Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? The Velvet Room (NSFW version)  (Read 140442 times)

Cherry Lover

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Captured Sakura

Once more, Sakura let out a scream of pain as her captor's palm smacked hard against her bare breasts, sending them swinging and leaving a red mark where she had been hit. Thanks to the drugs she had been given, the pain she felt from each slap was magnified hugely, becoming almost unbearable. Her head involuntarily flew back, releasing her grip on the button she was undoing, and her eyes began to water as her breast throbbed from the pain. It was obvious to her that her reluctance was seriously irritating the woman, a feeling that was confirmed when her torturer spoke once more.

"FASTER, you sow! Faster! I know you can unbutton my shirt better than that!" she shouted, obviously extremely irritated by her prisoner's slow progress.

Sakura felt a feeling of smugness and amusement coming over her from the woman's outburst. Here she was, tied to a chair and being tortured and, yet, she was managing to get under the captor's skin, to annoy her without quite sending her over the edge into outright torture. It felt like she was the one in control here, the one with power over the situation. Of course, Sakura knew that expressing such a feeling would cause the woman to make her suffer horribly and, as such, she tried to hide it as best as she could. Yet, despite her skill in hiding her feelings, a momentary smirk came over her face as she quickly moved to continue her task, one which could perhaps be noticed by someone highly trained in detecting emotions.

As much as she enjoyed the woman's irritation and the slight feeling of power she got from it, Sakura had no desire to suffer more pain than she had to. But, at the same time, she did want to give herself as many small victories as she could, to stop her mind from breaking entirely. And, with the woman no longer molesting her, the sexual frustration she felt was once again almost bearable. As such, whilst she was putting a bit more effort into the frustrating and degrading task she had been given, she was still a little reluctant, and moved a little slower than she was strictly able to. Yet, her actions were such that it would be very difficult for her captor to tell if she was truly not performing to the best of her abilities in what was legitimately a challenging task. As such, Sakura was hopeful she could frustrate the woman without suffering too much for it.

LFR Tsar

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Captor Sascha

Sascha was no mere human by any measures, and it would not be immediately obvious, nor obvious really in general, given she had done her best to hide her otherwise monstrous traits. In this case, she had seen that ghost of a smile linger on Sakura's lips. Sascha was uncertain if it was genuinely a smirk, or if it were merely a twitch of the lips, but in either cases, that brief moment gave her a suspicion... a suspicion she didn't care to confirm whether it was true or not.

The East German figured she may as well have a go at breaking down whatever resentment Sakura had, and whatever defiance she still harbored, after all, it didn't matter if she really had them or not. Sascha will remind her at every step of the way of the price of defiance. So, without further preamble on her part, she reached for the slow moving Matou's crotch. Clutching the purple tuft of hair, though neatly trimmed, was still long enough to grip from her fingers, and then she pulled, and Sascha pulled hard. With one almost instant-jerk motion, the Ghoul practically ripped out the bunch of hair from their purple roots, before tossing them aside.

"This is not the pace I was asking for, Schlampe." Sascha stated all too sweetly, despite her internal irritation. But all that faded away, when she remembered she was the one in charge here ultimately, that she could inflict all sorts of suffering to Sakura, and there was not a single thing the Matou can do about it. The East German clutched for the remaining hair on the Matou's pubes, and ripped that off as well with another harsh motion of her hands, leaving the skin red with raw irritation, and pain to follow out of the ad-hoc hair removal. It was sort of what Sascha needed, inflicting more pain on the girl, as she bellowed out the next part with a howl of a laughter. "Schnell jetzt, ehe ich dich in den Arsch ficke!" It was in her native tongue, to beckon Sakura to hurry, or else the East German will do exactly what she said.

Cherry Lover

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Captured Sakura

As Sakura felt her captor move her hand down towards her sensitive crotch once more, she couldn't help but feel amused. It seemed like her tormentor had fallen for her plan totally, and was returning to her prior "reward". Not that Sakura particularly wanted to be molested, of course, but it was at least better than torture and sexual frustration.

However, to Sakura's surprise, when her captor's hand reached its target, instead of moving to play with her sensitive folds, her torturer instead took a firm hold of the hair surrounding her crotch. A feeling of shock and panic came over Sakura as she realised what her tormentor was about to do but, before she could even really prepare herself, the woman tugged hard on the hair, ripping much of it straight out by the roots. Sakura let out an almighty scream, the already-agonising pain from the act multipled by the effect of the drugs. Sakura felt like she was about to faint from the pain but, unfortunately for her, she was simply too mentally strong for that. Instead, her eyes teared up, her face screwed up in agony and she began to hyperventilate, breathing deeply in between the continued moans, in an effort to ignore the unbearable pain she was in.

"This is not the pace I was asking for, Schlampe", her cruel torturer said in a falsely-sweet voice even as Sakura continued to moan from the agony that had been inflicted upon her.

And, worse was to come. Still not satisfied with the level of suffering she had inflicted on her prisoner, the woman moved her hand down to grab hold of the remaining hair. A look of pure horror came over Sakura's face as she realised what was to come, and she lost all composure, beginning to beg desperately.

"N..o! no!" she said, weakly, now sobbing and in obvious agony. "I-I'll do wh...AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

Sakura let out another scream of agony as her desperate pleas for mercy were interrupted by another tug, this one ripping out most of the remaining hair, leaving only the odd strand poking out. Her skin, meanwhile, was now red from the irritation. The pain was indescribable, and Sakura continued to breathe deeply, trying to calm herself as best as she could, to block out the pain. Yet, despite her best efforts, the agony she was in was obvious. She was now crying openly in between the pained moans, her face screwed up in a look of pure agony.

Now, with little hair left to remove, her captor spoke once more. This time, though, she spoke in her native language, a language that Sakura understood far less well than she would admit. And, with the agony she was in, Sakura was not in a suitable mental state to really consider the meaning of it. But, even her pain-addled mind could work out from the sinister laughter that it was some kind of threat, and her limited understanding of German told her that it was something to do with quickness, so it didn't take a genius to work out that she did not want the woman to go through with her threat.

Having learnt her lesson in a very painful manner, Sakura was now not in any mood to mess around. Unfortunately, though, the unbearable pain she was now in made her almost physically unable to follow the sadistic woman's demands. Knowing that she nevertheless had to try, Sakura took a few moments to try to prepare herself and, then, still taking deep breaths, she moved towards the woman once more, this time making the best effort to do it as quickly as she possibly could. Unfortunately for her, though, in her haste to complete the difficult task as fast as she could, she ended up biting down on the button, severing it completely. A feeling of dread washed over Sakura as she realised her mistake, and she looked up at her captor fearfully, bracing herself for another bout of agonising torture.

But, to her surprise, her captor did not react, her neutral reaction giving her prisoner an implicit "go ahead" signal. Realising that she'd come across a shortcut, a pained smile came over Sakura's face, and she began to move down quickly, biting off each button in turn even as she continued to sob, moan and breathe deeply from the slowly-receding pain, far too focussed on avoiding further torture to dwell on the sense of abject humiliation she should be feeling from the degrading task. Soon, she had finished and the shirt popped open, exposing a black T-shirt underneath. Satisfied with her work, Sakura leaned back, her breathing gradually returning to normal as the pain slowly dissipated. Then, still fearful of possible retribution, she looked up at her captor, hoping for a sign of a job well done.

LFR Tsar

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Captor Sascha

Sascha grinned with obvious glee to her lips. She enjoyed Sakura's anguish a little too much, and why not? Considering the little spazz was fleecing her somehow, even if Sascha wasn't sure of the Matou's intentions. Still, a suspicion is a suspicion, and that is enough to go by for the East German. It was to her satisfaction, that Sakura complied with no more hesitance on her part, but a silent obedience, one that pain had taught her to follow. Pain that Sascha intended to inflict, and pain to maintain. She realized she could not slack for even a moment with the Matou wench, lest she gets the idea she is in a position to show defiance.

Sascha's buttons were undone, one by one, they began to heave out the mass of her bust from the confines of her somewhat constricting shirt. Soon enough, her bountiful assets, though by no means less endowed, yet slightly better than average, in a C-Cup size, span out. They practically danced and jiggled from behind the Ghoul's shirt.

Sascha smiled, seemingly pleased. She stood up, off of Sakura, before pulling off her fatigue. Throwing it aside unceremoniously, she takes up a bottle from the wheeled table, and then her smile only widens when she faced Sakura once more. It became toothy, and it became all the more obvious whatever neutrality the woman had, was in fact a lie. Sascha bit unto the bottle cap, before popping it open with her teeth. If it were from a normal human, this would ruin the teeth, but that seemed not the case with the Ghoul, who then spat out the cap from her mouth.

She approached Sakura, before kicking her chair over, causing the purple haired girl to fall over while still bound to her seat. Afterwards, she gripped the former Tohsaka's leg restraints and ripped them out with two casual tugs, then Sascha clasped against Sakura's legs, and bent her legs to move her pelvis closer to her belly, giving Sascha a clear view of the Matou's ass.

"I give you an A for effort, but an F for execution, Schlampe. Biting off my buttons? That's going to cost you." Sascha kneels over, bottle of Everclear booze at hand. "Bon appetite, cow tits." And with that, Sascha shoved the muzzle of the bottle straight into Sakura's anus, stretching its ingress to accommodate the width of the bottle, before Sascha began pumping the high ethanol booze into the Matou. Thrust and pull, or so the rhythm went. She wasn't going to give Sakura the sexual relief she wanted to her budding femininity, and especially not when that little Schlampe bit off Sascha's buttons.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2016, 07:52:11 PM by LFR Tsar »

Cherry Lover

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Captured Sakura

Sakura waited with baited breath as her captor pulled off the now-ruined shirt, wondering what humiliating act or form of agonising torture the cruel sadist would decide to inflict upon her next. Meanwhile, with the pain in her crotch gradually dying down to a dull ache, if one that felt far worse than normal, Sakura once again began to notice her arousal, and the frustration she felt, rising. She desperarely wanted release, even knowing that it would only come in the most degrading, humiliating and possibly even painful way her captor could dream up.

As the captor undressed, her moderately-large breasts jiggling around in the loose T-shirt, Sakura waited for a sign of her mood. To her relief, the woman smiled a seemingly-pleasant smile, apparently pleased with her work. Sakura awaited her "reward" with a mixture of apprehension and relief, only to find herself somewhat confused when the woman picked up a bottle of high-concentration alcohol from the table of torture equipment, her smile turning suddenly into a cruel smirk as she opened the bottle with her teeth. Already feeling rather uneasy about the situation, Sakura's apprehension was increased tenfold when the woman suddenly kicked over the chair she was sitting on, sending her to the floor with a crash, causing her to let out a small yelp of pain and surprise from the sudden impact.

What's she going to do to me? Sakura thought, now very frightened of what was to come.

As soon as the chair hit the floor, the woman bent down and pulled off the restraints binding Sakura's legs, before forcing them up above Sakura's head, leaving her ass exposed to her tormentor's gaze. Sakura once again wondered with fear what was going to happen to her and why the woman was doing this, but her wondering did not last long, her captor speaking almost immediately.

"I give you an A for effort, but an F for execution, Schlampe. Biting off my buttons? That's going to cost you", she said, kneeling down with the bottle in her hand. "Bon appetite, cow tits."

With that, she thrust the bottle tip roughly into her mortified and very upset prisoner's asshole. The captive girl let out a loud scream as her torturer thrust the bottle roughly inside her, stretching her open, whilst the concentrated alcohol poured in, causing her insides to feel like they were on fire. At the same time, Sakura's hypersensitivity ensured that she would soon begin feeling some hint of pleasure from the violation, and her moans and screams began to contain small hints of pleasure in the over-riding tone of agonising pain. Now frightened and desperate, Sakura began to beg once more, aware that, this time, she had genuinely tried and, yet, the woman was still torturing her for her own sadistic pleasure, and the thought of that terrified her.

"N-no! P-ple..ase st.. ple-ase st-op!" she began, practically screaming, tears filling her eyes once more.

"I.. I d.. I did wh-at yo.. wh.. you ask-ask..ed! P-ple..ase st-op. I'll d-do any..thing!" she continued, crying, moaning and screaming in between her words. "I t-tri..ed, I re-ally t-ri-ed."

At the same time, though, her juices began to flow once more, and her arousal grew higher and higher. With the drugs affecting her as they were, it wouldn't take much to bring her to a humiliating and painful orgasm.

LFR Tsar

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Captor Sascha

Booze began to fill Sakura's anus, as painful pumping thrusts shoved the bottle into her, with its smooth length, before pulling out, only to repeat the process. Letting her anal orifices burn with the intoxicating fluids of booze that Sascha took to inflicting on Sakura, with the suffering that comes with it. She was begging, begging the East German for an early mercy, but the woman would have none of that. Continuously ravaging the Matou without a seeming end, as she seemed to enjoy the misery she caused the former Tohsaka. She deserved it, and especially for ripping out the Ghoul's buttons.

Selfishly, Sascha was far more worried for how to get her buttons reattached, despite how trivial it may seem in the larger scheme of things. There was also the fact she did not want to leave any defiance left in Sakura.

"Then say it! Repeat it after me, that you are sorry, and that you are my bitch! Say these words!" Sascha practically bellowed out, intensifying her thrusts to push deeper into the nude Matou's asshole. "And that you are no human, but a worthless dog, lower than shit. Even worms have more worth than you."
« Last Edit: April 03, 2016, 10:46:53 PM by LFR Tsar »

Cherry Lover

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Captured Sakura

Sakura continued to scream as the girl thrust the bottle into her agonisingly over and over again, the pain only becoming worse as the alcohol began to burn her insides more and more, her arousal growing all the while despite the agony she was in. By now, Sakura was absolutely desperate, she felt like she would do or say absolutely anything to escape the torture being inflicted upon her. To her relief, her captor began to make her demand quickly. Sakura was eager to obey, for the pain to stop and, perhaps, for her to finally be allowed an orgasm.

"Then say it! Repeat it after me, that you are sorry, and that you are my bitch! Say these words!" she said, intensifying her thrusts to inflict even more agony on the prisoner.

Sakura was about to submit, to say whatever she demanded. But, as she heard the woman's demands, a sense of anger washed over her, and summoned up what litle defiance she had left.

A worm? How dare she?

"I AM NOT LOWER THAN A WORM!" Sakura shouted through her agonised cries, a look of anger joining the look of agony on her face.

Quickly, though, Sakura realised what she had done, and what it would cost her. A look of horror came over her face, joining the look of agony.

"No! I-I did..n't it! I.. I'm so..rry", she said, beginning to cry. "Ple..Ple-ase for-give me...".

LFR Tsar

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Captor Sascha

A look of bland surprise settled on Sascha's face, Sakura's defiance did come out of nowhere when she was meek moments ago, and the East German had felt it just another thing to break out of her. It only hinted as to how the Matou still held unto the vague hope that she could even oppose the Ghoul. But Sascha was pleased to hear how quickly the former Tohsaka tried to cover up for her mistakes, but it was too late at this point. The damage, and display of defiance had already been done. Sure, she can ignore this, but the mercenary woman felt this gave her all the more license to punish the naked girl.

Maybe get her to do more humiliating things, to leave a lingering feeling of helplessness in the Matou. So, the East German did one thing to show just how low Sakura was, and that was to place the sole of her boot against the purple haired girl's cheek, pressing down on it all the while. She then plucks out the bottle from Sakura's anus, as if to make it seem like she had taken her apology at face value, only to show moments later that it was not the case. It was shown by first, drinking out of the bottle, which tasted of Sakura's anal orifice, before the Ghoul spat it at the Matou's wilting puffy folds. A taste of the burn that would follow with the bottle itself turned over, enough so to pour out more of the Everclear booze, and onto the purple haired girl's snatch. It only lasted briefly, spilling a bit as the fluids pooled over Sakura's now no doubt inflammed crotch.

"Once again, good effort, but no dice here, Schlampe." The mercenary woman sneered, showing her teeth as she does so. "If you're TRULY sorry, then say what I told you to say... that you're a worm. SAY IT!"

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Captured Sakura

Sakura lay on the chair, crying and begging for mercy. Quickly, though, her captor's reaction came. The woman's foot was pushed into her prisoner's cheek, pressing Sakura's head to the floor and leaving her feeling utterly humiliated and unable to look at what was being done to her. To her relief, though, the woman finally stopped ravaging her rear with the alcohol-filled bottle, pulling it out and reducing the agonising stretching pain to a raw burning pain from the alcohol still inside her.

Pressed to the floor by her tormentor's boot as she was, Sakura could barely see what was happening but, to her surprise and disgust, the woman actually appeared to be taking a swig from the bottle that had so recently been invading her asshole. However, before she could really consider what the woman was doing, Sakura felt a sudden burning pain on her crotch as her captor spat the liquid back out, onto her raw skin, causing her to let out a yelp of surprise and pain. That was followed swiftly by a yell of agony as the woman tipped the bottle and poured the liquid directly onto her sore crotch. With the effect of the drugs added to the cocktail, it felt to Sakura like she was on fire, and she screamed over and over, even after the pouring stopped. Meanwhile, the woman spoke up once more, demanding further acts of submission from her captive.

"Once again, good effort, but no dice here, Schlampe", she said, sneering. "If you're TRULY sorry, then say what I told you to say... that you're a worm. SAY IT!"

Sakura desperately felt like submitting. She was horny and in utter agony. She wanted relief from the pain and sexual frustration she was suffering from. At the same time, though, the woman's demands were extreme. Almost anything else Sakura would have easily given into at this point, but she was NOT a worm. Her grandfather was a worm, as were the things he used to torture her, but she absolutely was not. Even so, Sakura haltingly began to speak, the pain becomming simply too much.

I... I am... I-I'm... a... I.. am.. a...... NO! I am not a worm!" Sakura said, finding a final ounce of defiance.

However much pain she had suffered, Sakura was emphatically not a worm, and she would not admit to being one until every last bit of defiance had gone from her. She was close, yes, but the woman had not broken her. Even if she was somehow forced to submit in a moment of pure agony, the defiance she was showing now lifted her, and ensured that she would not entirely break for a long time yet.

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Captor Sascha

Sascha sighed, and scrubbed her auburn hair with her bare fingers for a bit, shaking her head. "Ah, but you see du kleiner Scheißer, you are already a worm." The sole of Sascha's boot pressed harder on Sakura's cheeks, letting her face turn closer to the ground and the filth on it. "You are laying in your own filth, you're crying like a fat pig, AND you are practically violated in every sense of the word. Deny it all you want, Schlampe, but you are a worm in all but name."

Sascha's boot only furthers its pressure on the Matou's face, and to further accentuate her point over the former Tohsaka's helplessness, the East German balls up her fist, and slams it hard into Sakura's abdomen.

"It's just one more step to have you admit the truth that you've been denying all along, that you are a filthy, misbegotten worm. Come on, say it! That you are a worm." The torturer chuckled, this was turning out better than she thought. The fact this little spazz was so sensitive over that one thing... a worm of all things, as if such a description mattered. The Ghoul made note of that as just another label to impose on the Matou, so to show how useless she can be, and how helpless she is.

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Captured Sakura

Sakura felt the woman push down with her boot on the captive's face, pressing it hard into the dirty floor. Then, she began to belittle and insult Sakura once more, pointing out the degrading situation she was in and saying that she absolutely was a worm. Then, driving Sakura's face into the ground even harder, she balled up her fist and punched the girl in the stomach, causing her to let out an agonised moan of pain, the wind being forced out of her.

As the girl lay there, catching her breath, her torturer continued to berate her, demanding that she call herself a worm. But, truthfully, her humiliating speech was only increasing her captive's resolve. After all, she had spent most of her childhood being treated like this. She had suffered insults, casual torture and cruel humiliation. The worms had violated her almost every day at the whim of her cruel grandfather. But, she had survived that, and she would survive this. And she was not a worm. Zouken was a worm, and she would not admit to being lower than him. Not after what he'd done to her, after all the time she'd had to spend recovering from it, and convincing herself that she was worthy of the man she loved. Maybe this woman would eventually force her to say those words, but never with any meaning, and truly until she really could not take the pain any more. And, as much as she was suffering, as much as the pain and frustration were etched into her face and her tear-filled eyes, she was not quite at that point just yet.

"No!" she said, her strength returning slightly, although her voice was still full of pain and sexual frustration. "Eventually, you will break me, force me to say what you want. But, the only worm I ever knew was a cruel, cowardly sociopath, just like you. Nothing you force me to say can ever change that fact."

Despite the pain etched in her face, Sakura felt like she was in control. Eventually, she would beg the woman for mercy, say what she demanded, but she would always know that the only real "worm" here was the sadistic woman abusing her, just like her grandfather once had. No amount of torture could change that basic fact.

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Captor Sascha

Sascha hummed a tune to herself, hearing Sakura's defiance continue to fester like some cancer. To be frank with herself, she wasn't exactly surprised by such developments from the Matou, but rather merely blandly amused. The East German gave Sakura's face another kick, a light one compared to her usual kicks -- she didn't want to go on off snapping the purple haired girl's neck and kill her on the spot. Afterwards, Sascha walked over to the wheeled table, leaving Sakura to her thoughts, before approaching the girl once again. At hand, she had what appeared to be a cattle prod.

It had a handle for grip, made out of synthetic black rubber material, no doubt insulated from electricity, and then the long shaft itself with a mushroom-shaped nub at the end. The entire shaft and its length is made out of metal, and it can seamlessly generate electricity of up to five hundred thousand volts if the dial is set to that amount. It wasn't. It took a bit of tinkering with the dial, but down to the precise minute digit, the East German achieved at putting the dial at two hundred and fifty thousand volts.

As if to cause visible distress to Sakura, she pressed on a button to electrocute the shaft, and swung the prod around a few times. The prod crackled loudly, like the crackling of the whip, as it jittered with visible arcs of electricity. Either the piece was modified to display it in such a manner, or perhaps there was another reasoning for it. Whichever the case, the Ghoul turned her attention to Sakura once more with a grin, and approached further until she was but a few feet away from the former Tohsaka, and within immediate reach of her.

She seemed to want to say something, but instead, Sascha opted to speak louder with actions than words. So, the auburn haired German casually shoved the length of the shaft into the Matou's puffy folds, entering her with cold steel, letting it linger half-buried inside the Matou's snatch. It only lasted a moment, before Sascha pressed down the button on the prod's grip. It was the beginning of a sudden, and just as painful if not shocking electrical currents that seeped and flowed inside the purple haired girl's wet vaginal caverns. Relentlessly electrocuting her...

Had Sascha been an amateur, she would have kept going, which may have ended with Sakura's demise, yet she did not. The mercenary woman stopped, if only briefly, and only to enjoy the look on Sakura's no doubt pained expression, before pressing the button again after a sufficient amount of time passed. Sufficient in that it would be safe enough for her to proceed, lest the former Tohsaka is rocked with a cardiac arrest of some sort. It would be embarrassing if that happened.

The process continued, in brief bouts of pause, only to go on after such reprieve of cruel 'mercy' on Bohn's part...
« Last Edit: April 04, 2016, 11:02:35 PM by LFR Tsar »

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Captured Sakura

Sakura winced and let out a small moan as her defiant response earned her a relatively gentle kick to the face, her jaw aching slightly from the impact. With her hands still bound to the chair that was now lying on the floor, Sakura could do little but watch with apprehension as the woman walked over to the small table full of torture equipment, wondering what horrific device she would return with. The apprehension turned to outright fear when she saw what the woman had picked up, a rather odd-looking cattle-prod-like device with a mushroom-shaped head.

The woman walked towards her obviously-terrified captive menacingly, fiddling with the dial as she did so. Then, as she came closer, she activated the device, waving it around a few times in front of the bound prisoner. Sakura's eyes widened at the sight, and she began to panic. She knew without a shadow of a doubt that what the woman was about to do would cause her unimaginable pain, and there was nothing she could do but beg. Even that may not be enough.

A look of horror came over Sakura's face as the sadistic woman approached with a grin, before casually pushing the device inside her victim's sensitive folds. Now absolutely petrified of what was to come, Sakura began to beg, desperately seeking some mercy that she knew would not be forthcoming. However, with her mind so addled from fear and pain, not to mention her strong defiant streak, she did not think to say the words the woman desired, instead just breaking down.

"No! Please! Don't! I'm sorry!" she said, breaking down in tears.

But, her captor took absolutely no notice of the pleas of her defenceless prisoner. Instead, after a few moments of cruel anticipation, she pressed the switch on the cruel device. Instantly, Sakura's desperate pleading was replaced by screams of pure agony as the electricity flowed through her sensitive body, causing her to spasm uncontrollably. The pain was absolutely unbearable, and Sakura felt like she would pass out from the agony but, before she could, her tormentor disabled the device, leaving her captive shaking with the pain, tears streaming down her agony-filled face.

"P..ple...ase...", she said, weakly. "I.. I'm so..rry!"

But, once again, her pleas were ignored, her captor instead allowing her to rest for just long enough to recover before activating the device once more. Again, the prisoner let out an unholy scream as the electricity ravaged her sensitive folds, bringing her unimaginable pain. And, once more, the pain stopped just before the poor captive was about to pass out from the pain. In utter agony, Sakura began to plead once more, her mind too addled with pain to really consider what the woman might want.

"P-please s-stop. I-it hurts", she said through her sobs, her voice hoarse from all of the screaming she had been doing. "I-I'll do a..anything you.. you wa..nt."

Again, though, her captor showed her no mercy, re-activating the electicity after another short break. By now, Sakura was desperate. She wanted the pain to stop, no matter what the cost. Her body was shaking, tears were streaming from her eyes and her throat was sore from the screaming. Once more, she began to beg.

"P..ple..ase. I..I'm you.. your b..bitch. I.. I'm than a dog. I.. I'm... I'm.. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" she said, her degrading statement interrupted by another scream of agony as the electricity began to flow through her sensitive folds once more.

Sakura was now inconsolable. She wanted the pain to stop desperately, but the idea of admitting she was a worm sickened her. Even now, she could barely bring herself to say it. So, once more, she began to plead.

"I..I'm so..rry. P..ple..ase.. ple..ase for..give me. I..I'll be.. be your.. your slave, I..I'll what..ever you.. you wa..nt", she said desperately, the agony she was in obvious.

Again, though, her pleas for mercy were not heeded, another agonsing shock sent through her body by her sadistic captor. This time, though, she finally gave in. She was well past her pain threshold, and even her reluctance to compare herself with the monster who had abused her for years was nothing compared to stopping the unbearable pain she was in.

"I..I'm.. I..I'm.. a.. worm", she said, breaking down into tears that were only partially due to the pain, hoping desperately that the pain would now stop.

LFR Tsar

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Captor Sascha

Sakura's pleas for mercy were met with silence, no words uttered from Sascha. What she did hear though, was Sascha's cruel and sadistic laughter grow with greater glee every time the former Tohsaka begged. At the end of the torture session, what pause the Matou got, had allowed her to sputter out an admittance of her being a worm.

The mercenary woman pulled the prod out, as if content to Sakura's admission, before rotating the dial by an additional fifty thousand volts in increase. Three hundred thousand volts in this case, before she stuck it into Sakura's soppy and beleaguered folds once more, penetrating her up to the end of her carnal tunnel with the rod. The rod's mushroom-like head pokes against Sakura's cervix, giving the purple haired girl an exact indication of what may follow, and just how deeply it goes, if that wasn't obvious already.

Sascha places the heel of her boot on Sakura's face, before her smile widens. "I want you to lick this." This time, it wasn't a tone used for requests, it was an order. There was no threat, no underlying elaboration of consequence, Sascha merely depressed the button on the prod's handle before three hundred thousand volts of electricity surges into Sakura once more.

After a few seconds, she stopped pressing the button, and stared at Sakura, as if waiting for her reply, if she would oblige or not...

Except Sascha pressed the button again, electrifying the Matou's nethers with pain, burns and jolts. She didn't even wait for an answer, merely going on for a few more seconds before stopping once more. Giggling with delight as the mercenary woman does so. This time, she didn't electrocute Sakura... but given her silence, it was not clear if Bohn was merely pausing to give the purple haired girl some false hope before continuing with the torture, or legitimately waiting for the former Tohsaka to oblige her demand.

Cherry Lover

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Captured Sakura

The sadistic laughter that came in response to Sakura's increasingly-desperate pleas made her heart sink. The woman was clearly immensely enjoying her begging and suffering, and Sakura just desperately wanted it to end. And, finally, she broke, saying the degrading words that the woman had demanded of her when the shocks stopped once more.

Still in tears and shaking from the pain, Sakura lay bound to the chair, feeling utterly humiliated from what she had just said. As much as she still didn't believe it to be true, even just saying that she was a worm hurt her deeply. But, as long as it ended the agonising pain, it was worth it and, to Sakura's extreme relief, her captor responded by pulling out the torture device. For a moment, Sakura's spirits rose slightly, glad that her humiliating words had ended the pain, only for her heart to sink as the woman simply turned the dial before roughly forcing the device back inside her, even deeper than before.

"! Please!" Sakura begged. "I said what you asked! Don't!"

But, her captor paid no attention, instead placing the heel of her boot onto Sakura's face, demanding she lick. Utterly desperate to avoid the pain, Sakura moved to do as she was asked but, before she could even start, the woman pressed the button to start the torture once more. Jolts of agony poured through her screaming captive, the pain somehow even greater than before. Sakura screamed and screamed as she writhed in her bonds, her face screwing up and her eyes watering from the agony she was in, the pain far too great for her to even make an effort to obey the woman's commands. Finally, after what seemed like much longer than it really was, the pain stopped once more, the woman's boot still pressed to her desperate prisoner's face, staring at her captive expectantly.

Wanting nothing other than the pain to stop, Sakura moved to do as she was ordered. Once again, though, before she even managed to begin to lick the cruel woman's boot, her torturer turned on the device once more, sending 300,000 volts of pain flowing through her most sensitive parts, giggling sadistically as she watched her prisoner scream and writhe around in obvious agony. Then, she stopped once more, leaving Sakura panting and sobbing, feeling utterly distraught as it sank in that there was nothing she could do to stop the pain. Even if she did as she was asked, she could and probably would be tortured at the whim of her sadistic captor.

Nevertheless, Sakura's desperation was such that she made every effort to comply. And, this time, the woman's pause was long enough for her to stick her tongue out and begin to lick the boot. Sakura felt utterly humiliated as she tasted the disgusting taste of dirt and polish on her tongue, her sense of self-worth taking a huge hit as she "willingly" performed one of the most degrading acts imaginable in the desperate hope that it might just cause her captor to show her some mercy. All she could do was hope that what remained of her logical thought processes were wrong, and that the woman would show at least a tiny hint of compassion towards her helpless prisoner.