Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - November 16, 2014—April 13, 2015  (Read 649820 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2445 on: April 12, 2015, 03:59:27 AM »

The Arisen narrowed her eyes at the empty hole in the armor and sighed. This had been a waste. Her hand slipped away from the hilt of her sword and instead she takes a pouch of greenwarish and tosses it at Mordred. "Eat it. It will help."

With that said Caedia simply turns around and cautiously walks back to Crest. The black film over his body was disconcerting to say the least.


The robed mage was about to answer but he gave the man another good look as he apparently shapeshifted. He could sense the arcane power flickering beneath the man and the old blood within his veins sang to the Old God. "I am Urthemiel, the Dragon of Beauty. And you, you are not what you appear to be."

Urthemiel raised a hand and allowed fire, frost, and lightning to dance across his fingertips. He was not in the best mood, and patience was never his strongest attribute.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2446 on: April 12, 2015, 04:20:46 AM »
Sakura and Faust

Before he cast his spell, the person apparently found the spell they were looking for and cast it before him. He shrugged, it didn’t seem like this person was dangerous, so he decided to wait and see if Sakura had any orders involving them for him, otherwise he would be perfectly content with letting them leave in peace.

Before Shirou responded to her latest point, Sakura noticed something strange above her. She looked up in the air and was flabberghasted to see her sister nonchalantly floating down from the sky and landed gracefully on her feet. “Ne-Nee san?!” She stammered out. “What-Whe-How did you get here!” She asked. She looked at Shirou for several long moments, making sure that he was really fine before she finally released him and ran towards Rin, tears blurring her vision. “I-I’ve missed you so much! It’s been so long!” She bawled out while moving to embrace her sister.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2447 on: April 12, 2015, 04:46:49 AM »

Crest’s eyes narrowed at the armored figure. There was… a distinct lack of screaming from a hole in the knee. He looked at where there should be blood pouring out and noticed simply an empty space.

It was as if there was nothing in the armor.

Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. Not dealing with this. No way in fucking hell.

And at that realization the Rejection covering him and changing his eye began to disperse, vanishing from the world.

“Ya, fuck no, I am not showing you anything.” Crest replied to the armor. Like hell he would comply with its request. The last time he did he had to run from a group of Half Demon’s. Better to use as little Rejection as he could in this situation.

He drew another arrow and placed it on his bow, but he did not pull it back on the bowstring. As insurance in case this thing could attack.

“Caedia, you ready to go?” He asked, without taking his eyes off the armor.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2015, 04:52:55 AM by Knick »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2448 on: April 12, 2015, 04:50:27 AM »

Abigail laughed, rolled up her sleeve and extended her arm to him.  "Other than my scalp and eyebrows, I don't have any other hair follicles on my body.  So, I don't need to shave or wax.  Which is a Fae bonus I enjoy."

Indeed, the freckle spotted arm was lacking the fine hairs that should have been there.


“Ne-Nee san?!”

Rin smiled and was about to respond when she sensed . . .No, that's impossible.  Who the hell is that guy? she thought as she looked at the other magus on the roof.  He felt like a Servant; he had to have been.  So who is he?  Where's Rider?

Sakura was crying as she wrapped her arms around Rin.  Rin automatically wrapped her arms around her younger sister and stroked her hair.  "It's okay, Sakura.  Shush, it's okay . . . "


At Irisviel's inquiry about a cell phone, Saber pulled hers out of her pocket.  She nodded and said, "Of course I do and I would gladly exchange numbers."
« Last Edit: April 12, 2015, 04:52:58 AM by Elf »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2449 on: April 12, 2015, 04:54:28 AM »
Dave Nicolson and Roberson McGranth

“Well, well, well… What do we have here?” a slim, almost bony man chuckled. Rocking his bald head back and forth, he grinned all while humming a song. Name: Another One Bites The Dust. Artist: Queen. Released: 22 August 1980

“Hey, quit it.  Took us the whole damn night to search for the fucker, no way in hell we’re gonna let him slip.” a bigger, tougher man replied. Curly brown hair, thick mustache and muscles so grand they could crush a can... he was not to be messed with.

“I hate to break it to ya, but you done fucked it up boy. Big time. Bravo.” the slim man added, his rotting teeth showing as his smile widened. The tough guy wasn't having any of that shit this time.

 “Shut up Dave.” he grunted.

“Hello.” Dave responded.

“I said shut up.”

“Can I sing a song?” he chuckled.

“Oh god, not again…” the tough man moaned.

“Thank 2 U Robbee.” he snickered.

“ It’s Roberson you twat.” the tough man groaned.

“Yes, yes, yes…” he nodded.

“Good, now shut up.”

But Dave would have none of it. Immediately, he began to hum yet another song. Name: My Heart Will Go On. Artist: Celine Dion. Release: There is no release for your soul. Before Rob's eyes could widen in horror, the all too familiar beginning began.

“Every night in my drea-“

He roared.


“H-hey… sorry.” Dave apologised, looking down on the driver's wheel.


“No. It’s… alright. I’m sorry.”


“It’s your wife isn’t it?” asked David, looking around nonchalantly as the car stopped at an intersection.


“She filed it, didn’t she?”

“Filed what?” asked Roberson, his eyes narrowing as his voice grew more and more coarse.

“The divorce, dammit.” The thin man sighed. Immeidately, the big guy's face fell flat. Mumbling, he shook his head in denial.

“N-no! Why the fuck would you say that?”

“The whole team knows ‘bout it, sir…” David muttered, his tone more deadpan and serious than ever before.

A silence.

“You shitting me?” Roberson groaned, his face twisting in something that looked both pained, surprised and sad. But mostly sad.

“I wouldn’t shit about this shit, sir.” said Dave. The road seemed to grow longer despite the car going forward. Even the sun seemed to grow dimmer. A silence.

“GODDAMMIT!” A roar interrupted the silence. Perpetrator: Roberson. Victim: Every passerby nearby. Witness: one does not leave witnesses.


“Did she get the kids too?” asked David, a sad look on his own face. It was strange, but it was as if the cheerful persona of earlier was gone.

Roberson's face turned livid. A mere grunt escaped him, but it was enough.


“Oh. Um… sorry.”

“Just shut up and drive.” grunts Roberson.

“H-hey. Look at the bright si-" Dave tried to lighten up the mood. He fails, and is interrupted. Roberson grows moodier.

"...shut up."

“Woah woah, I’m sorry, ok!? I…” Strike two, he tried again. He failed again.

“Shut. Up.”

“I said I was sorr-“ Strike 3, out. There comes a shrilling cry, like a gutted pig. If you've never gutted a pig, you wouldn't know what one sounded like until hearing Roberson's cry.


A long silence, the police car shook about and drift away. Roberson's seething soothed away. Roberson's state: now looking at the driver's seat.  l Driver's seat state: clean, fuzzy, comfortable. Driver's state: sad. Tears rolling down his cheeks, Dave trembled. For a second, one could have heard a whimper.

Roberson looked worried, his face was full of worry. The times he saw Dave in such a state were equal to the times he didn't trim his mustache. Zero.


“WELL FINE!  GO FUCK YOURSELF TOO, SIR!” Dave roars. The prey becomes predator.

“...what?” asked Roberson, a puzzled look spreading across his face, like his wife's legs towards that bastard.

“YOU SURE AS HELL KNOW YOU HAVE A PROBLEM, AND WE ARE A BLOODY TEAM! We should be helping each other trough shit like this!” Dave yells, his voice shaking as much as his body. Even so, he never once turned back, his face focusing forward, to where he was driving.

“…You’re not making any sense.” said Roberson.

“She ain’t got much longer.” Dave responded, whispering weakly before crying.

“What did you say?” asked Roberson. He did not hear it well, or rather, wished he hadn't.

“I SAID SHE AIN’T GOT MUCH LONGER FOR FUCK’S SAKE!” Dave screams, his fist hitting the driver's wheel.

“Woah, woah. What’s…”

“Cancer.” says Dave, looking down yet still observing the road. His body stopped shaking.




“How bad?”

“Very.” Dave responds.

Another silence.

“My sympathies.”

“Shut up.”

ANother silence. The car stops again.

“You wouldn’t understand.”

“What do you mean?”

“She is everything to me.”

“…I know.”


“Yesterday… she asked me to stay with her a bit longer. It got late, the usual routine. I turn around, and I see her sobbin’ in her own bed. I ask what’s wrong, and she looks at me. The saddest face you could ever see, right there. It was just heartwrenching…”

Silence, again.

“Then, she holds my hand. I already felt something was wrong, bu-"

“Sorry." Roberson apologised, his voice as melancolical as it could be.

“OH? Now you are sorry!? You sure as hell weren’t sorry yesterday!”


“Spend the whole bloody day on your cranky ass, groan about how much of a cunt your wife is. You keep bitching and moaning about every single one of your problems. WELL, FUCK YOU TOO ROB!”


“It’s not… it’s not like you’re the only one with problems.” Dave whimpered.

The silence went on, the car drove across the street. Silently.



“I apologize. Sorry, I shouldn’t have yelled like that.” said Roberson

Another silence.

“You know, when you talked about us being a team-“

“Please, be quiet.” Dave interrupted. He would have no more of it.

Now, the car was as quiet as lady death. In the back stood three men. Two were police guards, one was Lorenzo. The three were crying.


Lorenzo Remei

Held by multiple officers, Lorenzo was restrained from head to toe. He was now in a strange room, benches nearby. Even if a mask prevented his beautiful face from being seen, he could still talk. And his pretty voice would surely be enough.

Glancing around, he saw a rather charming lady. Smiling (even if there was no way she could tell), he waved (Hellooo? He is restrained?).

"Heyo!" said Lorenzo, mantaining a rather cheerful tone.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2015, 05:00:19 AM by francobull3 »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2450 on: April 12, 2015, 04:57:30 AM »

Iriviel nodded, and quickly pulled out an old looking flip phone. She fumbled around with the buttons slowly, eventually finding the contacts section. "Ok, here's my number..." She told Saber her number. "And what's yours!" She said, unable to completely contain her excitement. After they finished exchanging their numbers, Irisviel began to hurry away, turning around again after going fifteen feet or so.

"Bye Saber!" She said, waving. "I'm sorry for the abruptness of this!" With that, Irisviel turn around once more and made her way back to the car, where she found Sakura meandering about. "I'm really sorry Sakura. I-I saw Saber and I couldn't just ignore her..." She apologized in a cheery voice. "Do you want to get going now?"
« Last Edit: April 12, 2015, 05:04:19 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2451 on: April 12, 2015, 05:03:25 AM »

Abigail laughed, rolled up her sleeve and extended her arm to him.  "Other than my scalp and eyebrows, I don't have any other hair follicles on my body.  So, I don't need to shave or wax.  Which is a Fae bonus I enjoy."

Indeed, the freckle spotted arm was lacking the fine hairs that should have been there.
Law briefly fought the urge to run his hand across her proffered arm, but her smile and laugh didn't help. Her skin was smooth, almost unnaturally so as he brushed a finger across it. It felt like silk, and warm and full of life. He mentally kicked himself in the back of the head to get himself back on track. "Um. Neat. So uh, about those sheets..."

Meanwhile, Archer had found himself a series of garments for both himself and Lawrence - though more for Law than himself. He didn't need much more than a black long sleeved shirt and a pair of black pants to get by. Simple was better, and it looked alright on him.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2452 on: April 12, 2015, 07:35:40 AM »

Saber found herself smiling as the bundle of energy that was Irisviel left, cheerfully waving in her wake.  "We should get a meal together."  She slid her phone back into her pocket and then turned back to Lancelot.

"Come, we need to go inside the station."


Abigail smiled as Law ran a finger against her arm. 

"Um. Neat. So uh, about those sheets..."

Abby smiled and said, "Yeah.  So sheets.  Maybe flannel because it can get chilly at night?"


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2453 on: April 12, 2015, 01:24:39 PM »

The Arisen narrowed her eyes at the empty hole in the armor and sighed. This had been a waste. Her hand slipped away from the hilt of her sword and instead she takes a pouch of greenwarish and tosses it at Mordred. "Eat it. It will help."

With that said Caedia simply turns around and cautiously walks back to Crest. The black film over his body was disconcerting to say the least.

The pouch contained a herb of sorts, was it something similar to a Goblin Fruit or something mundane? She would check that later. "Nah, I'm not in that bad shape. The jerk did not break any of my bones or anything. But thanks." She reached to her pocket for the money she brought with her. "I'll take you out for a meal, if you don't mind. Your friend's invited too", she offered, noticing that Crest seemed to be on Caedia's side. If that was true, then she worried needlessly even if the ease in how he pierced Vanguard's armor was a bit disturbing. "Oh, and I'll introduce myself properly. The name's Mordred."


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2454 on: April 12, 2015, 02:09:15 PM »

Hearing the strange man's words, Vanguard couldn't help but allow a laugh. It was not of spite or of arrogance, but a simple laugh. He was now, at least, in a better mood.

"It's fine, you don't have to. But really, it is an odd ability. It's as if you erased something completely. It should not, for it goes against the laws of matter. But there is no mistake, you erased my armour, even if only slightly. Amusing." said Vanguard.

Standing silent, Vanguard pondered on his actions. Between the three, there seemed to be a consensus that he was . Mordred especially did not shy away from her opinion of him. And he had to admit, she had a point. He could have settled this without violence, but he did not. Was this truly the right course of action? To wonder on it would be meaningless, for what had been done had been done. But Vanguard believed, even if for an instant, that in his heart of hearts he owed an apology.

"Mordred...I apologize, for my words and actions. They were out of line, and only served to humiliate you. In the end, I've sullied your honor and my own. I should not have." said Vanguard.

"Beating and berating you served nothing. In the end, this action was as meaningless as the defiance of yours. I hate to say it.... but I've acted like a child. Well, what has been done has been done. I offer my apology. Wether you take it or refuse it means nothing, but as of now words are the one thing I can offer."

Yes, he was perhaps wrong. But at the same time, her actions had insulted hi as much as his own insulted her's. The woman had a point, he treated her not as a fellow, but as a mere shadow of his wretched tragedy. Thinking about it, it was not right of him. But neither was her foolishness.

"But please, do not throw your life away again. It is an insult, to it's value and to the value of all lives. When I called you thrash... I was not truthful. You are bright, brighter than a star. Maybe that is why I spited y-"
« Last Edit: April 12, 2015, 07:17:49 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2455 on: April 12, 2015, 04:07:41 PM »
Tohuw Balagan

"Now, now, no need for hostility." said the caped demon, wiping sweat off his brow with yet another towel, this time cat themed. It seemed there were some rather big fish in the city. Well, it didn't matter if it was a sheep pretending to be a lion or a lion pretending to be a sheep. If he couldn't eat it, there was no interest to be had. Still, maybe there could be some amusement to be found.

"You want to see my appearance, I am afraid it will not do. Nope, nope and nope."

" You see... I'd only let you see it if I wanted to make a contract with you. I'm afraid I am too old to play with lizards and critters. Also, I wouldn't use magic so carelessly if I were you."

With that, the demon snapped his finger, grinning. Instantly, a beard grew on the dragon god's pristine face. Large and scruffy, it looked like a bush. A bushy bush.

« Last Edit: April 12, 2015, 04:14:03 PM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2456 on: April 12, 2015, 06:26:33 PM »

The eyes of the Old God narrowed in fury. To have the gall to alter his form, that was a crime worthy of death. He reached for the power of the Fade once more and shifted back into his normal form before releasing a Mana Clash at the immortal.

Urthemiel supposed that he was growing overly fond of destroying an enemy's magical ability but it was extraordinarily satisfying to watch as the backlash of their reserves being destroyed harmed them.

Destroyer Shadowkhan

The tainted shadowkhan were not dissuaded in the slightest as their prey began to use tendrils of water on the buildings to pull himself away from them. Instead they diligently followed as they scrambled up walls and ran across rooftops as they kept the hydromancer in their line of sight.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2457 on: April 12, 2015, 07:08:19 PM »
Tohuw Balagan

Before the demon could react, he fled something burst from within. Instantly, he coughed a stream of blood, or rather, a pitch black substance.  Instantly, he contorted and writhed on the ground, gripping his cane all while  biting away like a beast. The pain, it was immeasurable.

As he wailed, something seemed to grow out of him. No... it wasn't growing out of him, rather, he was growing. Black blisters and flesh writhed around, a deformed shape blackened and grotesque. As it grew to the size of an elephant, the flesh bubbled. Then, multiple eyes opened at once, each of different shape and colour. A terrifying, inhuman voice screamed.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2458 on: April 12, 2015, 07:15:10 PM »

"I'll take you out for a meal, if you don't mind. Your friend's invited too" Said Mordred.

You know when you get really aggravated when people keep talking when they should just shut up? No? Well Crest does.

So he responded for Caedia, he was done with this entire situation. She doesn't talk much anyway. Except for the speech, he really didn’t want to think about that.

“No, we have something to do. Sorry.” He wasn’t sorry. He really didn’t want to deal with this person. He didn’t want to deal with either of these people. And then the Armor started talking again, and Crest was half sure a blood vessel in his brain popped. But he held on, holding off until he started fucking going on, and on, and on…

Ok that’s it, “SHUT THE FUCK UP. For the love of everything sacred talk like a fucking person and handle your personal business after other people leave. ”

He looked directly at Caedia, the silent pleading obvious in his eyes.

“Please, let’s just go. I can’t take this anymore.” Well, now his pleading was actually obvious.

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2459 on: April 12, 2015, 08:17:53 PM »

The Arisen nodded soundlessly at Crest and began to walk away from the armored man and the blonde girl. She had talked more than enough for the day, and at this point this was just a fruitless distraction from exploring the city.


"No. That's enough. Just die." The Dragon of Beauty stepped back with a disgusted look on his face. With a snap of his fingers a glyph of repulsion was inscribed on the ground between the Old God and the fleshy monstrosity.

Then in one hand three balls of flame danced in the mage's right hand for a few seconds before they flashed brilliantly and disappeared. Then an enormous, twisting column of fire burst into existence around the sickening beast. But that was not punishment enough. In his other hand Urthemiel wielded lightning, and he began to fire bolts of energy larger than a man's torso into the swirling fire.