lantz, this whole thing is stupid. It's like Aiden, YOLF and Nachos all pointed out (all of you continue to be awesomes~

), it's wasting a freaking Miracle that's potentially really dangerous for something as frivolous as bringing in a bunch of furniture and beer crates and crap. And it's
NOT to be used
lightly. Plus throwing around power and money so frivolously in front of freaking everyone is not within Rin's character at all. She's really frugal, and is pretty conservative about her magic until, you know, she actually
needs it for the most part. It's a pretty blatant insult to Rin's character.
Plus the fact remains that this is being done without Forest's permission. Don't you think Forest kinda deserves, you know, the right to know about something as big as a freaking
portal being created in her kitchen?
This is a problem with a good number of your characters, lantz. There's been more than a number of abuses of power, and it's God Modding. Honestly, I know everyone must be sick of me saying this by this point, but I do think there should be bare minimum some sort of GM administered punishment for this.