Type Moon > Fanfiction

00-lin's fanfictions


Well, here are my mistakes. Hope you'll enjoy these.

Fate/Zero: Hyakki Yakou Route: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9117606/1/FateZero-Hyakki-Yakou-Route

Fate/Stay Night: Fate's Takeover Route: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9724622/1/Fate-Stay-Night-Fate-s-Take-Over-Route

I'm not really fond of poring over every single detail. And they say that doing a crossover for your first fic is a very bad idea.

But yeah, I already made it, might as well have fun with it.

My two fics here share a connection. Have fun figuring out which are those connections.

I also added soundtracks for more enjoyment while you are reading these fics. The soundtrack list is on my profile.


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