I’m starting meido quest again. Meido quest will continue everyday until Meido dies or you reach the end of a story cycle. Please bear with the lack of editing and my poor grammar therein.
As before you the players take on being Meido’s thoughts you do not speak to Meido but rather direct her by way of compulsion.
Meido is a maid of unknown origin. Her skills, abilities and inventory are up to you to decide.
The rules
1) Discussion belongs in the discussion thread (lengthy debates about items,abilities appearance plans etcetera) Violators will be warned repeat violators will have their suggestions ignored (please note this is to keep the topic clean and easy to join in on so abide it.)
2) no “but character X is being ignored whining. On the same token don’t whine when someone tries to get their agenda taken care of (take it to the discussion thread and work it out there.)
3) Do not expect any sort of sexual scenes to be posted in this thread. I’ll post a thread in the fan fiction section to compile the scenes in one place should they occur.
4) Changing meido’s opinions (attempting to at any rate) players must start the statement with “Meido wonders if” otherwise it will be taken as an idle thought and only acted on should I deem it smart or funny
5) Gaining powers or items is done actively by saying “meido remembers her training with (insert ability, person etcetera)” and “Meido checks her pockets for X” respectively. Again as with her opinions anything else will be taken as an idle suggestion and ignored unless I find it smart or funny.
6) meido’s stats are decided by simply suggesting something (IE: blue hair, glasses etcetera) and it’s confirmed when I next post, should multiple people suggest conflicting ideas then a mid range between them will be the outcome usually.
7)don’t ask what the world is like as nothing has been decided, things will be done on the fly as I see fit even if it doesn’t make sense.

have fun guys and be polite.
Meido’s stats
Personality: a prim and proper maid
Hair:(Colour, length)
Clothes: maid outfit (you guys pick Hisui, Kohaku or the Einzberns as the basic model)
Skin: (pale, fair, tan so on)
First Name:
Last name:
Accessories: (Glasses, Cat ears rings etcetera)
Theme song:
Possible employment list
Game starts below
Meido awakens with a massive headache in a brightly lit church. no one seems to be around and Meido cannot remember anything save that she is a maid.
Meido wonders what to do next