The Rider arm is a device created by Tohsaka Rin in an experiment to reverse engineer the kaldo stick. It gives the wearer (once used to transform) the powers of a masked (Kamen) Rider.
It can be used by anyone with a magic circuit however it must be calibrated to a specific person to do so and is complicated to change. At default the armament is formed,as the classic and inconspicuous belt. It has been in Satoshi's possession for two millennia and as such it is calibrated to his factors.
Each person who changes will gain different abilities from it but they will always transform into an armored warrior with martial arts skill and a sense of justice (this sense is not always pure, it's taken from the user's own sense of what is just)
In Satoshi's case he becomes Rider Crimson with a dual mode and several weapons and as with all Riders an awesome matching bike
Satoshi and others will find themselves with only a few skills they previously they had available.
Satoshi retains his healing factor, his dragon flame and his martial arts skills but loses the rest.
Rider crimson has two modes, a large armoured form which makes Satoshi's already strong defense five times stronger than normal. And a smaller sleeker form which increases his speed by the same times five. These modifiers simply advance the rider they do not trade off speed for defense or vice versa.
The Armoured mode is equipped with two blasters as it's weapons, while by no means slow it's founded on the idea of turret fire to defeat enemies.
Speed mode, the speed mode is a close combat single attacker based mode. It possesses a dual blade sword (both on the same side of the hilt) which splits into two swords.
Special attacks
Justice blazer, this move uses the twin blasters on a single target to strike every point on the body simultaneously destroying the target.
Noonday justice, this attack uses both blasters to strike a single point creating a massive often fatal wound.
Justice hurricane, an attack which uses the dual swords at high speed to obliterate the target
Justice division, an attack using the dual sword's single form to destroy an opponent.
Burning crimson fist, the fist that destroys all evil. A Rider punch finisher which obliterates the opponent so long as they are evil, it does nothing to the innocent
Fire wheel strike, a Rider kick style full roundhouse which destroys the target
Twin mask, a special finisher which uses every single attack previous by manifesting both modes as separate fighters. Powerful but causes an overload and locking the belt up after the attack finishes which causes Satoshi to lose his transformed state and be unable to resume until the belt is unlocked.
Every user gains two full ranks in their stats regardless of who once transformed.
to explain it since it's going to be used in this fight