And Mike - the fact that he can blatantlly insult the moderation staff and ignore their mandates is a bad thing for the health of the forum. If Lantz can do shit that would, in any other forum get him banned (Extreme disrespect to the community at large, ignoring moderation requests, and oh so much more) without consequence, it sends a bad message. There should be consequences to his pretty blatant disrespect of multiple users, myself and Alice included.
Magos, by the same logic I deserve to be banned from BL and pretty much every other forum I have been on. I am not a hypocrite and I will not expect others to act as I myself do not.
And, frankly, if you're talking about banning people for disrespect you would be the first to go, given your attitude to Lantz (and to me on occasion). You show him far more disrespect than he shows to anyone else.
Oh, my disrespect is easy to see, and I'm not proud of it, but like Alice, mine isn't one that comes from nothing.
Lantz has repeatedly shown us less and less respect for simply pointing out errors, through his grevious offenses to the basic structure of flow and language, ignoring our simple advice about basic tenets of being a half decent author. When he shows us no respect, well, ever, and repeatedly ignores us because we're 'HOSTILE AND SLANDEROUS' or whatever else he claims, and even ignores you.
Basically, he shows us no respect, ignores our requests to at least attempt to improve, and seems to view everyone who ever offers him a hint of negative opinion on his work as immediately worth nothing opinion wise and as hostile to him.
He's really only harming himself through this but he's pissing us the fuck off while doing it through blatantly refusing to even make a fucking effort about it is disrespectful in the extreme.