Name: Tohuw Balagan
Aliases: Lliterally anything he comes up with
Race: Demon


Weight: 764 lbs
When he isn’t trying to be sneaky shifty, Tohuw assumes the form of a fairly young man, seemingly in his early 20’s. Short brown hair and a pristine face, his blue eyes woo all the ladies (to his dismay). He is rather lean, without any visible bulk, although he is actually quite more athletic than he lets believe. His most prominent feature his the single fang that sticks out, and his tail. He tries to hide it, but it’s hard, it always moves where he doesn’t want to! However, this shape he takes is but a mere facade, one of the many faces of the demon called Tohuw Balagan.
His true form is one of an unsightly blob, a mass of cancerous meat goo far too disgusting and unsightly to belong to a living creature. It's swollen blisters and writhing blob-like blob are of a dark black-ish tint, numerous eyes of all possible colours, shapes and sizes bulging out of the mass of flesh.
Physical Attributes
Strength: Exceptional
Agility: Incredible
Constitution: Exceptional
Magic Scale: High
Tohuw is extremely proficient in magic, possessing the ability to bend reality itself to a degree and cause phenomena that defy logic. Truly his magical prowess embodies his chaotic nature.
Animation: The ability to give life to inanimate objects. As long as it is not magical or organic of nature, Tohuw can bring it life. Street poles will act like snakes, tables will walk, books will fly, armours will fight in his stead and so far so forth. As long as his imagination allows it, the object can be animated in any way possible. However, this magic is by no means invincible.
For one, a light emanating from the demon’s left hand must light objects animated. Very bright, if one was to cover the object or block the light trough any means, the animation would not occur. It must also be noted that the larger the object, the stronger the animation will be, thus the longer it will take to animate. While the time to do so is not too long, the window is exploitable by all means. Finally, the animated objects are still… objects. You will be fighting drawers and chairs yo. That is dope, but like, if you can break the chairs and drawers, it’s all good and stuff until Toe fixes it and it all starts all over again. Eventually he'll tire out though, so that is a plus.
Order degradation: The ability to bypass the laws of chemistry, physics and logic. You don't need them when you are awesome anyway. Floating, walking vertically and ignoring friction are all possible to him. Making things heavier then they should or making people or objects float at his leisure is also possible. To add more, he can change other objects’ properties, such as turning your computer liquid (not melting it, turning it runny like water) or turning liquid into a solid-like substance. Oh, he can probably walk on water too. This ability is mostly suited for modifying silly meaningless things, like color. Turning people green is fun and games. However, it can also be used to undo nearly any damage he causes on physical objects, and its uses in combat cannot be underestimated.
Imagination manifestation: Tohuw can manifest mundane physical objects such as glasses, toys, umbrellas, giant screws, candy canes, cakes, tables, statues and the like. He could make weapons appear out of thin air, but that’s no fun, so he won’t. Unless it’s a gun that shoots potatoes or something that is. Or unless he takes you seriously, which he won't.
He may not animate objects he manifests, and there is a limit to how much he may manifest at once. Said limit, while not massive, is clearly finite. He could make a hundred screws pop from the ground if he tried, but he couldn't make a thousand or a million no matter what. They are not as hard to break as metal at most, and even then they can be shattered with enough force. That is because Toe sucks at physics and cannot imagine how molecules work. Let's say he makes a cage of cold iron, it will not be as tough or heavy as actual iron (although still pretty close if he actually puts his heart into it.) Creating objects of grand design is also much, much harder, for he must imagine every single detail in the process. Finally, while this ability is similar to the concept of creating matter out of nothing, it is not quite it. Rather, it is imposing an image of reality into the world, to bend and twist the world into one's image. If he was to create a balloon, the balloon was not made out of nothing more than it was always there to begin with, or rather, happened.
Other Abilities:
Soul Harvesting: Toe can take souls of his contractors, the recently deceased or any that are just hanging around and eat them! He usually does this by transmuting them into candy, but he can also just take souls and store them for later consumption in some other shape. He can sort through the souls in his possession and learn things about them in appropriately cartoony fashion, but he can't alter them or twist their traits in any way. He also can't rip souls away from the living or beings in which they still sustain a will or form unless they offer it to him. Finally, plucked souls can be stored inside other things as long as they are things. For example, a mighty dragon would certainly not fit as easily in a cat themed eraser than a normal human. Note that Tohuw CANNOT put souls in other bodies, fake puppets and other body transfer shenanigans. However, if someone else could do so, the souls he harvests could be used for that effect.
Allergy to sunlight: Tohuw is allergic to the sun, and will sneeze abundantly when exposed to it’s light. Thus, he prefers shady places (wink wink).
Aversion to the divine: Divine mojo messes his game, it’s that simple.
Demonic nature: He is a demon, so yeah. He doesn’t really age either, which is cool and all.
Divination: He can tell your future! 99% he is bullshitting you though. Tarot cards are pretty stylin though, so it’s still neat.
Shape shifting: The ability to change one’s shape at will, being capable of modifying his smell, voice and appearance to nearly anything, however his weight will always remain unchanged. Not that it matters since he can float like a helium balloon when he feels like it, but if he gets careless, you could tell he is a bit heavier than he should be, especially if he takes the appearance of a mouse or small animal, even able to turn himself into inanimate objects. Thus, he can change his density to become goo, rubber, or anything! However, turning into a liquid or gas is like, bad. He is very very shifty like a master of disguise.
Thy name is not of blessed: If one is to know of his true name, Tohuw will be compelled to show grace. Because of this, he will be unable to cause any harm directly or indirectly to said individual.
There was once a girl who sat on a bed of roses. All she saw was destruction, and all she could see became real. One thing is for sure, she had the most stunning eyes.A cane ornate with an exquisite crimson ruby (that happens to taste like cherry, not kidding.), this demonic artifact can cause small scale calamities, such as mini tornadoes, mini tsunamis, mini earthquakes… all the good stuff. Basically it will fuck shit up big time. However, he doesn’t like using it due to it’s destructive nature, and using it will make his juice go dry. Presumably he won it in a bet against some dark lord of darkness and leader of a dark army of dark demons. He actually bought it in a flea shop in India. It was quite affordable. Or maybe not. Who knows? Well, maybe not. Honestly, the story changes every fucking time. One thing is for sure, this staff is not an ordinary staff, or rather, the gem. It has a will, a persona and a consciousness. In other words,
she is somewhat sentient although still bound to Toe. However, she has a pretty bad temper, so if it were more than a mere shard, shit would get real. However, its a mere shard of what Toe calls Buddy. Or is she? Probably, who knows? If one checked it, the Gem would probably appear to be some kind of eldritch abomination, a daemonic existence whose sole purpose, means and result are destruction. While she is asleep, she will awaken when turned on. Its almost as if someone was sleeping inside that mysterious ruby, trapped in Pandora’s Box.
Monocle of fanciness: A fancy monocle.
Fancy Tux: A fancy white tux.
Fancy top hat: A fancy white top hat.
Fancy Cape: A fancy white cape.
The world: He's got the whole world in his hands~!
Origin: Tohuw Balagan is a fairly powerful demon with simple tastes. He despises boredom, and loves humans. Whenever he could, he would toy around with them and cause mischief all over the world. One day, a human challenged him in a game, betting his soul. Was Tohuw to win, he would claim ownership of yet another soul to collect. However, if he lost, he would be to leave the earth forever and free the man’s wife, who’s soul he claimed in a game of ping pong a few years prior. He lost, somehow. In fact, he still blames the sun for stinging him and making him draw a bad card. Still, he lost, and had to comply. Leaving the human realm, his special train express was jumbled and it burst, leaving him to fall into the Nexus.
Well, at least it wouldn’t be boring.
Weakness: Holy or divine objects, crosses, the sun to an extent, being stuck in a small isolated area (he might be claustrophobic, but he will never admit it, ever), light based attacks (they do 2x damage he says). Pandora usage makes him exhausted, and his overall playful and aloof attitude makes him take situations lightly, which can be taken advantage of (THAT HUBRIS). While you kick his shit, he has trouble focusing on stuff, so he can't really manifest things if he is being cornered like a cur. Also, despite his demonic nature, he is quite squishy, and wounds will hurt like a bitch if he can't keep up with them.
Likes: Playing tricks and pranks on people, practical jokes, humour, popular culture, hopes an dreams of children, crushing hopes and dreams of not children, conflicts that don't involve him, interesting fellows, fooling around, fun, your tears, doing fun things with fun people, being grandiose and magnificent, being himself, cake, fun, humiliating arrogant bitches, beating arrogant bitches.
Dislikes: Boredom, boring people, overly serious situations, fighting (or so he claims), getting hurt, purple (for now), holier than thou talk, not being treated like the best thing ever, people who think they are the best thing ever when the best thing ever is clearly him, people who think they are better than him when they clearly are not since he is the best thing ever, people who are better than him period, being disrespected, you.