Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - November 16, 2014—April 13, 2015  (Read 600920 times)


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2385 on: April 09, 2015, 09:27:22 PM »
Vanguard responded to Mordred's defiance with a rare laugh, unfazed by her disdain or futile struggle.
“Me? A devil? You have no idea just how right you are.” He chuckled, his body inert as the force kept pushing the woman further and further to the bottoms.

“I did not want to resort to this, but you really are giving me no choice. “

And as soon as he said that, the force that brought all to the depths ceased the crushing along with it. But Vanguard gave no time for relief, for as soon as it ceased, he kicked Mordred straight in the gut, sending her flying to a nearby thrash can with unparalleled force. Of course, he held back consciously, else her body would have been blown off to scrapes of flesh.

"This is the pinnacle of foolishness. You have nothing to gain from doing this aside nurturing a meaningless pride. You are pathetic, like a worm writhing and crawling to his death. Do you think that filth would suffer the same for the sake of a child like you? Foolishness, Mordred. Foolishness. The thrash you are surrounded with suits you. “ Said Vanguard, his voice cold and emotionless even has he belittled the woman.

“Even so, you struggle for the sake of one you consider a friend. No matter how misplaced, honor is to be respected and admired among all. The individual cannot understand your actions, but the knight commends your actions. You may be a foolish person, but you are indeed a valuable ally.“


She would have thrown up contents of her stomach if she ate anything since last night. Landing in such unseemly place, she still gathered enough strength to stand up, no longer affected by the gravity, even if she felt wobbly after enduring such forceful kick. "You are no knight, you are just a sad joke. Feigning respect and trampling on somebody in one breath. You are just like that man, what's next, you will proclaim yourself to be a king or a god? You are really pissing me off." She reached for her spear "If I have to fight back, so be it. I don't mind parading before everyone in my true form. Make one step, and my soear will pierce your bloody flesh!"


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2386 on: April 09, 2015, 09:47:32 PM »
Hearing the woman's words, Vanguard's presence suddenly emanated with something...wrong, sickening. Without anger or hatred to bear, the warrior responded to her with a thunderous, chilling laugh. This was a howling laughter, a haunting memory that belonged to nothing more than a madman.

"Very well, do try. I'd love to see it happen. Besides, it is only fair for you to do so. Ants tend to bite back even as they are trampled underfoot." he said, his voice's monotone dullness still clear, but seething with what could only be described as a monstruous glee, one that did not belong to one that could call himself a man.

"You are right, I am a joke. Nothing more than a sickening joke. But you know what is even more funny than this joke you are beholding? It's you, Mordred. You speak as if you stood a chance, as if you truly believed to be able to topple anything. I knew a fool who acted the same way, charging about into the fight without remorse. Upholding beautiful ideals of courage and integrity, he protected the weak and the hopeless. He believed there was always hope, and that a strong will that would never bow could save the world. Sometimes, he would gaze at the stars, and wonder if he would ever reach them..." Said Vanguard. Then, he fell into yet another fit of laughter.

"Come Mordred, give me your best shot. Don't shy away, I look forward to having my flesh pierced by that spear of yours."

And with that declaration, Vanguard opened his arms, as if to embrace her.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2387 on: April 09, 2015, 09:55:01 PM »
Medaka Kurokami

Still blushing, Medaka began composing herself on Lorenzo's back.  His explanation didn't do much, except explain some philosophical perspective of magic.  Even so, it was certainly a romantic idea.

"Hmm.....  So magic is like ones soul huh?  So each person displays their own personality through magic..."

She thought about the dark man.  He was using magic but it was dark and threatening, portraying a feeling that could most likely be attributed to hallow conquest.  It wasn't something she could necessarily hate or fear but something she recognized as hostile.  On the other hand Lorenzo's magic was passionate, much like fire itself. It gives off a feeling of life, unique to his personal way of going about life. Although, she still didn't know everything about him, so that was a presumptuous thought.

"Where did you learn how to do magic?" said Medaka.  She was now relaxing on his back, her body now fully leaning on his.  Her breast were pressed against his back a bit more now.  She smiled as he neighed


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2388 on: April 09, 2015, 10:10:40 PM »
Hearing the woman's words, Vanguard's presence suddenly emanated with something...wrong, sickening. Without anger or hatred to bear, the warrior responded to her with a thunderous, chilling laugh. This was a howling laughter, a haunting memory that belonged to nothing more than a madman.

"Very well, do try. I'd love to see it happen. Besides, it is only fair for you to do so. Ants tend to bite back even as they are trampled underfoot." he said, his voice's monotone dullness still clear, but seething with what could only be described as a monstruous glee, one that did not belong to one that could call himself a man.

"You are right, I am a joke. Nothing more than a sickening joke. But you know what is even more funny than this joke you are beholding? It's you, Mordred. You speak as if you stood a chance, as if you truly believed to be able to topple anything. I knew a fool who acted the same way, charging about into the fight without remorse. Upholding beautiful ideals of courage and integrity, he protected the weak and the hopeless. He believed there was always hope, and that a strong will that would never bow could save the world. Sometimes, he would gaze at the stars, and wonder if he would ever reach them..." Said Vanguard. Then, he fell into yet another fit of laughter.

"Come Mordred, give me your best shot. Don't shy away, I look forward to having my flesh pierced by that spear of yours."

And with that declaration, Vanguard opened his arms, as if to embrace her.


The man taunted her, but did not even move an inch in fact. She was well aware that she did not really stand a chance, at least not her current self who was out of steam. "Make me. I don't really feel like fighting you right now unless I'm forced to fight back. Oh, I would love to make you pay if I could, but I will be the more mature one here. But if I meet you again and I can take on you, don't expect me backing down that time" she ignored the man's ramblings, but still on guard in case he would attack her.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2389 on: April 09, 2015, 10:18:48 PM »

"Oh?" Said Vanguard, a faint chuckle escaping him.

"Well, I am afraid that won't do. I am not asking you to attack me, I am ordering you. Do it, don't be afraid. I will not retaliate, I give my word." Said Vanguard, this time without the jokingly tone of earlier. He was serious, dead serious.

"I was not looking to fight you, on the contrary. I truly respect your foolishness, like one respects a worm for it's tenacity. If anything, I admire your loyalty. But there is a time and place for such things. Strike me, or I will give you a reason to do so."
« Last Edit: April 09, 2015, 10:56:01 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2390 on: April 09, 2015, 10:43:19 PM »

Roxas had been walking for a while after he left Vanguard.  This city was pretty big.  At one point he tried to find work at a police station but they turned him away for being too young.  He didn't expect to be turned away like that.  Back in the organization, he worked with people way older than him all the time, even if they did see him as the kid of the group.  Although, that could have just been because they needed the keyblade.  Regardless, he still needed something to do to earn money.  Being free from Sora's heart wasn't all it was cracked up to be.  He kept walking through the city, thinking about what he could do for a living here.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2391 on: April 09, 2015, 11:21:53 PM »

Rebeca cringed as, for that single second; she heard everything Aki did, the pain Aki felt, and her thoughts afterward. When it was over Rebeca’s hand fell back to her side, as he looked away from Aki again.

She felt guilty for making Aki feel that pain. 

“It’s… it’s not that bad really. You get used to it after a while.” Rebeca muttered, “Do you feel ok?”


Just simply walked with his new… ward? Really he was not sure. This girl was so many unknowns; she had a soft air around her, was taken up by their lord so quickly, and did not speak their language, or any of the languages he knew for that matter.

She reminded him of his granddaughter one some level, but that could just him being sentimental.

He had to admit, this place had some good food. This churro thing was delicious. He got to try and make them himself somehow. Crunch, sugary, and a soft bread inside. It was great. 

Eventually something caught his eye. It was a girl, a brown haired girl. Something about his instincts was yelling at him, yelling 'SHE ISN’T NORMAL!'

But that didn’t matter, if she was dangerous he could protect both himself and Anatu no problem. If she wasn’t then there was no reason to worry at all.

Glancing over at the girl he was escorting he saw her wonder and the look of pure curiosity as she stared at the girl. Then he gave a sigh before he yelled out to the girl resting on the plants, the massively, obviously unnaturally sized vines. Yep, probably a half demon or something.

 “Hey! This miss over here wants to meet ya? Ya mind if we talk a bit?” he yelled while gesturing to Anatu.

Then he gave her a firm smack on the back. Before he talked to her, “Go on now. Don’t hold yourself back if you want to do something.”

« Last Edit: April 09, 2015, 11:24:44 PM by Knick »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2392 on: April 09, 2015, 11:36:40 PM »
Lorenzo Remei

“ Heh, glad ya asked that, princess. It’s actually pretty simple.” Lorenzo snickered, a cocky smile crawling up his face.

“Self taught, all of it. The back you are laying against isn’t the greatest pirate’s back for nothing.”

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2393 on: April 10, 2015, 12:06:31 AM »

The Arisen had continued her walk uninterrupted until she saw the curious sight of an armored warrior with a much smaller blonde woman on the ground in front of him. It was almost nostalgic. To see someone struggle against a foe they could not beat. Regardless the armored man's words were extremely irritating.

"Do you do nothing else but bemoan the past? Spare her ears and be on your way."


“Hey! This miss over here wants to meet ya? Ya mind if we talk a bit?” he yelled while gesturing to Anatu.

The loud shout pulled the youthful woman out of her reverie. Her eyes opened and looked upon the Children that had come to her but when she saw the youngest one her heart ached. She was so incredibly familiar, so close to those that had been born from her blood. Her presence, the strength in her limbs, the brightness in her eyes. The child was so much more than the others.

Had it truly been so long? Time was meaningless to Aisha. A thousand years meant no more to ten thousand years to her, yet this reminder of what once was made her wish for those times. When her Children were not so far from her and she could hold them in her arms.

Despite this surge of nostalgia, or perhaps because of it Aisha already had an answer. She held out a dainty hand towards the blond child and smiled. The invitation was clear.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2015, 12:07:18 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2394 on: April 10, 2015, 12:15:57 AM »

Crest sighed as his companion got involved a fight between some guy in armor and a girl with blond hair. Really, he was kind annoyed. He would much prefer to not deal with some shit like this.

So as Caedia moved to the pair Crest moved to the side and leaned on a wall, mentally preparing his rejections just in case.

“Why can’t anything just be simple?” Crest grumbled quietly.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2395 on: April 10, 2015, 12:40:37 AM »
The Arisen had continued her walk uninterrupted until she saw the curious sight of an armored warrior with a much smaller blonde woman on the ground in front of him. It was almost nostalgic. To see someone struggle against a foe they could not beat. Regardless the armored man's words were extremely irritating.

"Do you do nothing else but bemoan the past? Spare her ears and be on your way."

In a moment of distraction, Mordred looked at the woman who berated the man clad in armor. She felt it was not a good idea for the stranger to get involved, as Vanguard seemed to be pretty powerful in Mordred's eyes and the Changeling was not sure if she could really win against him even at her full strength. But if he attacked the woman, she would do her best to help out. After all, the odds are more favorable in two-on-one combat.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2396 on: April 10, 2015, 12:50:03 AM »

Vanguard turned around to the newcomer, another woman. Unlike Mordred, he could see a certain strength. Still, she spoke of utter nonsense, even more illogical than the blonde's demeanor.

"What do you mean by bemoaning the past?"

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2397 on: April 10, 2015, 01:00:09 AM »

Abby sighed at Archer's terse response to Law's offer.  She said, "Your Bondage Boy probably needs some civvies.  He sort of stands out like the villain in a kung-fu movie."

She picked up her chai and said, "I should get you some blankets and pillows since you're going to be staying a while, and maybe an inflatable mattress . . .  Also I have a dog and a couple of familiars that stop by from time to time.  I hope you're okay with animals."

"I'm fine with animals. As long as they aren't spiders. Can't stand spiders." Law nodded at Abby's comment about Archer. "Yeah, he does, but he can just go ghost if he really wants to."

"Some casual clothing would actually be nice," the servant gruffly replied, causing Lawrence to sigh.

"OK, some clothes for Archer too. Got it. Should we just split up then or do this all in a pack?"


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2398 on: April 10, 2015, 01:06:09 AM »
Shirou (HF)

As I try to comfort and calm her down she protests and says that if she doesn't do something he'll die. ...

"Even so, risk of death is something Emiya Shirou is willing to risk. When I was younger and first started learning magecraft my father told me to walk the path of magecraft is to walk along side death. I am sure he remains aware of that fact as ever. I understand you want to protect him, but you need to let him go."
Even I have something I must protect.

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2399 on: April 10, 2015, 01:15:00 AM »

"I have listened for a little while. The derision in your voice as you spoke of who this girl reminded you of was clear. Do you even see anything else except a ghost of your past in her?"

Then a hard look overtook the Arisen's features. "And despite the fact that the man failed he was correct. A strong enough will can change the world. Whether or not he had the strength or will to actually achieve it is a different scenario."