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So yeah, since a few of us have gotten into this game, I'd figure I'd make a thread.  ;D I had fond memories of it from my early college days, and playing it again I'm enjoying it. :) So yeah, discuss, brag about your homesteads, ask for tips and advice, etc.

Cherry Lover:
Honestly, at the moment I'm not too fond of it. It just seems entirely designed around finding ways to ensure you spend money.

Firstly, the beginner instructions are awful. Worse, they come as books which take up inventory space, which means you need to get rid of them ASAP. Secondly, travelling around is a pain in the ass unless you have a pet, which you have to pay for, or a whistle, which is free but takes up more inventory space.

Thirdly, it seems like you need to have basically every basic life skill possible in order to actually achieve anything and, worse, you need equipment to go along with it. I can't find any way to upgrade my homestead further without four or five different skills (carpentry, blacksmithing, weaving I think), because none of the stuff seems to be for sale. Further, there is no way I can see to sell the stuff you don't need, which means a lot of the time it's wasted (particularly given that it all takes up inventory space).

Worst of all, though, the inventory is tiny relative to what you need. There is a bank you can store stuff in, but it's limited to a particular city, which means you need to remember where you put everything and go back there when you need it. I already lost my main weapon by putting it down to do a task and forgetting about it. The only ways to increase the inventory space are to pay for the VIP service, or to pay for a pet. Both of which require "NX credits".

It is possible to get NX credits without spending money, but it seems to involve either spending half the day taking surveys (to the point that anyone with a job would be better off just paying for the things), infesting your computer with horrible crapware or ensuring you will forever be snowed-under by spam, junk mail and unwanted phone calles. I got around this to some extent by a) being unemployed and having nothing better to do, b) telling the companies in question I live at my old college and giving a fake name and phone number and c) being tech-savvy enough to uninstall the crapware and, later, set up a virtual machine to install it all in (yes, I actually did that) but, even so, it took me ages. Half the offers don't even seem to work, although the fact that I was lying through my hind teeth might have affected that....

I dunno if I've just missed a bunch of stuff, but it does seem like it's very hard to get anywhere in the game without spending money. Possibly I just need better instructions, though. But, again, see point 1)....

Only because you're new at it and don't know what you're doing just yet- the other thing is that you're focusing on the homestead for now primarily, which does take a lot of skills.

There's a reason I implied that I should be with you to help you at first. The money's only relevant if you really want the bestest homestead evah or if you want a mount. The latter of which is pretty handy, but not nessisary, especially if you have friends with mounts. Pets are potentially a good idea for the inv space.

You're wrong about the banks though. I told you before, you can get your stuff from any bank, but it can take a fee and a set period of time for it to transfer.

As for the needing the basic life skills? Not really. I think your problems are twofold:
1. You aren't focusing on quests, but your homestead. This means you're neglecting things that require combat in favor of more domestic things. Really, the homestead is meant for more of a late game thing. Again, this is really why you need my help, sometimes it doesn't just do it to jump in and try to tackle it yourself.

2. Your talent is alchemy. Alchemy is one of the harder combat styles to learn and use. This quest set will help quite a bit, trust me.  Otherwise, if it turns out to be more unpleasant, experiment with other combat styles, and upon your next rebirth, change your talent to that style of combat.

As for your alchemy cannon... yeah, again, you should have done that while I was there, I could have told you that dropping stuff on the ground on the Homestead or the Beauty Shop then leaving is a bad idea.

So really, other than taking my advice in investing your next set of NX in one or more pets (since you're gonna end up having far more of it than I ever did in the end ^^"), your main problem is that you've been trying to tackle stuff that's more advanced by yourself instead of starting out slow, and thus you need a guide. So my advice? Let me help you before you jump to conclusions about the game.

Cherry Lover:

--- Quote from: Alice on May 17, 2013, 05:09:07 PM ---Only because you're new at it and don't know what you're doing just yet- the other thing is that you're focusing on the homestead for now primarily, which does take a lot of skills.
--- End quote ---

Well, yes, I agree with that, but that's kind-of the point I was making. The game just doesn't explain what the hell I'm supposed to be doing at all. If I didn't have you around I wouldn't stand a chance.

--- Quote ---There's a reason I implied that I should be with you to help you at first. The money's only relevant if you really want the bestest homestead evah or if you want a mount. The latter of which is pretty handy, but not nessisary, especially if you have friends with mounts. Pets are potentially a good idea for the inv space.
--- End quote ---

The thing is, pets also cost money. And, as I pointed out, otherwise you have far too little inventory space.

--- Quote ---You're wrong about the banks though. I told you before, you can get your stuff from any bank, but it can take a fee and a set period of time for it to transfer.
--- End quote ---

Well, yes, but that requires you to have money (which I don't have), and it also takes time (dunno how much), which means you can't access it when you actually need it.

--- Quote ---As for the needing the basic life skills? Not really. I think your problems are twofold:
1. You aren't focusing on quests, but your homestead. This means you're neglecting things that require combat in favor of more domestic things. Really, the homestead is meant for more of a late game thing. Again, this is really why you need my help, sometimes it doesn't just do it to jump in and try to tackle it yourself.
--- End quote ---

Well, yeah, the problem is that you're not around most of the time. Plus, when you are around I end up doing the more advanced stuff because you aren't going to want to follow me doing the beginners stuff....

Also, I have done a bunch of quests, and even several of the beginner quests (notably I have done the Elf quest about spying on the Giants). The thing is that I keep going around looking for more stuff to do and running into all these different things.

The thing is that the game doesn't make any of this at all clear. I got to level 10 without even trying, and then just started doing stuff with my homestead. Further, it doesn't explain how I'm supposed to get any of these skills and do things.

--- Quote ---2. Your talent is alchemy. Alchemy is one of the harder combat styles to learn and use. This quest set will help quite a bit, trust me.  Otherwise, if it turns out to be more unpleasant, experiment with other combat styles, and upon your next rebirth, change your talent to that style of combat.
--- End quote ---

Yeah, it does seem that way. I think I've found one alchemy quest already, I just screwed up with my weapon.

Again, the problem is that the game doesn't tell you any of this. It just let me pick that particular style (also, it wasn't battle alchemy, but transmutation) without any warning about how damn hard it is to practice it....

--- Quote ---As for your alchemy cannon... yeah, again, you should have done that while I was there, I could have told you that dropping stuff on the ground on the Homestead or the Beauty Shop then leaving is a bad idea.
--- End quote ---

Honestly, I don't need you to tell me that, the problem is that I lacked the inventory space to put it in there to practice my alchemy, and then forgot all about it. It's a combination of my crap memory and the game design forcing me to do that.

--- Quote ---So really, other than taking my advice in investing your next set of NX in one or more pets (since you're gonna end up having far more of it than I ever did in the end ^^")
--- End quote ---

Well, yeah, sure. The problem is that getting hold of NX is only going to get harder.

--- Quote ---your main problem is that you've been trying to tackle stuff that's more advanced by yourself instead of starting out slow, and thus you need a guide. So my advice? Let me help you before you jump to conclusions about the game.

--- End quote ---

Well, the thing is that the game doesn't make it clear what "taking it slow" even is. There really is no guidence about what you should be doing, or at least nothing obvious.

Haven't done the MMORPG thing since the sadly flawed imagine, the inventory problem is MMORPG universal unless you pay money, I have yet to see a free MMORPG that works elsewise magnobi seems like the usual. I don't know if Terraria counts as an MMORPG, it's certainly a game that can be played like that(wish more people I knew had it on PS3)


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