Alright, if I could have lantz not respond just yet, I'd appreciate it. While I can accept having something happen to stop Caladbolg II so that Toshi's armor doesn't get blown up, there's certain aspects about how that was handled that I had issues with, and want to clear up before we continue.
One thing is that it's going to hit
us from the sounds of where the missile was intercepted, because Catablog II has a large blast radius. I wouldn't have had him fire it if I thought the blast radius would hit people below- I figured he was high enough up at this point so that collateral damage wouldn't happen. I even wondered if Catablog II would be able to get far enough to hit him in the first place.
As such, with nothing the level of Berserker or Toshi's uber armor to absorb the blast, the main damaging part of the blast radius is going to be hitting all the characters below. It's going to hurt Shuya, Fore, and Archer pretty bad, may outright kill Isa, and may still hurt Hakuno pretty badly even though Archer will serve as a human shield for her. That's the main issue I have with it, because having that much damage happen to the characters without time to account for it is a big deal.
Another thing is (though I'm not clear on this part) is something about redirecting the shot. Didn't it explode before it was redirected, and unless the missile was clipped on the side by it rather than full on hit, I don't know if it's course would have been redirected so much as it would have exploded on impact.
Sorry if I'm being rude at all, I just wanted to bring that up so we can get that all sorted out. And also because characters could get fatally injured or die. That's not good.
The intent wasn't to kill Toshi btw, just blow a hole in his armor, since it seems pretty hard to destroy otherwise. If not destroy the armor, then the main intent at least was to knock Toshi out of the air.
...You're not in trouble or anything Daiki, btw. ^_^" I just had a few issues with that post is all.