Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - November 16, 2014—April 13, 2015  (Read 634145 times)


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Cross Effects 3.0 - November 16, 2014—April 13, 2015
« on: November 17, 2014, 01:22:32 AM »
Nexus City.  A vile cesspool filled with villains and evil monsters that preyed upon the innocent.  It was a pocket dimension of sorts, and its inhabitants were creatures and nightmares that should have never met.  Nexus City had her own whims and had no qualms about stealing others from their homes to her strange lands with no chance to return.

Despite being filled with the stuff of nightmares, life still found a way here.  In fact it thrived in a sort of self-sustained ecosystem of sorts.  Nexus City provided for her inhabitants and it wasn’t divined why. 

Life, as one cynical chaos theorist once said, finds away.


It’s going to snow.

Forest could smell the light, crisp scent of a coming snow storm on the air.  The chill breeze toyed with strands of blond that had escaped her braid.  She could feel it knife through her leather duster and cut into her.  It was both painful and numbing at the same time, but feeling was getting increasingly more difficult for the vampire.

Last night she had paid to feed off a local prostitute, offering her enough money where she wouldn’t have to earn her living on her back for the rest of the week.  She had then given the girl the impulse to visit a local clinic while she had her fangs imbedded into the prostitute’s wrist.  Forest had then made a visit to the girl’s abusive pimp to make sure he would never raise his hand to a girl like that again.

However, when she’d been feeding, Forest found that the girl’s blood tasted like ash upon her tongue.  The warmth she used to feel when she had fed was fleeting, and it wasn’t the girl’s fault.  Luckily the girl really didn’t have any illnesses that would have tainted the taste of her blood.  No, Forest expected it was something else.

She knew she was going through the motions.  Her phone chimed Queen’s “Killer Queen” for the fifth time that night.  Sighing, she pulled out the smart phone and checked the latest text message the former King Arthur Had given her. 

I am concerned.  Please reply to this message as soon as you are able.  I would like to dine with you tonight.  I am working and Lancelot refuses to leave the apartment.  – Saber

Forest sighed and resisted the urge to rub her forehead.  Tiny girl with the glowing sword is bloody persistent, she thought.  Saber had been her latest “rescue” in this place, even though Saber really didn’t need rescuing.  More like Saber needs a sodding caretaker, the vampire known as Law Unto Herself thought as she typed in a return message.

Maybe later.  Patrolling right now.  Check back in 1 hr.

Then she hit Send before a sound caught her attention.


Saber was surrounded by flashing blue and red lights and people in either dark, crisp uniforms and heavy clothing.  The chill air cut through her car length-leather coat, but her internal furnace helped warm her if she focused on it ever so slightly.  In return her stomach rumbled slightly in protest as she approached the parameter that had been created before her arrival.

Excalibur was strapped onto her back, ready for her to pull at a moment’s notice.  Strands of her golden hair blew against her face as she approached.  One of the “Black and Whites” stood to attention and said, “Saber, good, we’ve got a body.”

“Was the death supernatural or mundane means?” she asked before the band known as Iron Maiden chimed from her back pocket.  Forest had chosen her own ring tone when she had programmed Saber’s phone for her, something melodical and fast and slightly ridiculous.  As the officer walked her to the body, Saber pulled the phone out of her pocket and swiped the screen as she had been taught.

There was one message waiting from her from Forest: Personal Advisor.

Maybe later.  Patrolling right now.  Check back in 1 hr.

Saber frowned at the response, but began to focus on the task at hand.  She said, “I would like to know what has been found.”
« Last Edit: January 20, 2021, 09:37:35 PM by SINIB »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2014, 01:35:01 AM »

He was falling, but there was nothing around him. It felt almost as if he was sinking into a pool of mud. And then he fell out and landed, back first, on the mossy ground.

“Ughhh, what did that bastard do to me?” Crest groaned out as he slowly tried to stand up. The moss was slick and he almost slipped a couple of times as he readjusted his bearings.

He kept his hand to his head, as he desperately tried to stop the world from spinning. He looked around and idly noticed his bow and arrows were still all intact, that was a good thing at least.

“An overgrown cave…?” He wondered aloud, stone, or what looked like stone, walls on all sides, with moss growing on nearly every surface. Then he spotted an opening, it was unnaturally square.

Slowly walking up to it, his sense of balance back to normal, he peered out the opening.

“What in that name of…” He trailed off. How could he not. There was a wide gap, but across from him was a row of spires, covered in moss and vegetation. On the ground he could see a modestly sized grazing beast. A type of dear it seemed like, although its antlers where wickedly sharp and its fur had odd glowing patterns on it.

He smirked as he notched an arrow, “Well, I was hungry anyway” and with that the arrow flew true, striking the best though the brain.

But instead of falling it simply turned its head and looked at him.

Crest stared, “Well, that can’t be go-“Without warning the beast sparked red, and with a great roar fired an orb of some kind, rushing towards Crest. In panic he grabbed his grappling hook, latched it to the side of the opening, and dived out and to the side. He had feeling that he did not want to be near that orb when it reached where he was.

His instinct was proven right as the orb exploded, causing his hook to be dislodged. And without the force to keep him up he fell from high in the air onto his back. Luckily he was able to make sure not to fall on his bow.

Groaning he quickly got to his feet, just in time to dive to the side in a roll to avoid getting skewered by the Demonic Deer’s Antlers.

Clicking his tongue black smoke surrounded and entered his legs.

‘Rejection of Limits’

And with that he leapt away from the beast, with power and speed many times what he should be able. He landed some ways away, feeling his bones creek in protest at going beyond their limits. He notched another arrow as the deer began to charge at him, glowing with ominous light.

He smirked, 'Rejection of Matter’. Black smoke coated the arrow head as he aimed, and then he released.

The arrow flew and struck the beast. It made no mess this time, but rather a clean hole was carved through the beast’s body, right down the middle. Slightly behind it the arrow embedded itself into the ground.

And with that the beast fell over, dead.

Crest sighed as he moved over to his downed pray. The first thing he did when he reached it was lob its head off with his machete, could never be too sure after all. Then he went about retrieving his arrows and grappling hook.

Once everything was in order he examined the beast. He had never seen anything like it before. It was bizarre and capable of odd demon magics. 

He was about to start striping the corpse when he hear roaring, it sounded like the beast he just slayed, but a pack, or would the correct term be heard. Bah, he didn’t care, all he knew is that there was a large number of them heading his way. 

“Tsk, can’t catch a break, can I?” He said as he sprinted off in the opposite direction, vanishing into the foliage that was randomly scattered throughout the path. It was something he was definitely good at.

‘Rejection of Smell’, Black smoke softly clung to his body like a film.

And stacking the odds never hurt either.

The deeper Crest went into this odd forest the more he was confused. There were so many types of beasts here, the hunt would be amazing. But the odd part was that so many of them he could not recognize.

“Where the hell did he send me” He was still convinced it was that bastard “Saint’s” fault, his and his followers’.

But this was neither the time nor place to worry about that. He had to first find shelter, and a source of water. His canteen, despite being mostly filled, would only last for so long. And on top of that it was getting dark, just what he needed.

He looked around and something caught his eye. It was a brick building, finally something familiar. It was run down, overgrown, and obviously had better days. But even he could tell from the lack of animal tracks that nothing was living there.

Or at least if there was they were small enough to not leave tracks.

He smirked and moved towards the entrance. The door seemed to be mostly busted; it was easy to remove with a slight yank, carefully leaning it against the wall as to avoid making too much noise.

And with that he stepped inside. And he could not be more amazed. There was no floor, only the soil beneath him, plants grew wildly, giant vines and trees throughout the giant room. Bookshelves fill with old books could be seen everywhere. And he could even see multiple hallways going to different parts of the building, a testament to the size of this sanctuary.

Hell, there was not even a roof, well, other than the plant canopy. Talk about refreshing.

"Yeah, I think I will like it just fine here," he said as he leaned his bow and quiver near the entrance and walked to the center of the room, towards a large tree with a pile of books next to it.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2014, 01:49:13 AM »
The frigid night air cut at Old Man Henderson, but the joint was warm. As such, the middle-aged man leaning back sitting up against a nearby wall found himself not even slightly bothered by chill, despite the fact that his Hawaiian print shirt wasn't buttoned up, with only a yellowed undershirt protecting him from the chill. Propped up next to him was his shotgun, which Henderson figured he might as well name, what with all the adventures he'd gone through with it.

"I mean, think about it, Rupert," he addresses the stuffed parrot on his shoulder, "Betty's been with us since 'Nam, and she's never let us down. Do you think Betty would work?" He turns to the shotgun, patting it on the buttstock. The shotgun doesn't reply, though the jostling of the shells remaining reminds Henderson of something important, "Ah, you're a bit hungry, aren't you? Rather daft of me," he proceeds to pick the shotgun up and load it, finding shells here and there in the pockets of his cargo shorts.

Inside the burning church across the block, another rafter crashes down, drawing Henderson's attention as he regards the bodies of the fleeing cultists forming a trail out of the church, "An' that darm'd cult didn' even have any o' me wee men. I checked this time, and so did you, right Rupes?"

Henderson sighs as he takes another hit from the joint, "Did I ever mention how great of a friend you are? I mean, anyone else would've asked for a hit, but you know how I love this stuff, ain't that right Charlie?" Henderson now addresses the gnome in the back of the nearby '92 Buick Century. When no reply comes, he sits up, using the Italian-made shotgun as a crutch as he looks into the back of his car.


The one lawn gnome he had managed to take with him after falling asleep with the very same joint he was smoking now.

"Where did ya..." Henderson trails off as he looks back at the burning church, which finally collapses as the fire takes its toll on the supports, then at the trail of bodies leading out to his Buick, "That darm'd yellow cult. It was a trick! There was tha' one Mormon I only tapped before he ran out, and he decided to take Charlie with 'im?!"

Henderson considers this for a moment, then realizes that he's gotten all the use out of this blunt that he can. Spitting the stub out, he grinds it down with his boot before putting Betty in the trunk, right next to 'Lurid Lucy,' climbing into his Buick, and peeling out, already hunting for that last cultist.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2014, 01:53:55 AM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2014, 01:52:31 AM »
I have a deep, complicated understanding of the term "bad hair day". Not a day goes by without me stubbing my toe, banging my head on something, being too lazy to take a shower, having a shitty boss and shitty coworkers... every day is a bad hair day.

"Excuse me, sir?"

I looked up from my deep, complicated thoughts about a possible character's intro sequence and remembered I was in my underwear, in a police station.

"Oh, uh, yeah?" I replied, my boundless intellect swimming out of my words like a flock of geese.

"Like I was saying, you've been pulled in against your will, but we have no idea how to send you home. In the meantime, you can be given a place of residence as long as you make yourself useful to the community."

He handed me a couple pamphlets, one of them with a lot of dumb job offerings and another with various residences going for some kind of "lost puppy charity" kind of feel.

I was offended. Lost puppy? I am a bucking stallion, proud and free on the plains.

"Life here is like life in any other city. You might be surrounded by crazy shit, but you have laws to follow, and so do they. Either one of you breaks it, and we'll have cops busting down your ass and bringing you to jail."

"Okay, that's um, that's great and all, but... can I have some pants?" I interjected uncomfortably. I was in my underwear, and even then in the middle of fapping before I got brought to this weird town. Point being, I didn't smell good, and pants would at least be a wall between my smelly crotch and the outside world.

Shirts could go fuck themselves.

He nodded with some minor irritation and got up, giving me a "stay here" kind of look. I sat back on my chair, looking up at the ceiling and away from my lucky four-leaf clover boxers.

About half an hour ago, I was randomly in the street in my underwear, with nothing with me except Son of Rustbucket, my glorious steed, a trek mountain bike that replaced my old trek mountain bike, Rustbucket.

Mind you I wasn't fapping while sitting on my bike, so that makes no sense at all.

Anyway I was very kindly brought in by the police, and was being explained just what the fuck's up.

Nexus city, vampires and assorted monsters, blah blah.

Police officer came back with some old jeans, perfect. I tried them on, and they were tight, but not too tight. He'd also come back with some sneakers a size too large and a big dumb shirt with some anime bitch on there. Sailor jupiter, I think? The green one. I begrudgingly equipped the shirt to properly fit social norms, and the dude started talking again.

Blah blah have you looked at the pamphlet blah blah.

"Yes, I have looked at the pamphlet! It's marvelous. I'm going to go to these places right now. Do you know if there's an MMA gym nearby?" I asked subtly, as to not tip him off that I was totally going to stall finding a really fucking boring place to work as long as possible. I was a true veteran of sleeping out in the open, thanks to my many nights of alcohol. I'd find a park.

"Uh..." the cop looked at me with disbelief for a second, until he sorted through his desk, found a piece of paper and handed it to me after writing an address. "Here. Your bike is out by parking lot. The key was in the lock, so we locked it to the fence."

He handed me my key, and I nodded in thanks. Thankfully. Thank you, police officer whatsyourface. I will never forget you, until I take my next shower.

I left the building, my feet bouncing around the gargantuan shoes he'd given me, and went to the parking lot and gotten my bike unlocked. I looked at the address for a second, and I realized something deep, important and unparalleled about the intricate mystery surrounding this city.

"I have no idea how to get to this street."
« Last Edit: November 17, 2014, 02:00:16 AM by NamesAreHardToComeUpWith »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2014, 02:04:08 AM »

Outside of a small café Rebeca sat, quietly drinking her warm coffee, trying her hardest to shut out the voices.

‘Should we go see a movie?’

‘Hey, isn’t that girl kinda hot?’

‘This guy should stop ordering snacks, it can’t be healthy.’

‘Where the fuck is he, he said he would be here by now. Bastard better not have stood me up.’

This was simply a small sample. Endlessly these voices thumped in Rebeca’s head, only slightly drowned up by the music playing on her head phones. Their personal thoughts, their feelings, and their intensions, they endlessly echoed in her head.

If she did not experience it all her life she had no doubt she would have gone crazy.

“Why did I decide to go out…?” She mumbled to herself as she slightly increased the volume on her music, hoping to drown out just a few more voices.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2014, 02:09:54 AM »
Mr. Tar

Henry Barthow stared with a frown at the crime scene he stood in front of. He clutched the collar of his trench coat closer to his neck to shield it from the wind without shaking in the slightest, and calculatingly squinted his eyes just a little as bothered by the flashing of the police car lights. It never became easy, but he had gotten used to sending these tells out in his body in the last years; the fact he wasn't performing them perfectly at the moment was only his burdened mind at work in the closest thing to an unconscious show of annoyance he had.

He wasn't looking forward to learning how this one died. But feelings of anger and bitterness welled up in him with the same intensity as they did every time - the same intensity he could never forget by virtue of his nature - and he knew he had to do what he was able to, to at least find some vindication where he could.

The Unchained heard a familiar voice. He lifted his head from a half-hearted slouch, keeping the furrow of his brows even, though sometimes he thought it easier to just express it more deeply. And made a private note of acknowledgement as he identified the owner of the blonde hair and green eyes on that lithe form being walked his way by an officer.

"Yo, Saber. It's an ugly one." he offered, his rough voice painted by weariness.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2014, 02:12:50 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2014, 02:13:06 AM »
Lucas Klein

It was very quiet in the old bookstore. Nothing was moving simply because there was nothing in it that could really move. The plants that grew did not rustle in the wind because the one responsible for their growth had told them not too. The trees that had replaced the roof were the only things that still moved inside of the the sanctuary, softly rustling in the late afternoon breeze.

It was quiet enough that, if someone listened closely, they could hear quiet breathing, coming from somewhere near the center of the room. The resident, the owner who was responsible for the growth of the plants within the building and around the area itself was buried underneath a large pile of books.

He had been asleep for a solid month.

No creatures dared to enter the bookstore, not after what had happened to the last pack to try. Even though it looked human, the resident was strong, strong enough that anything that had entered trying to attack had been crushed without a moment to spare. Eventually, they had wised up, and gave the area around the store a wide berth.

And then, naturally, someone who didn't know why there were no creatures who came close, or could feel the energy stirring within the store, appeared. Even then, as Crest carefully moved the door aside, the resident didn't stir. It was only when Crest spoke that his eyes flickered open, pupils dilating to slits.

Disoriented from his month-long nap, the resident stirred amidst the pile, causing a couple of books to tumble down, but otherwise, he didn't move. Completely unconcerned, Lucas laid down and went back to sleep.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2014, 02:13:40 AM by Mooncake »
Spoiler for Hiden:

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2014, 02:15:05 AM »
I biked down a ways from the big stupid police station, and I noticed what only the nose of a trained city worker could notice from five hundred feet away: A Tim Horton's.What was it doing here? A bit of familiarity to lure in former city workers? No doubt some foul, vampiric trap. I should no doubt stay away.

I locked my bike up and walked in.

It was only after I'd ogled the cinnamon rolls that I noticed I didn't have my wallet. I shook my pants around, and found a quarter.


"Hello, how may I take your order?"

"One timbit and a glass of water. Sour cream timbit, please."

She gave me a look that could have stared down a caffeine-deprived orangutan.

"Ice or no ice in your water?" She said with a clear note of I don't give a fuck what she was feeling, I wanted a timbit.

"No ice, thank you very much."

"Okay, here you go, have a nice day."

Fuck you too, you terrible person. I could smell the loathing in your small-clothes, if I could get my hands on your small-clothes. Which, like, no. You're a four out of ten.

I took my timbit and water, and observed the crowd. People sitting in twos everywhere, and not a clear table to be seen... ha! I spot a lone nerd with headphones on! No doubt this person will be kind enough to allow me to sit on the same table and not talk to her at all while I eat a timbit in awkward silence.

I sit down, totally smoothly and only making the chair screech a couple times while I pulled it out, and I started eating my timbit.

Halfway through I realize I still have no idea where the fuck that street is. Man, what's a manor port road even supposed to look like.

Why did I even come here, this timbit's awful. It's stale as a horse's poop after a week in the desert.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2014, 02:27:56 AM »

Rebeca simply say, quietly enjoying her coffee as the voices and sounds washed over her.

Then one persons thoughts sprung up out of nowhere over the rest.

I spot a lone nerd with headphones on! No doubt this person will be kind enough to allow me to sit on the same table and not talk to her at all while I eat a timbit in awkward silence.

Rebeca’s red eyes immediately twitched as she turned to look at the man who pulled out a chair and sat at her table.

She pushed some of her hair away from her face as she looked at the man, African American, a bandana and a… was that a sailor moon shirt? Well she wasn’t on to judge.

It also seemed that he was lost, poor guy. She would at least ask, she is not a bad person after all.

“Hello? Do you need something?”


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2014, 02:28:39 AM »
Saber canted her head at Henry Barthow in greeting. 

There was something about the detective that made her uneasy.  It wasn't the knee-jerk reaction she use to have around Forest because her adviser was a vampire.  This was something that made her on her guard, but she had no real concrete proof that Barthow was anything malignant.

"It was extraordinarily violent then?" Saber asked as she reached back to tighten her ponytail on her head. 


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2014, 02:35:06 AM »
Shortly after peeling out, Henderson realized something rather off-putting. He was hungry.

"...I suppose I kin grab a bit'. Not like that yellow cultist'll be getting very far with that birdshot in 'im," he notes. With that, he slows down to a reasonable speed as he scans the street for restaurants, when one catches his eye.

"Tim 'Orton's?" Henderson says to himself as he executes a perfect handbrake turn into a parallel park right across from the store itself, "Sounds like the name o' that one nambly we met back in 'Nam, eh Rupert?"

He makes his way out of the car, wakes in the door, and makes his way into the bar, pulling out his wallet and withdrawing the only thing therein, Old Man Henderson slams the charred ruins of a page of the Necronomicon down on the counter, "I'd like one o' those bagels."

Unfortunately, the clerk takes one look at the page and drops to the floor, insensate.

Henderson leans over the counter, looking quizzically at the clerk before grabbing one of the bagels himself, and grabbing a French Roast that had just been laid out, "Thank you for the sample, Ma'm."

Any objection the second clerk might have had is cut off by the Necronomicon page working its magic on her as well. Looking around, Henderson finds a reasonable looking young man in clothing that looks altogether strange on him, what with one of those girls from one of those animuh, or whatever it was Jimmy called it.

"Must be one o' them hobos," Henderson notes, "Could always count on 'em for a decent hit, and any goings on... And look, he's already found a friend."

With this in mind, he makes his way over to the young man with the strange shirt and the oversized shoes and his friend, taking another two free samples as he goes, sliding into the seat across from the young man as he slides him the French Roast, passing one to the young lady as well, "Name's Henderson. Would either of you youngsters happen to know where I can find someone who deals in...lawn gnomes?"
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2014, 02:41:12 AM »

For the first time since her arrival in this city Caedia sighed with relief. Gran Soren was a bustling city and relatively loud but compared to the sheer noise of this new Nexus it was tranquility incarnate. A quick look at her surroundings showed the forest she had ended up in. The trees were tall, the ground was mossy in some places and in others it was covered in grass, and an arrangement of beasts and monsters walked through it. It was almost like home.

But there were things on her mind other than nostalgia right now. For example, that small building standing over in front of her. Flora had overrun it and invaded every last crevice but something of value could be in there. In places like this there usually was.

She removed her bow from the strap on her back and held it out in front of her. She moved her hand as if pulling back an imaginary bowstring, and as she did that a bolt of energy formed. A pale blue-gray color that shifted to a bright orange one in a few seconds. It never hurt to be prepared after all.

Caedia walked into the building in an attempt to make as little noise as possible when she saw a man dressed in black. She cocked her head at him and said, "Hello."


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2014, 02:44:07 AM »

Hamara blinked as he softly landed on the ground. There was no tumbling, there was no swaying. He simply touched the ground as if he was taking any old step.

Around him many of his followers did not perform the same feat, instead falling into heaps on the ground; it was such a disgraceful sight for the loyal guards of The Saint that stands in the Fields of Creation. But he supposed he could not blame them, after all what they experienced was rather disorienting.

But not for him, for such a thing is just a triviality for one such as himself. There was little that could disrupt his balance, for he is beyond normal men.

He slowly let his gaze wonder, his pale blue eyes taking in the site before him.  His eyes would have shot up in surprise if he was anyone else, but instead he simply watched. 

Strange buildings were all around him, odd carts made of metal having stopped moving so the people within could observe him and his followers. Not to mention the crowds of people that seemed to have been going about their day.

Speaking of his followers they seemed to be wary, their weapons blessed by his powers were drawn. They seemed to want to protect him; they should know no such sentiment is necessary. 

“Calm thyselves my brothers. Do not let your emotions command thee. We are among men in this place.” And with my reassurance the all calmed down, relaxed knowing we are among kindred souls, their brothers and sisters of flesh and soul.

Hamara calmly took steps towards a woman; she was the only one still on her feet, the only human other than his guards not bowing to his mere presence. Such sense of self and will should be rewarded, and reward her he shall.

“My sister, thou still stand, and for that I congratulate thy will and sense of being.” Be began, his voice making her tremble, but not in fear, rather in excitement for the fact that such a man was speaking to her and her alone. This act was alone reward for the few that obtained such an honor. 

“It would please me greatly if thou shall be my guide to this strange place I have found myself.” His soft voice continued, “I will remain in thy company should thou accept, and I shall be sure prevent those that pretend to be man from harming thee.” His voice so gentle and pure, even if the woman was able to refuse him, he simply having said it would have convinced her otherwise.

The woman simply smiled and nodded, “Y-yes, yes, I would love to.” She said with enthusiasm, “Welcome to the Nexus, my lord” She obviously didn’t intend to say that last bit, judging from her momentarily shocked look.

Hamara simply smiled softly at her, “Thank you, my dear sister.”

And with that smile Hamara, The Saint that stands in the Fields of Creation, enraptured everyone who saw it.  It was only natural, he was the champion of humanity after all, who exists only to protect them and ensure their existence.

It is only natural that they would follow him unquestionably.

Hamara looked out into this odd city, this Nexus. He could feel it; his brothers and sisters were being tainted, being killed by those that have fallen and those that dare take their forms.

‘Unforgivable’ he thought as he looked off the balcony of the home of that woman that was guiding them. It seems she was rather wealthy.

Hamara suddenly came to a decision. While the Nothing was a priority, he would also cleanse this place for the sake of his brothers and sisters.

He began to leave, until the voice of one of his guards made him pause.

“Milord, please, if you are going to go out at least permit a member of the guard to escort you.” It was the eldest member of his guard, and older man by the name of Just. The woman who they meant earlier was at his side, looking worried.

Hamara turned to look at him, his eyes lingering until he turned back and continued to walk, “Just, thou have been on my guard longer than any. Thou should know I am more than enough to keep myself safe.”

Just simply appeared more upset, before he sighed and shook his head. “Very well my lord, I will simply gather what information I can with the help of the miss here, for when you return.”

Hamara did not acknowledge the statement, Just knew he heard it and so there was no reason to reply.

And then Hamara, The Saint that Stands in the Fields of Creation, simply left. Passing his other guards that stood at attention as he past he made his way to the elevator.

He only could wonder what kinds of monstrosities he would find and cleanse in this place. Why, if he was any other man he might be excited.

Hamara was drawn to a commotion, flashing lights and loud noises of red and blue. He moved towards the yellow tape, raising it as he passed. Any protests that were raised immediately were silenced as the people laid their eyes on him, most of them falling to their knees.

Hamara simply walked towards the murder, and the site that greeted was grotesque.

And so he simply raised on of his hands to his face in a prayer to his fallen sibling, ignoring all else around him. 

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2014, 02:48:49 AM »
“Hello? Do you need something?”
Social contact had been initiated. Preparing to initiate phase one of plan, get the hell outta dodge.

Or not.

"Uh... yeah, actually. I'm looking for a street, Manor Port road. Rather, uh, I'm looking for a gym there, address is-"

I almost continued, but I smell something. Something I haven't smelled in... maybe a couple days?

It was marijuana. And alcohol. And a whiff of old people.

Smelled just like work!

"Name's Henderson. Would either of you youngsters happen to know where I can find someone who deals in...lawn gnomes?"

The strange-smelling man asked before I can even fully turn towards him, and I could tell. I could simply tell, through my days of working for a boring city with dumb people.

This man is a legend.

"Have you tried canadian tire?" I ask him, kind of not really caring. I had a place I would have liked to be at! And it's a place where I get into sweaty, shirtless fights with other sweaty, shirtless men!

That and I have no idea where the fuck to get garden gnomes. Ask the kindly old people in the neighborhood for their extras?


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2014, 02:55:53 AM »
Mr. Tar

Henry nodded grimly and turned around to the entrance of the small, family owned utility store. He stepped slowly towards the yellow police "Do Not Cross!" tapes and lifted them up, half stepping into the perimeter of the shop.

His eyes caught the sword she was carrying. That artifact that produced sizable amounts of byproduct aether every time she used it. He had never let his exasperation show on his face regarding the weapon, or its wielder, but it had never disappeared from the moment he first saw her in action. Human, but able to use spiritual essence. Mortal, but supernaturally swift, and strong beyond most of the beings he had ever seen in his lifetime as a Demon or an Angel. In other times, such a thing would've made his suspicion boil well past its breaking point, but Saber was hardly the most suspicious person in the world of darkness this city was.

And if he let aside his paranoia, the Demon would even go as far as saying he liked her.

"In a way." Henry answered.

He dropped the tape back into place as Saber passed him and walked behind her inside the store. The two made it past the wrecked front, with its broken and overturned furniture and devices, and spots of blood on the walls that agents were cataloguing, into a room further in.

Red. Red on the walls and red on the floor, overwhelming the presence of any other thing in the division. A lone trail of guts was spilled on the floor, where it joined a small, mutilated corpse bearing a large hole right through its middlesection. An exceptionally large splatter of blood remained on the wall behind it, where it dragged to the place it stood.
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts