Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - November 16, 2014—April 13, 2015  (Read 595855 times)


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2145 on: March 28, 2015, 02:49:05 PM »

The dragon dropped them off on the ground after a mysterious light struck the armored man and his undead dragon.  Medaka looked at Lorenzo, he seemed relived.  Then, his face turned cold.  He grabbed Medaka's hand and fell on his knees, crying.  It hurt Medaka to see Lorenzo this way.  She gave Lorenzo a warm comforting smile.  Then, his face transitioned from overwhelming sadness to insane laughter as he grasped Medaka's hand.  A tear ran down Medaka's check as she maintained her smile. 

The guilt that she had inherently hurt him was coming back. In her world, she was always powerful enough to take care of others.  Normally this would be the time where she gave Lorenzo a great speech telling him to not give up.  She couldn't do that now.  Her old friend Zenchichi once said that she was born to help others.  How could she do that when she could not protect one man.  In some ways she was happy.  In this world, she is no longer a "monster child" .  No it is clear that there are monsters far greater than her here.

Lorenzo then transition again into a laughter of joy and relief.  However, she could see through it.  There was an undertone of fear and sadness.  He hugged her tightly.

"We won"

No they hadn't won.  They lost and there was nothing they could do about that.

Medaka composed herself.  She was still needed by Lorenzo and she would not leave his side until he recovers.  She separated herself from Lorenzo's hold.  Then she looked at him, maintaining a warm smile.  Delicately but strong and passionately she said, "Lorenzo the pirate, you are a great man.  When I first came to this world, you promised me an adventure where we could travel the land, helping those in need.  You presented me with a grand ship, worthy of a king.  We have accomplished so much in our first adventure.  We survived a dual with darkness!  We met a grand dragon!  Perhaps we lost the grand ship but we cannot lose our spirits!"  Come Lorenzo the pirate! Stand tall!  We must give thanks to our beautiful dragon savior."

With that she turned to the dragon who had changed his form and bowed.

"Thank you very much!"

« Last Edit: March 28, 2015, 03:16:52 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2146 on: March 28, 2015, 03:58:19 PM »
Tohuw Balagan

The demon smirked before walking slowly towards the other man, removing his hat before calling out to him. He had to admit, that man was quite skilled, perhaps a warrior.

"Good moves there, son." he said while taking a slight bow. "You're not too hurt from that, are you?"


He got interrupted as he was about to call the police force and other authorities that could help sort out something that a civilian like him could not. "Are you a doctor, pops? Good, then maybe you could check if there are still survivors. That bastard did not show any mercy to those poor guys. I will call for the tax robbers, if no one survived they can at least help me bury them properly."

(short post, but I'm kind in bad health)


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2147 on: March 28, 2015, 04:45:09 PM »
Tohuw Balagan

"Bury them? Nope, no time for that silly~☆" the demon responded, tipping his hat to the man before walking forward to the cadavers.

"But oh boy, this is a damn pain in the ass. I just get here, and already you shits make a storm like a bunch of monkeys... well, I'll be damned, bravo!" he carried on before removing his glove, revealing a pale hand.

Then, he let out a long, reptile-like tongue escape his mouth. The oversized tissue twirled along his finger, a black claw digging into it as a droplet of blood slid down his finger.

Then, some sort of inscription filled the air around them with dread, a chilling scent of death and blood seeping from all over. The nauseating odour filled the air, and for a second the demon's eyes widened, his aura twisting into a sickening form. Then, the corpses twitched and turned over, revealing horrified expressions. Their gaping mouths released some form of azure mist, an aura that spun and twirled as it collected around the demon's fingers.

Suddenly, a lollypop appeared in his hand, it's bright blue colour bearing an uncanny resemblance with something far too familiar to the demon. Yes, there was no doubt: all those who had just died had their souls taken by him.

"What a shame, there is no value in a soul stained in hate. It's not even worth collecting you see?  Still, they do have some uses..."

Something suddenly caught his attention, it was the child. The blue aura seeping from him, his soul, was still bound and attached in his body. There was no doubt, even if by a thread, the child was still alive.

"Oh? It seems there is some hope!☆ Oh well, what to do..." The demon pondered with a sigh, a faint rictus crawling up his lips. These sould were most disgusting and filthy, but that child's still remained. Like a balloon hanging by a minuscule string, his soul persisted with a beautiful will to live. This beauty, so filthy, so futile and yet so humane.

Yes, humans were always so full of surprises.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2148 on: March 28, 2015, 05:14:18 PM »

Irisviel fretted about the armored man laying prone on the cracked asphalt. “Ooooh, this must be why Saber is always telling me to not drive on the sidewalk!!!” She complained to herself. “I’ve damaged my car! Eh?” She turned around, feeling a very large mass of prana heading her way. “Who’s there?” She asked, facing a purple-haired girl. Irisviel instantly felt that something was off about her, it almost felt like... it was her, in a way.

"Excuse me, do you need any hel... I..Ilya?" she said as she noticed the woman's familiar features.

“Illya? How do you know my daughter?” Irisviel asked. “Wait, is she here too?” She asked in a more agitated voice.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2149 on: March 28, 2015, 05:21:51 PM »

Boundary Interface Prime Field Device #12


Before he could even react, the girl took a dashing run for it and escaped, seemingly terrified of something. It took him a bit to realize that it was infact himself the cause of her distress. And so, the enormous warrior trapped in metal stood alone, crouching and laying against a wall.

"I couldn't blame you, young one. " Vanguard muttered, a tint of sadness seeping from his voice. Yes, he had most definitely turned unsightly. And to burden her of such ugliness, he would not forgive himself.

Still, why does she resemble her so much?

After a while, the knight rose once again and decided to carry on forward, determined on finding that woman and an answer to his questions. He needed to at least make her know that he was sorry for troubling her, that he didn't mean to scare her. Then he saw a book on the floor.

Huh, It couldn't be...

But it was, without a doubt, a book belonging to that woman. It seemed she must have dropped it while running. With haste, he dashed like the devil's wind all while taking the notebook, rushing to find Noel's tracks and give back what she had lost.

Then he found her, standing with a boy of sorts. "Miss Noel, is this yours by any chance?" He asked, his voice echoing with hope to at least reach her as he held out the book to her.
Oh no! The crazy stripper was back! And wait, he had stolen her notebook. Noel summoned Bolverk and began to yell at him. “Freeze! Return the notebook immediately!  “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you law can and will be used against you in a court of say. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you...” Noel yelled at him in the blind panic of confusion and fear.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2150 on: March 28, 2015, 05:51:09 PM »

Boundary Interface Prime Field Device #12


Before he could even react, the girl took a dashing run for it and escaped, seemingly terrified of something. It took him a bit to realize that it was infact himself the cause of her distress. And so, the enormous warrior trapped in metal stood alone, crouching and laying against a wall.

"I couldn't blame you, young one. " Vanguard muttered, a tint of sadness seeping from his voice. Yes, he had most definitely turned unsightly. And to burden her of such ugliness, he would not forgive himself.

Still, why does she resemble her so much?

After a while, the knight rose once again and decided to carry on forward, determined on finding that woman and an answer to his questions. He needed to at least make her know that he was sorry for troubling her, that he didn't mean to scare her. Then he saw a book on the floor.

Huh, It couldn't be...

But it was, without a doubt, a book belonging to that woman. It seemed she must have dropped it while running. With haste, he dashed like the devil's wind all while taking the notebook, rushing to find Noel's tracks and give back what she had lost.

Then he found her, standing with a boy of sorts. "Miss Noel, is this yours by any chance?" He asked, his voice echoing with hope to at least reach her as he held out the book to her.
Oh no! The crazy stripper was back! And wait, he had stolen her notebook. Noel summoned Bolverk and began to yell at him. “Freeze! Return the notebook immediately!  “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you law can and will be used against you in a court of say. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you...” Noel yelled at him in the blind panic of confusion and fear.


Roxas watched as the girl freaked out at the large man.  Clearly this is what was stressing her out in the first place.  He summoned both Oathkeeper and Oblivion.  This was not an opponent he could take lightly.  Still, he wanted to know what was going on.

"Noel, who is this?  And your a member of the police?!  Whats going on?!


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2151 on: March 28, 2015, 07:17:20 PM »

"Have you listened to what I just said, woman? I came to return this notebook, you dropped it earlier." Vanguard responded, his voice calm and monotone, but growing heavier by the second. In fact, his whole being seemed to become heavier, as if it was to sink down the earth any second.

"I have no wish to come, nor have I committed or intended to commit any harm. If I have offended you or your honor in any way, forgive me. However, know that while I have no desire to cause any harm, I will respond in kind to further hostility."

Then he tossed her the notebook she had lost at her feet, the great warrior looking down upon the two. Both had drawn their weapons at him so suddenly, even when all he had came for was to help, perhaps to enjoy one's company once again. It had been long since he had ever spoken to another, so long. And yet all would reject him.

That was his curse, the curse of the most unsighty of them all. His life, his city, his purpouse, his body, his dignity and his name. All had been taken from him. And for one who had been reduced to nothing, there was nothing else to do but nothing. Even so, perhaps it was simply because she resembled her so much that he wished to reach her. Perhaps to atone, or to relive the times of old as if nothing ever happened.

"I simply wished to speak to you, but if you desire to deny me such a thing, I will understand. I guess it is... selfish of me to demand a human to treat me as one. After all, I have lost such a right long ago."

But such a wish was foolish, nothing could save his world. All he could do was carry on and pursue the eternal peak, no matter how depraved it is. With that, even if they, even if he could not be saved, the world could be. That was his only will, the one thing that made him carry forward. But when he saw her, even for an instant, he had forgotten of that reason. For that instant, perhaps in his deepest corner of his crumbled psyche, he wished to be saved. To be human.

"Yes, human happyness is something I have lost the right to cherish. Thank you, Noel, for reminding me of my burden. Had you not, I would have broken my oath."

And that was why Vanguard was to be the greatest fool of all.

"Thank you."

The world would reject him, he would never be welcome. As the one who could not save it, he would carry it's hatred and be shamed and sullied for eternity. Even so, he loved it with all his heart. He had endured, unfazed by the cries of billions for millenia. He had endured all the hatred of the world, all the spite. But this one time, to be yelled at by one who looked like her... hurt too much.

For the first time ever since he had been cast in this accursed vessel, Vanguard hurt. And nothing would ever heal the wound that had opened in his heart. It hurt so much, he would scream and shout and cry. He would ask why would he be spited in such a way, why was he so unwelcome. Why did she yell at him in such a way, when he only wished to show kindness and gentleness, even for once.

His hands who had been stained in the blood of the earth would never hold another, they were not hands that could show gentleness. It was foolish to try.

"I am sorry." His dull voice echoed again, and then the warrior stood silent.

That was his eternal curse.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2152 on: March 29, 2015, 02:30:06 AM »

"Have you listened to what I just said, woman? I came to return this notebook, you dropped it earlier." Vanguard responded, his voice calm and monotone, but growing heavier by the second. In fact, his whole being seemed to become heavier, as if it was to sink down the earth any second.

"I have no wish to come, nor have I committed or intended to commit any harm. If I have offended you or your honor in any way, forgive me. However, know that while I have no desire to cause any harm, I will respond in kind to further hostility."

Then he tossed her the notebook she had lost at her feet, the great warrior looking down upon the two. Both had drawn their weapons at him so suddenly, even when all he had came for was to help, perhaps to enjoy one's company once again. It had been long since he had ever spoken to another, so long. And yet all would reject him.

That was his curse, the curse of the most unsighty of them all. His life, his city, his purpouse, his body, his dignity and his name. All had been taken from him. And for one who had been reduced to nothing, there was nothing else to do but nothing. Even so, perhaps it was simply because she resembled her so much that he wished to reach her. Perhaps to atone, or to relive the times of old as if nothing ever happened.

"I simply wished to speak to you, but if you desire to deny me such a thing, I will understand. I guess it is... selfish of me to demand a human to treat me as one. After all, I have lost such a right long ago."

But such a wish was foolish, nothing could save his world. All he could do was carry on and pursue the eternal peak, no matter how depraved it is. With that, even if they, even if he could not be saved, the world could be. That was his only will, the one thing that made him carry forward. But when he saw her, even for an instant, he had forgotten of that reason. For that instant, perhaps in his deepest corner of his crumbled psyche, he wished to be saved. To be human.

"Yes, human happyness is something I have lost the right to cherish. Thank you, Noel, for reminding me of my burden. Had you not, I would have broken my oath."

And that was why Vanguard was to be the greatest fool of all.

"Thank you."

The world would reject him, he would never be welcome. As the one who could not save it, he would carry it's hatred and be shamed and sullied for eternity. Even so, he loved it with all his heart. He had endured, unfazed by the cries of billions for millenia. He had endured all the hatred of the world, all the spite. But this one time, to be yelled at by one who looked like her... hurt too much.

For the first time ever since he had been cast in this accursed vessel, Vanguard hurt. And nothing would ever heal the wound that had opened in his heart. It hurt so much, he would scream and shout and cry. He would ask why would he be spited in such a way, why was he so unwelcome. Why did she yell at him in such a way, when he only wished to show kindness and gentleness, even for once.

His hands who had been stained in the blood of the earth would never hold another, they were not hands that could show gentleness. It was foolish to try.

"I am sorry." His dull voice echoed again, and then the warrior stood silent.

That was his eternal curse.
Noel fidgited with Bolverk, unsure of her actions. As it turned out, he wasn't a crazy pervert after all, and she had dropped her notebook. She felt kind of bad about her previous actions now...

"Um, I'm sorry?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2153 on: March 29, 2015, 02:47:12 AM »

Noel fidgited with Bolverk, unsure of her actions. As it turned out, he wasn't a crazy pervert after all, and she had dropped her notebook. She felt kind of bad about her previous actions now...

"Um, I'm sorry?"

Roxas watched as Noel apologized for her actions.  So he wasn't a bad guy after all.  It was clear to him now that she was simply air-headed.  He walked up to the armored creature. 

"Im sorry,  I think we got off on the wrong foot.  She freaked out when I first met her too.  I thought she was running away from some kind of danger but it's clear that you are not dangerous."

The keyblades vanished from his hand.  He looked at the walking armor with sympathy in his eyes.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2154 on: March 29, 2015, 03:12:58 AM »

Lancelot gave his liege a nod, grateful that she didn’t press for details.

“I will assist you in any way I can,” he said. Much as he tried not to spend time away from Saber’s apartment, it was good when she had ways for him to help her out with her duties beyond maintaining the cleanliness and order of her living quarters.

The two knights continued walking through the snow, making their way to the police station where Saber’s colleague was preparing for their investigation.


Anatu hesitantly brushed some of her hair away from her face and stood just a little straighter. She wanted to believe Just, but after so long of being looked down on by those of a higher position, it was hard for her to accept.

A lady suddenly barreled through the room in a hurry, and Just muttered something to himself. The ancient human blinked, trying to decipher his words, but was interrupted by her stomach growling. Her cheeks dusted pink in embarrassment.
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YOLF: Even if God forgives you, you shall not forgive yourself for being here [in CE].


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2155 on: March 29, 2015, 03:24:48 AM »

The greaat warrior of metal was about to walk away when he heard the two children's apologies. For a second, it looked like the armour creaked, almost tearing open. Then, he turned around and looked down at the young man, resting his great hand upon his shoulder.

"...No, you are mistaken. I am dangeorous. You should not be welcoming a filth worse than a devil along you, to look up to me will only sully your eyes." Vanguard uttered in a dull, melanconical tone.

"I admire your kindness. You both have heart, cherish that quality above all else. I have... seen many men grow bitter and selfish across their life. Many threw their life and meaning away for nothing. But I can clearly see you both are not like that. Like two birds, you are gentle and stronger than any blade. Stronger than the empty void that eats at the heart of man. Stronger than me."

Then he pointed at the hole in his chest, a hole that revealed an empty prison that housed an empty man. And with empty, pitiful words, Vanguard carried on.

"Do you really intend to have a decript decadent shell like myself enjoy your company? Do I not impose fear, anger and disgust upon you? Surely there are... others who are worthy of your kindness." he said, an aria of sadness brimming in his echoing metallical voice.

"I would like to... enjoy company once again. But of course, it is but a wish. Wishes alone cannot bring anything. If you wish me to leave you two alone, I could comply. But if you can grant this devil at least one request, please, do not plunge it in solitude once more. It is shameful for me to say such things, but I do not wish to be alone."
« Last Edit: March 29, 2015, 03:25:28 AM by francobull3 »

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2156 on: March 29, 2015, 03:58:03 AM »

The Old God preened a bit at the word beautiful. It had been ages since he had been personally praised for his masterfully crafted looks. "There is no need for thanks but there is the issue of payment. I did risk my magnificent self to save you both, so at the very least you should do me a favor and start having children. You are both very beautiful and it would be a shame if you were to die without a child to pass on your looks to."

As he said this the Dragon of Beauty began the delicate process of brushing dust off of his robes and making sure his hair was still perfect. It would be abominable to appear any less than he was.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2015, 03:59:42 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2157 on: March 29, 2015, 04:00:10 AM »

Crest glared at Caedia, “It’s a thing, it can be replaced.” He grumbled. “My head on the other hand can’t.” He sighed and leaned against the wall, rubbing his head some more.

Damn that was going to leave a decent bump.

“Who knows, there might be a demon tool in this place, or another bow like that.” He shrugged, “It’s a weird place after all. Just don’t hit me damn it.


Suiren blinked at the mans in mute shock after his offer. It was… not really something she was remotely expecting. Yes, she was amazing, and everyone should want to follow her after they met and got to know her, that’s how amazing she was.

But this one just did it, only seeing her fight and after exchanging a few words. But it was still Butler’s choice. And so Suiren would give he answer.

“I don’t need a servant.” She simply said, “But if you want to follow me of your own choice I will accept it.” She finished.

If someone wanted to follow her, if they choose to live their life like that, she would accept it completely. Otherwise it would spit on their choices and lives.

And that was one thing Suiren refused to do.


Just began to laugh when the girl’s stomach growled. “So you were hungry after all huh?” He chuckled again, “Well, I guess I know what I am doing. Want some food myself.” He said, while gesturing to his stomach, mouth and the door before making a walking motion with her fingers. He hoped she got the point.

He would worry about what that was later, his guard could take care of themselves, and Hamara even more so. And he doubted his Lord would even leave today, he seemed to have heavy thoughts when he returned last night. 

He also wanted to know more about this girl and how she had enthralled his Lord so much. She had an odd air around her, not a bad one, just different. It was almost like the air around his granddaughter.

Just moved over to a different part of the room, a remarkably empty part where only a box sat on a desk, a sword, shield and spear leaned against the wall, and a set of armor was set on the floor. He strapped the shield to his back and the sword to his side before he opened the box and pulled out a fairly large pendent.

It let off a brilliant blue light, and white specks seemed to float in the metal of the pendent. It almost seemed alive and as if it was liquid kept in the form of a sphere. He stared at it for a bit before putting it around his neck and hiding it below his shirt, away from prying eyes.

He then walked over to the girl and patted her on the back, “Come on let’s go get some food.” And then he began to lightly push her towards the exit with him.


She heard Aki’s thoughts, she would wait for her, and she would just sit there, waiting for her to talk. But…

Rebeca took one last gulp and mustered what courage she could, “I… I can hear things. Things other people can’t.” She almost whispered.

“Everything about them, I can hear it.” She said vaguely as her head spun, trying to find a way to say it, She shook her head, “Nono, it’s more what they think, I can hear it.” She corrected, “But it’s more than that…” Her voice got more horse the more she talked.

She shook her head and seemed to let out a soft sob, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, I didn’t mean to read you. I didn’t mean to see what I did.” Tears started to drip from her eyes. “Please don’t hate me. Please don’t be angry. Please don’t. Please. Please.” And then she kept repeating ‘please’ in a soft whisper, tears dripping from her eyes.

Fear of rejection, fear of not being accepted. Those things where Rebeca’s greatest flaws as person. So the one thing she feared most was to be rejected from the one person she told about her power. One person she truly wanted to become friends with.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2015, 04:11:29 AM by Knick »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2158 on: March 29, 2015, 04:34:40 AM »
Lorenzo listened to Medaka's speech all while sobbing. As she spoke, his heart's pace slowed down and he somewhat settled down. She was...right. Somewhat. This had been a hell of a day, but in his heart, Lorenzo would have spent it with no other than Medaka. And to have gained even one companion, for that, Lorenzo was grateful.

Then the strange person who happened to save them spoke, asking them to make children in order to preserve their beauty or something. Even despite what just happened, and despite all that stress he had just taken in, despite the killing pain that shot trough his arm constantly, the pirate lauughed heartily at that statement. One could say he needed that laugh, and no matter the circumstances, his joyful laugh was much more beautiful, much brighter than the bleak state he was in earlier.

"Eeeh, you are right, I am obviously a hella charming lad. And Medaka is pretty beautiful herself. But children..."

"Nope, can't do. Making love, all for it. Go ahead, you can join us while you are at it. But kids... never. Just think about it, could they really be proud to have a scoundrel and a bastard as father? A crook? A dog can only breed dogs, and while I am one of a kind, It wouldn't be fair for me, for them or for Medaka to be stuck with brats and make em live a life of misery." Lorenzo added cheerfully, casually walking in circles and waving his unshattered arm around, gesticulating his way trough the argument.

"If ya want kids, make your own! I ain't going that way today though, so find a charming lass yourself if you can. Sure you won't have any trouble there, pretty boy lizard thing. Make sure to not pop into a giant dragon thing while having the fancy time though, no one wants a giant lizard in their bed. No one."

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2159 on: March 29, 2015, 04:59:36 AM »
Continuing to look the woman over, Sakura could swear she must have met her before. She felt so familiar.

It's weird, her magical energy feels so familiar, but yet I'm sure I've never met her.

To her surprise, the woman responded to her mention of Ilya by asking about her daughter.

Ah, I see. Well, that explains the similarity.

Sakura's face fell on hearing the question. She didn't know Ilya, of course. Ilya was long dead. And, worse, it was at least partially her fault.

"No, I don't think she's here. I'm not even sure where 'here' is, honestly. I'm from a different world, I came here to find my friend", she said, ignoring the part of the question that she could find no good answer to.

Then, she had a thought.

Wait.... If this is Ilya's mum, then does that mean she's my mother-in-law?