Mike, it wouldn't get to the point of Axe commercial style lust, but Rider would feel an attraction and urge to molest Luka. Nothing uncontrollable, but a compulsion nonetheless.
Well, how much of a compulsion?
The thing is that I don't want Rider to end up as the villain here, because she isn't....
It's not something that prevents complicated relationships from forming, for example.
Well, sure, but I was thinking more of how Rider would act if he was around, but if Sakura was there to hold her back a bit. Particularly since he is a good person, ultimately.
As for rape... well, he's a masochist. Not to the point of blood and guts, but he's pretty much only turned on when it's against his will.
So, Rider's ideal partner, then?

1) it does change, the arm our gets replaced by the speed as I said his basic defense (stat wise) doesn't.
So he does lose defence, then?
2) because no one has a perfect record in science.
No, but when you fuck-up you usually don't accidentally produce a fully-working complex device as a result....
I mean, plenty of scientific discoveries were initially made accidentally, but they still needed refinement to make something useful out of them.