Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone  (Read 94743 times)


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #180 on: November 30, 2017, 02:39:39 AM »
Name: 'Dogtooth' Okami

Race: Wolf-Man

Age: 26

Height: 8 feet tall

Weight: Fairly heavy due to musculature


Physical Attributes:

Strength: Heroic

Agility: Heroic

Constitution: Fantastic

Magic Ability - None

Other Abilities:

Instinct: There is nothing more reliable than a beast's instinct, Okami is a testament to that. His training and keen senses in the arena made him a fearsome foe to say the least. Additionally, his battle intuition is  sharp, to the point he can clash evenly with masters and see through feints of deceptions during battle, as well as being able to reflexively avoid ambush attacks or traps. His movements are rough and cannot be compared to martial arts, but not a single motion is wasted, every strike hits with power, fluidity and purpose. While he has no such ability, some even came to tell he could see two seconds in the future.

Canine Scent: Okami's scent is a scary thing. Though how much is attributed to his instinct is a mystery, he can smell lies or deceptions, as well as using it in conjunction with his keen intuition to read people's surface thoughts. If he has a scrap of blood or anything to detect a person's scent by, he will be able to track it kilometers away. To put it bluntly, you cannot hide from his nose.

Wolven tongue:  As a member of an ancient race deeply linked with canines, he can command wolves and dogs with nothing more than a word and understand the meaning behind theirs.


Fur scarf: A scarf and his one remaining memento of his family. He will treasure it above all else.

Origin: The wolfmen are an ancient tribe that lived as one with nature before the dawn of man. As humans cut down the forests and the trees to build their great palaces, disease and wars drove them out of their territories, until the once great tribe was nearly driven to extinction. His village was one of the few remaining, and for a while they lived in peace and harmony. But that peace would not last.

Now rarer than ever his kin were seen as a rare commodity, nothing more than beasts to be ripped from their homes and sold to the highest bidder. The young Okami was but a child when he was trapped during a hunting expedition and captured by a slaver guild, then brought to the master as a trophy.  His new master was a renowned monslave hunter, and his champions were amongst the most prestigious in the continent. It was because he saw a fierce will in his eyes and the potential of such a rare breed that he decided to train the young Okami, and with a harsh whip he broke and molded the young boy into a warrior fit to be a champion.

His master was cruel, but skilled in both the art of combat and the art of manipulation. He would promise the young boy freedom if he claimed the champion’s belt. He had nothing to return to, no home to cherish, but he still wished to live. Which is why he took them down one after the other, and soon became the arena’s favorite.

He was only 17 when he took his friend’s life and claimed the title of champion. His days as a gladiator over, Dogtooth disappeared, and his master was nowhere to be found as well. That is how his legend came to an abrupt end.

In the Nexus, he found himself alone, lost. He was offered to serve justice and become a part of the Elites. Without a home to go back to, he made his own. This time, he'll protect it for sure.


Okami’s family had been hunted down for their teeth, and because of the trauma he fears people uncovering his nature. Thus, he will go to great lengths to hide his mouth, even if it means giving up on exploiting an enemy’s opening, or outright stopping a fight.

While he is not one to be easily moved by panic, always keeping a calm and stoic attitude, he has a deeply ingrained fear of fire, and exposure to that element can cause him to grow sloppier as he tries to contain his panic and rage.

Silver is also lethal to him, and acts like a poison that can cause him excruciating pain and incapacitate him, or outright kill him. A sword or bullet coated with that metal will go through his body as if it was human flesh.

Finally, he has an absolute code of honor that prevents him from taking advantage of certain situations. He will not strike an already downed opponent twice, and his sentimentality makes children much harder for him to deal with, though surprisingly he has no issue going all out against women.

Likes: Flowers, nature, meat, being shown affection, animals (especially cute little puppies, they’re like little brothers to him), his comrades, those with whom he forges bonds deep enough to consider them part of his family, bellyrubs (he will NEVER admit it).

Dislikes: Violence and cruelty, especially towards nature. Fire, cages, being teased, being made fun of for his appearance, people who boast of his abilities (he finds it embarrassing but secretly likes it), those who threaten his pack.


« Last Edit: January 03, 2018, 03:06:52 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #181 on: January 18, 2018, 04:04:58 AM »
Name: Plutia, Lady Iris Heart

Race: Console Patron Unit

Age: Around a hundred years old

Height: 164 cm

Weight: 49 kg


Physical Attributes

Strength: Heroic (Legendary)
Agility: Heroic
Constitution: Heroic

Magic: Extremely High
Plutia is an extremely skilled magical user in the use of lightning magic but she also knows some magic from other schools. Her mana reserves are fairly large but would drain rather quickly if she were to go heavy on the casting, thankfully they replenish over the course of a few hours.

Lightning Magic: Her main offensive capabilities lies here, she’s capable of both enhancing her own physical blows with lightning making them hit with the equivalent of legendary force while also coming with the other properties associated with lightning such as electrocution. She is also capable of attacking at range with it, although the range attacks usually requires a bit of concentration but is far more powerful as a result. At her strongest she can even blast entire buildings apart with her lightning, being her most powerful spell it's not something she can easily replicate and she'll require rest after a few uses. Plutia cannot buff her melee strikes and strike at range at the same time, she's limited to one apllication of it at a time.

Voodoo: She can establish a link between a object she’s holding (usually a plushie) and an enemy she is fighting, making it so that anything she submits the object to is transferred over to the enemy. Establishing a link takes some time though and can be broken if they leave visual range.

Size Alteration: Plutia can change the size and mass of anything she’s holding and then throw it, it’s maximum scope is roughly the size of an elephant with the mass of a tank, the effect is a bit delayed and the mass increase doesn't occur until after she has thrown it. However she can only do it to inanimate objects that she can hold in her hands and it only works one way, that way being making it bigger. The bigger and the more mass she wants it to have when landing, the longer she needs to prep it and it takes several seconds for the full effect.

Healing: Her healing is pretty potent and she’s capable of fixing grevious wounds in one go and even make limbs regrow in a short period of time. However it is limited to one person at a time and takes several seconds to perform. Furthermore it can only treat injuries, any diseases or other ailments cannot be cured by it.

Other Abilities:

CPU Goddess: Plutia is the Console Patron Unit of the nation called Planeptune. As the Console Patron Unit she's tasked with being the nation's guardian deity and in exchange draws power from her subjects faith commonly referred to as Share Energy. Being a CPU she's both immortal of the unaging kind as well as immune to all common diseases. She also stays in peak physical condition no matter her diet. All CPU's are also capable of flight at speed comparable to their agility level.
Share Energy usually lies dormant in a pocket dimension, ready for her to draw out a moment's notice. Share Energy replenishes over time with the rate of it and the size of the reserves being proportional to the number of believers she has. Although that is how it usually operates but due to some strange anomaly she has found herself permanently trapped in her transformed state, as a result her two personalities have somewhat fused for good and for worse.


Whip Sword: A sword whip fusion of absolute madness, the blade is made of fanged segments that split in a way making it behave like a whip. This nigh unbreakable tool is perfect to punish people with. It’s sharp edges guarantees that anyone struck by it will not be having a good day.

Origin: Plutia is a Console Patron Unit hailing from the Ultra Dimension, there she is the guardian deity of the nation of Planeptune. By far the greatest nation on the continent all thanks to her. It’s so great in fact the other pitiful nations could never hope to ever be more than a shadow in comparison, and only a fool would ever claim otherwise. She’s been it’s Goddess for many many years now until one day while going off to see her bestest friend Noire she fell through a portal and ended up in a strange city. Stranger still she was in her big big form, and someone needed to be punished for this but she was soooo…. sleepy.


Limited Stamina: Plutia has limited stamina mostly for mental reasons as she simply can’t bother mustering the energy to do stuff half the time.

Overconfident: Plutia is likely to underestimate her opponents as she sees them all as being below her, their true place being beneath her boot.

Magic Resistance: Seeing as Plutia prefers to fight using her magic, anyone with magic resistance will have an advantage over her.

Likes: Noire, plushies, Bullying, Bullying her friends, Bullying Blanc. Naps

Dislikes: Other people bullying her friends, getting pulled away from her naps. People trying to stop her from bullying her friends, that’s the worst.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2018, 09:30:07 PM by Bern »

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: shit
« Reply #182 on: January 19, 2018, 09:33:48 PM »
Name: Anesa

Race: Human

Age: 100~

Height: 6’3

Weight: Proportional to her height


Physical Attributes

Strength: Heroic

Agility: Fantastic

Constitution: Heroic

Magic Resistance - Very High: Holy protection against magic. It is raised to Extremely High if she drinks from her grail before combat.

Other Abilities:

Grail King: Anesa has a variety of powers and an equal amount of restrictions regarding her behavior and her ability to fight. For example, prior to entering combat she must recite a prayer and drink from a holy cup. If she fails to do so all of her stats go down in a rank for the duration of the fight. However, doing so successfully revitalizes her. Any wounds, diseases, and toxins will be instantly healed. Curses are broken so even powers that inhibit such healing are negated, and she will not grow weary nor have her fighting negatively affected by physical trauma. Magic and other supernatural abilities hold no sway over her mind or spirit during combat. If she does not enter combat after partaking of the cup or attempts to take multiple drinks it will burn her insides as punishment.

Lord of Horses: If her enemies rout Anesa may call forth a beautiful white warhorse (Heroic/Heroic/Fantastic) and a mighty lance. Once she does so she has no choice but to pursue her opponent and engage them in combat again. From that point she will not be able to retreat from the fight, and if forcibly dismounted the horse will immediately disappear.

Gracious Mercy: As a warrior, Anesa is obligated to offer and accept the surrender of her opponents so long as they have not betrayed her prior. If she does so any wounds inflicted by that person are healed. Failing to do this makes the wounds inflicted by them slow to heal, unaffected by Grail King, and impossible to remedy with magic or supernatural powers.

Oathkeeper: If Anesa makes a promise she is incapable of breaking it, no matter the consequences. Even if the cost is her life she is compelled to do so. If necessary, she will even lose control of her own body. However, she is also empowered by her promises. So long as it is in defense of her oath, she cannot suffer the loss in physical attributes by failing to partake from her grail before a fight.

Combat Veteran: With her decades of experience in combat Anesa is an incredibly capable warrior. While her personal weapon is the sword, she is easily capable of fighting off her foes with nearly any sort of weapon, even her bare hands, without a degradation in performance.


Holy Grail:

Her drinking cup, blessed by a high priest. It is the third one she has had made. If lost she has a sort of sixth sense for telling where it is, although even with that it could take her time to find. It is otherwise no different than any other metal cup.

Sun Sword: Manifested whenever she enters in combat, it is a blade of seemingly ordinary metal that shines with a divine light. It burns both unholy creatures and monsters, and exorcises ghosts and spirits. If its blade rends the innocent, it will shatter and remain broken for the duration of the day.

Lion’s Armor:

Spoiler for Hiden:

If pressed in combat Anesa can coat herself in a powerful set of armor, requiring a Heroic strength character to hammer down on the same area with blunt force several times to make a significant dent. It lowers the potency of all physical attacks against her by a rank. She is not allowed to dodge any of her opponent's strikes once she wears the armor. If she does, it immediately shatters and her constitution is lowered by a rank for the rest of the fight. As punishment for her lack of valor, the armor cannot be invoked for the remainder of the day.

Champion’s Lance: Called forth when Anesa uses Lord of Horses, it has little properties other than the capacity to harm immaterial entities.

Origin: Born as an otherwise normal girl, Anesa has been led by destiny to where she is now. Every ritual and regulation, she knew them as well as her own two hands, and she could not stop herself from performing them.

But she hopes for the day where her recitations may cease, her hands are empty, and she may live as herself.


There are a variety of obligations with no benefit which Anesa must follow. She can never strike an enemy from stealth, ambush them, or attempt to use some poison or magic to slay them. Anesa must confront them directly. Other underhanded means such as taking hostages are similarly restricted. She cannot intentionally deceive another. 

Stealing or destroying the grail is also rather effective. If stolen she must recover it and if destroyed she must go through some effort to recreate it. The ceremony of partaking of the grail does require several seconds. As the grail is a normal physical object it is very easy for it to be inadvertently damaged in combat as she usually keeps it on her person.

Likes: Horses, long walks on the beach, banquets

Dislikes: Lies, having to go without food for too long, hypocrisy
« Last Edit: January 22, 2018, 03:23:36 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #183 on: January 22, 2018, 02:35:35 AM »
Name: Rundas

Race: Demonic Shade

Age: died at 20

Height: 165 cm - grows to 185 when displaying her true form, which happens whenever she exerts a considerable amount of power

Weight: Normal for her size.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Heroic

Agility: Heroic

Constitution: Fantastic

Magic Scale: None

Other Abilities:

Demonic Arsenal -Fangs of the Wild Hunt:
By drawing from her connections to the underworld, Rundas can create demonic lances that she wields in combat. By lifting her arm up, she summons a row of dozens thorns that rush forward from her position to impale her foes, and by pumping her fist she forms about a handful of them in the air above her foes in order to send them crashing down on them.

They are mighty, travel at legendary speed, and can pierce through heroic foes, but while her weapons are far from slow, there is a slight delay in both cases that makes it possible for characters of comparable agility to avoid the hellish spears.

Ragnarok: By channeling and focusing her demonic energy and hatred in her arm with a delay about as slight as her other spears, she can physically launch a greater spear with legendary force and speed, and shatter a building under her devastating throws. She throws her weapons with unparalleled accuracy. It is a devastating attack not because of some ultimate offense, but because it is a potent projectile that can be fired continuously and accurately.

To put it simply, if one does not actively try to avoid or block them they will not miss no matter what.

Skilled fighter: Rundas fought countless battles with her spear, but while her intuition and technical knowledge is masterful she employs a wild, feral style that exhibits its raw brutality fully without lacking in precision or finesse.

Heart of vengeance: As a vengeful spirit, her mind is incredibly hard to corrupt and mold. Her grudge is strong enough that it makes bending her memories and emotions a nearly futile effort. Her will is an extraordinary thing, the fact she has kept her strength and endured the pain of being constantly burned is a testament to that. But because her heart still throbs with pain and flames, she can never be freed from them.

Heart of avarice: As a spirit of greed and hunger, she keeps whatever she takes and steals on close clutches. Whatever she may claim as possession can be moved and stored in her shade. This includes her former body and her great treasures. However, she is dead, and because of that everything she once owned is also dead. They are nothing but figments of greed and delusions, illusions of wealth and power as fake as her appearance.However, a lie can be as believable as truth, and only the most skilled in the perceptive arts can tell the true nature of her manifested treasures.

Heart of treachery: As a spirit of betrayal, she was once betrayed and will betray in turn. However, she seems to be fighting her nature ever so foolishly, as if she could escape her sin. But on that night, the witch of the wild hunt tore her liars tongue. She may never tell a lie again.

Hollow: Rundas is neither dead or alive. She is only a shade, able to feel and act in the physical world but devoid of something. To put it into perspective, she is a bucket with a pierced hole at the bottom, thus no matter how much she tries to fill herself she will always be empty.

Demonic Nature: Being a demon, she crosses the line between life and death. While she uses an illusion to appear human, her true form is an oddity devoid of flesh that does not bleed but cracks and releases its lifeforce like a miasma if shattered.


Motorcycle She has grown fond of riding such devices.

Gift for a liar: A pocket mirror that will always remind her of her sins. It can reveal any illusion for what it truly is. It was neither stolen nor taken, but gifted to her by a cursed someone.

Origin: Rundas was once an ambitious warlord feared and respected throughout the lands. Thirsting to expand her rule, she consorted with a witch in order to gain greater power and influence, and deceived her in order to go as far as to steal her power. But the sorceress survived and sought revenge, tearing apart her group through malady and famine before tearing her soul.

If she survived, it was only due to her power which transformed her into something hollow and monstrous. She became a mistress of the wild hunt, and like many other demons she would have eventually forgotten her name and humanity. But she refused. She was born human, and she refused to die as anything less. She was too greedy to let go of her stolen power, and too ambitious to forget her former life, and because of that her greed will never be quenched. But perhaps she will find something that can satisfy her in the Nexus.

Weakness: Holy artifacts and attacks act on her body as if it were human, and covering her body with holy water will also utterly cripple her constitution. Her ranged pressure is powerful but she is unarmed for a moment whenever she launches her spear. Even then, she cannot strike at close and far range at once, and the slight delay makes it more manageable.

Likes: Competent people, the thrill of the hunt, glory and victory, hedonism, stabbing things, determined women, modern society, worthy warriors to crush under her heels, herself and enjoying companions useful to her, drinking, trampling and desecrating the weak, her bike.

Dislikes: Idiots, goody two shoes, people who talk too much, weaklings, cravens, uselessness, needless carnage (a war is preferable to a massacre), those who won’t go for what they desire, witches, losing her bike.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2018, 02:02:03 AM by francobull3 »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #184 on: January 31, 2018, 04:53:39 PM »
Name: Mary Be

Race: Sakura

Age: 47

Height: 2 m

Weight: 46 kg


The first is her general's uniform, while the second reflects her casual clothing.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Legendary

Constitution: Incredible

Magic: None

Other Abilities:

Sakura Biology
Homo Sapien Sakuranus is a species closely related to humans, yet very different. Sakuras are superior in a number of ways, being far more physically strong, intelligent, speedier, and more durable than a normal human. They possess an uncanny ability to read a person, and are capable of telling if someone is telling the truth instinctually, and have a naturally persuasive air to them that is capable of swaying normal humans. They age slower than humans, and their figure is always perfect, maintaining a perfect body at all times. If they are injured, they heal at an accelerated rate compared to humans, although they cannot regenerate limbs (Mary’s legs are an exception to this rule.) Wounds that would take days to heal for a human will only take hours for a Sakura, and their bodies close up cuts automatically.

Futanari: Yes.

Authority of the Sakura
In addition to their natural superiority, some exceptionally powerful Sakuras possess further abilities unique to them, partially linked to their personalities. Mary’s ability is tied to her metallic legs and caused them to transform into such a form in the first place. She has impossible control over her body and joints, and can contort herself into physics defying poses. Her balancing ability has grown to the point of impossibility. She can balance perfectly upon any object, no matter how minute and can even balance upon a wall or a ceiling, so long as the bottom of one of her legs is touching the ground. She can stand or ride upon anything she desires to own herself.

Finally, her legs can slice through nearly anything with absolute ease. They cut through absolutely anything mundane as if it weren’t there, and even most supernatural entities would only offer as much resistance as butter does to a heated knife. Only high level magical artifacts would be capable of stopping her legs outright, while mid level ones would break after clashing for a bit with them. Things of Legendary and Heroic constitution would be able to resist her blows for a while, assuming they had some sort of supernatural presence to them. Taking down something with Heroic con doesn't take too much effort, but Legendary and above would require her to attack them repeatedly for at least several seconds(similar to heroic levels of damage). Every blow with her legs would chip away at their forms, and prolonged contact with them would be exceptionally bad.

Were one to completely resist the slicing effects of her legs, they would merely be an indestructible weapon she was hitting people with at incredible strength.

What gives her legs this property is a mysterious power known to the Sakuras as kouhai power, which is infused through her legs, also giving her her insanely high speed.

Experienced Fighter

Mary is a high level general in the army of her city, and has fought in countless battles, against both human revolts and invading armies alike. She has served with distinction, and is keenly aware and alert at all times, almost unnaturally so. It’s almost to the point that some even say she has a third eye in the back of her head...

Equipment: the clothes on her back, a change, her pride medal of honour(she wears it on her head). A small apartment flat, and a fair stockpile of cash in the bank.

Origin: Mary was born the second child to the illustrious Be family. She has grown up in luxury like nearly all Sakuras do, living off the fruits of inferior humans works. When she was a child she was frequently bullied and played with by her sister who had a bit of a nasty streak, she frequently stole Mary’s pets to play with them herself. This abuse lead to her extreme power manifesting such as it did. She couldn’t be bullied if she was the strongest. Her sister ceased her thefts after Mary smacked her up a few times.

It’s been years since then, and she has risen through the ranks in her city’s military, having fought with distinction and service throughout the years. She is the hero of the great human revolt, and along with her sister, led their forces through the jaws of defeat and utterly crushed the human's spirits.

Weakness: For a Sakura, Mary is incredibly fragile. A powerful area of effect attack or trap can easily take her out, and if you were to trap her in place she would have essentially no options left to her. She has no ranged options. If one were to cut her off from her kohai power somehow, she’d only be straight incredible and would probably fall over.

Magic is also troublesome for her. While she can dodge most effects, a bounded field could seriously hamper her ability to fight, as would any other spell that didn't have a physical form for her to melt away.

Likes: Her ideal senpai, humans who know their place, her sisters, people shorter than her, puzzles, crosswords, play, medals and awards,

Dislikes: Humans playing boss, people taller than her, pants(they get in the way and just don’t work with her legs.)

« Last Edit: February 21, 2018, 07:26:51 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end