Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - November 16, 2014—April 13, 2015  (Read 595302 times)


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1950 on: March 14, 2015, 06:45:40 PM »

Medaka was  happy to run into someone so quickly.  With a combination of optimism and respect in her voice for this new stranger she calmly speaks.  "Ah hello there.  I seem to have just woken.  My name is Medaka.  What is your name?"


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1951 on: March 14, 2015, 07:16:49 PM »
"My name?" Lorenzo asked with a smile.

Suddenly, a spark lit up in his eyes, gold shining brighter than the sun. Spinning with glamour and glory, his hands flowed trough the air, moving down and ascending to the skies in a wonderful pose. Then, one hand on his hip and the other pointing his thumb at his heart, Lorenzo grinned wider.

"I am the one who rules the seven seas, the one who's gloria reigns supreme and who's greatness will be told for generations!"

Crossing his arms in the most fabulous fashion possible to man, he sparkled before crying in macho delight, sparkles and light oozing from him as the world itself shook before his greatness. Or maybe not.

"I am the one true master of the oceans and king of all seas, I am he who will posses all wealth and joy the world has to offer!"

"I am... Lorenzo Remei, the greatest pirate who ever lived!" He boasted in a pompous thunderous roar, his arm rising like a glorious phoenix serpent king and pointing to the skies with the grace of a butterfly and might of a 50 ton cannon.

Suddenly, fireworks erupted behind him, glorious multicoloured blazing fireworks basking the scene with the glory of Lorenzo! Sadly, fireworks are much less glamorous under the daylight. Still, his bravado was unfaltering, as burning as his fiery passion.

"I must be blessed, to have met such a beautiful, glorious, charming, exquisite woman as yourself. Truly, you are too kind to grace me with your awesome presence. Medaka, let us be joyous and merry as we carry on many adventures!"

« Last Edit: November 25, 2016, 10:59:35 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1952 on: March 14, 2015, 09:07:20 PM »

"Modify them how?" The Harlech Dragoon asked.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1953 on: March 14, 2015, 09:13:54 PM »

"Modify them how?" The Harlech Dragoon asked.

"I don't know..." Noel finally answered. "Put machine parts in them or something."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1954 on: March 14, 2015, 09:56:35 PM »
Adjutor, at this moment, was quite thankful that he had the armor on. The layer of separation it provided was quite useful in trying to ignore the fact that he was lying on top of another woman and the barely restrained desire Ann left him with was still tearing at him.

"It's fairly obvious that you're bleeding out," Adjutor says, pushing himself off her, "I was going to come over to heal you, but my...acquaintance, seems to have decided differently."

With that, the teen starts prepping a bit of healing magic to seal up whatever cuts she may have.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2015, 10:51:20 PM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1955 on: March 14, 2015, 10:06:56 PM »
Corporal Mathew Blackburn:

That didn't strike Mathew as something odd - machine body parts were fairly common, especially among the Techpriests. "From where I'm from, there is a group called the Cult Mechanicus. They run the factories of my home planet, and they work on the vehicles. They, uh, replace most of their bodies with robotic parts. By any chance, does this cat-lady like the color red?"


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1956 on: March 14, 2015, 10:32:15 PM »
Corporal Mathew Blackburn:

That didn't strike Mathew as something odd - machine body parts were fairly common, especially among the Techpriests. "From where I'm from, there is a group called the Cult Mechanicus. They run the factories of my home planet, and they work on the vehicles. They, uh, replace most of their bodies with robotic parts. By any chance, does this cat-lady like the color red?"

Noel thoght about it, alarmed. Kokonoe did wear red! And she made Tager, who was reder than a beet! Her hair was pink, and that's just one step away from red! Panicing, Noel grabbed Mathew. "Wait! Does this mean that she's in more than one universe? Oh no. She could have heard me. I don't want to be modified!" Noel yelled, the echos reverberating throughout the apartments.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1957 on: March 15, 2015, 12:04:06 AM »
Medaka gave a satisfied smile.  Her eyes glowed with trust and partial wonder.  In respect for her new-found companion, she assumes a similar pose. 
Somehow, Fireworks also erupt behind her as she says: 

"Good to meet you Lorenzo the pirate.  I never imagined I would be able to meet someone of your stature so soon.  I would like to explore this new land, looking for new companions and helping those in need.  Will you join me?"


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1958 on: March 15, 2015, 12:44:22 AM »

Crest frowned as he moved over and began to tie up the fur he got, “I don’t know, that sounds like Demon Magic to me.” He said simply, “They are really crafty, especially if they get their hands on a good Demon Tool.”

He finished tying the fur up and fastened it to his pack. Throwing the both over his shoulder, then he hooked up his quiver on his belt, allowing it to hang from the side and grabbed his bow. “Well, I’m ready whenever you are.”


Mia giggled at PARIAH’s question, “Ok, I’ll tell you how.” She then began to whisper into his ear.

They were certainly going to have fun.

It was not hard to find the blue clothed man in the building. And the moment she saw him leaving a room on a fancy floor she smirked.

She stood there, at the end of the hall, but in plain view of the man. And then she giggled, the sound echoing though the hallway. As their eyes met she smiled and then, with a jingle of bells, she vanished without a trace.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2015, 12:45:45 AM by Knick »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1959 on: March 15, 2015, 01:16:31 AM »
Corporal Mathew Blackburn:
With that, Mathew found that his father was indeed right: Woman can be as loud as an Earthshaker Cannon. Now all he needs to know if they can hit as hard as a Power Fist...

Ears still ringing, Blackburn tried to calm the now hysterical woman down. "Easy, easy! If she does come to modify us, I'm sure we have enough firepower her to take her down."


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1960 on: March 15, 2015, 01:25:21 AM »
Lorenzo's eyes bubbled in awe as the woman took a similar stance, fireworks bursting behind her as well.

"Good to meet you Lorenzo the pirate.  I never imagined I would be able to meet someone of your stature so soon.  I would like to explore this new land, looking for new companions and helping those in need.  Will you join me?"

Lorenzo clicked his tongue, a sly look eyeing the lady in defiance with his golden eyes.
"Tsk, tsk."

His thumb was waving up and down, a rhytmical cadence (what is a cadence anyway?) carried on as he kept a steady pace of tongue clicking.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk..."

"Nope, can't do. You see, I am not going to. Now, if you were to join me, that would be grrrrreat. A captain ougt to have standards you see." said the pirate.

"BUT, I can tell you that if I was to have another life, I would gladly spend it following you. So how about it, will you join me in my quest to explore this new land, looking for new companions and helping those in need?"


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1961 on: March 15, 2015, 01:56:39 AM »
Medaka closes her eyes for a few seconds, pondering Lorenzo's response.  Although she would love to trade banter with him, she knows he has been here longer than her. She opens her eyes and smiles proudly, giving off her general aura of charisma and certainty.  She has full trust in this person.   She then rips off her school uniform revealing a stereotypical pirate outfit, complete with a cute pirate hat.

"Very well then Lorenzo the Pirate lead the way.  I don't mind allowing you to show me around for a while."


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1962 on: March 15, 2015, 02:34:04 AM »
Corporal Mathew Blackburn:
With that, Mathew found that his father was indeed right: Woman can be as loud as an Earthshaker Cannon. Now all he needs to know if they can hit as hard as a Power Fist...

Ears still ringing, Blackburn tried to calm the now hysterical woman down. "Easy, easy! If she does come to modify us, I'm sure we have enough firepower her to take her down."
"No, don't do that!" Noel continued to panic. "She's actually really nice! Just don't get on her bad side. She remade Bolverk for me." As she patted her trusty pistol, she calmed down and began to smile. Looking off into the distance, she continued. "And she remade Ragna's arm. He looks scary, but he's really a nice guy. He can be such an idiot sometimes..."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1963 on: March 15, 2015, 03:33:12 AM »
Lorenzo was shocked to see Medaka cast away her clothes with such ease, of all the things he would have expected, a lady laying herself bare in the middle of the street without any warning was not one of them.

But his surprise could not be put in words when he witnessed what appeared to be Medaka now with a full pirate attire. This could not be a coincidence, surely she was a super pirate lady!

"Yo-ho-ho! Let us walk merrily to where the sunset will lead! Yahoooo!" Roared Lorenzo in gleeful cheer. Of course, there was no sunset, nor was the sun visible due to the clouds. But surely his newfound companion and he would carry on many adventures.

"Well then, what brought you here anyway? It's not everyday that a girl appears out of thin air, or maybe I've just had the wrong sort o days till now..."

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1964 on: March 15, 2015, 03:59:41 AM »

When the sounds of bells jingling reached PARIAH's ears as he stood on the bloody floor below the toy he acted. The ceiling, floor, and walls cracked ominously and the sound of countless hearts beating reverberated through the hallway.

Then the banging of tiny fists was heard and in some places the wall broke and revealed small, flailing limbs. Then the laughter started, and the voices of children said, "Come play with us, Mister Kayneth! We want to play a game!"

Several more holes were punched into the wall and revealed countless, innocent eyes. "We're going to play hide and seek! You hide and we'll find you. We already found everyone downstairs. They weren't very good at hiding."

The voices squealed in laughter as they mentioned their last game and slowly but surely began to count. As they counted an especially shrill voice spoke up. "You should start hiding soon, Mister Kayneth! Big sister doesn't like it when we play with strangers, so you have to hide really fast!"
« Last Edit: March 15, 2015, 04:06:27 AM by Umbra of Chaos »