The only laws I've even mentioned are either real life laws about speeding (which Rider could get around by running since surprise, there's no law about that), the law that lets me enter a building if I know there's a criminal inside, and the one about not releasing city-wide waves of super ghostly energy without a license, because it gets tiring if you have super powered ghosts doing that every five minutes while normal citizens are trying to sleep. So no, I haven't been strict at all.
She shouldn't have to run in order to get around the law, though, and nor
would she.
EDIT: And for the last time: The police are not OP. Only you think they are.
Well, the way you're making it out that they could easily take Satoshi makes it sound like they are.
For the record, we're not in Satoshi's house. We're in the courtyard. There is specifically one knight nearby, and Rider is still futzing about inside IIRC.
We're not in his bastion of power, we're about twenty feet from it, and he is currently alone.
Saying "Inferno Cop can't beat him unless he is OP" in this situation is a tad bit on the unreasonable side.
Well, if Inferno Cop can beat Satoshi without him having the chance to call for help or get back
into the castle then he's OP, yeah. Being able to win the fight, sure, but being able to prevent there even
being a fight with someone of Satoshi's level would definitely make him OP.
And if the Police just futzes around being weak fucks incapable of fighting criminals and gets condemned for even trying OOC, then what the fuck are we even doing. Mite as well go around taking shits in people's cereal and call it police action for how much of a point we have in the RP.
Well, dealing with
actual bad guys rather than building permit violations and speeding offences....
But, no, there's nothing wrong with attempting to enforce the law, I'm just rather worried about their power. The police generally have the advantage of authority and being trusted by most citizens (even Chaotic people won't usually fight the police unless the police come after them directly or are being abusive), if you make them more powerful than everyone else as well then it does limit the ability of everyone who
isn't in the police force to do anything beyond sitting there and talking.
Being forced to follow the law in an RP like this is absolutely unreasonable. It makes no damn sense to have Rider forced to drive at 30 MPH, or for them to be made to avoid killing villains unless the police tell them to.
And, the problem is that your made-up laws are way too damn strict, and massively limit what everyone can do in the RP.
Having police characters is fine, having police characters that are more powerful than everyone else really isn't.
The thing is, though, this is not the same thing. What he's saying is that the heroes should be limited to only using lawful methods to act, and anyone breaking that will be taken out by a super-powered really OP police force. I don't think that's a good thing at all.
Oh, no, they can still do this. They can still speed, kill people, and all that good jazz. They don't HAVE to follow the law. They can always break it, and there are of course some murders and shit the cops can't cover (See vampire killings, werewolves etc.)
Yes, but an RP version of Porridge isn't going to be much fun to play....
And also Satoshi DID BREAK THE FUCKING LAW HARDCORE. HE COMMITTED GRAND THEFT! He also violated zoning, building code, and property laws, homeowners association regulations, and much much more! These aren't made up laws. These are actual things. He's a criminal on the state and local level, if not federal.
Face it Mike, this is something that cops would respond to.
Yeah, sure, I don't deny that.
The issue is more that they are really powerful as far as I can tell. Maybe I am just getting the wrong impression, but the way they're being talked about it sounds like they could annihilate Satoshi, and he is one of the most powerful characters in the RP at the moment.
And you aren't restricted to acting chaotically, but you have to acknowledge that you'll need to be somewhat smart about it. IE you can shoot the bad guy, but you'd better make sure that you're careful with the brass. And you might need to dispose of the body.
The thing is, though, if you're in the middle of a battle to save the city you don't have
time to worry about crap like that.
Although, to be fair, Sakura and family are used to that. Whilst they can use mind-alteration to remove memories of an event, it is generally much easier to prevent the event being witnessed in the first place. The way they cover it up is different but the principle is the same.