Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone  (Read 94740 times)


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #30 on: November 22, 2014, 06:07:13 AM »
Name: Adjutor Xarrest (Not his birth name. He forgot it and made his up after the modifications.)

Race: Human?/Abomination [Rage Demon] (After getting a Darkling[Xarrest insists that it's a misnomer, due to something being lost in the translation] soul shoved into him, he's not entirely sure anymore)

Age: 19 (Resents that one year)

Height: 5' 11" (Resents that one inch)

Weight: 149 lbs (Is more or less fine with this)

Spoiler for Hiden:
Adjutor has made efforts at maintaining a lithe frame, in spite of the masculine tendency to bulk up, and has more or less succeeded with this goal. His fighting style focuses on speed, agility, and dexterity, and it shows. Adjutor's arms are with covered intricate black tattoos from his shoulders to the tips of his fingers, with almost every square inch of skin covered by some design or another.

Adjutor has no particular taste in clothing, though he has a marked preference for long-sleeves, to hide the tattoos, and also wears gloves whenever it wouldn't be too out of place. As a general rule, the more pockets it has, the better. He arrives at the Nexus in a faded black tunic and leggings that used to be black, but have turned grey with a combination of wear and tear and dust. Both pieces have been modified with a number of pockets. He also has several pouches for storing various things, though they're empty at this point.

When fully armed, there is a rapier and a dagger sheathed side by side on his right hip, a short sword sheathed on his left, and a two-hander in a shoulder-draw scabbard on his back, slung behind one shoulder. If he needs to conceal his weapons, he will usually wear a massive hooded cloak over top of everything, depending on the inherent derision of the average person for what looks like a 'poser' to pass by without anyone paying any particular attention.

Alternatively, he'll have a spear and an axe on his back, but the short sword and the dagger remain in the same places. In this case, he won't bother with the cloak, but will usually be heading straight for a combat zone anyway, so he can't be bothered.

While that one inch that keeps him from being six feet tall infuriates him, he is well-adjusted to his body overall (That one inch is a less a matter of actual height and more a matter of falling just short of something). On the surface, Adjutor might be completely unremarkable, with unkempt black hair cut well above seemingly brown eyes, if not for the piercing gaze that seems to be his default expression, whether intentional or not. Due to the nature of his modifications, his eyes aren't really their natural brown, but a pupil-less opaque silver. He usually seals them with negligible effort and a slight mana expenditure, returning his eyes to their normal brown, or at least his closest approximation of it.

Due to an encounter with the Old God Urthemiel, Adjutor has his symbol carved into his right cheek. The symbol is dark red, like dried blood, and dominates his right cheek.

Strength: Exceptional
[Incredible] (When using Concept: Reinforcement)

Agility: Exceptional
[Incredible] (When using Concept: Reinforcement)

Constitution: Exceptional
[Incredible] (When using Concept: Reinforcement)

Other Abilities:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Magical abilities below:
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Mana reserve: High (Can contain an absolutely massive amount of mana at its maximum capacity, but due to the amount of concentration required to keep that much energy in check, Adjutor usually only keeps the reserve somewhere between half to three-quarters full, which is usually still far more than enough for his purposes. The reserve's stability depends on Adjutor's mental and emotional state, though it can be kept down with sheer concentration regardless of his mental state.).

Part of the modifications performed on him included shoving a mana reserve into Adjutor's soul. Due to being artificially inserted, the reserve doesn't refuel on its own, so he has to find other ways of replenishing his reserves. Ironically, he is capable of transferring any amount of his own mana through physical contact, given enough time to gather the energy onto the point of contact.

In addition, as the mana reserve was forcefully inserted, it is inherently unstable, though either Adjutor or Xarrest are able to stabilize it by maintaining a negligible amount of focus on it under normal conditions. By this same token, Adjutor can conceal his magical presence entirely, though this requires very-high/absolute levels of concentration, either on the reserve itself or some other task or goal, and he can't use magic in this state. On the other end of the spectrum, if either Adjutor or Xarrest are destabilized, mentally, or emotionally, the volatile mana will start damaging the area around him as it tries to escape, succeeding as he starts bleeding off mana. Furthermore, Adjutor is unable to use magic in this state, as he can't focus his mana enough to do so.

Furthermore, due to the volatile nature of his mana, Adjutor is especially vulnerable to most kinds of magecraft, as any spells that strike him directly are then amplified by a tiny portion of his own energy, which he keeps floating around outside of the reserve to speed up casting. In addition, projectile-type spells tend to home in on him slightly.

Also, Adjutor's casting efficiency with regards to mana-consumption is dependent on how focused he is.

Mana-sight: An unintended side-effect of the addition of the Mana Reserve resulted in Adjutor being able to see mana and similar energies as distortions in the air as a natural ability, as well as any constructs based on those energies, any conduits for the energy, and the presence of any enchantments. In addition, he is usually able to hazard a decent guess at someone's magical potential if they don't make a conscious effort to hide it, though this is more a facet of his experience with the ability. Unfortunately, he can't control it, aside from sealing it altogether, which requires a small amount of mana, though he can undo the seal at any time.

Shadow-walking: In an attempt to east the process of adding the Mana Reserve (Read: Increasing the chance of survival from infinitesimally small to somewhat decent), Adjutor also had the soul of a being of another race shoved into his own. The being, a Darkling, as the nearest translation goes, goes by the name Xarrest. One of Xarrest's, and therefore Adjutor's, innate abilities is to be able to move through Shadows as if they were their own dimension, represented by him seemingly falling into a shadow. While within, shadows cast in the outside world are the only solid land, and Adjutor's own movement speed is raised to ridiculous levels, due to the laws of physics being rather lax within. This applies to anyone else Adjutor brings with him.

While within a shadow, Adjutor cannot be affected by anything outside, but also cannot affect anything outside, ergo the analogy of the shadow's being a separate dimension within the world around them. Also, the geography of the shadow realm is affected by the shadows outside, as is obvious by the fact that Adjutor cannot escape into the shadow without being in physical contact with an actual shadow.

Dark-vision: In addition to Shadow-walking, Adjutor also shares Xarrest's sight, allowing him to see perfectly in the dark as if the area were well-lit. While he is able to switch between Xarrest's sight and his own with relative ease, he can still be blinded by bright lights if caught off guard.

Concept Magic: While Adjutor has the ability to use magecraft, he doesn't have a theory to work off of. Instead, his magecraft takes the form of actualizing Concepts in the physical world. This magic relies on him being able to focus on a single basic idea enough that he can apply it to the world around him. In addition, Adjutor is capable of using this magic to copy the basic effects of any spells that he can both see and understand. (Ex: If he were to copy Rin's impermeable Sound-proof Boundary Field, he would only be able to create either a Sound-proof Boundary Field, or an Impermeable Boundary Field.) The magic itself is rather...finicky, to say the least, as its usefulness is extremely situational, so he doesn't rely on it as much as magic users may rely on their craft (Read: Not at all, if it can be helped).

As the Concept is both backed and powered by Adjutor mind and mana, respectively, it is not truly an expression of a Concept, the metaphorical middle-man that is Adjutor causing the actualization to be imperfect. This middle-man situation grounds the Concepts within the realm of magic, though the Concepts can come closer to being true expressions of Concepts if there is more power backing them.

If cast with enough power backing it, the Concept ceases to truly be within the realm of magic, instead becoming a pure expression of the Concept itself. To destroy the Concept at this point would require that the very idea that the Concept embodies be destroyed, though a strong enough expression of Disorder can disrupt the Concept enough that it is forced to dissipate, and the expression can be shut off by the user at will. As an example of how much power this would require, Concept: Shield could not be actualized to this level even if Adjutor were to start with full reserves and pour the entirety of his reserves into the casting.

Focus Word: A basic expression of the Concept of Order. With this, the time and concentration required for Adjutor to actualize a Concept is reduced to the point where use of a Concept would be conceivable on the battle field, though this does nothing for the usefulness of the magic itself.

The Focus Word is as follows, along with each stage of the focusing process: Mo(Gather)-es(Focus)-kar(Shape)-ne(Actualize)

List of spells he's managed to copy(To any degree) and Concepts:
Spoiler for Hiden:

Excluding Concepts of Reinforcement and Sound-proofing, all of the spells below can be enhanced by Adjutor pouring additional energy into the spell while casting.

  • Concept: Reinforcement: Based off of Enhancement-type magic, this Concept vastly augments Adjutor's physical capabilities. Unlike Enhancement, Reinforcement has limits to how far the effects can be pushed, while Enhancement can be applied without limit. However, pushing Enhancement beyond a certain level will result in the degeneration of that which is Enhanced, eventually destroying the target altogether, and requires time to recover from after the effects wear off, during which it can't be cast again. Reinforcement, on the other hand, doesn't risk overclocking that which it's applied to, doesn't put any strain on the affected object, and can be reapplied immediately after it wears off.
  • Concept: Sound-Proofing: Copied from certain...magical items. Effects are self-explanatory.
  • Concept: Fire: A Base Concept, this spell require some casting time even with use of the Focus Word. The Concept itself burns everything it can while Adjutor fuels it, be it stone, earth, air, flesh, or magical energy itself. Adjutor usually uses this Concept for flash-fires, as protracted use drains him significantly, and the Concept itself poses too much risk for collateral damage, being, you know, fire. To clarify, Adjutor can control where the flames appear, but not how they spread. It's also the most draining and straining of Adjutor's spells so far. Incinerating every surface in a hospital lobby for just one second would leave him on the fast track to being knocked out by the mental strain and take a significant chunk out of his mana.
  • Concept: Shield: Another Base Concept, though this spell can be called out fairly easily with the use of a Focus word. Acts as a suitable defense against most magic-based attacks, and it functions as a passable shield against physical assaults as well. Is limited to a range of 20 meters if not anchored to something. If anchored to something, it covers that which it was applied to completely.
  • Concept: Repair: Derived from his Healing magic, Adjutor can use this concept to repair most kinds of damage, both physical and spiritual, that would normally be outside of the abilities of his Healing magic. However, this Concept isn't compatible with living beings, and wouldn't be advisable for use on anything that isn't inanimate. Adjutor's first use of this Concept was to repair a hallway damaged by Rider running her Pegasus through it.
  • Unfocusing: Meditation on the nature of the Focus Word soon led Adjutor to this expression of the Concept of Disorder. Ironically, this is one of the few spells he will rely on, despite it being something of a energy-hog compared to normal spells. The reason for this is simple. Being an expression of the Concept of Disorder, any magical construct retaining a weak enough concept of 'Order' or lacking one entirely is dissolved by the spell. This includes most spells, though most enchanted items have a strong enough Concept of Order to resist the Unfocusing. In addition, the force of the energy being expelled from Adjutor acts as an expanding wall of force, capable of turning aside most oncoming attacks if timed correctly and fed enough power. Unfortunately, due to that very same nature, the Unfocusing is also a very short range spell, the effects extending for only a meter away from Adjutor in all directions at its base power. Furthermore, attempting to cast spells within the radius of an Unfocusing immediately after one is cast would be inadvisable, as the Disorder takes a second or two to completely disperse.

    This spell is released by Adjutor saying his Focus Word backwards, along with the steps: Enark(Gather)-Seom(Burst)
  • Healing magic: Adjutor is also highly practiced with healing magic, capable of repairing most injuries completely given enough time. This expertise is mainly due to having had to patch himself up a lot. His ability to heal others, on the other hand, is far below the level he would prefer it to be at.

More to be added as Adjutor goes about, sees more spells, and studies more Concepts.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Purpose: Every being in Orthos is born with a Purpose engraved into its soul, acting through impulses and urges to follow this purpose. The Purpose is usually broad enough to allow some variation in how it is accomplished, and it can be ignored without any penalty. However, between two beings of equal skill performing the same task with the same resources available to them, if one of them has a Purpose that is aligned with the task, then their work will be fundamentally better, by however small a margin. In addition, most Purposes will grant some kind of relevant talent to those who follow it.

To elaborate, if an action that someone takes is aligned with their Purpose, they would be fundamentally better at the action that they are attempting than they would be otherwise. The more the action aligns with their Purpose, the greater the boost they receive from their Purpose is. (Example: Someone with Purpose: Destroyer trying to destroy a building vs that same person trying to destroy an anthill. The person trying to destroy the building would be empowered to a far greater degree than the person trying to destroy the anthill).

Adjutor's Purpose is designated as 'Protector', but it's mostly useless as his actions don't usually follow it and he himself remains unaware of it.

Purpose: Protector grants him a power boost for acting to protect something, with two exceptions being attempting to protect the ground he stands on and any natural features of it (Purpose still applies to buildings and artifical structures.) and protecting himself. However, Purpose-based empowerment requires that Adjutor actually be protecting against something that poses an actual threat to what he's protecting.

Due to the nature of the Purpose, it can empower any of Adjutor's magic/magic-based abilities, but it has its limits when the conditions are met for magic that is being used offensively.

Mundane Skills below:
Spoiler for Hiden:

Hand-to-hand(unarmed): Human. While Adjutor doesn't know any specific styles of unarmed fighting, he is a competent brawler, depending more on the environment than his own strength, though the Armogarians help when he can't find a convenient bottle or table.

Hand-to-hand (Spears): High Human (From training with Rahab in its preferred form.)

Hand-to-hand (Axes): High Human (From training with Laivatain in its preferred form.)

Hand-to-hand (Swords): Exceptional (Approaching Supernatural when using Switch-hand style)

About Switch-hand:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Taking advantage of the fact that he doesn't have to worry about upkeep on his weapons, and the basic connection he has with all of them, Adjutor took the question of 'If having two weapons doubles your rate of attack, would having four weapons quadruple it?' and answered yes. The style itself is based off of keeping as many of his Elemental weapons engaged in the battle as he can manage to do at the same time. This style is suited for someone who hunts being that may generally outclass them in terms of raw power, as it is best suited for one-on-one combat. Maneuvering his weapons around however he can, whether with his hands, with the Armogarians, by striking at them with other weapons, or by any other means available to continue raining down blows on his opponent. The switch-hand style is focused on overwhelming the opponent with the sheer volume of attacks from as many different angles as he can manage, but it is far less effective against more than one opponent, outright ceasing to work against more than three opponents at once.

Adjutor is just as capable of maneuvering a single weapon as he is with four, as he doesn't have a specific weapon hand due to being ambidextrous. As a result, even with a single weapon, Adjutor is capable of raining down attacks from any angle he so decides. Additionally, Adjutor is capable of making up to four separate attacks, one for each weapon, using this style in the same time it would take someone of equivalent physical capabilities to make one attack with one weapon.

Ballistic skill(General): Human (Adjutor is a decent shot with most firearms, though he does best with the Armogarians)(see below).

Trap skill: Exceptional (Adjutor's normal approach to battle is to rig the area as much as he can, if he can. His preferred types of traps include mines, plastic explosives, and fougasses, as well as the occasional bear-trap, if he can find one, or other traps of that nature, though he is very proficient with entanglement-type traps like snares and nets.)

Other items:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Urthemiel's Brand: Part of the terms agreed upon between Adjutor and the Old God, this Brand was placed upon Adjutor's right cheek. Through it, Ur is aware of Adjutor's position at all times and is able to call to him for aid, which causes a dreadful burning sensation.

Rage Demon: Part of Ur's "tutelage" involved giving Adjutor a connection to the Fade. Ur managed this by having a demon of the Fade possess Adjutor so he could piggyback its connection to the Fade. Ur didn't allow a full possession, however, binding the demon so that its constant struggles could not subvert Adjutor. However, should Adjutor give in to his anger, it will be the same as giving in to the Rage Demon, allowing it to fully possess the teen.

Aside from some fire magic, Adjutor also learned use of glyphs that neutralize the magic of a caster and his spells.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Armogarians: Named for flexible swords that found considerable use in execution, these normally take the form of the tattoos on Adjutor's arms. The Armogarians are masses of thought-form metal that Adjutor can manipulate as he needs to, with Adjutor controlling how much of the metal is brought forth and what shape it takes. Though he doesn't have to expend any energy to manipulate them however he wants to, he does need to divert some focus to them to shape them and slightly more solidify them. Additionally, the amount of metal available for Adjutor's use is limited to the equivalent volume of two cylinders, each approximately a meter in radius and extending three meters in front of him. His most common use for the Armogarians, aside from the various mundane tasks they are applied to, is to form firearms. Armogarian guns, however, have a serious recoil problem, as the gun is attached to Adjutor's arm. This all but eliminates the feasibility of fully automatic fire without something to brace against, and reduces the usability of higher-caliber rounds unless the aforementioned conditions are fulfilled.

Additionally, there is a secondary function of the Armogarians. With the word 'Armos' and a significant expenditure of Mana, Adjutor can shape the metal of the Armogarians into full body armor that lacks any kind of openings, despite allowing in air, while seemingly still allowing Adjutor to see through a 'visor' that shows up as three horizontal red bars across the faceplate despite the complete lack of an opening along the 'visor' while, in truth, his vision is unimpeded. Further more, he can lock the armor in place at will, and it will lock automatically if there is stress on the articulation that exceeds a certain limit (Basically, he can't break any bones while in the armor). While the Armogarian Armor is active, Adjutor can't use the Armogarians for anything else, as all of it is being used for the Armor. In turn, he doesn't need to focus on the Armor to maintain it, and can remove it at any time, though this will necessitate having to expend the mana needed to manifest it if he requires the armor again.

The armor itself can be said to be in the gap between 'the Ultimate armor' and 'the Absolute armor' and, as such, cannot be damaged. However, while the Armor may be mistaken for being invincible, the person inside is most certainly not. Adjutor can still be harmed while within the Armogarian Armor, even without absolute attacks, only it requires that he be injured by whiplash and injuries of that nature, though the Armor does provide some resistance to even those, but not nearly enough. That said, the armor only provides a heightened resistance against magic which, when paired up with Adjutor's own weakness against magic, evens out for a fairly average degree of Magic Resistance, sufficient for tanking Single Action spells and not much else.

Spoiler for Hiden:
The Armogarians are imbued with a Concept unknown to Adjutor at this point in time, Concept: Existence. The power that went into the Concept when it was cast allowed for a True Actualization and made the effects permanent. Furthermore, the Concept itself is self-enforcing, making attempting to attack the Concept itself an exercise in futility. The effects of the Concept make the Armogarians literally indestructible by enforcing their very existence to the point that it is an absolute Truth that overrides any attempts to deny it or destroy that which it embodies. However, while the Armogarians can't be broken, they can be bent due to still being metal.

Elemental Blades:

Note: Elementals can consume their given element to increase their own power, lower the cost of their secondaries, or to simply store it for later use. Ancient beings that have existed for time immeasurable, they have developed powerful resistance to most magical effects due to their age and power. The exception to this being magic of opposed elements and concepts. If their physical forms are erased, they have to acquire more of their given element to be able to manifest again.

Obviously, Elementals have total authority and a respectable degree of control over their given elements. Adjutor can piggyback these abilities to a degree, but only at the cost of mana as he is not an Elemental himself and has no aptitude with Elemental manipulations of his own.

Spoiler for Hiden:
  • Tyrfing: Shadow Elemental bound as a short sword with vampiric aspects sealed into the Elemental, corrupting it. Grants Adjutor some aptitude in shadow manipulation, as well as some ability with constructs, aside from what Xarrest grants him. Tyrfing will drain the mana and blood/life force of anyone or anything it pierces, in that order, at a rate that allows it to drain the average adult male dry in about 30 seconds of continuous draining and the average mage dry of mana in about 15 seconds. Given some more time, entire souls can be extracted and stored to be broken down into energy later. Additionally, Adjutor has made a habit of using blood collected with Tyrfing as a catalyst to speed the casting of high-level healing spells (powerful enough to rapidly heal any damage that isn't immediately lethal). Furthermore, Tyrfing can draw in ambient mana, but only at a very slow rate and only when the sword is actually drawn. Due to its affinity for them, Tyrfing has some rudimentary ability to detect mana/souls/energy independently of Adjutor. Secondary Ability: Consume. For a middling mana cost and an invocation, Tyrfing's rate of draining will be vastly increased, to the point where it will visibly flay the flesh from its target's bones and eat most kinds of spells whole. The mana gained by using this secondary usually makes up for the amount needed to activate it. As the blade is soul-bound to Adjutor/Xarrest's soul, he can summon it at will, And the time required for it to go from spirit form to physical manifestation is negligible. As a Shadow Elemental, it is a shadow itself, and thus Adjutor can use it as one. Furthermore, if Adjutor has Tyrfing with him while in the shadow realm, he can manifest it in a similar manner to what Rahab can do with a large enough body of water (See below.). Due to being soul-bound, it can't be wielded by anyone but Adjutor, which can be both advantageous and problematic, depending on the situation. Preferred form: Short sword.

    Stats for Tyrfing's manifestations:
    Spoiler for Hiden:
    Appearance: Varies. Tyrfing can take on any shape it wants to, given enough shadows.

    Strength: N/A
    Agility: Legendary
    Constitution: N/A

    Note: Cannot manifest unless in the Shadow. Within the Shadow it is able to have manifest with a semi-physical form.

  • Rahab: Ice Elemental bound as a rapier. Grants Adjutor aptitude with ice manipulation, some uses for which include constructs and projectiles. This Elemental differs from the rest of his weapons in that it was the only one he had to fight for. Specifically, he had to defeat a manifestation of its choosing to earn the right to use it. It chose the form of an Ice Wyrm. After a long drawn-out fight, the Ice Elemental acceded victory to Adjutor, by virtue of him still being alive, however barely, at the end of it. Rahab is capable of using a sufficiently large body of water to manifest in any shape of its choosing, though this manifestation can be damaged, and thus destroyed, normally. Secondary Ability: Pierce. For a middling energy cost and an invocation, Rahab's blade will rapidly extend forwards, at a rate of approximately thirty meters per second (30 m/s) at the base level. With the standard amount of mana the blade can extend approximately 30 meters. This blade is also soul-bound to Adjutor, with the same advantages and disadvantages as with Tyrfing. Preferred form: Spear.

    Stats for Rahab's manifestations:
    Spoiler for Hiden:
    Appearance: Varies. Rahab can take on any shape it wants to, given enough water/ice.

    Strength: Exceptional-Legendary (Depends on the amount of water/ice available to it, and thus how much mass it can put behind its blows)
    Agility: Incredible
    Constitution: Exceptional-Legendary (Depending on how much water/ice is available to it.)

  • Laivatain: Fire Elemental bound as a two-hander. Grants Adjutor aptitude with fire manipulation. The blade is on fire while it is in use, due to Laivatain's own preferences. Secondary Ability: Blaze. For a somewhat high energy cost and an invocation, Laivatain will unleash an inferno upon the area in the general direction it is swung. This is, in Adjutor's opinion, the least useful ability out of all the swords, as it rarely manages to catch any enemies on fire due to having to invoke its name before using this ability, and thus giving them time to either get out of range or shield themselves. Laivatain is not soul-bound to Adjutor, allowing others to use it if the need arises. Preferred form: Double-headed axe.

    Stats for Laivatain's manifestations:
    Spoiler for Hiden:
    Appearance: Varies. Laivatain can take on any shape it wants to, given enough fire.

    Strength: N/A
    Agility: Incredible
    Constitution: N/A

    Note: This manifestation is incorporeal. The only thing it can do it burn things.

  • Valmanway: Wind Elemental bound as a dagger. Grants Adjutor aptitude with wind manipulation, which has primarily found use in boosting his movement speed, making it his fastest weapon across all ranges, though he can utilize wind-based attacks and other kinds of manipulation. Secondary Ability: Fly. For a significant energy cost and an invocation, Adjutor can send Valmanway flying at a target at a minimum of Mach 3(It can go faster if he pours more mana into it. The maximum speed that can be achieved is Mach 7. Valmanway will actively reject anymore mana, as the shockwave from releasing the blade poses a significant risk to Adjutor if it's travelling any faster). The effect is comparable to creating a low-pressure zone in front of Valmanway and increasing the air pressure behind it. It will retain the speed Adjutor launches it at, using the energy Adjutor poured into it to sustain this high-pressure/low-pressure system. Of course, as Adjutor is literally throwing the blade away, this is a single-use attack, after which Adjutor either has to retrieve the blade or Valmanway has to switch to a spirit form and return to Adjutor, which isn't practical in the middle of a fight as Valmanway takes time to switch from spirit form to physical. Valmanway is not soul-bound to Adjutor, and can be used by others. Preferred form: Dagger.

    Stats for Valmanway's manifestations:
    Spoiler for Hiden:
    Appearance: None. Due to its nature Valmanway seems to vanish when it manifests.

    Strength: N/A
    Agility: Supernatural
    Constitution: N/A

    Note: This manifestation is incorporeal. It's only ability is the authority and control over its element that comes naturally to it.

Monster Hunter's Journal: A nigh-indestructible book containing what can best be described as the Memoirs of someone who only identifies as 'The Monster Hunter,' implying that there was another one before Adjutor. The book is nigh-indestructible due to the covers being Mithril, and the spine being of steel forged with the bones of a Wyvern (Dragons were keeping to themselves, for the most part, according to the previous hunter). The book itself is also woven with various protections, both magical and otherwise, likely placed by the previous Hunter himself/herself.

The book itself contains a Bestiary, maps, journals, a list of spells, a training regimen, and a journal/diary. Everything but the journal was readable in full from the start, but the journal is mostly hidden, with the pages past a certain point being completely blank. More pages have been revealed over time, but it seems to be completely random when a new page will become readable, or how many new pages will become readable. Adjutor has taken to reading it whenever he has free time, as he's still working on mastering the spell list, which seems to be made mostly of Concepts...

Spoiler for Hiden:
Like the Armogarians, the Monster Hunter's Journal was also imbued with Concept: Existence. Like the Armogarians, the power put into the casting of the Concept has made it permanently binding and on the level of a True Actualization. The effects of Concept: Existence on the book are similar to the effects on the Armogarians.

Cold Iron dagger: For use against Fae and their constructs.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Adjutor was, before becoming what he is now, completely and totally average. Aside from a knack for technology surpassed easily by a fair few of his friends, and a strange grasp of concepts, especially those involving math.

Almost all of this was erased when, following events that Adjutor doesn't quite remember anymore involving alternate universe versions of two Sorcerers, Adjutor found himself the unwilling test subject of an experiment to see if any reasonable degree magical aptitude could be artificially implanted into a mundane. Of course, it would help if another foreign body, one more accustomed to magic, was introduced. This is how Adjutor became acquainted with Xarrest (Read: One more source of pain in addition to the agony of all the other modifications.). The first step, of course, would be to ensure the test subject would survive the modifications. The fail-safes intended to keep the subject from turning on its de facto creators would require too much time, effort, and materials to be wasted if the subject died during the modifications.

Unfortunately, they didn't account for an shortened recuperation time due to said modifications, which gave Adjutor the perfect opportunity to escape, a feat made possible thanks to his shadow-walking and Tyrfing already being bound to Xarrest's soul and, by extension, Adjutor's soul as well. The Sorcerers didn't bother to pursue, as there was no way for Adjutor to accumulate enough power to beat even one of them by himself, assuming he even survived long enough to come back. Regardless, they had what they wanted, proof that the procedure worked.

In the course of running away from the two Sorcerers, Adjutor managed to acquire the aid of three more Elementals. Empowered by the Elementals and after a little over a year of planning, and the expenditure of a fair few lives, a lucky fluke ended up costing the first of the two Sorcerers his life. Tyrfing allowed Adjutor to save the Sorcerer's soul to be stored elsewhere, with him using the soul to access the Sorcerer's magic by proxy to return to his home dimension.

The events that follow would see Adjutor discovering that he'd gone too far to return to his old life, followed by him being pulled back into that dimension once more. More months pass, spent planning the death of the second Sorcerer. This time, there is no luck involved. Soon afterwards, Adjutor found evidence of their plans to attempt this same procedure that created him to affect the lives of others. And Adjutor had saved all of them.

It was at this point that Adjutor came to a simple conclusion. When seeking to keep people from harm, it is far easier and more efficient to simply destroy that which could harm them before it gets the chance to do so. And so, the idea of the Monster Hunter was born, or at least discovered, by Adjutor. Resolving to carry on as best he could in spite of how his life had been irreversibly changed, Adjutor is interrupted when he keels over from the exhaustion of the battle. When he wakes up, he finds himself in the Nexus, unchanged, except that he was almost completely dry of magical energy and he had acquired a book somewhere along the way. He felt like there was something missing that he couldn't place his finger on, but he paid it no mind.

Fortunately, while he soon finds that there is no shortage of Monsters to hunt, he also finds that a relatively normal life, difficult to accomplish given how pervasively he's been changed, can be led in this strange new place. Of course, this does not offer the slightest guarantee that this will actually be the case.

Weaknesses: Standard human weaknesses (especially one-hit kills), high-speed impacts, whiplash, and attacks that ignore armor by their nature (While in the Armogarian Armor), protracted fights, most spellcraft, enemies that don't have exploitable weaknesses and that he can't prepare for ahead of time, having the flaws in his ideal pointed out. In addition, use of Concept Magic requires an invocation(Reinforcement is a notable exception), as do the secondary abilities of his Elemental Weapons and the Armogarian armor, and he's limited to Concept Magic if he's not using the Elementals.

He hates being alone, and as such can be manipulated to a degree by the promise of companionship.

Furthermore, if his mana reserve is destabilized, Adjutor will be unable to use magic until it's stable and will rapidly bleed off mana until he does so. His mana reserve doesn't recharge over time and he can't draw in ambient mana by himself.

New: If Adjutor gives in to his anger, the Rage Demon Ur bound to him will possess him completely, making him nothing more than an Abomination slaved to the Rage Demon's will.

Likes: A good plan, explosives, hunting, generally making other people's days better, sweets, spicy food, companionship.

Dislikes: Being inefficient, Monsters, Assholes, sibling abuse, not having a plan, bitter food, loneliness.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2015, 07:55:52 PM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #31 on: November 23, 2014, 02:48:12 AM »
Name: Ezra Longinia

Race: Human

Age: 27

Height: 182 cm (5'11" 1/2)

Weight: 75 kg (166 pounds)

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Brown

Appearance: Tall, with worn fingerless gloves and a nondescript jacket. His hair is long, in a ponytail that stretches down his back, a conscious decision to emulate Samson. Occasionally smokes, but very fit and healthy otherwise. Shaves as often as he can, but generally has some short stubble. He wears matte, steel-reinforced shoes for practical reasons. A normal enough looking human otherwise, decently attractive.

Origin: The last member of the line of Saint Longinus, stretching back to the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth. Like Bazett Fraga McRemitz, his family has carried the Spear of Destiny within their bloodline for generations, the lance that pierced the side of Christ. However, even though Longinus was the one who ascertained the divinity of Christ, he was forced to bear punishment for the sin of wounding the Son of God, and that curse has passed down his line ever since. The curse is as follows:

1. The children of the line of Longinus may not refuse the invitation of battle.

2. Those who bear the name of Longinus, as punishment for harming the Son of God, may not live to see their thirtieth year upon the Earth.

Ezra is nearing the limit of his time on Earth, without any heirs to pass down the Lance of his ancestor. As someone who is under the curse of Longinus, Ezra has fought in the military throughout most of his life; the wording of his curse is binding enough that he was forced to accept the military draft. In addition, he has been unable to back away from any challenge posed to him, be it by supernatural beings or ordinary men. Because of this, Ezra has gotten very, very good at fighting. He was married, once, but as a result of the constant battles that plague him his wife was killed, caught in the crossfire by accident. He has not been involved with anyone since.


Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Exceptional

Constitution: Exceptional

Magical Ability: Low

Other Abilities

Lancea Longini - The Lance that Pierces the Son of God: The Lance of Ezra's ancestor is actually buried within the his own body. By squeezing the nails of his right hand against his palm to the point of drawing blood, Ezra can manifest the Spear. It has the ability to change its form somewhat, alternating between the true, single-headed spear and a two pronged form. Either way, its true power is that of a Noble Phantasm.

As a Noble Phantasm, when the Lance of Longinus pierces something, it deals damage proportional to how far removed they are from humanity. In other words, to unchanged humans, without any magical abilities or any relation to supernatural beings, it would be a simple spear wound. To something like a dragon, however, it would be a massive blow that could kill it in one strike - if it lands. In addition to this, if the target has Divinity, the damage scales as well. As the spear that wounded the pinnacle of the Divine in man, the Lance of Longinus deals the same damage to spiritual beings as it would to physical ones.

Martial Arts - The Way of the Spear: Fighting with the Lance as his only weapon has made Ezra get very good at it, very fast. He can wield it with incredible skill, having mastered how to utilize the weapon to the utmost. His skill with the Lance, some inherited, most not, is enough that he could match powerful beings in combat if he was able to move past the limits of humanity.

Divinity: As a descendant of a venerated saint who took the blood of Jesus of Nazareth into himself, and the carrier of one of the Holy Relics of the Church, Ezra has a streak of divinity within him. By being something that is not completely human himself, though very close, Ezra was able to reach the peak of human ability. (If this was a Servant's sheet, it'd be Rank D)

Sheer Instinct: Due to a lifetime of being forced to fight, Ezra has developed a sort of sixth sense bordering on precognition. His body reacts almost entirely on muscle memory, playing off his enemies's movements before his mind has really caught up. By focusing, Ezra can read the moves of people with equal attributes, as well as react to people above him in power, although it decreases as they get stronger.

Weakness: All normal human weaknesses apply. Ezra has no magic resistance, and is not fast enough to defend against machine guns or the like.

Likes: Quiet, People who don't ask him to clean, Women, Saint Longinus

Dislikes: Giving up, People who provoke him to fight, Saint Longinus
« Last Edit: December 01, 2014, 04:06:03 AM by Mooncake »
Spoiler for Hiden:


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #32 on: November 23, 2014, 03:53:58 AM »
Name: Sarse

Race: Angel

Titles: Angel of Choice, Friend of the Sages, Servitor of Destiny

Age: Roughly 1520

Height: 181 Centimeters

Appearance: Sarse's vessel has the appearance of a simple, slightly tanned man in his late twenties, of short and wavy brown hair and blue eyes, often dressed in a semi-formal suit jacket over a white shirt, trousers, and shoes. In celestial form, Sarse resembles a giant many-eyed serpent with three pairs of feathered wings, wreathed in blue flames. The wings are inverted, his mark as a Redeemed.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Incredible

[Consider Sarse's celestial form to have Fantastic across the board to represent his overall celestial force and power of his soul]

Magical Power: None

Other Abilities:

Perceiving The Symphony: Celestials are beings who can hear the great Symphony of Creation and distinguish the notes that make it up. Anything which disturbs the Symphony in their proximity will ping on this sensibility, allowing them to track the source of celestial powers, the use of essence, and the origin of any other great disruption in the tune of creation, such as the deaths of sentient beings, mass destruction, and even powers of other kinds. Angels can more easily distinguish and recognize disturbances of angelic origin, but as a former Fallen, Sarse can equally tell when a discordant note is of diabolical nature.

Celestial Resonance: The Seraphim are attuned to the great Symphony on a more fundamental level than any other Choir. When they are paying attention, no one can lie to them without it ringing false. A lie is a stain that echoes through creation, undeniable to a perceptive Seraph. As such, they can discern lies from the truth, both as the speaker understands it and, with a careful ear, even the absolute Truth as the Symphony knows it.

Angel of Choice: Sarse is a Celestial who has received a Word, and become intrinsically connected with its place in the great Symphony. As the Angel of Choice, he is meant to do all he can to further this concept for the cause of Heaven and increase its weight in the world. He must encourage others to make their own decisions and to act on their ability to choose for the better, and can recover essence from these acts. He must not refuse to give others a choice if he can help otherwise, reject the possibility of multiple options to resolve a situation, or hide from others that they have the ability to make a better decision, or he will cause dissonance in his own Symphony. He can also feel when people make decisions they do not truly wish to make, or when choices are unfairly restricted, those notes rippling through the Symphony.

Vessel: A vessel is a corporeal form a celestial takes to interact with earthly matters. Celestials can create vessels in the form of any living being and choose its appearance, but most use human ones. Vessels also possess Roles that are chosen at the time of their creation, which determine how it fits into society and the resources the celestial has access to. Vessels do not need to eat, drink, or sleep, and are not ailed by most mortal concerns. They do need to breathe, and are subject to drowning and vacuum. When their Vessel dies, this does not equal the death of the Celestial, but the trauma echoes through their souls and may cripple or weaken them. Creating a new vessel is a complicated act, that requires investing the Celestial's force into a new piece of himself.

Celestial Form: Temporarily abandoning his corporeal vessel, Sarse can assume his true celestial form on the physical world through an effort of power and will. While in this form he cannot be struck by physical weapons or damaged by any earthly force. In the same token, he cannot physically touch anything, being insubstantial - but can still affect the world using the power of his very soul. Additionally, he can fly freely, unaffected by physics, and cannot normally be perceived unless he wishes it so.

Rites: Rituals of special significance to the Superiors celestials are sworn to, which pull celestial essence from the Symphony by creating specific patterns in the physical world or the celestial's mind. His Rites of Yves are: spending around two hours in philosophical discussion; four hours teaching willing students; or six hours meditating or studying in a library. In contrast, his known demonic Rites of Saminga are as such: killing ten humans; killing the vessel of a being on the level of a celestial; or sleeping in a cemetery for six hours.

Attunements: Special powers granted by a celestial's Superior, by tuning them to the Symphony in accordance to the Superior's domain. Seraphim of Yves are linked to his Book Of Names, knowing the true name of everyone they contact physically, and of every item he sees clearly or touches (provided it has a name in an Earthly language).

Distinctions: The abilities granted to a celestial by the ranking he possesses on his Superior's domain. As a Friend of the Sages, Sarse may immediately comprehend any printed material he sees and will never forget it; and has college-level knowledge in every general subject (of course, knowing and being able to use that knowledge are different things).

Songs: The Songs are celestial hymns that create miracles fueled by the essence of the universe. Additional time can be taken to perform so their effects are increased. Using more essence also expands their power. Sarse's skill with the Songs of Thunder, Shields and Form allows him to perform them mentally for instant results; while the songs of Motion and Healing require him to perform either gesture, or vocal invocation. For the song of Tongues he requires both hand motions and vocal performance.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Song Of Thunder - Superhuman. The performer of this song causes a thunderous explosion of forces across all levels of reality, stunning everyone else within its range for a few instants. Its base effective range is around 6 yards. The song leaves its victims almost completely unable to act, but may be resisted with extraordinary willpower.

Song Of Shields - This song creates temporary defenses around the singer that deflect or prevent certain kinds of interference within their perimeter. It can create an enveloping cyclone that buffets any corporeal forces in approach, preventing all physical attacks and objects from passing; or a green field of energy through which no celestial power or spiritual energy based attack can pierce. These protections last roughly a minute.

Song Of Motion - Supernatural. A song which rules the motion of the cosmos. It can allow the performer to fly free of gravity for a few minutes; or let him change the location of something in sight within the Symphony up to several hundreds of meters.

Song Of Healing - Supernatural. This song soothes the pain of existence and mends the ills of the performer and others. With it, Sarse can heal flesh; wipe away insanity; or even restore the soul.

Song Of Form - Supernatural. The song changes the form of the performer's vessel. Sarse can use it to harden his vessel's skin, offering physical protection for several minutes.

Song Of Tongues - A song which is used to facilitate communication through most usual barriers. When used, the subject is able to speak in any human language for around an hour, the listeners understanding him in the tongue they are most familiar with, while he understands speech and text in as close an approximation of his first language as possible.

Force of Spirit: Superhuman. Possessing a strong mind as a celestial and an even stronger will (representative of his potent soul), Sarse is difficult to psychically influence, and a force to be reckoned with if he enters the dreamscape of the Marshes while he sleeps.

Quick Healing: The corporeal vessels of Celestials heal prodigiously fast, much more efficiently than any mortal. Minor scrapes and bruises heal in minutes, significant wounds disappear in little over days and mortal injuries will close and mend naturally within a week if the vessel survives the initial trauma.

Musical Talent: Music shapes everything in the universe. The melodies produced by sentient beings are reflections of the fabric of creation itself, and everyone's tone resounds according to their own Symphony. As beings so closely related to the great Symphony, the music produced by the Seraphim beautifully emulates it indeed. One has not heard an instrument be played until they have witnessed a Seraph wield it. By no means does this make them better than a trained musician from the onset, but they have an instinctive aptitude mortals cannot replicate. Sarse himself actually knows how to play the violin quite, however.

Skills: Though lacking formal training beyond the basics, Sarse is extremely proficient in hand-to-hand combat and weapon use. He is capable with firearms, and experienced at concealing himself and moving about unnoticed. Also far more perceptive than then the average human or celestial, and a pretty good driver. As his main area of activity on Earth has been Europe for the last centuries, he knows most of the languages spoken there, aside from the celestial tongue.


Violin - A common, well-made violin. Comes with a case.
Blessed Motorcycle - A blessed stunt motorcycle. Tougher than a regular bike, and turned on with a celestial incantation instead of a key.
Fiery Sword - A brass sword hilt without a blade. When the handle is firmly gripped with both hands and essence is channeled into it, it manifests a long blade of flames, turning into a powerful weapon. This item remains on the owner's celestial form, and its blade damages the soul itself when used in that state.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Sarse was born a Demon, created in Hell as a Belseraph by one of the Demon Princes. Saminga, the Demon Prince of Death named him the closest earthly translation of "Despoiler" in the celestial tongue, for his intended purpose. Taught only the worse about Humanity, that the Fallen were the righteous rebels, that the Symphony was a mistake, he first visited Earth determined to do the bloody work needed to undo it. What he found was different from what he expected. For near 300 years, he served in Hell without question, but every day his doubts grew greater, and every day his disobedience of the chaotic drumming of Hell grew.

He accumulated dissonance and discord, suffocating in his own celestial lies as a Belseraph and reluctance to indulge in Death. He knew where this path would take him, but he could not keep himself from it. Becoming a Renegade expelled from even Hell, he had no choice but to run. For decades he hid on Earth, fighting both the Angels of Dominic and the Demons of Asmodeus. He struggled only for survival and little acts of help where he could, until he managed to find someone who would aid him. Through them, Sarse managed to reach the Archangel of Destiny, Yves. He fell to his knees, and acted on his last hope, begging him for aid. And before Sarse's humble pleading, Yves smiled and offered him his hand.

Uplifted to an Angel, but a stricken one, Sarse worked tirelessly to restore himself, doing the work of Heaven and his savior with all the heart he could muster. Though he made enemies, his dedication earned him allies, and he realized, for the first time since his birth, that he was working towards his own happiness.

It took many years of hard work, but all the distortions of his soul were removed, and he so became a true Redeemed. And ever since, he has continued to faithfully serve Yves and learning from him. In the over a millennia he spent doing the work of Heaven, he became distinguished in and outside of his Superior's ranks, gained power, and labored greatly to prevent Hell from destroying what he had accomplished.

So came the day Sarse was offered a Word. Choice. For just as he had chosen to be better and seize whatever hope was left for him in his darkest hour, so too could humanity, free of the influence of corruption. He did not plan on accepting the Word, believing that precisely because of the nature of Choice, it did not require a word-bound to defend it - it was something everyone had to grasp on their own -, but good sense and an enormous sense of gratitude towards his Superior made him take it.

From that moment onwards, he traveled extensively through Earth to do the Archangel of Destiny's work, increase the reach of his Word, and deny the false choices that the manipulators of Hell forced on Mankind.

Weakness: As a member of the Choir of the Seraphim, Sarse is unable to tell a lie without creating Dissonance in his Symphony. As his Superior is Yves, the Archangel Of Destiny, he cannot take direct action to move a person towards their dark Fate, or he will gain dissonance. Enough dissonance will accumulate into permanent Discord, which will weaken him. If he uses any of his known demonic Rites to generate essence, he will also gain Dissonance.

Likes: Honesty, reading, music, pleasant discussion, effort, books
Dislikes: Hypocrisy, those who exploit others, wanton selfishness, false promises, the stench of death

« Last Edit: May 31, 2015, 02:56:23 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #33 on: November 25, 2014, 01:46:58 AM »
Name: Ann

Spoiler for Hiden:
The First System of Power: Death

Race: System of Power or just Power

Age: As old as her world. At this point numbers cease to matter and all you need to know is that she is very, very old.

Height: Varies but is currently about 5' 8'' feet in the human Shell.

Weight: Varies but is usually kept at around 150 lbs in the human Shell.

Appearance: Ann's main human Shell is of a lithe and fair young woman, of black lustrous hair, and grey eyes that speak of more years and lives than her appearance would make anyone think. Most of her body is covered in a black robe with a hood that almost seems to have merged with her body. It is almost impossible to remove it if she doesn’t want it off and always seems to flow around her feet so she won’t trip on it.

The owl Shell has the same grey eyes as the other Shells and its feathers are as dark as midnight. It is about as large as a barn owl but it rarely makes a sound as it takes flight and moves. For all intents and purposes it has the equivalent of Presence Concealment: D

The dog Shell is a gargantuan beast with teeth sharper than any sword, a nose keener than any other hound, and a coat of fur that makes it look like a creature made of shadow. This Shell is about 6 feet on all fours and is just as large and heavy as it is tall.

True Form:
Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes

Strength: Superhuman (Legendary)

Agility: Supernatural (Legendary)

Constitution: Superhuman (Legendary)

Other Abilities:

Magic Resistance:  Extremely High - It takes potent magic to actually harm Ann and the ones that can have their effects reduced. Spells that focus on draining lifeforce do not affect Ann at all.

The Shell: The true strength of a System of Power makes interaction with mortals and their world difficult at best. Through careful practice they devised a way to craft containers for their might. They are much more limited than their actual forms but the ability to not annihilate everything around you is something that Ann appreciates. As the oldest and most powerful of the Powers Ann can shape her shell into a myriad of forms. She prefers the form of a dog, owl, or a human. No matter what form her Shell takes it always has black hair/feathers/fur and grey eyes. As mere physical containers of her power Shells are incapable of getting sick or poisoned and wounds simply require Ann to recreate the lost pieces of the Shell. The Shell also retains the same level of toughness throughout the entirety of its body. Even attacks against the weak points of the human body can fail to hurt it unless enough force is used. There are  flaws in the Shell such as skin looking extremely pale sometimes, a lack of breathing, or warm skin suddenly turning cold. The complete destruction of a Shell would usually just force Ann into her true form but her adverse reaction to the Nexus in that state forces her to take different measures. She would form a container to house her power but it would be much less efficient at containing it and the Nexus would constantly be assaulting her being. She must stay like this until she has crafted a new Shell for herself. Depending on the circumstances it could take a day or two, or it could take weeks.

Telepathy: High - Touching the minds of others is the most basic skill a Power can possess. Although some have found it useful in their duty to regulate the world, Ann simply uses it to communicate to others while in a Shell that lacks the means to communicate vocally. Telepathy surpasses simple language barriers. It is a meeting of minds that allows the beings experiencing it to exchange concepts and experiences and this allows Ann to communicate with other even when she doesn't understand their language.

The Rot: Legendary -This ability is a representation of Ann’s authority as The First System of Power. This is the right to bring the absolute end to all that exists. If she wills it all that comes into physical contact with her quickly degenerates. Flesh rots, bone is reduced to dust, water is made black and poisonous, and metals are reduced to particles. Even spells, magical constructs, and enchantments will fall apart under the force of this ability. Even entities considered "eternal" and objects considered "indestructible" cannot withstand this metaphysical force. Only extremely potent existences or weapons can avoid being quickly annihilated by this force. In her true form The Rot takes on a physical presence in the world, and becomes infinitely more powerful then it was before. A veritable tide of darkness that wraps around her body and washes over all that approaches her, leaving nothing but dust.

The Abyss of Souls: The First System of Power regulates both the deaths of living beings and the afterlife. This afterlife is being drawn into Ann and having your disembodied spirit attached to the endless amount of souls that make up her own. Those who can view the soul see it almost as a work of art. Every single spirit woven into the the essence of her being. All brought together in death to become one with an existence greater than any of them alone. Ann uses the unique nature of her soul in order to keep eavesdroppers away. The death throes of an uncountable number of beings at once usually dissuades anyone from listening to her thoughts. Spirits that lack sufficient strength will easily be absorbed into Ann’s being and become one with the grand design that is her soul. In her true form these souls manifest as countless bodies interlocked to form an almost humanoid shape. She can also see souls and interact with spiritual entities. In her true form the Abyss of Souls become an aggressive force upon the area around her. Only the most powerful of spirits can resist it and even those possessing an object or human can be removed forcibly. This even extends to the living as well. Those who are weak enough and near death can have their souls torn straight from their bodies.


The Final Harvest : A wretched scythe that seems to be little more than a metal blade fused to a shaft, the blade of this scythe cuts through almost all worldly materials as if they weren't even there and the wounds it causes are notoriously difficult to heal even with the aid of magic. If left untreated for a long enough time the wounds caused by the scythe will putrefy and necrosis will soon follow. Potent enough regeneration, while not completely stopped, is slowed considerably. Against spiritual entities The Final Harvest will drain them of energy with every single strike in conjunction with the normal damage it causes by cutting through them. Ann uses this in conjunction with The Abyss of Souls to weaken powerful spirits to the point where they cannot resist its pull. This scythe is tied to Ann’s being and it can be summoned into her hands at any time. Because of this The Final Harvest cannot be damaged or destroyed unless Ann herself is.

Origin: Born in the shadow of creation, The First System of Power regulated the deaths of all beings in the world. Every creature, no matter how small or large, ultimately had its soul claimed by this Power. It was the first and in time it would watch the creation of many more. Throughout its endless years it would see the rise and fall of nations. It would take countless forms and shapes as it moved across the world and appeared before its denizens. Sometimes it was a god, a forest spirit, or an ancestor who had come down to grace the world with its presence. But an eternity of work weighs on the mind and spirit. Now after an eternity of endless work she was free. The world she was in constantly threatened to stamp out her existence but at long last she had a break from the tedious collection of souls. Death had been on the rise for quite a while in her world but now something else regulated existence and she could just sit back and do nothing.

Weakness: As a System of Power Ann’s very being constantly attempts to enforce the laws of her world upon the Nexus. It doesn’t take too kindly to that and as a result it passively rejects her existence while she is in the Nexus. The effect has mostly been negated by staying within her shell, however the moment she enters her true form the full weight of this world grinds against her own existence. Battles in her true form will barely last more than ten minutes lest the power of this reality remove her from existence.

Likes: Breaks, humans, adding souls to herself
New: Teasing Sarse

Dislikes: Immortals, fighting, having to work
« Last Edit: March 01, 2015, 11:08:49 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #34 on: November 25, 2014, 11:32:01 PM »
Name: Costin Andrei

Race: Vampire

Age: 23 physically, 197 actual years old.

Height: 6 feet

Weight: 207 pounds

Spoiler for as moon howler:

Andrei is a tall and fairly bulky dead apostle with an athletic physique.
His hands, great hands that could easily crush a man’s skull are coupled with short and sharp nails that cut trough flesh without any effort and dig into the bone.

He has long hair, dark as the night, kept in a long braid that goes from his neck to his knees.
His pale complexion makes his skin shine like the moon, as his imposing size and composure make him stand out from ordinary men.
His wolf-like crimson eyes and thin eyebrows give a narrow piercing gaze as his thin lips and sharp animalistic teeth form a bloodthirsty smile resting on a diamond-shaped face.
These sharp teeth, with canines that would fit a rabid hound, have dug into many bodies in the past and hint his inhuman state.

While clean-shaven on the most part, one could see he does, in fact, have side burns that reach his lower jaw.

Andrei usually wears a simple black buttoned shirt, whose collar is always left open.
He also fancies a red tie, jeans and neat leather shoes, and prefers to never change clothes unless they are damaged beyond repair.

He always seeks to wear the same attire every day.

He carries many scars across his back, and a large scar resembling entangled snakes runs across both his forearms.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Incredible

Constitution:Incredible(Heroic when hardened, but can't regenerate while hardening and vice versa.)

Other Abilities:

Vampire: Whatever Costin is, he ain't human. He is always hungry, though he learnt how to keep it at bay. To feed, he requires human souls to maintain his body, which he absorbs by drinking their blood or devouring them whole. He lacks a reflection, and his shadow has long left him. If sunlight makes contact with his body he will turn into ash and burn away, but he averts that by literally wearing peoples bodies, which he remodels to resemble his own in the first place. Sometimes.

Grind em' up:While his body is monstruous, Costin has a liking for martial arts, and weaves them into his attacks deceitfully when required.

Just a flesh wound: Costin cannot be incapacitated by normal means and has an unnatural insensibility to pain, being able to shrug off most excruciating wounds and keep fighting at his best constantly. That along with his regenerative abilities makes him a force to not underestimate.

I can smell ya:  His sense of smell reaches legendary prowess, being able to instantly deduce things such as sex, age and state of mind of others based on smell alone, yet the smell he is most keen on recognizing is the smell of blood, to such an extent that he could track a wounded man from miles away without too much trouble.

Magical Ability: Very High

Andrei's vampiric power is Blood Qliphoth. By harnessing the negative emotions of the souls he drains, those who surround him, and even himself, he channels these energies into his body for various effects.

Blood fountain: Andrei may bend and harden his own blood and shape it into practically anything ranging from sharp blades to more complex constructs such as chains used to hook himself to other surfaces, helping him zip rapidly around the battlefield and increasing his mobility. The chains can also attach themselves to another’s body, thus one could be pierced, pulled or whipped by them.

He can also create blood guns, ranging from shotguns to handguns machine guns, rifles or even a minigun. They all shoot bloody thorns, stakes, or whatever would be most painful and made of his own blood. His bullets aren't just strong enough to put down even the largest of animals, they also invade the victim's blood through crystallization, gouging their blood vessels and innards gradually unless removed, while also being excruciating to do so. At first, you only have to worry about the thorns, but that is only the beginning. Soon, the necrosis kicks in, and without a powerful energy to keep his own at bay you risk becoming his enslaved ghoul.

Absolute Body Manipulation: The ability to contort and shape one’s body to impossible degrees at will. Twisting or bending any part of Costin’s body will prove useless. He can even manipulate his nerves, blood vessels, lungs and gastric fluids for horrifying effects. For example, he could breathe in to the point he grows the size of a small room and shout hard enough to shatter walls, vomit steel-melting acid, or connect his nerves to other peoples for very bad things.

His control extends to his very body structure on more subtle ways. He can even grow many claws, turn his chest into a massive mouth, have his digestive system drag people in with stomach tentacles and regenerate at will. Even turning his body parts into parasitic life forms isn't impossible, though making living organisms out of dead flesh takes a bit more time.

Blood hardening: Andrei’s training in blood magic enabled him to use it to it’s fullest effect, using soul-infused blood to harden any part of his body at will.
This makes him able to become an impenetrable shield capable of blocking powerful blows. When hardened, the limb in question will glow in a sickly blood red color as vampiric energies flow trough the very cells, keeping the tissue together.


Sunglasses: These sunglasses are completely ordinary mundane sunglasses. He wears them because he can and to hide his unnatural red eyes that would easily help others realize his vampiric nature.

MP3 and Headphones: Andrei constantly listen to music, be it day or night, even in battle he will play his favorite tunes.
Not listening to music makes him prone to outbursts of anger and violence, thus he always keeps his headphones and music on.

A castle

Metal bat: It’s a goddamn metal bat. Need I say more?


That was 175 years ago, when he quit being human.

In all this time, he learned of his identity as an heretic, he learned how to keep his hunger for blood satisfied, how to hide from those who wished to destroy abominations such as him, and how to survive in an underworld where killing was a regularity.

He learned how to live in the dark world of dead apostles, and learned how to enjoy it.

Under the moonlight, he hungers, he preys on whoever he pleases. He only has one goal: to survive.


Vampirism: Being a vampire, Andrei requires blood in order for his body to not deteriorate. The sun’s light will effectively destroy him, thus he can only walk around freely at night. He also has the inability to cross bodies of water by foot, and blessed weapons will greatly hurt him.

Light sensitivity: His eyes, used to the dark of the night, are sensitive to light sources. Anything ranging from an electric torch to a flash bang could very well blind him temporarily.

Likes: Honest people, animals, pretty girls, fierce capable fighters, fighting fierce capable fighters, walking around at night, helping people, listening to music, drinking good drink and eating good food, dancing and celebrations of any kind.

Dislikes: Liars, mages, dishonourable foes, weaklings, unnecessary cruelty, overly hot or cold weather, bright places, the sun, lightly lit places, fire, smoking, boredom, facial moles, sun chips and bugs.

He also hates being treated as a monster or having negative connotations held upon him for his need to feed. Having deep within his heart the wish to live a normal human life, being persecuted for his vampiric nature is something he will never tolerate.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2018, 11:08:31 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #35 on: November 26, 2014, 08:39:54 AM »

Misaya Reikouran

Race: Human (Magus), to-be Fallen (living corpse)

Age: 18

Weight: 55kg (121lb)

Height: 168cm (5’5)

3 Sizes: 84/57/83

Eyes: Crimson

Hair: Black

Appearance: She can be described as a perfect beauty, one who since the moment she was born looked the part of the ruling class. Ample curvature is complimented nicely by a slim, almost starved figure, and her skin is an almost pearly white that is ghastly pale. She wears her hair in a half up, and wears a red dress with a deep V-neck underneath a black fur jacket, as well as black short shorts to compensate for the dress’ skimpy nature.


Strength: Exceptional, low. (She’d be able to knock someone’s teeth out but as she lacks Reinforcement, she’s just a bit more than a highschooler in perfect shape.)

Agility: Exceptional, low. (She could probably run a marathon and knows a bit of martial arts but she’s nothing extraordinary)

Constitution: Exceptional. (She can take a good beating and her Magic Crest will forcibly keep her alive as much as possible, but she can’t be called special in this regard.)

Magical Ability: Medium, Very High (She is the heir of the greatest Magus family of the Far East, so she can be called an exceptional magus in both circuitry, spell roster and attitude. However, she cannot face a being of magic that is truly extraordinary.)

Preserved and condensed blood, used for magic circles. Her magecraft is already poured into it, so it takes the desired shape as soon as the blood collides with a surface. It could be called a Mystic Code.

Other Abilities:

Magecraft: The Reikourans study a variety of magical fields with great skill, and under the stress of her oncoming curse, she has managed to master them all in a way her father couldn’t by the time she entered high school:

Rune Magic: Use of Futhark and Elder Futhark runes as spells. They are in theory simple magical spells comprised of nothing but drawing shapes with one’s fingers, and are only limited in their potential by how much prana the user can produce.

Black Magic: The sort of magecraft practiced by witches of old, though Misaya in particular focuses on Necromancy and Summoning, the practices of calling forth that which does not exist and those who should be already dead.

Curses: A sub-section of Black Magic, one that Misaya researched heavily in hopes of finding a way to defy her fate, but to no avail. It is the practice of applying negative or outright murderous afflictions upon others through direct prana contract, elongated rituals or other means.

Judo: A Japanese martial art developed in the late 1800’s focused on throws and takedowns. As it is a simple art ideal to immobilize the opponent for her spells, Misaya trained it from an early age, and is adept in it’s usage, though nothing else close to a proper master.


Father: Misaya has never gotten over the death of her father eight years ago, and fond memories of him still come to her mind frequently. She has a tendency of being demotivated or soft-hearted, even teary-eyed at behavior that reminds her of him.

Dislike of men: Due to abandonment issues with her father and her only ever male friend, Heroic Spirit Paracelsus, summoned by her father, betraying her brutally by cursing her to an inevitable death and killing her father, Misaya has a latent distrust of all men, even the boys in school who treated her like a goddess in school or the friendliest of strangers. This is not impossible to remedy, however.

Panic: Due to her final moments with her father being of him, in a curse-wracked state, trying to stab her to death with a knife, Misaya has an inherent fear of bladed weapons coming within her personal space, to the point where it can cause both sudden panic and, if outright brandished against her, acute stress disorder.

The Curse: An unnamed curse placed upon her by Heroic Spirit Paracelsus during the 1991 Tokyo Grail War when he betrayed his master, Misaya’s father, to side with Sajo Manaka. It is an unremovable affliction that will at an unknown time cause Misaya to rot into a living corpse, effectively killing her and turning her into a monster. She has no idea when this time is to come, but she has a premonitious feeling that her time is running out.


The rune of Hail. When drawn in the air, it creates an intense hailstorm in the of Misaya’s choosing. It continues until either the prana used to draw the rune is expended, or until Misaya wills it to stop.

The rune of Ice. When drawn in the air, it creates a barrage of icicles that lasts until the prana she poured into drawing the rune is expended. When drawn on a surface, it immediately freezes in a thick layer of ice.

The rune of the Sun. It creates a blinding, burning orb of light upon drawing, which can be fired forward at will. It extinguishes once the prana used in it’s creation is expended.

The rune of the Lake, or water. It summons a blast of pressurized water capable of knocking a grown man several meters backwards.

The rune of the torch. Summons a blast of fire into the target direction. Can also be used to create a flying torch, a ball of fire that provides the same natural lighting as four candles. When drawn on a surface, the surface ignites.

Familiar: Black Wolf

An easily reproduced type of familiar that Misaya can summon almost at will, having created a contract with them that lets her summon them back no matter how many times they are killed. They are merely dogs with the strength of an alpha wolf, however, and not unhandleable by a strong opponent unless they are completely dogpiled.

Bounded Fields:
 A perpetual magecraft construct that either applies effects to those within, or seals those outside. While above average in their use in general, Misaya has perfected the art of creating “sealed space”, able to create an almost impenetrable field that’s invisible to the naked eye.

Capable of resurrecting those recently dead, including her familiars, as mindless slaves. Human corpses resurrected in this manner are rarely worth more than as minor scouts, so this is primarily used to bring back an unending horde of her wolf familiars.

This tells the story better than I can.
Misaya Reikouran is the current heir and last remaining member of the Reikouran family, an old clan of magi who were effectively eradicated by the Caster of the 1991 Tokyo Grail War, who served the house faithfully before abandoning them, cursed to die an untimely death, in favor of serving Sajo Manaka. Twisted by bitter hatred, Misaya found her way to Nexus City by sheer accident, a rift caused by Manaka during the early days of the 1999 Tokyo Grail War, severing her contract to Lancer, and she has since found a place to live and stay, where she has done little more than stew in utter frustration and rage at the Grail being robbed from her as it did. By now, she does not have much time left…
« Last Edit: November 26, 2014, 11:36:26 PM by Christemo »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #36 on: November 26, 2014, 04:20:17 PM »
Name: Than’Sanel
Titles: Of Selesnya, Notions; Abzan Bond-Kin, Rakshasa-friend
Race: Half-Elf Human; Elemental; Planeswalker
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Height: 6’2”; 187.96cm
Weight: 155lbs; 74.84kg

Spoiler for Hiden:

A tall, lanky young man with brown hair and pale-green eyes garbed in white armor and green cloth. Nondescript outside of his slightly pointy ears. It’s his summoned Elementals that look the most bizarre.
Note: Picture only as reference. He is not that old, nor does he wear a beard or the hat.

Physical Attributes
Strength: Exceptional
Agility: Exceptional
Constitution: Legendary

Other Abilities

Magic: High to Extremely High
Than’Sanel specializes in “White” and “Green” magic, specifically Summoning Selesnyan Saprolings and Elementals from Lorwyn-Shadowmoor. He uses the Saprolings to Convoke larger elementals or Evocation to use Elementals to cast quick spells. He is able to use Elementals from all “Colors”, but besides that has dabbled mostly in "Red".

His strongest, Legendary summoned creature is to call upon the Horde of Notions – a veritable “Parade” of Elementals from Lorwyn-Shadowmoor.
To put it another way, Than'Sanel's strongest Elementals are:
1. Horde of Notions: a 5/5 all-colored Trample, Vigilance, Haste that can return Elementals from "death" for one of each color.
2. Supreme Exemplar: a 10/10 blue Flyer that can only be summoned if another Elemental is exiled/sacrificed.
3. Doomgape: a 10/10 green/black hybrid Trample that forces the summoner to sacrifice another creature. It heals the summoner for the sacrificed creature's toughness (HP).
All 3 of these have Supernatural in all attributes and Medium-to-High Magic
Spoiler for "Other, Weaker Elementals":
Supernatural in all attributes; Medium Magic

Dawnfluke protects against damage.
Shriekmaw, Wispmare, and Ingot Chewer have destroy effects.
Briarhorn and Meadowboon give other summons a boost.
Reveillark lets him call previously used and de-summoned creatures that are "weaker" attack-wise.
Spitebellows and Ball Lightning deal direct damage.
Walker of the Grove and Spawnwrithe make tokens.
Plumeveil is a flying defender. No real special ability.
Morselhoarder allows him access to more magic energy.
Thunderblust is acts as a direct damage attack.
Flickerwisp exiles something for a "turn".
Spitemare takes damage and, while being injured or destroyed, returns that same amount of damage back to its attacker.

His White magic focuses upon preventing damage and healing, while his Green magic focuses upon strengthening his Elemental companions. Due to his dabbling in all colors because of Elementals, he has resistance to magic based in “Colors”.

Equipment: Selesnya-style armor

Spoiler for WIP:
Than’Sanel was born on the super-city plane of Ravnica into the Selesnya Conclave guild during the events of the Decamillennial. As a member of the Conclave, he was raised to be selfless and devoted to growth, trained in nurturing saprolings. He was nothing out of the ordinary until the Nephilim broke free and began ravaging Ravnica.

He was nearly killed as a teenager by one of The Dune-Brood’s spawn, trying to protect a Guildless, but he – as one in a million – awakened his Planeswalker Spark in that instant and Planeswalked to Lorwyn-Shadowmoor’s Primal Beyond, the birthplace and home to Elementals. There he learned the ways of the strangest Elementals, those born of notions. He added Evocation to his repertoire of abilities alongside Convocation and Saproling magic.

Years later, having spent so much time in the Primal Beyond he was changed into an Elemental himself, he ventured out into the Planes on a search to return to Ravnica.

He failed twice.

He found himself on the Plane of Tarkir on the border between the Abzan Houses and the Sultai Brood. He was not unnoticed by the sinister beings of Sultai, but was rescued from dehydration in the Abzan desert by a caravan from the Houses. He traveled with them from a time, learning of the Houses and their amber-magic. He was treated well, despite being an outsider. It was obvious he held many of their same ideals.

Conflict arose when a Rakshasa slunk into the camp to talk to him. His time among the Elementals had made him less prejudice against Blue and Black magic. His leniency only encouraged the Rakshasa in its attempt to tempt and manipulate him. This was both of their undoing. As an outsider and “Rakshasa-friend”, his Abzan saviors wanted him to leave – they could not trust Than’Sanel if he were going to befriend a Rakshasa.

And so he “left” in the truest sense he could – Planeswalking – knowing that staying on Tarkir with only a Rakshasa for a companion would only end in tragedy.

This was how he arrived at Nexus City.

Weakness: Strong “Blue” magic: illusions and mind-control. Elemental suppression. Relies on Summoning Saprolings/Elementals and can only have 4 of a single one at a time, besides Horde of Notions, where-in there can only be 1 Horde at a time.

Likes: Companionship, architecture that includes nature, creativity, life

Dislikes: Evil “Blue” and/or “Black” mages, Demons
« Last Edit: April 23, 2015, 09:03:25 PM by Lycodrake »
Spoiler for Best -monogatari:

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #37 on: November 29, 2014, 06:43:59 AM »
Name: Archer - Heroic Spirit EMIYA
Race: Servant
Age: Est. Late 20's to Mid 30's
Height: 187 cm
Weight: 78 kg
Eyes: Grey
Hair: White

Strength: Incredible
Agility: Incredible
Constitution: Incredible
Magical Ability: Low

While Archer was a magus in life, he was never exactly very good at it. Still, he possesses a rather decent knowledge of formal Magecraft and can use it.  He is extremely skilled in Projection and effective at Reinforcement.

Other Abilities:

Clarvoyance: Eagle eyed vision. Can clearly pick out a target from over 2 miles away. This is accomplished by Reinforcing his eyes.

Eye of the Mind (True): Capable of calm analysis of battle conditions even when in danger and deduce an appropriate course of action after considering all possibilities to escape from a predicament. So long there is even a 1% chance of a comeback, this ability greatly improves the chances of winning.

Unlimited Blade Works: Archer's trump card, a reality marble. While he doesn't possess a true noble phantasm, this is as close as he has. Within Unlimited Blade Works, his projections are nearly instant  as they are already created - at a low cost to mana as well per projection, but the cost of maintaining the marble is more than enough to make this less of an issue. Multiple noble phantasms are stored within, though they suffer a rank down due to not being the originals.

As an Archer class servant is expected to be, he's very good in long range combat, though close quarters fighting is not a weakness of his surprisingly.

Origin: Shirou Emiya always wanted to save everyone. But, he had to face the fact this was impossible. And so he started to slide down the same path as his adoptive father, killing one to save many. Idealism started to die within him when forced to face the harsh reality of his path, until a natural disaster struck. He couldn't save everyone with the strength he had. That's when he made the deal with the world: Service, in exchange for the power he needed. Eventually, he was left by all he loved, betrayed by a friend, and executed, all of which happened with a smile on his face. Because, after all, he would still be able to save people after he died as a Counter Guardian. In the end, his ideals destroyed him.

EMIYA was wrong. His deal didn't make him a hero, or allow him to save people - or at the very least see those who he saved. Instead, his job was that of a cleaner, of a mindless automaton who had the duty to do nothing more than slaughter those that Alaya deemed a threat. His idealism truly died after that. An eternity of slaughter was all he was a part of. That was, at least, until he felt the tug of the Grail...

Weakness: Lack of Prana, kittens stuck in trees, Rin
Likes: Helping people, chores
Dislikes: Himself, idealistic morons
« Last Edit: June 26, 2015, 09:58:58 AM by Kaze »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #38 on: November 29, 2014, 08:43:06 AM »
Name: Time (Tee-meh)

Race: Human

Age: Late 20's to Early 30's

Height: 182.6 cm

Weight: 170 lbs


Time 1

Time 2

Time 3

Time 4

Time 5

Time 6

A fit young man garbed in a black sweater and trousers with brown boots. He wears his light brown leather jacket over them if the weather gets a bit chilly. His wardrobe is, of course, not limited to that given his small exposure to the modern era in Nexus. But, this is what he usually tends to wear. Time possesses swept back black hair with a bit of stubble around his chin and sideburns on the sides of his head.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Fantastic

Constitution: Incredible

Other Abilities:
  • Swordsmanship: In Nasuverse terms, he has reached a monstrous mastery of swordsmanship very much in a similar manner to Sasaki Kojiro. In a world where magic reigns supreme in the battlefield, he is actually considered a monster when fighting against a whole army of magically reinforced elite soldiers that also uses magic on top of melee combat skills. With only his sword and his sword skills.

    Unlike Kojiro's application of the Multi-Dimensional Refraction Phenomenon, Time's swordsmanship manifests as a cut or multiple cuts that rend through the very space itself. In other words, any tangible existence is subject to being cut no matter how hard the exterior. The canon information from his verse has been noted from prominent characters (like Edermask) that he is even capable of cutting mountains with this nameless sword technique he attained through insane amounts of training.

    As if this weren't enough, he's also capable of propelling wind through each slash for a long range attack of an approximate several hundred yards. These attacks can possess the same kind of effect like his space-rending slices, but they can exist longer until reality fixes this anomaly. This makes attacks from behind even unwise as well since the slash is still existing statically. But because of this fact, this technique can also be dangerous to Time if he is not careful.

    It goes without saying that propelling wind with the space-splitting characteristics does tire him out more than his normal slashes. Also his technique can be understood if the enemy survives long enough. It is why he uses a snow setting to help mask the nature of his techniques since his wind slashes seems invisible.

  • Shovel Handle Maker: He's also good for making shovel handles like this with his swordsmanship.

  • Intuition: Capable of high levels of intuition and observation through his perception. It is how he's able to swat away a whole volley of crossbow bolts shot from an army all pointing at him. Or even how he's able to dodge a bombardment of magical attacks from said army while still killing them off with sheer swordsmanship. He is even able to perceive movement hundreds of meters away when he was confined inside the cottage he's supposed to protect.
  • Sword: A normal double-edged broad sword of average length.
Origin: Look in here.

Not much is known about Time, but it is heavily implied that he once traveled with the Edermask in the series. The said magician asked him to take care of his beloved comatose Natasha until he finds a means to bring her back. However, a whole army of reinforced and magic-using soldiers led by Huan would come to take him down.

Given Time's prowess, Huan took heavy damage to both himself and the greatly reduced numbers of his army. But, Time failed in his task and later died. Though to his utter surprise, he found himself in the modern setting of Nexus. While this is a completely different setting that he's used to, Time finally managed to snag a job as an employee in a bar where he can share his bad cooking and get bad critiques to his chagrin.

Weakness: No magical protection. No regenerative properties. Susceptible to the same mortality like every human.

Likes: A challenge. The ladies. *Fedora tip* Being a bit mischievous.

Dislikes: Cooking. Edermask. Modern Technology. Magic.

Note: He feels like a mix of Cu and Kojiro, really. He's literally a mix between them both personality and skill/ability. Too bad he dies a bit soon. I'm also having him be the guy who has no idea how to drive since he came from a medieval fantasy world. So this could be something for others to try to rp with or something.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2015, 06:20:03 PM by Puck-Chan »

On 3/22/15, at 10:09 AM, Donkey Punch Fucker! wrote:
> On 3/22/15, at 10:07 AM, ReverseLogic wrote:
> > seriously, again, I ran one of the weakest characters. you keep obsessing over abilities and powers
> Power, it's something so... so intangible. Yet, has such a strong grip upon me. I... I want it. I desire it, in my hands, in my life, in my soul. And once I have, I will simply want more, while jealously guarding what I have.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #39 on: December 02, 2014, 01:29:15 AM »
Name: Puck

Race: Elf/Fairy

Age: ???

Height: 6 inches?

Weight: 5 lbs?

Appearance: A diminutive fairy with insect wings. Has iconic blue hair and green eyes. Looks naked most of the time.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Less than Human

Agility: Exceptional by flight?

Constitution: Less than Human

Other Abilities:

Elf Dust: Dust that is secreted from his wings. Powerful healing agent that can heal wounds. Dire wounds require more applications of this dust. Cannot heal spiritual wounds nor could it restore missing body parts.

Empath: Can feel the emotions of others to the point of being overwhelmed if the emotions are strong enough.

Puck Flash: Can emit bright light to blind others. What'd you expect? He's got nothing to flash since he's already naked anyway.

Equipment: Chestnuts with burrs.

Origin: Random elf fairy that joined the EDGY ride with Guts while serving the role of comic relief, telepathic empath, and healer. He is somehow related to the Elf King.

More from here

Weakness: Can be squashed like a bug.

Likes: Friends, Fun, Helping Others

Dislikes: Evil, Darkness, Jerks
« Last Edit: December 02, 2014, 01:32:28 AM by Puck-Chan »

On 3/22/15, at 10:09 AM, Donkey Punch Fucker! wrote:
> On 3/22/15, at 10:07 AM, ReverseLogic wrote:
> > seriously, again, I ran one of the weakest characters. you keep obsessing over abilities and powers
> Power, it's something so... so intangible. Yet, has such a strong grip upon me. I... I want it. I desire it, in my hands, in my life, in my soul. And once I have, I will simply want more, while jealously guarding what I have.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #40 on: December 02, 2014, 05:27:12 AM »
Name: "Fair Lady" Elyssa-324

Race: Warmonger Mk. V/Seraphim Series Artificial Construct

Age: 3 years

Height: 8'4"

Weight: 1100 lbs

Appearance: Elyssa takes the form of an eight-foot, humanoid robot that is moderately armored. Legs are digitigrade, using three splayed, broad toes on both feet to stand. Each arm ends with a hand with four clawed fingers and a thumb, allowing her to interact with the environment. On the left forearm there are two "rods," which allows the conjuring of magecraft. The head is nothing but a rectangular box with three circular sensory cameras (One large one that is centered, two smaller ones on each side of it, towards the bottom) with blue lenses.

Two thrusters reside on the back; one on the upper left, the other on the upper right. When activated, these thrusters emit a long contour of glowing white energy, giving an appearance of wings. Going down the center of her back is a series of three, upwards facing fins, the top the largest, the bottom the smallest. These fins make up the upper part of the generator, collecting the environment's mana.

Overall, the armor is fairly angular and unisexual, only curving around the chest, the legs, and the arms to maximize protection. The armor is painted in varying shades of grey, forming an urban camouflage pattern. There are various runes across the hull. These allow Elyssa to become temporarily lighter, faster, or stronger is she pumps mana into them.

Physical Attributes:

Strength: Incrdible (increased when Stone Runes are active)

Agility: Incredible (increased when Fleet Runes are active)

Constitution: Incredible

Other Abilities:

Repair Protocol: A command that exponentially decreases the amount of time for full body reconstruction. However, this forces her system to go into a complete shutdown; she is more or less brain dead until the minimal amount of recovery has been met.

Military Training - Marksmanship: Elyssa has little difficulty hitting her targets at 500 meters

Military Training - Swordsmanship: Elyssa is efficient with the movements of her blade, going for the kill rather than wasting time with unnecessary actions.

Military Training - Hand-to-Hand Combat Elyssa is known to rip her foes apart with her bare hands.

Magical Ability: Medium


Arcane Lightning: a spell of moderate cost that involves shooting a single, magical lightning bolt from each of the rods. High enough power to damage a medium tank, yet as accurate as a DMR. This is Elyssa's go-to spell for sniping attacks.

Disruption: A low-cost sound-based spell that can disorientate opponents up to thirty meters away. Can be made more powerful to outright incapacitate targets that are needed to be taken alive.

Balefire: A somewhat expensive spell to perform that essentially acts like a flamethrower. Range goes up to forty meters, and the blue flames reach a hellish 2000 degrees celcius.

Sundering Bolts: A low cost spell that has Elyssa rapidly firing fist-sized orbs of energized mana. Upon impact, they sear through the target in a manner more like plasma rather than fire.

Firestorm: Another low-cost, rapid fire spell. Instead of utilizing pure, energized mana, it involves quickly firing balls of fire.


Stone Runes: Located on the inner side of each forearm. Increases the strength of her hands and arms when activated.

Fleet Runes: Located on the upper portion of both legs. Decreases mass and increases movement speed when activated

Shadow Rune: Located on the torso, center of the chest. Makes Elyssa nearly invisible when activated. Does not hide prana or heat emissions.

Gate Rune: Located directly to the left of the Shadow Rune. Allows Elyssa to phase through walls. Phasing emits light and a loud hissing sound, however, making it ideal only for escape or ambushes, not stealth.


Adamantium Plating: The outer plate armor is highly durable and light-weight. Small Arms fire has little affect on the plating.

Orichalcum Body: The magical metal that makes up the body has several unique properties, the most important of which is that it can "heal" - return to the shape that it was forged into over time if the pieces are kept together. The joints are also made of this fantastic metal. However, it should be noted that it is a somewhat weak material, for small arms can legitimately tear it apart.

Sensory Suite: Elyssa's optics can zoom in, magnifying up to 40x. She can switch to thermal and night vision as well.

M-42 Adamantium Combat Sword: a one-handed shortsword scaled up to her size. When not in use, it is sheathed on her hip.

Adamantium Claws: More or less an extension of the Adamantium Plating. Just sharpened armor at Elyssa's fingertips.

Thrusters: A pair of thrusters mounted on the upper back. It uses energized mana for thrust. Allows Elyssa to quickly dash horizontally, vertically, and diagonally. She can also use it to quickly hover over long distances - a faster way to travel than to run.

M-67e Bradford Engine/Compact: A device mounted onto Elyssa's back that gathers mana from the air. Mana is necessary for her to fight, move, and even live. If she were to start using more mana than the Bradford Engine could collect, her movements become more sluggish or she might even temporarily shutdown. The portion of the engine that exists outside of her body are the three fins jutting from the center of her back.

Radio Comm. Module: Radio uplink for communication across the battlefield.

Origin:Over the last few decades, the proliferation of runecraft combined with the perfection of the Bradford Engine has allowed the average soldier the ability of performing low-end spells.

However, for the soldiers in the field to be able to apply this, the average mage is needed in the factory to create the materials they need. Most modern countries understand that the math states thousands of slightly magical soldiers are able to apply more force than a hundred moderately powerful mages; therefore, only the top tier mages are used in combat roles in the military, the rest are in manufacturing.

However, this has removed a mainstay in most armies: Golems. Golems have always been used as part of the spear head of an attack. But they require a mage to directly control them, and there are few mages on the frontlines now. The Helkan Empire has found a solution to the problem. They combined another line of artificial beings, the Homonculi, with the golem in what is called the Warmonger Program.

The current top of the line model is the Warmonger Mk. V Seraphim Series, a line of highly mobile golem shocktroops that work in small squads, blitzing through the enemy the seize an objective, execute a VIP, or merely being the tip of the spear for an offensive.

However, a civil war broke out in the Helkan Empire when King Alric Brenhaven died before having a son. Loyalties were split between Queen Eleanor and Duke Charles Alberton. With Eleanor being the rightful ruler, those of the Warmonger Program have tossed their lot with her, the Seraphims often playing a pivotal part in both offensive and defensive operations against Duke Alberton's forces.

The earliest memory that Elyssa herself has is being pulled from a vat in a laboratory along with three hundred others. Like all other Homonculi in the modern Warmonger Program, she was "born" as an adult. Over the next two years, she underwent extensive indoctrination and a harsh training regiment. She was trained how to swiftly take down an opponent with either her hands or her sword, how to perform an array of spells correctly, quickly, and accurately, and she was made an utterly loyal soldier of the Helkan Empire.

On her second birthday, both she and those who haven't washed out of the program underwent the last stretch: The shedding of their frail bodies for the Seraphim Chassis. Their brains were removed and inserted into the chest cavity of the magical construct. They are finally the super soldiers they were born to be...

The following year was filled with near constant combat for Elyssa. Her squad playing key parts in the Seige of Madrigal, the Battle of Yorkton, and more. However, Duke Alberton's forces managed to push through all the way to the captial city of Albion. It was there that Elyssa faced the harshest fighting of the war. When the Duke's personal aerial battleship arrived at the city, Elyssa and many other Warmonger Golems managed to board it. While several squads' mission was to assassinate Alberton, her squad was to partake in the destruction of the ship's Bradford Engine.

While battling through the many decks of the battleship, a blood-splattered Elyssa suddenly and unexpectedly found herself transported to a foreign city...

Weaknesses: Her brain is situated in the chest cavity of the Seraphim Chassis; while that is the heaviest armored area, it should be noted nonetheless. The fins making up the outer portion of the Bradford Engine is perhaps the most significant weak spot; damage to that forces her to retreat and perform Repair Protocol.

Likes: Visual and audio stimulation, Loyalty, the Helkan Empire

Dislikes: Incompetent Commanders, Disloyal People, Enemies of the Helkan Empire
« Last Edit: October 01, 2015, 10:04:57 PM by YOLF »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #41 on: December 02, 2014, 11:25:34 PM »
Name: Alexander the Great

Race: Incarnated Servant

Age: 32 (2337 including the years he was dead)

Height: 212 Cm

Weight: 130 Kg

Appearance: .

Physical Attributes

Strength: Superhuman

Agility: Supernatural

Constitution: Superhuman

Other Abilities:
Magic Resistance: Alexander’s magic resistance is low, only able to negate single action spells.

Riding: As a former member of the Rider class, Alexander has an extremely high rank in this skill, allowing him to perfectly control any mundane vehicle, and even allows creatures on the level of phantasmal and divine beasts to be controlled.

Military Tactics: Alexander is a military genius. He conquered Persia in his short lifetime, and is extremely knowledgeable in the field of tactics. He gains a bonus modifier when fighting against armies.

Divinity: Alexander has been said that he is the son of the greatest of the Gods, Zeus. However, there is no clear evidence to support this claim, and may have been propaganda.

Gordius Wheel: The Gordius Wheel is a large antique scythed chariot led by a two divine bulls. It is larger than the average truck. The bulls and chariot tread upon divine lightning, allowing it to easily move through the air. The bulls create claps of thunder and lightning with every footstep.
Charging with the chariot causes it to be engulfed in divine lightning, powerful enough to pierce through Berserker’s defenses. By calling out it’s true name, Via Expugnatio, he can greatly increase the violence and speed of the charge, moving almost as fast as Excalibur.

Ionioi Hetairoi: This is Alexander’s ultimate Noble Phantasm. It is a reality marble embodying his dreams and philosophy of what a king should be and the close bond he formed with his servants. Inside, he is able to summon his great army that conquered Persia. His servants, having sworn loyalty to Alexander even after their deaths, his personal guards who had turned into spirits, manifest into Servants together with the ruler. Due to the limits of Alexander’s abilities, their Noble Phantasms are not manifested.

Sword of the Kupriotes: Alexander’s sword. It is a spatha, and was gifted to him in life by the king of the Cypriots. Its hilt is decorated with the likeness of a lion. Strong and light-weight, the blade can be wielded with great dexterity.

Origin: Alexander was summoned as the Rider-Class servant of the Fourth Holy Grail War by Waver Velvet. During the course of the war, he arranged a meeting of kings at the Einzbern castle with the intention of discussing the abandoning of their claims on the Holy Grail. He lost the Gordius Wheel in a battle with Saber shortly before his final fight with Gilgamesh.

He fought Gilgamesh on a bridge, and used Ionioi Hetairoi as his final move. However Gilgamesh used Ea to destroy over half of his grand army, causing it to dissipate. Rider charged at Gilgamesh, but ended up restrained by Enkidu, at which point Gilgamesh killed him with Ea.
After being killed by Gilgamesh, Alexander found himself inside the Nexus.

Weakness: His pride. He feels a compulsion to do heroic deeds, even in the face of extreme danger, and will often throw him into seemingly suicidal situations

Likes: Adventure, novelty, a good and honorable conquest, having a good time, overindulgence

Dislikes: The idea of final completion, the death of people he loves
« Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 02:58:39 AM by Sakura »

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #42 on: December 14, 2014, 10:23:33 PM »
Name: Lorenzo Remei

Race: Human

Age: 24

Height: 6”2

Weight:178 lb

Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Supernatural

Constitution: Exceptional

Magic Scale: High

Pyromancy Specialization: Lorenzo is highly proficient in the spell craft of fire, being able to manipulate and bend great amounts of fire to his will without much effort and quickly surround an area in flames. From fireballs to blasts of heated pyre, he can deliver as much fire gusto as there can be, his flames capable of burning up to a thousand degrees. However, it is natural to say that the hotter and the more fire Lorenzo is controlling, the more it is taxating to him.

While Lorenzo can expand or extinguish fire at will, an almost spontaneous combustion so to speak of, if he wishes to unleash his pyromancy, a source of fire or a spark is required, that and oxygen to feed the flames.

Fire elemental creation: Imbuing fire with a shaped will and harnessing it's life, Lorenzo can create flame-like familiars that not only serve as scouts, but can even be used offensively by exploding remotely at will. This ability is not mere pyromancy, but something that is more alike to speaking to fire itself.

While Lorenzo's senses are linked to the familiars, the opposite is untrue. They can, however, communicate to him without speaking at all. This applies wherever they could be. Surprisingly enough, this ability is rather mana efficient, although controlling many at once is not. Do note that the familiars can grow in size, being able to cover wide areas if fed with enough flames. Making them grow without a large amount of fire nearby is possible, but much more taxing.

On the other hand, the larger they are, the stronger they will be and the wider the explosion will be. Finally, these familiars can take many shapes, preferably that of birds that can reach flying speeds of 160 mph. It is also important to note that the familiars can be imbued with varying levels of intelligence and sentience.

Other Abilities:

Incredible reflexes: Lorenzo has managed to acquire tremendous reflexes, granting him the ability to swiftly strike and dodge relentlessly in a breath’s notice.

Acrobatics:Lorenzo's agility and skill allow him to perform awe inspiring acrobatic feats nearly on par with a time altering persian prince.

Skillful Swordsmanship: After years of training at the art of the sword, Lorenzo has acquired a tremendous mastery of sword fighting, being able to hold his ground against faster, stronger opponents with any blade trough sheer skill.

Hawk’s Eye: Because of the harsh seas, Lorenzo developed his perception and eyesight to a great extent.
His eyes sharper than most men’s, he can quickly avert his gaze at a moment’s notice and analyze all elements that surround him to the most scrutinous detail. The pirate’s eyes can detect movement at speeds that would be normally impossible to notice, giving him a great edge in battle.

A true man's booty: Lorenzo is a pirate who's booty remains the mightiest part of his body. It's his greatest and mightiest pride, his true weapon. Because of that, all attacks directed at his ass will be nullified, and his anus can contract with might comparable to the mightiest beings in existence. That is the power of a true ass man. However, for it's true powers to awaken, it must be deflowered at first.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Lorenzo's butt

Str: Legendary


End: Legendary


Rapier: A seemingly simple steel rapier. Light, solid and sharp, it provides a great close range offence when coupled with his skillful swordsmanship.
The blade is coated with harmful venom that cripples those affected, slowly paralyzing the body from the wound.

However, this sword is no regular blade, for it is in fact a “key” to unleash “the Fiery Moon”, a colossal spectral ship that will soar into the skies if Remei was to dig the blade into the ground and utter the required incantation.
Because this rapier is a great artifact, it will not be destroyed easily, and will reform even after being shattered, although the required duration of the blade’s recreation depends on the severity of the damage.

“The Fiery Moon”: A colossal flying ship, it is the very manifestation of Lorenzo’s dream of becoming the perfect pirate, a subconscious memory of his fallen ship materialized into ethereal form.
The boat boasts a speed and power rivalling the likes of an anti-army noble phantasm, holding an overwhelming amount of cannons that, when fired at full power, could quite easily obliterate all in it’s path.

However, normally Lorenzo cannot use this weaponry to the fullest extent, the very manifestation of this ship puts a great strain on the pirate and without a proper way to fuel it with mana, it will put a burden on Lorenzo’s body so great it could become fatal.

Thus going all out is normally not an option, unless he has a way to provide it with sufficient energy.
While not any sturdier than a regular boat of it’s size, it does have a sort of particular property similar to a curse of restoration. Even damaged, it will grow back to it’s original form, although the greater the destruction, the longer it will take for the ship to recover.

Magic Flintlock: An elegantly ornate flintlock Lorenzo uses in order to fight opponents at longer range. While flintlocks are usually considered unreliable compared to modern weapons, the lower range, reload time and weaker accuracy limiting it's use, Remei’s magic flintlock is an exception.
Instead of needing actual bullets or gunpowder, the gun simply fires concentrated amounts of prana focused in a single point as the flint discharges the accumulated magical energy by releasing a spark.
Thus this weapon is not only unaffected by moisture, but is also stranger to reload times or jams that were so common to usual flintlocks, making the possible rate of fire much faster than a regular handgun.

Compass and seal: A magical compass that normally never points to the north. Instead, it always without fail points towards the “seal”, a sapphire-like gem that is linked to the compass trough some sort of magical bind. It is quite handy to keep track of people, since no matter where the seal is, the compass will always reveal it's location.

Spyglass: A spyglass telescope composed of a metallic cylindrical casing; it contains lenses that magnify images from a distance.
This spyglass is light and sturdy, thus easy to carry around.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Lorenzo Remei was to be nothing more than a servant since his family was poor. His parents had no choice but to sell him into servitude, leaving him in the hands of a cruel aristocrat that tortured and humiliated him. This was how he was going to spend his life … at least, that's what would have happened if the boy hadn't escaped on that fateful day.

It was an immense boat, perhaps a merchant shipment, Remei didn’t care, he instantly fell in love with it, and before he knew it, he was hanging onto a small fissure for dear life!  He truly wanted to be in that ship, to live a life of adventure sailing the seven seas and exploring the vast world. And he did succeed, sneaking into the boat like a mouse, he lived off the rations enjoying his new life...

Little did he know that peace was soon put to rest, for he was discovered, yet the crew had no idea what to do of the boy and they simply had no time to worry of such things.
However the captain decided Lorenzo would stay, for the boy reminded the captain of his son long dead of sickness, thus he could not bring himself to cast the child away.
Lorenzo Remei was now to join the captain, work his way into the life of a pirate under his wing and eventually become a member of the crew.

However, even if the quartermaster did accept his decision, there was one condition: in order for Lorenzo to become an official member of “The Fiery Fortune”, the boy would have to defeat him in combat.
It was that challenge and the promise of companionship that pushed the young Remei to the limit, clashing swords and blows became a daily routine as their bouts became more and more frequent.
Was it weeks, months, years? The time it took did not matter, all he knew was that he finally did it, he finally managed to land a blow on his opponent, and for the first time in his life, Lorenzo tasted sweet victory, he was now a dependable fighter and an invaluable member of the crew.

Not only that, secretly, he had managed to master a little trick, some sort of technique that enabled him to move pyre freely to an extent.
That was his first experience with what some would call “magecraft”.
If he trained this power a bit every day, perhaps he could eventually put it to use eventually.

Time flew, Lorenzo had managed to live trough many adventures, set foot on unknown lands and witness the fiercest creatures.
 “The Fiery Fortune” was now a notorious ship that possessed many riches, an unstoppable force, a great multitude of men and invoked the fear and admiration in the hearts of many…

And leading this group of fierce pirates, a proud man stood proud. His name was Lorenzo Remei, one of the greatest pirates to have crossed the ocean.
Power, glory and freedom to sail the seven seas, the man had it all…
Yet one day “the Fiery Fortune” simply vanished, the crew and it’s captain never to be seen again.

Legends tell of a great calamity, a monster unlike anything ever witnessed by human eyes. The colossal beast fought the pirates in a great battle, Remei and his crew gave their all, but it simply wasn’t enough.
All the man remembered was a crushing blow decimating the boat, and a deafening silence. He should have died that day, along with his companions, so why did Remei now find himself in a strange island?

Now alone in a desert, the man was fated to wither and die alone… But trough sheer will, he survived, deciding he would not end this way. As months passed, he found mysterious ruins, some sort of city. Exploring the remaining monuments, the pirate found a strange door carved with bizarre symbols.
He did not know why, but he felt pulled by an unfamiliar force, as if dragged to the door, he let himself be carried away by curiosity.
Opening it, an alien force instantly sucked him in, Lorenzo feeling his very being teared from the earth; he fell, sinking into the abyss.

Waking up, he felt  a chill down his spine, his senses slowly coming back together.
It seemed he now found himself in a strange place, monuments of stone reaching the heavens as if trying to pierce the sky.

That was his first memory of Nexus City.


Normal human weaknesses: Even if Lorenzo is quite capable and powerful, he is by all means still a human. He possesses neither regenerative abilities nor a way to protect himself from magic or mind control, thus he is susceptible to more experienced magicians. Even if he will not give in to lady death easily, Lorenzo will still die from a fatal wound like a normal human.

He is also unable to swim.

Likes: Wealth, adventure, discovering new places and things, fruit, food, women, the heat of battle, honest people, companionship, tea, treasure.

Dislikes: Treachery, bad food, sea monsters, smug rich people, smug people, self-righteousness, swimming, being sick.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2015, 11:05:07 PM by francobull3 »

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #43 on: December 14, 2014, 11:40:42 PM »
Name: David Newman, The Dream, The Nightmare

Race: Human

Age: It’s been three weeks since the entity dreamed of the existence known as David and made him real.

Height: 6’ 1

Weight: Approximately 180 lbs.

Appearance: A tall man with short dark red hair and brilliant blue eyes. David is usually dressed in a black suit with a tie that matches his hair. His posture radiates confidence, and he is fairly muscular. Apparently the entity has some measure of vanity as David's features look as if they have been shaped by a masterful artist. He is rather good looking and some may even call him handsome. 

Physical Attributes

Strength: Human
Agility: Human
Constitution: Human

Magic Ability: None - While David is incapable of using magic himself he can access a infinitesimal sliver of the dreamer’s knowledge to recognize most spells. Ancient spells can usually be replicated easily while newer ones may require more observation.

Other Abilities:

The Dreams at the Edge of Forever:
David is not the only dream to be manifested by the dreamer’s power. There are many of them and he is capable of calling any of these lesser manifestations to him in order to enlist their services. David can control two Lesser Dreams at the same time. Only a single Greater Dream may be summoned at a time.

Lesser Dreams:
Spoiler for Hiden:
The Joyous: A woman whose skin is as white as snow and seems as fragile as porcelain. She is dressed in golden silks and dresses that never seem to hinder her movement. Her body is extraordinarily flexible to the point where one would think that she doesn’t have a bone in her body. Considering her nature The Joyous is incapable of being affected by anything that would alter her mental state from anything but absolute happiness. Her fingers are long claws, and they can  clash with swords without suffering any damage.

Strength: Exceptional
Agility: Supernatural
Constitution: Exceptional

The Scholarly: A thin man with four arms dressed in a sickly green robe. Despite his appearance he is very strong, but his main strength is his intelligence. The Scholarly can decipher any code, understand and speak any language, solve any puzzle, craft numerous artifacts of power(treat as Item Creation: A), and can remember anything without error. He carries a bow that takes magical energy in the air and uses it to generate enchanted arrows.

Strength: Supernatural
Agility: Exceptional
Constitution: Exceptional

Greater Dreams:

Spoiler for Hiden:
The Hateful: A titan of a beast that reaches 3 meters on all fours and nearly doubles that when standing on both legs. Its head is draconic, its mouth that holds teeth sharper than any sword and releases a freezing mist, its main body is that of an enormous wolf, and its tail is a long, shadowy appendage that is covered in countless hooks that easily sink into flesh and get stuck. Early in its existence The Hateful was exposed to an enormous amount of arcane energy and since then it has been immune to all but the most powerful magecraft(treat as Magic Resistance: High). It can grow extremely angry at singular targets and persistently pursue them until it is unsummoned, the target dies, or it dies.

Strength: Superhuman
Agility: Supernatural
Constitution: Supernatural

The Hidden: A being who specializes in stealth and speed, it is impossible to see within the black cloak that it hides under. If you shine a light in the darkness persists and anything that enters the cloak simply vanishes. Entire arms have been known to simply disappear when pushed inside. The Hidden makes no sound at all, electronic equipment fails to record or recognize it, it doesn't give off any scent, and it has the ability to turn invisible(even without all of its special abilities The Hidden has the equivalent of Presence Concealment: A). It also carries around multiple knives and it generally disposes of bodies by pulling them into its cloak.

Strength: Supernatural
Agility: Superhuman
Constitution: Supernatural

The Endless Dreams: The dreams of the being at the center of everything never truly end. They shift, change, and return in a myriad of different ways. Dreams that have been destroyed will eventually resurface but they will never be the same. Anything from a mere cosmetic change to a completely different personality can occur. It can take days or even weeks for a dead dream to return.


The Scepter of Danu Talis: A creation of The Scholarly that David had commissioned near the beginning of his existence. It is long enough for him to use as a pseudo walking stick but it does have use in combat. The top of the staff splits into four spikes with a blue orb of energy between the four parts. When he wills it the orb will shift hues to a menacing red-orange and release a blast of energy with force equivalent to an RPG.

Origin: Something exists at the heart of everything. Its flesh is stars and cosmic fire. The rivers of time flow through its veins and endless universes lay within its heart. Its eyes see what was, what is, what will be, and what will never come to pass. Its mind holds the key to even the most unknowable secrets and contains the core of knowledge itself. Every breath it took pushed back the inevitability of nothingness, and every movement it made shattered the very idea of impossible. Now it sleeps. He is not it. He is but a dream. An idle fantasy made real.

Weakness: David has the physical capabilities of an average human and is as squishy as any regular person.

Likes: Living, taking naps, getting work done, driving, his siblings

Dislikes: wasteful actions, extreme laziness, pessimists
« Last Edit: January 31, 2015, 04:19:58 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #44 on: December 24, 2014, 03:19:25 AM »
"I'll catch that Leviathan for you, daddy! Then they won't be mean to you anymore."

Name: Anatu
Race: Ancient Human
Age: 16
Height: 152 cm (5 feet)
Weight: 56 kg (125 lbs)
Appearance: Anatu is a short and lithe girl with dark green eyes and long, wavy blond hair bleached by sunlight that almost reaches her thighs. Her skin is tanned and her frame is just starting to show toned muscle. She wears two slightly oversized pieces of tanned leather as clothes fastened in place with rope.

Physical Attributes
Strength: Exceptional
Agility: Exceptional
Constitution: Exceptional

Magical Power: None. She has considerable magical potential but does not currently have any working knowledge of the arcane, other than the fact that it exists.

Other Abilities:

Anatu is a direct descendant of some of the earliest humans to ever live, and as a result extremely close to the original concept of humanity. While technically the most “human” of everyone in the Nexus, she is effectively superhuman in almost every possible way: She is naturally extremely strong, agile, durable and heals quickly, and can push her physical abilities leagues beyond what modern humans are capable of if she trained. Anatu is highly intelligent, adaptive and learns at an incredible rate, picking up new skills, concepts and languages with relative ease. Her five senses are sharper than normal and her “6th sense” is far more refined than the degraded version modern humans use, allowing her to detect subtle shifts in prana and nearby leylines as a warning to the approach of supernatural entities. She is also capable of using prana herself, making her a potential magic user were she to receive proper instruction.

Equipment: Anatu has constructed herself a makeshift stable on the outskirts of Nexus city, but thus far has only captured two horses and one pony to fill it.

Origin: Anatu was 9 years old when Gilgamesh’s reign over Uruk came to an end. Her father was in the process of instructing her in the family practice of capturing and taming wild creatures for the use of the King and his citizens when one day she woke up in a crowded and filthy city which did not inspire the same awe that Uruk did. Anatu has difficulty communicating with the other inhabitants of the Nexus due to not understanding any modern language, but she has started to pick up on various words and phrases.

Weakness: Anatu has incredible potential, but she’s still a human 16 year old girl. She can be killed by anything else that will kill humans and she isn’t the most emotionally stable. Her skills lie in capturing and caring for animals, not combat.

Likes: Horses, pegasi, unicorns, making others smile, swimming, modern music, dancing, stargazing.
Dislikes: Dragons, pollution, modern food, flying vehicles, people with no sense of purpose, begging.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 04:00:33 PM by Kaze »
YOLF: "Do ghosts have aids"

YOLF: Even if God forgives you, you shall not forgive yourself for being here [in CE].