No problem at all!

And yup, OK-ish in this case is definitely better than awful.
Girlish Love Revolution I thought I would hate, but it was really sweeter than I thought it would be, plus the whole losing weight thing the protagonist has to do is actually pretty fun, so I'd probably give it a try.
The Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side games are also both worth a try, as is Yo-Jin-Bo.
The Harvest Moon games where you can play as a girl and Fire Emblem Awakening are also musts, as they count as well (the former much more than the latter though, but Awakening actually fits rather well considering that the Avatar can marry any of the male units), even if they probably aren't technically considered more traditional otome (though Harvest Moon kinda fits pretty well actually). The former will likely get it's own thread relatively soonish, and the latter already has the Fire Emblem megathread.
Hopefully you'll have fun with at least one of these recommendations, if not more.