Name: Rundas
Race: Demonic Shade
Age: died at 20
Height: 165 cm -
grows to 185 when displaying her true form, which happens whenever she exerts a considerable amount of powerWeight: Normal for her size.
Physical AttributesStrength: Heroic
Agility: Heroic
Constitution: Fantastic
Magic Scale: None
Other Abilities:
Demonic Arsenal -Fangs of the Wild Hunt: By drawing from her connections to the underworld, Rundas can create demonic lances that she wields in combat. By lifting her arm up, she summons a row of dozens thorns that rush forward from her position to impale her foes, and by pumping her fist she forms about a handful of them in the air above her foes in order to send them crashing down on them.
They are mighty, travel at legendary speed, and can pierce through heroic foes, but while her weapons are far from slow, there is a slight delay in both cases that makes it possible for characters of comparable agility to avoid the hellish spears.
Ragnarok: By channeling and focusing her demonic energy and hatred in her arm with a delay about as slight as her other spears, she can physically launch a greater spear with legendary force and speed, and shatter a building under her devastating throws. She throws her weapons with unparalleled accuracy. It is a devastating attack not because of some ultimate offense, but because it is a potent projectile that can be fired continuously and accurately.
To put it simply, if one does not actively try to avoid or block them they will not miss no matter what.
Skilled fighter: Rundas fought countless battles with her spear, but while her intuition and technical knowledge is masterful she employs a wild, feral style that exhibits its raw brutality fully without lacking in precision or finesse.
Heart of vengeance: As a vengeful spirit, her mind is incredibly hard to corrupt and mold. Her grudge is strong enough that it makes bending her memories and emotions a nearly futile effort. Her will is an extraordinary thing, the fact she has kept her strength and endured the pain of being constantly burned is a testament to that. But because her heart still throbs with pain and flames, she can never be freed from them.
Heart of avarice: As a spirit of greed and hunger, she keeps whatever she takes and steals on close clutches. Whatever she may claim as possession can be moved and stored in her shade. This includes her former body and her great treasures. However, she is dead, and because of that everything she once owned is also dead. They are nothing but figments of greed and delusions, illusions of wealth and power as fake as her appearance.However, a lie can be as believable as truth, and only the most skilled in the perceptive arts can tell the true nature of her manifested treasures.
Heart of treachery: As a spirit of betrayal, she was once betrayed and will betray in turn. However, she seems to be fighting her nature ever so foolishly, as if she could escape her sin. But on that night, the witch of the wild hunt tore her liars tongue. She may never tell a lie again.
Hollow: Rundas is neither dead or alive. She is only a shade, able to feel and act in the physical world but devoid of something. To put it into perspective, she is a bucket with a pierced hole at the bottom, thus no matter how much she tries to fill herself she will always be empty.
Demonic Nature: Being a demon, she crosses the line between life and death. While she uses an illusion to appear human, her true form is an oddity devoid of flesh that does not bleed but cracks and releases its lifeforce like a miasma if shattered.
Equipment: Motorcycle She has grown fond of riding such devices.
Gift for a liar: A pocket mirror that will always remind her of her sins. It can reveal any illusion for what it truly is. It was neither stolen nor taken, but gifted to her by a cursed someone.
Origin: Rundas was once an ambitious warlord feared and respected throughout the lands. Thirsting to expand her rule, she consorted with a witch in order to gain greater power and influence, and deceived her in order to go as far as to steal her power. But the sorceress survived and sought revenge, tearing apart her group through malady and famine before tearing her soul.
If she survived, it was only due to her power which transformed her into something hollow and monstrous. She became a mistress of the wild hunt, and like many other demons she would have eventually forgotten her name and humanity. But she refused. She was born human, and she refused to die as anything less. She was too greedy to let go of her stolen power, and too ambitious to forget her former life, and because of that her greed will never be quenched. But perhaps she will find something that can satisfy her in the Nexus.
Weakness: Holy artifacts and attacks act on her body as if it were human, and covering her body with holy water will also utterly cripple her constitution. Her ranged pressure is powerful but she is unarmed for a moment whenever she launches her spear. Even then, she cannot strike at close and far range at once, and the slight delay makes it more manageable.
Likes: Competent people, the thrill of the hunt, glory and victory, hedonism, stabbing things, determined women, modern society, worthy warriors to crush under her heels, herself and enjoying companions useful to her, drinking, trampling and desecrating the weak, her bike.
Dislikes: Idiots, goody two shoes, people who talk too much, weaklings, cravens, uselessness, needless carnage (a war is preferable to a massacre), those who won’t go for what they desire, witches, losing her bike.