Author Topic: Cross Effects- The RP  (Read 304533 times)


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1875 on: May 15, 2014, 01:40:02 AM »
"Very well, lead the way, dear. I'd prefer your cooking, however."

Karna looked to the sky, seeing the wave of pure white wash across the crater and it's proximity, dragging the dying back to the lands of the living. Karna looked around, his eagle-sharp eyes catching the sight of a young man who's output of power matched that of the vast blast of healing magic. Whispering a silent prayer of thanks to the man in the far distance, Karna turned himself back to the conversation at hand.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2014, 01:47:28 AM by Brahmastra »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1876 on: May 15, 2014, 02:23:53 AM »
"All right that makes getting there more convenient."

Minato looks around...


"There it is."

Standing entirely undisturbed amidst the rubble is a door and frame, with nothing on either side.

"Shall we go then?"

Minato walks to the door, turns the knob, and the door opens into a large nondescript hallway which he then walks into.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2014, 02:28:15 AM by Kurogami »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1877 on: May 15, 2014, 02:34:29 AM »
Vatler was truly curious now. Walking slowly after Minato with his hands in his pockets, Vatler observed as a door, disconnected from any wall, stood among the ruins of some now-gone house. Following the boy to the door, Vatler looked on as the door then opened into a hallway from a relatively middle-class Japanese home.

"I see. Going by your uniform, this must be your doom room. I do wonder how such a dorm can exist in a space that should not be here. Would you care to enlighten me, Minato?"


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1878 on: May 16, 2014, 04:57:56 AM »
"Actually it's a hallway, The Hall of Doors to be exact. Are you well versed in seven dimensional non-euclidean structures?"

And quite the hall of doors it was, such a bland hall way stretched for farther than any hallway should, and filled on both sides with doors of all kinds, shapes ,materials,and colors.

Carefully closing the door behind them and pulling the door an extra time to make sure it is closed Minato began to explain,

"The doors come out in multiple parts of the city and other places throughout the cosmos. Be careful, some of them open easily and lead to places less than hospitable to human life."

At this he gestures towards a door that looks to be made of some sort of crystal that is painful to look at for very long.

"That one for instance, leads to Mercury."

A few moments of walking leads to a simple green door.

"And here we are."

Minato opens the door revealing the ground floor of a relatively old western style dorm.

"Make yourself at home. Any preferences for dinner? I can cook nearly anything."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1879 on: May 16, 2014, 05:07:27 AM »
"Very interesting architecture. I cant say that anything I've seen has been quite so... all-spanning."

Minato opens the door revealing the ground floor of a relatively old western style dorm.

"Make yourself at home. Any preferences for dinner? I can cook nearly anything."

"Let's see, I haven't had Italian for a good while. Is this within your capabilities?"


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1880 on: May 17, 2014, 03:25:51 AM »
Ash had never done this before.  Not that she thought the act was abhorrent or anything of the such, but she figured Siring someone meant that you took responsibility over them.  Even as much as she disliked Hawk Hunters, she had to admit he took care of those he Sired.  Ash, enjoying her freedom above all else, didn't want to be tied down with such responsibility.

However she was familiar with the procedure.  Apparently even hard wired for it.  Once Ellen's heart started to slow to an almost crawl, Ash pulled her fangs out of the young woman's neck.  She sealed the bite closed before slicing into her own wrist with her fangs.

Then she lifted her still warm wrist to Ellen's lips.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1881 on: May 17, 2014, 08:29:56 PM »
Ellen, though barely conscious at this point, felt the metallic taste on her lips, the blood trickling down her throat. As if to get over with whatever meant to happen, she tried to swallow the blood given to her.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1882 on: May 18, 2014, 04:38:25 AM »
"I Think so, I just got some fresh tomatoes yesterday, so I'll use those."

Minato turned to walk into the kitchen but paused just before going in and with a somewhat weary look said,

"Some of the rooms are much bigger on the inside than on the outside; Be careful of the weapons in the armory on the second floor, it is the first door on the right, some of them are cursed, a few are sentient, most are able to harm immortals; And no matter what, do not go into the basement, you lose your way down there and it will take centuries to find your way out."

That having been said, Minato entered his kitchen and began to prepare a meal he hoped would be worthy of his new found friend.