The problem is that Lantz has repeatedly shown no respect for anyone in this RP. His actions and posts have shown nothing but contempt for everyone. His complaints on 'BOO HOO HOO NO-ONE WANTS TO INTERACT WITH ME' and then when we do try his characters and actions basically amount to "Listen to me or I'll go into this corner and complain more."
It's frustrating and this pattern has repeated itself. He's made no visible effort to improve himself, and remember, Lantz has been doing this for MONTHS before getting a warning now. Consider it Alice's line in the sand - beyond this point, Lantz has to at the very least fucking try to be respectful to everyone and actually listen to criticism, or he can be banned. His shit has been tolerated far longer than I would have allowed.
The next things I will say have no animosity in them. They are what I have observed.
Daiki you like a lot of us have a shitty sense of timing. Shuya's outburst turned a relatively drama less situation (Rin's teenage behavior aside) into grand central station. The situation would have been disappointing enough thanks to Rin's interference destroying the event opportunity (valid or not Dark Archer went all dumbass boyfriend because of her) but then Shuya starting a drama snowball made it all the worse.
Kiyoshi didn't get an explanation because Rin cut the drama off at the neck. She told them to head upstairs to avoid a scene. Sadly our present second master didn't know it was drama Hydra and young Rin is trying to make a power play and slandering Satoshi who has literally hurt no one to date. Threats are just words Satoshi hasn't hurt anyone.
Old Rin is the commander and after Archer's disappointing response was already on the tipping point about staying in a place where her daughter nearly was killed and young Rin sealed it. No 50 year old will legitimately listen to their 18 year old self. And it's clear she has her territory sadly marked. As such they are leaving to avoid a fight
OK. Lantz. I want to point something out here - Suetoshi HAS hurt people. He went into that stupid armor thing remember? He fought Forest, he's threatened to kill multiple characters for no real particularly good reason and in general has acted nothing like the 2000 year old sage you put in your profile that he fucking is. So basically, Rin isn't making a power play, but actually stating things she has good reason to believe he'll follow through on. He pulled a sword and threatened Archer. Even MIKE thought that was going too far. His opinon of Servants is frankly, rather scary, and he seems to think of them as less than human. I could easily see him throwing on a Waffen SS uniform and ranting about them.
Basically, you have no one to blame for Rin's actions here but yourself through your own.
Oh, and when we extend even a modicum of trust to you, you don't do the same to us. On a meta level, I've revealed a LOT about Lawrence's powers and shit, yet you have revealed flat out fucking nothing about the majority of what your characters can do in their sheets or even within the RP and OOC threads themselves.
Quite frankly, Elf has been beyond tolerant. She's a canidate for sainthood in my book at how she's somehow been able to tolerate all your shit when I KNOW she loathes your characters. I've known of GM's that have 'Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies' things for less.