Big shot magus that everyone says you are. I've worked enough with bounded fields that I can use one of my runes to see them. But, even that wasn't enough for-"

There was a ding as the elevator came to a halt. The doors opened with barely a sound.

"Enough for who, Garrison-chan?"

"It's none of your business."

"It's the Association, isn't it? Is that why you're doing this, to try to impress them?"

"Forget it." Mille's words bordered on a shout. "Let's just go. We're wasting valuable time." She forcefully pushed on the elevator doors to keep them from closing. Behind her, Rin silently regarded her companion as she followed not far behind.

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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #230 on: May 31, 2014, 10:19:34 PM »
"That's the bitch who started all of this and she's definitely the type to hurt others because she's sodding bored and get off on it."

"Are you really going to put all the blame on me? I don't think I pulled the bird man out of the sky to attack me from, and that man with golden eyes impaled me from behind with a lamppost if you remember correctly. All these accusations against me. If you are going to lie you could at least put some effort in it. I don't enjoy the pain of others. Pain is a motivator. A spur to get the horse moving. I would continue, but you don't look like you want to talk with me."

With that said Grigori looked up at the newcomer. He was powerful. Much like the white warrior from before. He almost seemed to radiate an aura of strength, and he was wearing a nice suit. She directed her next question to him.

"What is your name, warrior?"


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #231 on: June 01, 2014, 01:09:36 AM »
Shiro watched, obviously concerned at the sudden panic attack at the man. However it appeared that the girl had the situation handled.
"You talk about the danger of this place called..." Rattus then stopped midway and breathed deeply, and then went on."...'No Man's Land', as you call it. Can you tell me, what exactly are the hazards of this area? And why does it exist in this city?"

"We are deeply sorry if we are asking you such things, Shiro-san. We just woke up to find that our home is already in this city, it used to be somewhere else." Yukina said.

“New arrivals in the city huh?” Shiro frowned as he thought of a way to explain it. Taking out a cigarette he lit it and took a deep breath of smoke. “Well… the best way to describe the no-man’s land would probably be the name it’s called.”

“Basically, it is a place where strength rules. Gangs, monsters, other supernatural entities, they run the region. Strength is all that really matter here, anything else is secondary.” He taped a bit of ash off his cigarette and continued to smoke.

“As for why it exists… well the scum have to find someplace to live. The other parts of the city, which while having occasional problems are possible to live in, are not safe for them. Mainly because there are people that take it upon themselves to protect the innocents there, don’t ask me who though.”

Shiro looked up at the star while enjoying his smoke, “I only set up this church here to serve as a safe place for the children that have nowhere to go. I have a kid that used to live in this very region, he would hid and scavenge to get by, still sneaks out sometimes. I have another that was acting as a blood bag for a vampire.” A scary look appeared on his face.

“I dealt with that rather quickly.” He saw movement and a black key flashed from his hands, impaling the person trying to sneak onto the property, who then turned to stone.

Shiro examined his new lawn ornament for a moment before talking again, “Some don’t learn, as you can see. And because of that they can be very dangerous, especially to people with mostly human level capabilities. That is also why I am out here so late at night, need to keep watch.”

Shiro thought for a moment before continuing, “As for the name suggestion I have to thank you, but I am not too worried about a name at the moment.”

Turning back to the swing he opened a cooler sitting on the ground behind it, taking out a beer. He held it up and showed it to his visitors.

“Want one?”
« Last Edit: June 01, 2014, 02:16:21 AM by Knick »


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #232 on: June 01, 2014, 01:49:43 AM »
Gabriel thrust harder and faster, feeling the sweet friction of La Folia's lust soaked folds.  His extra sense picked up something that the girl wanted but she wasn't quite ready to ask for.  So he raised his hand and brought it down on one of those perfectly round cheeks in a firm smack.  The sound echoed out through the room, overriding the wet thrusts, the creaking of his bed and La Folia's delighted cries.

The sound of his semi-hard smack on her ass could be heard throughout the bedchamber, overwhelming the wet sound of thrusting and her own cry at his appreciation of her delectable derriere. It was, in combination with her hips, the part of her body she had felt the most confident in, and Gabriel had already thought ahead of her in fulfilling her need of him appreciating it.

"a-Again!" she said in a hurried tone. Trying to speak up while she was almost compulsively moaning was quite difficult.

"M-move your hips," he commanded, his voice almost a growl as he started to glow anew.

At his request, La Folia tried her best to try and sync up with his thrusts with her backwards hip thrusts, forcing her sizable rear further towards his crotch. She was almost going limp from the pleasure of his full penetration from behind her, however, so while her fuck handles did indeed start to press towards his repeatedly inserting member, her attempt to go in rhythm with him was clumsy at best.

"What is your name, warrior?"

A brief glance behind him making sure the man, woman and man-contained-in-a-bird were safe, Karna turned his attentions to the woman before him with a stare that could pierce any shield and make an Asura take knee.

"I am not sure if my name rings hollow in this age, but I am Karna."

If his opponent or the people behind him had ever heard of his homeland India, they were sure to recognize his name. If not, then it was but another name of the many they knew. It did not particularly matter to him. He had intervened merely to save the lives of those who could not defend themselves.

"If you want entertainment through combat, an understandable desire to begin with, then I highly recommend you pick on someone your own level. The treading upon of ants is not a lion's joy, it is that of a hunt for a worthy prey."
« Last Edit: June 01, 2014, 02:14:36 AM by Brahmastra »


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #233 on: June 01, 2014, 02:39:52 AM »
Gabriel groaned as La Folia tightened around him when he smacked her rear.  Then she cried out for him to do it again, her voice breathy against her moans.  His own control was starting to slip; he couldn't focus and he felt himself swelling to the breaking point. 

Not. Yet.

His hand went down on her rear again, even harder this time.  Her hips were shaking as she attempted to meet his thrusts.  It added more friction and again she tightened around him, making him gasp.  Not to be out done, he slid his hand around her to where he was thrusting in and out of her.

Then he began to furiously rub at her point of weakness.


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #234 on: June 01, 2014, 02:41:23 AM »

Even though the sorceress had dismissed the flame spirits that had started the fire, the pit blazed mightily, fire surrounding the charred corpse of the resident. For some reason, even though flames of that intensity should have burned out after consuming all of the flesh, muscle, and fat, they still crackled on the resident's bones.

"Are you really going to put all the blame on me? I don't think I pulled the bird man out of the sky to attack me from, and that man with golden eyes impaled me from behind with a lamppost if you remember correctly. All these accusations against me. If you are going to lie you could at least put some effort in it. I don't enjoy the pain of others. Pain is a motivator. A spur to get the horse moving. I would continue, but you don't look like you want to talk with me."

There was a loud noise from the burning pit, a jarring, cracking sound. The bony, charred hand of the resident crashed down onto the pavement. Even though there was no possible way for him to move, even though he was little more than a charred skeleton, somehow the resident still lived. Pulling itself onto it's feet, the resident's skull let out a howl as it burned, the fire spreading over the rapidly growing layer of nerves and muscle.

Even though it seemed to be impossible, the speed of regeneration overcame the speed of the flames, and as muscles knitted themselves together and skin moved to cover them, the resident stood once more. Fire burned in one of his eye sockets, while the other stared angrily at the sorceress. Fire blazed upon his naked back, but slowly died, somehow, as the pale-faced man began to walk from the pit, hands curling into claws.


There was a silent second before the engine rumbled to life as Law looked at the strange red eye on his passenger's armor.

'I think it just blinked.'

It did. I wonder if he can see anything...

'That's not exactly comforting'

Just start driving. We can take him.

Law managed to pull out down one of the main streets of the Nexus, going west from the Tokyo tower, towards what he thought was a business area of some kind.

"So. Um. What's your name. Mine's Law." Lawrence could barely speak that, nervously glancing at the massive man sitting right next to him. Even if that sword wasn't going to be able to be used against him in this close of an environment, it was still creeping him the hell out. Plus those red eyes... it was like they were trying to see through him if that was even possible. Hell, for all he knew the giant COULD see through him. Maybe even the Driver himself. That was not a very comforting thought - but the man if he had wasn't making a comment in that regard, so Law supposed he could be trusted.

"And, uh, where do you want to go?"

Hakumen stared down at the car driver, his head scraping the roof of the car, bent over as it was.

"I am Hakumen."

He turned his head to the side to catch a glimpse of something moving in the alleyways. The white giant stared more intently, but it was gone in a flash of white, another supernatural denizen of the city prowling through the streets. As they drove further west from the Tower,  Hakumen could see numerous pale faces running alongside the car, no longer concealed as much as they where before. Even though it was a main street of the city, no cars drove upon it tonight, save for theirs.

Something was obviously wrong, and the giant of a man had always been one to face problems head on, without compromise.

"And, uh, where do you want to go?"

"Continue driving."

Hakumen scanned the road to the side of the car, where what he could only assume to be vampires had gathered to watch them. He put their number at 5, with 2 more hiding in the shadows. They were not blocking further travel, but they didn't need to be. Their presence would have been enough to deter any other, for whatever reason they had come. To the white giant, it did not have the slightest bearing.

Hakumen's head turned over to Law once more.

"When I exit, you will 'gun' your engine."

Without missing a beat, as the car pulled almost level with the group of vampires Hakumen kicked open the door of the car, sending it flying right into the first creature that had taken a step forward. With a single leap, pulling his sword with him, the massive warrior sprang free from the car and descended upon the group like the fist of God. A full slice of Ōkami split one in half from head to toes, crushing the pavement underneath it, while a strike from the sheath held in his other hand sent another vampire flying into the side of a building. Exuding that same, terrifying presence of overwhelming power, Hakumen engaged the gang in vicious combat.
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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #235 on: June 01, 2014, 02:54:03 AM »
Her voice heightened again as his hand once again collided with her pristine rear, and never went back down as his thrusting intensified. He too must be getting close as inserted himself in her wet tightness for the thousandth time in just a number of minutes. La Folia accepted him into her again and again, wanting his affections.

Then he began to furiously rub at her point of weakness.

'Oh god'

The combination of his heavy thrusts, the strikes on her ass and now him rigorously rubbing her vulnerable clit began to drive her over the edge, surprised with herself that she had even lasted half as long as she had but this was her breaking point.

"Ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgod", her mantra of madness began to ring from her pretty lips as she felt the greatest sensation she had ever experienced come over her.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2014, 02:55:20 AM by Brahmastra »


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #236 on: June 01, 2014, 03:04:04 AM »
"Ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgod", La Foila cried out as she arched towards him.  Her core collapsed around Gabriel, milking him for all she was worth.  That last bit of sensation was enough.  His pulse quickened and his vision blurred as he began to mindlessly thrust.

The lightning that had been quickening along his spine suddenly struck.  With a roar, he thrust deep as he could inside of her, swelling one last time before he spilled his entire being into her.

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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #237 on: June 01, 2014, 03:24:20 AM »
Hakumen stared down at the car driver, his head scraping the roof of the car, bent over as it was.

"I am Hakumen."

He turned his head to the side to catch a glimpse of something moving in the alleyways. The white giant stared more intently, but it was gone in a flash of white, another supernatural denizen of the city prowling through the streets. As they drove further west from the Tower,  Hakumen could see numerous pale faces running alongside the car, no longer concealed as much as they where before. Even though it was a main street of the city, no cars drove upon it tonight, save for theirs.

Something was obviously wrong, and the giant of a man had always been one to face problems head on, without compromise.

"Continue driving."

Hakumen scanned the road to the side of the car, where what he could only assume to be vampires had gathered to watch them. He put their number at 5, with 2 more hiding in the shadows. They were not blocking further travel, but they didn't need to be. Their presence would have been enough to deter any other, for whatever reason they had come. To the white giant, it did not have the slightest bearing.

Hakumen's head turned over to Law once more.

"When I exit, you will 'gun' your engine."

Without missing a beat, as the car pulled almost level with the group of vampires Hakumen kicked open the door of the car, sending it flying right into the first creature that had taken a step forward. With a single leap, pulling his sword with him, the massive warrior sprang free from the car and descended upon the group like the fist of God. A full slice of Ōkami split one in half from head to toes, crushing the pavement underneath it, while a strike from the sheath held in his other hand sent another vampire flying into the side of a building. Exuding that same, terrifying presence of overwhelming power, Hakumen engaged the gang in vicious combat.


Law had gunned it, instinct causing him to duck as the giant kicked the door off of the firebird. At least he hadn't ripped the seatbelt out though. The door had flown into a... what the hell was that. He could tell it wasn't alive. It was dead. And moving. And the man had cleaved through them like they were wet tissue paper to his blade. Not for the first time this night, Law was feeling that cold twinge of fear.

Vampire. I would say it is a vampire.


Of course. If a ghost brought you back from death, and you can see ghosts, why can't vampires exist?

'That... that's different. I always sort of had this... sixth sense, I guess, that ghosts exist. But I only see dead people now, since you brought me back.'

I could tell as much. By the way. Next time we see this Hakuman, I think we should rip off his mask. Just for the door. Perhaps his chest as well.

'I'm going to say no, though I am going to fucking clock that bastard. That door took FOREVER to repair!'

Such thoughts of revenge were interrupted as a psychic shockwave echoed through the Twilight as... something broke through into Law's sight. Turns out that vampire that had been smashed by that door? He was very pissed. And now dead. And now after him. Which was just great considering.

We should probably deal with that before it comes after our new friend. I'd rather not have you die again so soon after your revenge.


Law's psychic groan of sheer resignation and frustration caused the Driver to smile over his Sin Eaters shoulder.

I wonder how such a blood soaked soul will taste...

'I'm sealing this bastard. Then I'm draining him to oblivion slowly, or I am going to force him down into the underworld where whatever fucking gods you talked about can deal with it.'

As good a plan as any. He'll be following us.

'I know. And that means I can set a trap.'

Another chuckle from the Redheaded Driver. Sounds like you got your balls back. I was hoping another murder would be needed for that.

'Shut the fuck up. I know how to deal with something like this. Just got to make a big enough seal... maybe a blood sacrifice. My own blood should do. Force him into the material realm and into a bottle.'

And how do you know that will work?

'Because if it doesn't we're still going to kill that son of a bitch a second time.'

Law swung the firebird into an abandoned parking lot, popping the trunk as soon as he could, rummaging in it. The Mini-14 chambered a round smooth as butter, Law shrugging the rifle's strap over his shoulder, the weight familiar to both the Driver and him from practice and a long forgotten memory of violence from his partner's soul. The feeling of the rifle nearby and at hand was comforting, even if it probably wouldn't do any good - Law wasn't sure if he could in fact shoot a manifested ghost. Some bailing wire and a beer followed, along with some chalk. As the spirit continued barreling down the street towards him, Law began to draw. The sigil came into existance as fast as he could draw the large symbol.  Lastly, he popped open the top of the beer bottle, intentionally cutting his thumb on the sharp edge of the cap, a drop falling into the sigil circle as he took a swig of the beer then poored it out into the empty center of the symbol. The blood drop soaked plasm into the air, providing the sigil with a power distinctly infused with the power of the dead and the Realm Below. Both Sin Eater and Geist failed to notice a small bit of the sigil altered by both this and a drop of alcohol - little white flames buzzing up the chalk symbol as power infused it beyond it's intended purpose, changing it into something totally different.

And when the ghost hit the sigil, something was called forth, as the back of Law's right hand burned as he clutched the wire and bottle tightly.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2014, 03:36:58 AM by Arch-Magos Winter »


  • Hello Darkness my old friend. It sucks to be with you again.
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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #238 on: June 01, 2014, 03:29:41 AM »
Vanessa and her friend Carly went to No Man's Land on a dare. They didn't even travel more than two blocks in, only having to stay at an abandoned apartment building for an hour. It would be the easiest fifty bucks they had ever earned.

They decided to kill time by exploring the decrepit building, armed with only flashlights in their hands. Fifteen minutes went by with only the sound of the building's groans and their quiet, yet excited,  whispers. It was when they reached the seventh floor did things go so terribly bad. They were walking back to the stairwell when it happened:  the sound of some sort of eerie sirens started going off while every surface of the hallway ripped away like skin, replaced with cold, rusted steel. That was when he showed up.

The man wore a butcher's garb, white gloves, and, most noticeably, a giant steel helm that looked quite painful to wear. In his right hand, he dragged a giant knife that was long enough to touch the floor behind him. What made matters worse was that he appeared in the seventh floor landing of the stairwell.

Before the two girls could react, the being let loose a low, rumbling growl and grabbed hold of Carly with his left hand. All Vanessa could do was run down the hall she just came from while her friend screamed.  She bolted into room 76, slamming the door shut shut behind her and bolted the locks. Leaning against the wall, the teenage could hear her friend scream in agony. All Vanessa could do was cry...

Carly stopped screaming five minutes ago, Vanessa was sobbing in room 76 for the last thirty.

Suddenly, the teenage girl could hear the sound of metal dragging on metal coming down the hall. It was coming closer! Vanessa covered her mouth, preventing any sound from coming past her lips. The scraping sound stopped in front of her door! Vanessa never had been so scared her her life.

The giant knife sliced through the door! Vanessa shrieked and ran to the back of the room as Pyramid Head cut his way in. There was no escape for the teenager, however. Vanessa turned around as the monster approached her; all she could do was scream as the nightmare entity grabbed hold of her.

Her wails of agony filled the night.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2014, 03:31:43 AM by MissingMandible »


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Re: Cross Effects: Rebirth (2.0) The RP
« Reply #239 on: June 01, 2014, 03:33:01 AM »
She felt it immediately. The clear white streaks of her lover shooting into her tight canal as she came violently upon his length, forcing more of his semen to join the red blood of her maidenhood and her colorless arousal. Her body still shaking with delight, she collapsed onto her side, forcing him to pull out, ejaculation already done with, before she rolled clumsily onto her back. Two fingers went down to her dripping slit, gently rubbing onto them a small amount of his cum before inserting them into her mouth, licking them clean.

"It's so hot..."
« Last Edit: June 01, 2014, 12:43:34 PM by Brahmastra »